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3766836 No.3766836 [Reply] [Original]


What do "anti emulation" collectors have to say to this?

>> No.3766842

>What do "anti emulation" collectors have to say to this?


We get to resell the leftovers for more money :^)

>> No.3766847
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>Guru Reddit

>> No.3766848

I hate youtubers.

>> No.3766850

Nah he's just british

>> No.3766862

>What do "anti emulation" collectors have to say to this?

Irrelevant garbage, as usual

>> No.3766891
File: 1.72 MB, 1920x1080, Screenshot_20170129-110120.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More like an honorary American...

>> No.3766916

>Replace Capacitor
>System runs for another 30 years

Wow, was that so hard?

>> No.3766927

It's gonna die, anon. Everything turns to dust.

>> No.3766946

My Magnavox Odyssey from early 70s still works, it looks like he's just giving an excuse to emulate.

>> No.3766947

I've seen CRT TVs from the 50s that still work nearly perfectly.
You'd think these things would have fried by now, being so hot and archaic.

>> No.3766964

sounds like bs to me
beside, who cares if the CD-i dies?

>> No.3766996

Just by hearing him speak I assumed he was fat, but damn. How on Earth do you let yourself go like that?

>> No.3767072

Those pictures are old, dude's weight loss and story is insane and impressive, look it up

>> No.3767086

Seems like a bonafide lager lout to me.

>> No.3767140

can almost smell the cabbage from here

>> No.3767216

got a nice stock of backup consoles since I'm a multi-cart kinda guy. haven't even replaced my original Genesis yet I got from when I was a kid.

>> No.3767256

If you'd ever been to the UK you'd know that we have nearly as many fat fucks per square mile as America. It's all the alcohol.

>> No.3767264
File: 26 KB, 400x400, 1462939573743.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>watch an unrelated Youtube video
>see this avatar in the comments

>> No.3767284

UK is officially fatter than America in the latest studies. America's fat problem mostly lies in our minorities, anyways.

>> No.3767310


So Game Boy is fine as long as you don't expose it to direct sunlight and even if you did there are replacement screens available? Looks like Nintendo wins again.

>> No.3767324

That cracking effect is too deep and overly precise, and the spikey bits are too sharp to be natural. That was a purposely done job, probably with some skilled dremel work.

>> No.3767339

They make new parts thankfully. It's like owning an old car. Might require a bit of love and aftermarket parts to keep it going. I see nothing wrong with modifications that add usefulness like RGB output as long as it's done tastefully. No, I'm not putting HDMI outputs on my old consoles.

>> No.3767346

>overly precise, and the spikey bits are too sharp to be natural
no shit sherlock we know the faggot did it on purpose

>> No.3767361

my 2. system is a Game Boy.. and now i cry...(ok i know buy new screen but man i so fucked up when i need to work elektric shit.)

>> No.3767434

I actually get a kick out of seeing this dude in the comments of nearly every YouTube video out there.
That takes dedication

>> No.3767465

>not gluing a togepi mini in that big empty space at the lower left
opportunity wasted

>> No.3767508
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>> No.3767512


No, don't care.

>> No.3767513


Is this the new "m-m-m-muh disc rot"? They're both completely fake.

>> No.3767543

They're not literally rotting. These are specific to those consoles. You can't deny that batteries lose charge.

>> No.3767551

Plus some of the older plastics that were used turned out to not be the highest of quality like some snes models

>> No.3767560

The plastic itself is fine. It's just they added a fire retardant which wasn't always the best quality and that's what's causing yellowing today.

>> No.3767572

I mean, electrolytic capacitors are becoming unreliable at this particular moment in history and I'm sure that's putting a lot of consoles into the trash even though they're repairable but that's only going to make consoles rarer and more valuable not destroy ones that we enthusiasts are already holding and maintaining.

What is happening in this pic why do his arms appear so short?

>> No.3767585

I fuking hate this loud dumb britbongs voice.

