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3746514 No.3746514 [Reply] [Original]

Can we please talk about the classic Resident Evils? As someone who grew up with the franchise, I can say it was fantastic for the first 4 games.

Now that Resident Evil is a first person shooter, the series is officially dead to me.

>> No.3746523

>Now that Resident Evil is a first person shooter

Wait what.

>> No.3746525

no one cares

>> No.3746543

>fans want old classic Resident Evil gameplay back
>Capcom promises that with RE7 it will return to the series roots
>Capcom makes it a FPS

Classic Capcom.

>> No.3746551

Sure. It annoys me that no one is making survival horror games with fixed cameras and item management/puzzle solving. People keep saying how it's outdated but I strongly disagree. Seems like a niche that no one is tapping into. Not even a Kickstarter. Oh well.

>> No.3746563

the series was dead to me when 4 came out
I hated that game and everyone ended up loving it, figures

>> No.3746608

How is Resident Evil a shooter now

>> No.3746646
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>> No.3746651

By first 4 games I assume you mean CV because RE4 is a pure action game where you get locked into arenas and kill zombies that stop running once they get close enough to you for money and items.

>> No.3746657

The thing is that the fixed camera angles allow for a lot of prerendering that made the original so good. With modern hard drive space we could have extremely detailed prerendered scenes that have moving camera angles like at the beginning of Parasite Eve 2, only high res and modern rendering. https://youtu.be/LDU_0Bobn1s?t=15m53s

>> No.3746801


granted RE4 didnt do everything perfect either but it was "fun" enough and had just enough of what made the first games great (as well as plenty of situ that characters in the other games simply would not have survived)

> I dont think guns should upgrade as much stuff, expanded magazines and clips is okay.
> Putting more than 6 shots in the revolver is rediculous.
> Make the player trade ammo and money to the arms dealer to get better bullets instead.
> Let the player buy Grenades, I exploited the Mine Thrower for this reason on boss battles

Player should have gotten EXP for killing creatures that they could apply to increasing Weapon Skills - precision for better weapon damage, reloading speed, and partial increases to fire rate.

(since broken butterfly doesnt make sense to upgrade, let the weapon skill benefits apply double to it and let the player buy a Speed Loader for it, but dont you dare give it more than 6 shots)

Actually the fixed angles also aided the suspense, maybe unintentionally at first, because in some cases you dont know how close the zombie is.

So the games lost that, and couldnt get it back or people would Complain about it being unnecessary.

>> No.3746827
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Moreover I would say the inventory management of the first three games was part of the puzzle solving part of the game but it was highly unrealistic and I never personally felt all that enthused about it.

So I think they should have had more inventory LIKE res evil 4 but maybe a compromise somewhere between.

Save Box?

how about leave safe places for people to store things, but you'll have to go back to them to retrieve those items when you're ready

"I cant just drop this on the ground, I need to stow it somewhere out of sight"

- and then make each character's safe item places different, so Jill Sandwich's safe zones are different than Chris's and sometimes there may not be overlap

- and if for some reason scenery gets destroyed in that area, it eats those items and merely dumps essential map items in the rubble near it

This way it would also make you prioritize which things you had to leave behind, because of time and because you had to make space (sometimes for several puzzle items at a time) and you just cant go back for something.

And also makes you store things in areas nearby where you will need them, so that you make space in efficient places rather than simply dumping your pockets when you need to

And forces you to Remember and maybe even map out where those places are.

And aside from just being able to drop something on the ground, this kind of thinking can be a real world fucked up situation

In Sniper School memorizing shit and finding places to stash things is a serious thing, you'd think its all about shooting accurately but at least half of it is about how to move and survive in the field.

> and on the movie Ronin the lead character carefully stows his M1911 pistol in full open view at the beginning of the movie, in a way he could retrieve easily but nobody else would find except by rare accident.

And how about putting the Ink Ribbon IN the typewriter, and now that save spot is activated (but it gets left there)

>> No.3746852

I like the rail shooter RE games

>> No.3746856

Not being able to discard an item without a storage box is real fucked up desu

>> No.3746868

So, you wanted more of the same forever? I'm tired of the classic RE formula.

>> No.3746878
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>Now that Resident Evil is a first person shooter

You're going to need to explain that.

>> No.3747754

Played the japanese version blind as a kid so fucking much. Puzzles were simple enough to not require the language I guess. People love to shit on it but it's a decent game

>> No.3747757

Wasn't there a difficulty setting on one of the games that made you do the "you stashed X on THIS box, so it's not available anywhere else" thing

>> No.3747759
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>> No.3747769

The REmake does that, along with a number of other difficulty improvements.

>> No.3747948

Series roots meaning survival horror not the Level design.

>> No.3747962

It's not even a survival horror anymore though.
Guess I won't be buying it now. I'll just play REmake again.

>> No.3747964

I'm 25 so I don't want to sound like an old fart already but remember when Wesker was "cool" and an interesting character?

>> No.3747970

you mean before code veronica?

>> No.3747978

Exactly. As some point he became a cliche mad scientist with super unstoppable god powers. He became a walking trope.

>> No.3747985

I think he's referring to RE7. There was a trailer released not too long ago

>> No.3747989

he should've stayed dead after tyrant impaled him in RE1, but since he had a cool design he wasn't allowed to die just yet

>> No.3748010

>I haven't watched a single gameplay video or read one article about resident evil 7, but here's my opinion!

>> No.3748026


>> No.3748046

>I am a faggot and like shitty games

>> No.3748358

man, I love the original REs but I also love the new REs(except 5)

I just wish people would stop being so autistic about this shit and enjoy video games

>> No.3748370

I...I liked 6.

>> No.3748376

>how about leave safe places for people to store things, but you'll have to go back to them to retrieve those items when you're ready

you know what did something similar?


you know what, above all the other things, ruined RE0 the most?

basically that mechanic.

also, the one-use ink ribbon mechanic is much better than what is essentially an infinite save mechanic anyway

dino crisis 1 actually had a similar mechanic, anything stashed inside a certain color box would only be available in boxes of that color, and boxes always had to be unlocked with a certain amount of plugs that correspond to their color

>> No.3748395

I fucking love RE6 so goddamn much

I can play cheesy 90s-00s RE knockoffs for days but RE6 has a special place in my heart for being the one resident evil game that showed you how fucking silly an RE game could get

>fighting CIA gunwolf that shoots bullets at you
>it turns into a fucking dinosaur that you have to "kill" via awkward turret sections
>it turns into a fuckhuge super fly monster

>fighting skeleton jelly as chris and electro-piers
>fight a fucking jet in an aircraft carrier hangar
>fly a fucking jet like it's ass combat and there are twisted games that need resetting

>fucking ridiculous EXTREME SNOWMOBILING

RE6 was fucking stupid, but a really good kind of stupid

>> No.3748408

>you know what, above all the other things, ruined RE0 the most?
>basically that mechanic.

Yeah. The cons of such a system:
Level design HAS to turn in on itself, everything has to be connected or else the player is bound not to have access to important (or even key progression related) items when needed. As a result, this leads to, on one end, senseless level design when places that shouldn't be close to each other become neighbor through magical ways (like that elevator that brings you from the lab back to the trainwreck...) and on the other hand places which aren't connected in such a way will lead to un-needed longer backtracking to reach the items needed.
Also - most players will end store most things in one or two rooms (in the case of RE0, or in that guy's idea, one or two of the fixed boxes) because even if there is a menu telling you what item is hold in what place, nobody feels like searching through to know where the goddamn thing is. It's better if you already know and don't have to worry about it or else it becomes a chore.

In the case of RE0 it became absolutely ridiculous, like using the main hall as a giant storeroom filled with items; and you want to know the best part? There is a limit to how many you can put in the room, even if the room doesn't even look half full on screen. That completely breaks the whole point of not having a limited box.

Also, after the train part, all the items left dropped in the train, all magically appear, unscratched, in front of the trainwreck, which also breaks the whole point of not having magical boxes, instead you have magical teleporting items. Wow.

Honestly in 0 it had more cons than pros.

>> No.3748413

I agree with this so much. Add multiplayer and you have a really fun game, even if It's not "troo servival horror! :((("

>> No.3748421

0 itself had more cons than pros

-shit enemy design
-retarded villain
-muh leeches
-contradicts the shit out of RE1
-billy's so boring
-the only good gun models are pistols
-the shitty item management
-the shitty puzzles
-the shitty implementation of the 2 characters

+it plays good
+it looks good
+the train was p cool

>> No.3748427
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Actually I never played Zero so I wouldnt know.

And I will agree that anything drastic like that you do, you must account and consider game breaking stuff. Which items are important and which ones arent?