>> No.3767594

Why are emufags constantly crying for validation?

>> No.3767601

Oi m8 fuck me ol bum hole and slap me silly cherrio. Here be five games that make you shag yah sistah.

>> No.3767607

I bet those will make him lose weight.
He was much skinnier in 2011 then became fat again

>> No.3767669

The tl;dr version of the video to those of you who'd rather rage over ecelebs than actually watch it:
1) Game Boy & Microvision - because the ink-based screens are fading, those GB has replacements available.

2) Amstrad GX4000, because the aging, ultra crap power supply units within tend to fry the whole system when they get turned on.

3) Phillips CD-I, because the timekeeper chip on the board, which is powered by a lithium battery, basically bricks the system once it's out of juice. The batter can be replaced, but not without cutting into the casing of the chip itself.

4) Tiger Tielematics Gizmondo, a literally who handheld which was encased not in plastic but a sort of rubber and it's now melting.

5) Sega's Model 1 arcade boards, which didn't have any fans on them, and are now starting to cook themselves to death.

>> No.3767676

>4) Tiger Tielematics Gizmondo, a literally who handheld which was encased not in plastic but a sort of rubber and it's now melting.
Such bullshit. The rubber is just sticky that is all.

>> No.3767691

Fact hunt? More like fat cunt

>> No.3767705

I like him.

>> No.3767709
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>> No.3767719
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>> No.3767742

The Amstrad should be easy to fix though, shouldn't it? The PSUs were pretty generic, I'm pretty sure you could use a modern ATX PSU with some adapter. The Model 1s are fucked though.

>> No.3767789
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>> No.3767867

>5) Sega's Model 1 arcade boards, which didn't have any fans on them, and are now starting to cook themselves to death.

Yeah, maybe if it is running for 8 hours a day in an arcade. I find it hard to believe that this is a legitimate problem for many home-use collectors who might play it for an hour or two every once in a while combined with months/years at a time of non-use.

>> No.3767868

Hey guys, I found the defensive Sega fanboy!

>> No.3767875

You too huh? Here I thought people were just using some meme'ed out face.

Jesus this guy is everywhere.

>> No.3767878

soilder cracklings

>> No.3767882


No, that just sounds like a weak argument to show something that is literally dying. Probably would've been a better choice to go with a suicide battery board (though, again, with proper maintenance or a workaround, you can avoid or save it from death) that will "die" even during periods of non-use. Maybe I will actually watch that portion of the video to see how he explains that point.


He's probably reading this very thread. And by probably I mean 90% sure.

>> No.3767898


Oh, wait, he DID talk about suicide battery boards. Good for you, Guru Larry.

>> No.3767982
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That is what I like.
I once asked him some meme question on some 3 year old video of his at like 3 or 4 at night and 10 minutes later he actually answered.

>> No.3767997

nice ass anon.

>> No.3768007


You also have to think about the damage that has already been done and how few unused boards exist in the world. So yeah, bot literally rotting away, but more rare than it should be due to faulty design.

>> No.3768012


>> No.3768034

so Larry did you gain or lose weight?

>> No.3768063

Someone link this thread in a comment to his videos and see if we can lure him in here.

>> No.3768068

so some are rotting away, therefore you should be able to pirate every game? you aren't preserving shit when you download a rom

>> No.3768069

The guy in the video is pure cringe.

>> No.3768070

This Game Boy thing really makes me sad. Still my favorite handheld.

The rest I don't care too much about.

>> No.3768074
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Who would win in a fat-off, him, Boogie or Barnaclues?

>> No.3768076

Nobody beats Boogie

>> No.3768089

Boogie's so fat the chair he was sitting on broke under his weight.

>> No.3768106

lmao this will never be not funny

>> No.3768363

Everyone has to grow up some time. I can't wait for every console made before 2000 to break and force these hoarder autists into committing suicide rather than live with the shame that they've spent tens of thousands of dollars on obsolete technology that is now worthless.