A Keycard or Puzzle piece is important, you need to make sure even if it disappears it can still be gotten some way (and not just auto-fitted into the puzzle either).

Magnum Bullets? not really and you should be punished for neglecting them, wherever the puzzle items would go your lost magnum bullets should too (but maybe 2/3rds of them get "lost in transition")

> mfw NPCs can say "hey I found this shit you dropped"
> "think fast, here's another" -Ada

Also I didnt say having typewriters lock in your ink ribbons meant infinite saves. Im thinking 3 saves instead of 2 - balance makes up for saving in an inconvenient spot. And also makes it easier to remove some of the save spots too.

You're not supposed to save anyway (but perhaps make it give you points if you install the ink ribbon without saving, since that meant you had to waste time on moving that item around).


But Wesker was the perfect man to restart umbrella after they went bankrupt.

A walking embodiment of everything they (actually) stood for. He was more than just a company man, he was umbrella heart and soul.

Kinda bit them in the ass actually but they went down in flames and he just carried on the legacy.

> mfw in the Res Evil 1 movie Spencer should have been Wesker and Alice shoulda been his wife, and Spencer should have just been his cover name
> and when he was dying we see him inject himself with a whole vial of t-virus and then when they go to get on the train his body is missing
> and while people would still be angry over this movie at least it would bear a slight bit more sense this way
> and give more of an enduring legacy of the anger between Alice and Wesker/Spence because now its eternal wife vs husband fight and they both have powers

>> No.3748430
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I personally loved Neo-Wesker but i wish he ditched that trenchcoat.
The boss fight against him is my favorite in all of the games, it's the only reason i like 5. CV had my balls itching for Wesker for years.
Him staying dead in 1 wouldn't be bad.

RE6 is RE4 with steroids with all the retarded stuff was doubled.
I don't hate 6 but i find it mediocre.

Add "animu qte opera singing villain" to cons.

>Contradicts the shit out of RE1
My biggest problem with it.

I'm avoiding RE7 trailers like the plague because my pc won't be able to run it and i don't want to get hyped.
Is it that bad anons?

>> No.3748437
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>He was more than just a company man, he was umbrella heart and soul.

Didn't he say at one point in RE1 that he doesn't care about Umbrella, and that he wants to sell the T-virus to the highest bidder?
I'm going by my admittedly hazy memory

>> No.3748446

>I...I liked 6.
well the leon campaign was okay.

>> No.3748447

if you found RE6 mediocre, well

let's just say jack baker is the ultimate ham and at a point, I guess the game gets a little gun-heavy, according to the "muh cod" nay-sayers

but then again let's be honest here by the second half of RE1, 2, and 3 you had enough ammo to take down 3 tyrants at least

it sounds like what you're wanting is basically outbreak with no AIs and RE4 inventory, I guess

>> No.3748458
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Literally where have you been?

>> No.3748463

I can't stop laughing every time I watch this. It's so ridiculously bad.

>> No.3748530

i would have been pretty happy if all of leon's campaign was him going through another city going to shit.
everything up to the church was pretty great.

>> No.3748590

I liked the reoccurring Jason Vorhees mid boss. In the caves I kept pussyfooting around thinking it was real stealth level for about a half of one hour before realizing all you had to do was run up on the flying sentries and then loudly rip them in half.

>> No.3748594

All the different playing styles was a bonus. Bet let it be known that the super soldier one is comparable to easy setting in any other game.

>> No.3748601

The final portion of Leons campaign was him going through an active shit hits the fan outbreak. It was pleasing but way too easy and not long enough

>> No.3748617

RE7 looks fun in a 10,000 Maniacs,TCM,The Hills Have Eyes kind of way.

>> No.3748684

>10,000 Maniacs

Like the band?

>> No.3748691

No there was a movie that came out in the late 60's about cannibalistic rednecks. It might've been 20,000 maniacs.

>> No.3748716
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>Its so bad that Capcom put a copyright claim on it

>> No.3748731


I still thought he was cool in CVX and wasn't bad in 4, but by 5 he was like some faggot anime villain

>> No.3748804

holy crap

>> No.3748840

That's true.

>> No.3748849

What was it?

>> No.3748865

resident evil 7 "boss". it was really janky, i like how at one point the player runs over the boss over and over, and the boss suddenly shows up on the roof of the car

>> No.3748881

Getting in a car GTA style and ramming into the garage wall 10 times before a forced cutscene starts. The game's a mess.

>> No.3748978

Is the demo not representative of the game then?

>> No.3749083

It depends on what impression you got from the demo. The game becomes much more linear and fast paced with more frequent shooting segments and larger mobs of enemies later on, interspersed with cutscenes. It's not like RE1 where you're just zig-zagging back and forth around a house, even though there is one house segment early on where you can roam around it, but you are being chased so it's under pressure. There literally is only two kinds of enemies though.

>> No.3749584

It's not a FPS you idiot, it's a survival horror with first person camera. Have you even played the demo?

>> No.3749637

I have downloaded epsxe time ago, but i wanna know what do I need to do to use PS3 controller, its a pain in the ass to play games with the keyboard.

I was only able to play slow paced games where time is not of the essence.

>> No.3749801

Also, first person survival horror was literaly the first type of real survival horror to exist (Zombi), it existed before the AITD style, still lived alongside the AITD/RE style, and is the only part of the genre that outlived it and still lives today (Amnesia, Zombi U, that Alien game, etc)

The AITD/RE style was only a phase in the history of survival horror; and nowadays the only way to do survival horror is with first person, if you put a third person camera, people will claim the game is pure action like RE4 even if it's not (which is exactly what happened with Silent Hill Homecoming)

>> No.3749807

to be fair RE1 was originally actually going to be a co-op FPS game

but that was a way early version

>> No.3749998

Survival in the sense that if you don't go in guns blazing you won't survive, yes.

The one boss, who I won't say because of spoilers but it's near the end, takes like 50 shotgun blasts to go down. Tell me that is classic RE.

>> No.3750002

To be fair, 6 is fun if you play it with a friend.

>> No.3750094 [DELETED] 
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>give me discount Insomnium
>say no m-

>> No.3750117


>> No.3750164


Love them.

I would say the first is one the greatest games of all time.

And perfectly playable still today.

>> No.3750208

Sounds like the Tyrant on RE1 to me

>> No.3750589

Tyrant can go down in under 6 hits. He's incredibly easy to knife too.

>> No.3750605


I'm not sure how being difficult to kill is not relevant to survival horror. That is one of the most classic tropes of RE/survival horror, the nearly impossible to kill boss monster.

>> No.3750698
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what if?

>> No.3750804
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i honestly couldn't care less what they do with this, so long as they don't fuck up REmake2

>> No.3751108

makes me want to play old turdy re6 again! thanks guys

>> No.3751176

>Resident Re7arded

>> No.3752592

Download PSX it's the most accurate and you can config the controller in the settings

>> No.3752941

So /v/ claims they've scrapped REmake2. Search engines don't say either way conclusively that I've seen. What's the truth?

>> No.3752956

Why would you ever believe some random rumor from /v/?

>> No.3752958


I don't know I'm worried. Does Capcom actually have the guts to make a through and through classic RE with modern technology in 2017? I have this feeling they're going to puss out and make it a 3rd person shooter and shit it up.

>> No.3753054

Resident evil died with Biohazard 4 when they turned the survival horror into an action game.

>> No.3753076

I hear that the Sega Saturn version of RE1 is the best version. It even has a new enemy type.

>> No.3753089


It wasn't the same but RE4 did actually manage to maintain concepts of survival in RE4 even if it wasn't the formal survival horror genre. RE4 traded "something goes bump in the night" for the fear of being chased and captured. The village sequence perfectly encapsulates this.

>> No.3753091

For those ITT who have trouble with telling what genre RE7 should belong to: FPS isn't antonym of survival horror. See games like Enemy Zero, The Note

Survival Horror isn't dependant on the point of view. As long as there are survival action and adventure gameplay mechanics and a pre-dominent horror theme, you can use whatever camera angle you want.

If anything, the switch from behind the player camera (RE4/5/6) to first person a sign that they make to go back to survival horror. Like I said, devs these days seem to believe first person is the only way survival horror can be made, and it's quite successful that way.

What's sad is that they had to wait for commercial and critical successes like Alien: Isolation to have the guts to go back to survival horror. Resident Evil used to be pioneer, even as far as RE4 was concerned, now even them are followers.

>> No.3753094

survival horror IS action by definition.
Take the action out of survival horror and it stops being survival horror and would be adventure-horror, games like the Dark Fall series.

So they didn't turn to action with 4, you need to be more specific. They changed the type of action.

>> No.3753095


When's the last time Capcom innovated in the games industry anyway?