>> No.3768365

News flash: Broken things can be repaired.

>> No.3768404

But its too hard.

>> No.3768471


Not going to happen, tech made after 2000 is worse than the stuff that came before it, 1 in 6 Xbox 360's will fail just from being a giant piece of shit

>> No.3768474

Hell, that many 360s were dying when they were still the current console.

>> No.3768895

What an annoying voice.

>> No.3768945

I can't wait until 5 or 10 years in the future people are making these kinds of videos but about post-2000 consoles. I bet PS2 Slims are going to be the first ones to go. I never had an early Slim personally but everyone I knew that bought the early batches of slims had to replace the laser at least once.

>> No.3768949

But replacing that is really easy

>> No.3768957

Yeah but will anyone keep manufacturing PS2 early Slim lasers? I doubt they're just some left over lasers from Sony PC drives.

>> No.3769020

They are off the self lasers used in many devices.
And if the demand is there yes they will even produce them just for PS2 retro gamers just like people are producing Game Boy screens now

>> No.3769037

This pisses me off because I know that laptop is burning up. At the same time I get paid to fix this type of shit .

>> No.3769157

people must learn to recap

>> No.3769215

If you want to emulate, then by all means, emulate. Just know that you're using software to mimic the hardware of another system, which is inherently inaccurate as fuck and makes roms run really buggy. That's why emulators always have built-in patches for the most popular 50 or so games, to make it seem like it can perfectly handle anything you throw at it. However, when you want to play something more obscure (even for something like the SNES) you're at risk of running into game-breaking bugs. This article explains it very well: http://www.tested.com/tech/gaming/2712-why-perfect-hardware-snes-emulation-requires-a-3ghz-cpu/

Every time you'll run into a bug, you'll wonder whether it was a programming error that also exists on original hardware or your emulator is inaccurate. If you really care about a system, buy an Everdrive.

To answer your question: I don't give a fuck about all these random ass failed pieces of garbage. Most of them are collector's pieces at best, and for more than half of them, I doubt they even HAVE funtional emulators or ripped roms. The only system he listed that I even slightly care about is the Gameboy, and there's plenty of other official devices that play Gameboy games. In fact, using something like a Gameboy Color will provide a much better experience, since there's much less ghosting, more contrast and nearly the same form factor.

>> No.3769223

They do not have the income to participate in a hobby, therefore it's better to bash it and find ways to undermine it.

>> No.3769251

As a collectorfag I think emulation is actually really good.
It fixes most of the slowdown in Megaman X, the SNES version was really choppy.

>> No.3769256

That's only on inaccurate emulators, on bsnes or snes9x 1.53 it slows down as appropriate.

>> No.3769262

>"Lag and sprites glitching out when a lot of them are on screen are what the developers intended!"

>> No.3769267

It's important to take slowdown into account if you care about speedrunning for example or else you might end up with a world record for nobody but your system.

>> No.3769269

If you're speedrunning, you're always limited to the officially released versions of the game and usually one specific emulator version to make competition as fair as possible.

Unless you're running SM64, in which case you're considered a fucking outcast if you don't play on N64.

>> No.3769275

I'm pretty sure Project 64 has faster load times than hardware, at least it does for Zelda.

>> No.3769289

I've checked my game boys after watching this video, I have six of 'em. They're all fine. Just take care of your stuff.

>> No.3769292

Literally nothing of value is getting lost here.
But I guess youtubers need to sensationalize everything just to make views.

>> No.3769309

Also really inacurate emulation.

>> No.3769329

Project64 1.6 and 1.7 are allowed for OoT speedruns. And yes, the game is faster on PJ64 than on an N64. But that's not the full story:

Wii VC has very little lag and fast loading. It's faster than PJ64, so PJ64 still doesn't triumph over official versions of the game. So now you might be wondering: is the N64 version garbage for speedruns? Well, not exactly.