>> No.3753102


They changed it from a resource cost and benefit analysis action game to a fight or flight action game.

>> No.3753103
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Dead Aim is legit my favorite

>> No.3753112

Dead Aim is definitely underrated. It's the middle ground between RE3 and RE4.

My biggest issue with it is that compared with those two, the skill ceiling is much lower. It's much easier to master, controls and enemies AI are more simple. For instance it has a dodge mechanic similar to RE3 but a lot more simple.

I played it with a gun once but I actually liked the pad better, although I didn't play it with a real lightgun but with aimtrack so that didn't help.

>> No.3753428

why would they scrap RE2make?

they're gonna release RE7, then they're gonna release an update on RE2make

and then they're gonna talk about that mysterious third unannounced RE title for the anniversary which technically ends in march

I love resident evil 4, and I recognize that 4 basically killed the series and the survival horror identity itself, but I gotta say

RE was going that direction the entire time and it was a matter of time

RE1 ends with a cheesy series of angles of a tyrant getting blown the fuck up, and the PC version unlocks full auto weapons for jill and chris when you beat the game as them

RE2 gets a submachine gun ingame, then unlocks an infinite ammo minigun. it even had EX battle and 4th survivor

then RE3 comes around and is pretty much the final evolution of the old RE action ladder

RE4 was only a matter of time

when the entire reason they announced RE2make was because REmaster or RE0master sold so well, I don't think they're gonna do that

it depends
iirc each one has unique alt costumes but only the saturn adds the tick enemy, essentially a hairy hunter seen only in the caves, and only the pc version adds a machine gun unlock for chris and a smg unlock for jill
also deadly silence adds a whole ton of shit

>> No.3753754


>RE4 did actually manage to maintain concepts of survival in RE4

In the way that in every game where it's possible to lose, you have to "survive."

>> No.3753825

Yeah you're right. I looked elsewhere online and saw similar rumors. It seemed they all referenced other unsubstantiated gossip, which, from what I can tell, originated solely from the fact it's been almost a year and a half since we've heard anything from the project. Which makes sense: why divert attention from RE7? Should have known not to trust reactionary /v/ermin

>> No.3753843

>RE was going that direction the entire time and it was a matter of time
You may be on to something. Remember the RE2 demo trailer?


Or perhaps this is just the result of western marketing?

>> No.3753845

RE4's design is anti-survival horror. For one thing, enemies drop supplies, and on top of that, supplies are programmed in such a way that the least amount of a type you have, the more likely it is to drop. In other words, designed so that you can't run out.

Then, there is the "puzzles", iirc there is like 3 in the entire game, 3 simple ones, 2 of which are optional.

>> No.3754051


Not survival literally in just the sense of "don't die", like how you try not to die in a gun fight or something. The whole game is about avoiding being trapped by the mob. The limited camera control means that you have to pick a window to attack. When the position becomes undefendable, you have to forfeit your view of the mob and find a new position where it is safe to attack. It's about staving off the horde.

>> No.3754329
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>> No.3754335

actually RE1 even has an alternate cutscene where barry just knocks him out outside the tyrant's chamber, when you came back he disappeared

it would've made a lot of more sense for THAT to be canon instead

>> No.3754336

>God Tier

>High Tier

>Mid Tier
Code: Veronica
Survivor 2

>Low Tier

>Unfulfilled Potential Tier
Outbreak Files 1 and 2

>Shit Tier
Operation: Raccoon City

>Beyond Shit Tier
Umbrella Corps

>> No.3754350

>not in beyond shit

I oughta kick you in the dick anon

>> No.3754383

>Low Tier
Whew lad. Someone needs to be spooned by Carlos.

>> No.3755525

died on a no-save leonA run yesterday to two lickers in the lab area for making a dumb mistake.

should I just go and redo that or play RE3/ClaireA?

>> No.3755548

Exactly this. It's like an action horror anthology and gets even better with a friend.

RE5 on the other hand is fun maybe once or twice with the rest being a fucking chore. Seriously, fuck those boss fights especially. Those and the underground city were just the worst.

>> No.3755562

>when you came back he disappeared

... and in this case can be found dead in the engine room, after he set the auto destruction sequence.

>> No.3755563

no one looked there after that

>> No.3755578

>fantastic for the first 4 games
You mean 1, 2, 3 and Code: Veronica, right?