OoT has 3 versions: 1.0, 1.1 and 1.2. The 1.0 version has a few version exclusive glitches that make some categories a lot faster (like Eyeball Frog Early for 100% and Blank A for many other categories). Rereleases of the game on GC or VC are always 1.2 and for runs on PJ64, 1.0 exclusive glitches are banned. That means that N64 1.0 is the fastest for some categories and VC is the fastest for others.

Some people still use N64 for categories where it's slower and some people still use VC for categories where it's slower, because of personal preference.

By the way, we haven't yet found an emulator that runs the game slower than N64 (unless you count pause lag that lasts like 10 seconds, like on early emulators).

>> No.3770120


I bought a model a Genesis HDG and replaced all the caps for about $15 with shipping for the caps. It took about 4 hours but if you can use a soldering gun you're set

on an unrelated note, I also recap old receivers when I get them. They sound great

>> No.3770176

So know that you are wrong.

>> No.3770178

I'm concerned the dislike of Larry in this thread will lead to incidental dislike of Stuart Ashen in the process.

>> No.3770179

Why is this picture giving me the same unsettling feeling as that hole-phobia thing.

>> No.3770180

>bunch of literally who systems and the GameBoy, which has an easy fix
Great thread OP

>> No.3770184

Ashens is pretty hit-or-miss

>> No.3770186

Isn't replacing the screen a pain for most people
Like Larry dislike Ashens

>> No.3771174

There's anyone making those GB classic monochrome replacement screens?

>> No.3771195

BennVenn just made a whole new front PCB w/ backlit screen

>> No.3771248

This. People love to be contrary naysayers. It's fucking coded into our DNA. We want to belittle everyone's enjoyment of anything, because that's much easier than trying to enjoy something more ourselves.

>> No.3771337



>> No.3771515

Those are boobs you dumbass. Although I will admit I thought the same thing too at first.

>> No.3771527

>look I posted it again!!11
Byuu's a fucking retard, and that's why it takes him 3Ghz to emulate a SNES perfectly. Stop posting this stupid article

>> No.3771640

Being a pain is irrelevant. The fact remains it can be done.

>> No.3771675

God, I just can't stomach this guy's voice.
Ashens is a bong too, but he has a pretty pleasant voice, this guy is just cartoonishly bad.

>> No.3771686

I notice a few big people comment on every video they watch.
I assume it's mostly for publicity, getting his channel link everywhere.

>> No.3771687

You wrote easy fix. I wish it was easy all my Gameboys are failing

>> No.3771727

>Guru Larry
>The guy who literally believed that Miyamoto is in charge of all of Nintendo's decisions and believes that Mario 64 is a pirated version of Croc on PS1

I know that Britbongs hate Nintendo, but this is ridiculous.

>> No.3771732

Not me who wrote that, m8

>> No.3771773

Lots of fish and chips.

>> No.3771917

youtube gives you alerts when you get comments.

>> No.3771921
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so? you still have to be online and he probably gets a lot

>> No.3771941


>> No.3771984

What is that game he's got there? It looks fun.

>> No.3771989

Pretty sure he gained it all back

>> No.3772657
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Looks like a repurposed Hokuto no Ken arcade machine.

>> No.3773476

Larry is as old as 2 gameboys

>> No.3773616

>ink-based screens

>> No.3773619

No it's not.

t. has been using many laptops like that

>> No.3773621

ink-based screens!

>> No.3773628

LCD screens are not ink based.

>> No.3773631

Youtuber is cringe worthy.

>> No.3773632

Fighting Mania is the export version of Punch Mania. They just didn't use that much FotNS imagery on the cabinet.

>> No.3773763

>ink-based screens
The tl;dr version of the video is don't waste your time if it actually says that

>> No.3773776

Every bit of that 'damage' looks intentional and fabricated.

>> No.3773782


>> No.3773790

No fucking shit.
It's a mod.

>> No.3773798
File: 527 KB, 690x1206, tachanka.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That fucking thumbnail.
>Doesn't even mention the OG xbox.

>> No.3774465

How is the original Xbox dying?

>> No.3774903

the flensh

>> No.3774928

The what?

>> No.3774940

by the formastergrom

>> No.3775338

older models have a capacitor for battery that is shit, leaks acid onto board, destroys part of board possibly.
also first 2 years have shitty drives, you can look further into it
the rest of the drives just need the drive belt replaced

>> No.3775953

>can of Reddi-wip on desk with top off

Boogie doesn't waste any time.

>> No.3775954

It sucks but it's true. I really hope 360 games and blu-rays won't have disc rot.

>> No.3776084

By the time they should you should be old enough to not believe everything you read on the internet.

>> No.3776096

like any console with a disc drive, they're going to be useless once that dies unless you hack it first. also good luck if the hard drive dies before you replace that and keep a back up. you can't just slap any old hard drive on it and download the essential information like modern consoles.

>> No.3776098

>pretending disc rot doesn't happen

Denial will only get you so far.

>> No.3776746

It gets me very far. Hundreds of discs and no rot. How many rotted discs do you have sport?

>> No.3776757

you didnt even check ha

>> No.3776815

How do you expect me to check your discs faggot? Both of them.

>> No.3776818
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Had 4. Thankfully they still booted so I sold 'em on ebay.

>> No.3777129

owned bitch

>> No.3777136


Those cracks seem intentional but also make me extremely uncomfortable

I don't see the point in being anti emulation. I'm a collector but I think emulation is important for preservation

>> No.3777158

I don't see why this is an emulation vs hardware issue. Most of thise consoles aren't being widely emulated if there are even emulators. If you're buying a CDi or that Amstrad thing it aint for the games, you're a collector who just loves hardware and doing the maintenance is part of the fun. Arcade board collectors also love the hardware and again, the maintenance is as much part of the hobby as the games.

The only thing in that video that's an issue for your basic retro gamer is is the Gameboy screen. But propper storage is half the problem solved and repairs aren't that hard. But if you'd rather emulate then cool, you aint gotta justify it to us. It's no skin off our noses.
>America's fat problem mostly lies in our minorities, anyways.
>implying the same isn't true in Britain.

>> No.3777173

He lost like 15 stone over a year at one point. Dunno how much he's put back on since.

>> No.3777227
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>his evidence of disc rot not existing is it hasn't happened yet to his "hundreds" of discs

>> No.3777576

I guess if you were at least an ipod baby you'd remember your parents having hundreds of CDs. But as a spotify baby I guess you've never seen one.
Reminder: You have to be at least 18 to post here.

>> No.3777701
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>cancer doesn't exist because I don't have it

>aids doesn't exist because I don't have it

>> No.3778527

Horry fuk that gameboy looks retarded...

>> No.3778531

Those CD's weren't 15-20 years old the.

Now they are, and sometimes they go bad.

>> No.3778534 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.3778540

Id be amazed if he doesnt post here already. Fuck, he's probably having a giggle while countertrolling in here already.

>> No.3778546


We'll just keep playing untill all are gone

>> No.3778664

>too embarrassed to ever go to the doctor

>no problem posting shit like this

holy fuck youtubers are insane

>> No.3778686

Hey man... the pic of his ass was in a video, so making a few bucks from views is worth more than his dignity.

>> No.3779178

>Reading youtube comments.

Why would you do that?

>> No.3779219
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>every time Larry brings up something along the lines of the Commodore 64/Atari/something from the '60s/'70s that's too niche to play

>> No.3779278

>if it's not nes i dont care xD

>> No.3779279

It's a perfectly valid opinion.