>> No.3755649

I wish they would release a new version of RE1 with all the features and little differences as different modes

>Director's Cut
>Deadly Silence

>> No.3755650

My favorites were always RE1, RE3 and Code Veronica. Never liked RE2 (unpopular thing to say, i know). Stopped caring about the series after RE5.

>> No.3755686

that'd be amazing

uncut FMV+the unlockable machine gun for chris and the submachine gun for jill, all the alternate costumes, the tick, and everything from deadly silence but in a fresh new package

RE1 is legit a game I could play over and over

I think my fastest non-rocket launcher run was like 2:30, and my fastest(and only) rocket launcher run was like 1:30

granted those were both on rebirth mode so I guess there's that

>> No.3756517

the only hope we have for that is that guy who was working on an engine to replicate RE, he's using it for RE1.5 and his Survivor remake

i hope he releases it as open source

>> No.3756527

that reminds me, I remember learning about the 1.5 restoration project a couple years ago but I've heard nothing of it in a long while

is that still a thing?

>> No.3756528

yeah, they switched to that brand new engine, the guy wrote it to work on PC AND the PS1.

>> No.3756538


also, survivor remake?

anywhere I could find information on that?

>> No.3756543

it was called Resident Evil: Behind the Mask

don't know if it's still alive

>> No.3756594

oh and if you're interested they released a demo called the Battle Coliseum, it's a bit of a survival mode

it's pretty neat to play a homebrew PS1 game

>> No.3757826


>> No.3758414
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They have a site about both projects and the lead programmer has a YouTube account and Twitter. Just look here:

Last I heard, they were focusing on 1.5, but he said that since the Survivor remake would use the same engine and game play, it benefits from that work as well.

>> No.3759146

I did.he was my fav of all times

>> No.3759926


>> No.3759952

are they pre-rendering the backgrounds themselves?
that's pretty neat of them to go the extra mile.

>> No.3761386

Why did they make Chris abuse steroids instead of being a smoker? Him being a smoker is a nice contrast to Leon the gum chewer.

>> No.3761428

Why is Chris's name in moon?

>> No.3761447
File: 151 KB, 600x404, IMG_0632.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buy a 360 controller unless your a hipster apple fag or a nerdy virgin Linux. Links automatically.

>> No.3761594

it says protagonist.
they probably didn't have a name for him at that point.
i wonder what they had in mind for that version of the game.

>> No.3761752
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That gold zippo lighter has appeared in most Resident Evil games

>> No.3761881

I just watched a let's play of Resident Evil 7 and It's literally like playing Resident Evil 1 with first person camera.

Get your head up your ass, OP.

>> No.3761891

>boss takes like 50 shotgun blasts to go down. Tell me that is classic RE.

That is classic RE.

>> No.3761948

I dont really care if its a fps anymore, just wish they made it slow paced, with puzzles, and with spooky mansions or police stations.

Classic gothic horror vibe.

I am just seeing incredible levels of dirty boring shit ni 7.

>> No.3762070
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Yes, the environments are being remade. Here's that same alley in the original. They're planning to make new models for the zombies instead of recycling the RE2 ones like the original did as well. They're also looking for voice actors, a translator to fix the shoddy localization, and a composer to create new music for it as well.

>> No.3762081

Bullshit, monsters in Resident Evil aren't that durable. You can do the math yourself for 1 and 2 but I can tell you that RE1 Tyrant takes 20 handgun bullets or 7 shotgun blasts.



>> No.3762086

15 bullets, it's 20 knife strikes it takes to kill him.

>> No.3762108
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My personal favourite version of RE1

Ignore the Rebirth mode. It adds some touch puzzles and FPS(tab) sections. It's fun tho I can see people hating this mode.

The classic mode is just that, the classic RE1 with enhanced controls and extras. You have the 180 quick turn and the knife is bound to the L button and doesn't take up a slot. These two little changes turn up the pase. Knife / pistol only runs are great in this version.
Models have had an upgrade and the AI has been tunes.

Multiplayer is fun too. Mission based and you run around with a partner. Other play is represented by a s.t.a.r.

If you like RE1 give this version a shot.

>> No.3762126

You forgot to mention the most important feature: skipping cutscenes and door loading screens.

>> No.3762127

Can confirm, RE DS is the definitive edition of the original for the reasons you listed and then some.

>> No.3762228

Could someone post their legit opinion on RE7? Someone who's played all the games in the main series? I don't want to spend $60 to get disappointed, but the trailers and the first demo kind of killed the game for me. It doesn't look any fun and it takes away way too much from the series.

>> No.3762253

This, this is my nigga.
People don't understand how good RE:DS is until they try it. Defiitely the best version of the original game.

>> No.3762254

Why don't you pirate it and buy it if you like it?

>> No.3762262

I'm horrible at describing things, but rather than being cheesy zombie movies, Resident Evil 7 feels a lot more like 80s slasher horrors. It's somewhat like Outlast but you're expected to defend yourself rather than hide like a bitch.

Despite the first person viewpoint it's much, much closer to the originals than 4/5/6 were. If you like Amnesia and Outlast but not the stealth aspects you'll like RE7.

>> No.3762268

Because it has Denuvo. I'll pirate it when it gets cracked, but I don't know when that'll be happening.

>> No.3762271

Damn didn't know that.

>> No.3762280
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>> No.3762281

It's pretty curious how it says "cut characters" on top, but Shujinko and Jill were still in the released game.

>> No.3762285

The game looks boring as shit.

Some mechanics seem okay. Inventory, more slow pace.

I hope it has more varied environments and puzzles later. Looks like shitty attempt at PT and other trendy horror games.

>> No.3762287

I never understood how people who liked the classic REs can not like RE3. It took what RE2 did well and improved on it by giving it more variety.

>> No.3762292

people used to give this crap and i never understood why.
it's one of the best versions of the game and does nothing but add without taking away.
i also enjoyed poking jill

>> No.3762295

So which RE soundtrack you guys like most?

I just cant take out of my head the dark ambiance Re1 and 2 had, they really emphasize atmosphere with those heavy synths, and he lack of music in some rooms was really great.

>> No.3762326

I like 1 and 2 better. RE3 is motherfucking godly, but the story always felt a little bit "filler" to me (Raccoon city again, on practically the same night?). Going back to the police station is nice, but it's really not enough to justify the game. And I'm not a big fan of Nemesis (I never killed him, maybe that's why).

It's still a great fucking game though.

>> No.3762386

this song always sticks out to me whenever i think about re2.

>> No.3762428
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>RE4 above RE3

wew lad shit taste

>> No.3762619

RE7 was in development before PT was even a thing.

>> No.3762620

Revelations 1 and 2 are in the style of 4 but much better imo.

Looking forward to the remake of RE2.

>> No.3762648

Am I the only who liked the gun powder mechanic from RE3 and wish it would come back?

>> No.3762657

it was a neat idea.
i think the game is too short to make the most of it though, and there's more than enough ammo laying around the game.

>> No.3762671

I liked it, although I think the game needed an extra hard mode to balance it out.
Although not exactly the same, RE7 brought back gun powder, I haven't played it so I can't say whether I like it there.


>> No.3762720

I like how we are trying to pretend that tech demo did anything, when it's fucking obviously a Amnesia clone, the one that really influenced the new era of survival horror.

>> No.3762739

I dunno about the general soundtrack but I'd say the best save theme is the one from CV/X

I don't know if it's because I played CVX on gamecube as a wee lad and have very fond memories of it but goddamn does this theme make me comfy

also I really like the song that plays on all the music boxes

it's a shame that the second part of it was really awkward and doesn't fit in with the music boxes


>> No.3762910

Anyone up to try some Outbreak? Easy setup video here, except download file 1 which the guy linked in the video.


>> No.3762915

nothing wrong with it, but there should've been a true hard mode in the game with no gunpowder imo

>> No.3762940

RE1 (original), Zero and CV for save themes.
Cheesy dreamcast version of CV credits and RE2 Scenario A credits.

Also have a soft spot for all the ranking/epilogue/whatever art screens with their dedicated little tunes.


>> No.3763016
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>Also have a soft spot for all the ranking/epilogue/whatever art screens with their dedicated little tunes.
fuck yes

>> No.3763027

More like a true hard mode like RE2 PC got. That's a masterpiece.

>> No.3763162

its a good day to replay re2.

>> No.3763696

you know, I could replay RE3 as long as I don't get frustrated with nemesis, and I can replay RE2 as long as I don't get bored

but RE1 is a goddamn masterpiece

deadly silence is the single best thing to happen to that series

>> No.3763849
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It's very much inspired by the Texas Chainsaw Masacre. It actually makes it stand stand out in the series in a good way.

>> No.3764143

>I'm tired of the classic RE formula
How can you possibly be tired by something that hasn't been made again since 2002? No, the recent ports of REmake and RE0 don't count.