>> No.3779373

>15-20 years old
Top fucking kek kid. I have CDs that are over 30 years old. My スローモーション single still works perfectly. Even after being around the world several times in a D-88 when I was your age. I understand you can't imagine someone who grew up with old video games would be on a board discussing old video games but it happens. A million monklets and a million likes won't change what I know in over 30 years of using CDs.

Sure, sometimes discs go bad. Manufacturing defects happen. Fools store them in the sewer. Poorbabies scratch them when doing the swap trick. But a typical well maintained CD will still be perfect after 30 years. I have dozens that old prove that and none that disprove it. I can't say how long they'll last before becoming unusable but there's no indication every CD is going to turn into rust any time soon.

If you actually give a fuck about facts instead memes consider this. There's software that can measure the various types of errors you get reading a CD. I didn't have this in the 80's to do a comparison on the same CD over time. But running it on an 80's CD now gives results well below what is acceptable for production today and not much more than a modern disc. By not "much more" I mean a fraction of a percent over millions of samples.

Sorry lads. Myth busted. Don't store your discs in the sewer and they will outlive you.

>> No.3779380

I'd rather that than yet another video about how the western Suprr Mario 2 was actually a completely different game to Doki Doki Panic.

>> No.3781295

>can of Reddi-wip on desk with top off
Do americucks actually do this?

>> No.3782653

I have 4 og xbox consoles, only one works. And let's not talk about the controllers. I have six of them, and only one works.
And considering what >>3775338 and >>3776096 are saying, even the one I got working will fail soon.
It doesn't really matter though. I have only 5 games for the thing and I barely use it at all.

>> No.3783742

>im such a fucking slob i could fuck up a tank with my cheeto dust covered sausages

>> No.3783763

I eat lost of fish and chips and I'm thin as a rake.

Guaranteed that guy has a cupboard full of 3L bottles of Coke.

>> No.3783764

I have 40 year old vhs tapes that play perfectly.

Its all about storage conditions.

>> No.3784430

The slobs were the previous owners of said consoles and controllers. I didn't break them myself by being careless. They didn't work the first time I tested them. The og xbox it's the only console I ever had trouble with. Every other console I own works fine, I do take care of my stuff. I was trying to point out the shoddy quality of that console, but I guess it has to be my fault if it doesn't work, huh?

>> No.3784650

> Finally watch and read all of FotNS a few years ago
> Have never seen this game anywhere since, when I used to all the time

I will never get to play it actually knowing the charcaters

>> No.3784761

It's a perfectly underage American opinion, more like.

>> No.3784765

Yeah, but remember having to blow on cartridges? Eh? The blowing? On the cartridges? Wasn't that crazy? Us gamers!

>> No.3784793

How would that even work. None of them are hd. Do people do this???

>> No.3784796

Ohhh keky

>> No.3784818
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>> No.3784843

That article. I've been saying it for years. We need to slow the fuck down with tech and really "master" it before rushing the next big thing with bugs galore. Every platform has had games that pushed limits and every next Gen console seems to have more problems then the last. Is this going to be a never ending cycle of cover ups and wasted technology???? Not just on the gaming front, but OS's too.

It's the reason I don't have the newest high end pc or the newest game console.
We are rushing into unknown territory, when we haven't even mapped out the territory we have!

>> No.3784863
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come say that to my face, you fucking faggot

>> No.3784865

Yeah, I don't know why but I like cpc amiga and atari st more than nes, but I grew up with a nes not any if those. Help me out here... why?

>> No.3784868


>> No.3784878


>> No.3785628

I have every system I want and know moon. I'm also not a delusional 12 year old so there's that.

>> No.3785651

Original hardware is for kikes. Shit like this doesn't happen with Retroarch and a No-Intro romset, kek.

>> No.3787217

Kleptocratic subhuman. Your attitude will make people emulate more out of spite

>> No.3787365

There are emulators for every system that is feasible to emulate.

People are working on the shit that isnt currently feasible.

>> No.3787924