>> No.3764196

RE7 is more RE than RE4.

RE4 was fun yes, but that's the game that killed the series.

>> No.3764204

Do remember that formula also includes Alone in the Dark, Parasite Eve 2, and Dino Crisis

>> No.3764214

>Now that Resident Evil is a first person shooter, the series is officially dead to me

7 is first person, but its a lot less shooter than 4-6 from what I've seen.

>> No.3764216

>but that's the game that killed the series.

Nah. RE4 was a fresh breath. Not its fault that RE5 and 6 decided to take the action a step further.

>> No.3764219

>Now that Resident Evil is a first person shooter

Do people forget Survivor exists?

>> No.3764229

>Now that Resident Evil is a first person shooter, the series is officially dead to me

So, it was perfectly okay when it became a third person shooter?

>> No.3764242
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One thing I always wondered is why a picture of the laboratory from the Spencer Mansion is displayed on the computer screen in the Police Station hallway in Resident Evil 3 and I think number 2.

>> No.3764297 [DELETED] 

Do the people who try to defend RE7 by bringing up Survivor forget that it's both a spinoff and that most people who played it hated it?

Probably because they were under investigation after the incident, although you'd think they would want a computer with case files to be in a more private place.

>> No.3764313

Do the people who try to defend RE7 by bringing up Survivor forget that it's both a spinoff and that most people who played it hated it?

Probably case files concerning the incident, storing pictures of crime scenes as evidence and all that. Although, one would think they would want a computer with case files to be in a more private place.

>> No.3764405
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>> No.3764540

why does everyone say REmake was the last classic RE when the outbreaks exist?

>> No.3764567

Amnesia relies more on tangible physical threats than intangible supernatural threats, the shadow notwithstanding which tends to not be a threat at all except during one chase which is only mildly challenging.

>> No.3764570

Easter egg

>> No.3764604
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Does anybody 'menbers when they re-told the original trilogy's plot in the form of a rail arcade shooter available on Wii and PS3?

>> No.3764608

Apologies if this has been discussed before, but I just saw this in the RE2 wikipedia article
>Resident Evil 2 was also made more difficult than its Japanese equivalent to prevent rentals from affecting U.S. sales

All of the sources for this statement are print magazines that are not available online. Does anyone know if this is the truth? I did know that RE2 does have more enemies in the U.S version than the Japanese, this seems like an odd reason to make that change.

>> No.3764613

What year are those from?

>> No.3764617


>Umbrella - Wii 2007 - PS3 2011
>Dark side - Wii 2009 - PS3 2012


>> No.3764629

Remember that Japan simply does not do rentals (in fact I think it's illegal). There is a very significant difficulty increase from JP->US.

>> No.3764665

I do

I made the mistake of playing darkside first


then the umbrella chronicles was just repeating certain levels and trying to get as many headshots as possible to get all the extra levels

HUNK's level was gay and not worth it

>> No.3764754


>> No.3764842


>> No.3765074

t. anal jihad

>> No.3766289

Funny thing about RE7, there are CRTs littered flipping everywhere in that game.

>> No.3766950

western release has new game (with its easy/normal difficulties), and has arrange game (with its own dificulties like rookie etc. Arrange is obviously way easier.

In japan these two categories are switched. Only a few rooms have different zombie count, you get more ammo and stuff like that.

PC and Dreamcast versions (western too) also have a new "hard" level of difficulty that is baller as fuck. In japanese versions its under "arrange" obviously.

>> No.3767205

alright, so I did LeonA and that didnt scratch my RE fix Do I go ClaireB or back to RE1 or 3?

>> No.3767213

Claire B for sure, you haven't faced Mr X yet.

>> No.3767219

oh, I played them all like 10 times each at least. but that is still a good argument

>> No.3767321

I just bought the original trilogy for $55. Did I get a deal? They're in good condition.

>> No.3767353

Depends on the system, version, and how complete the copies are.

>> No.3767440
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RE 2 is missing the manual

>> No.3767456

some people will try and charge $20 for each game, some people will charge $10 for each game

it really depends

you might've gotten ripped off a couple bucks though, though they do look really nice

I'm not sure if the dualshock version of RE2 is rarer or not though

>win a part in the movie

I wonder if anyone actually won or if that only worked for the not-so-great romero RE

>> No.3767458

that's the non-dualshock directors cut? excellent choice