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File: 787 KB, 1920x1338, S3K.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3759690 No.3759690 [Reply] [Original]

This is the best Sonic game.

>> No.3759691
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>> No.3759702

This is a fact, not an opinion.

>> No.3759756

We already know this. 90s sonic ftw!!

>> No.3759821

I honestly prefer the first one (nostalgia, maybe) but we can't ignore the good things of S3
>3 playable charactes with different abilities
>Huge levels with multiple paths
>Good variety of bonus stages
>Decent coop and competitive mode (few platformers actually allow 2p at the same time)
>Top tier graphics (animations, backgrounds) and music

>> No.3759834
File: 16 KB, 320x224, sonic1-zone3.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sonic 1 is the patrician choice.
Sonic 2 is the choice of the average guy who actually owned a Genesis back in the 90s.
3&K is the game choosed by kids who first played Sonic on emulators or Gamecube collections.

>> No.3759839

but that isn't sonic cd op

>> No.3759862

I can agree with this, as Sonic 2 is my favorite

>> No.3759921

>Sonic 1
>Not Triple Trouble

>> No.3759975

CD is the game chose by people who hate Sonic

>> No.3759995

CD >= 3&K > 1 >>> 2

>> No.3760182

I can agree with this, having played S3&K on PC.

It's still a better game than S2.

>> No.3760191

Elder God Tier:
Sonic 2

High Tier:
Sonic 1

Mid Tier:
Sonic & Knuckles

Low Tier:
Sonic 3

Shit Tier:
Sonic CD

>> No.3760230
File: 135 KB, 320x222, sonic1cope.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I actually think Sonic CD is underrated as of late, lots of hate for it. It's not a bad game at all, but yeah, probably not better than any of the Genesis games.
However, it's better than stand alone Sonic 3.
And I'd personally place it even above 3&K. 3&K is still great, but I feel it's the one I enjoy the least, I can appreciate the neat ideas they implemented and how the game is super long with the lock on and the eh-peek Final Doomsday, but at the end of the day it's the Sonic game I'd play last if I had to choose, with Sonic 1 being my predilect.

>> No.3760238
File: 3 KB, 148x125, disapprovingnun.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>And I'd personally place it even above 3&K.

>> No.3760317


The one criticism you can lay on Sonic 3 graphically is the character sprites, Sonic in particular. I think they were going for this hyper-detailed look but there's just something off-model about them. Sonic 2 got it perfect.

>> No.3760319
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>> No.3760336

2 and CD are the best of the 2D games. Solid level design and length. 3&3 was definitely the biggest 2D Sonic, but I felt like a lot of the levels went on longer than they needed to.

>> No.3760487

Wait, that looks like Death Egg Zone, but isn't that Sonic sprite from Sonic CD? Maybe I'm forgetting something here.

>> No.3760535
File: 79 KB, 640x480, GENESIS--Sonic and Knuckles Sonic 3_Oct3 14_09_17.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

best looking
best sounding
best levels
best expansion
best title screen
best bosses
best bonus rounds
best super hyper mode
best box art and manual PAL UK

and platforming done right not shitty shit like labrinth zone sonic one fuck you

simply the best

>> No.3760539 [DELETED] 

spoken like a true pleb

>> No.3760556

The only good sonic game was sonic spinball
Prove me wrong

>> No.3760562

It's not even a good pinball game.

>> No.3760563

Sonic CD is either overrated or underrated, its a decent game, not terrible, not great, definitely ambitious

Literally the only flaw

But Sonic 3 is better in every other aspect, it they had sticked to the Sonic 2 sprite it would be the perfect Sonic game

>> No.3760572

is this /v/ are you seriously calling him a pleb for liking 3? fuck you dude for ruining /vr/. let people like what they want to like, but atleast tell people know why you think they're wrong without just spouting names. this board is turning to shit real fast with the influx of teenagers.

>> No.3760581

I believe there's been at least one hack of Sonic 3&K that replaces the sprites with ones from older games.

I think 3 Complete has that as an option, but I never messed around with that, just left it as it was.

>> No.3760589

I played 1 and 2 on Megadrive

Played 3&K in PC with Genecyst years later

3 is the best, even though I don't feel nearly as much nostalgia as I do feel for 1 and 2

>> No.3760594

I like them all about the same, but I can see why someone would hold this one above all the others.

>> No.3760614
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>> No.3760621

sonic 3 is for faggots.

>> No.3760625

>sonic 1 and 2 are $10-$15 on ebay
>sonic 3 and s&k range from $30-$50

What's with the price difference?

>> No.3760631

I happen to share >>3760535's opinion because, as >>3759834 says, I'm a
>kid who first played Sonic on emulators

>> No.3760632

it might have something to do with rarity, or maybe high demand

if someone buys 3 they're going to want to buy K so that they can combine the two - maybe some resellers are happy to exploit that

then again I don't know shit about business

>> No.3760678

yeah both 3 and k combined didn't even sell as much compared to 1 or 2.
probably because the latter were packaged with every single system

>> No.3760683

Sonic 1 and 2 have been re-released many times, not 3&K.

>> No.3760725

Yes, Sonic & Knuckles is the best Sonic game, and that 'Sonic 3 & Knuckles' extra play mode is one of the reasons.

That's what you mean, obviously.

>> No.3760810

Hopefully something will top it someday. The wait for Mania is painful.

>> No.3761169

Swap High and Low tiers and we would get along buddy

>> No.3761193

It's definitely the comfiest but I prefer Sonic 1. Far less casual. particularly the Master System version

>> No.3761215

having played them all recently heres my 2 cents:

sonic 1: good simple fun, bit slower than the other ones.
sonic 2: great levels, awesome backgrounds, memorable experience. the best sonic.
sonic 3: some great levels, but also some bad ones and some tricky bosses. feels shorter than the other games
sonic and knuckles: found this very hard. the levels with the ghosts in was tedious.
sonic advance: good fun, but trades challenge for speed.
sonic advance 2: annoying as fuck last boss, worst level design in the series.
sonic advance 3: (playing atm) good fun, seems to be the best of the advance series, but also some bad level design.
sonic cd: like normal sonic, but with pointless and confusingly implemented "time-travelling". worth playing, but sonic 1-3 are all better.

i do love sonic, but i think mario is a billion times better.
everytime i die in mario, its due to my mistake and 99% ofthe time it feels fair.
the majority of times i die in sonic, its through getting crushed (i really wish they'd gotten rid of this), falling into a pitfall (especially prevalent in the advance games), through badly placed spikes, through enemys badly placed, or through going too fast (despite the game emphasizing speed).
the last point is the fact for why i really didnt enjoy sonic cd.
sonic doesnt work well as purely a platformer, its the speed element and the hybrid of the two which makes it work. whereas in sonic cd, looking for generators in the past turns the game into a mario game. and its just not fun.
sonics jumping just feels shit compared to mario, nowhere near as precise.

oh yeah:

>> No.3761243

>Including advance games.

Go to hell, kid.

>> No.3761248

recently? lol. i own all of them. i bought them as they came out. all i can say is this. youre an idiot.

>> No.3761250

I find it ironic people even talk about it, when barely anyone owned Sega CD back in the day.

It is the contrarian Sonic choice, a hypocrite hipster's way to show he's so refined that his favorite Sonic game is a lost gem known only to true connoisseurs like himself.

>> No.3761259

It's been easily purchasable for 12 years now, dumbass.

>> No.3761275

i had the original trilogy on MD as a kid.
sonic cd and the advance games i never played at the time.

>> No.3761294

Sonic CD came out in 1996 on PC.
Probably more people played it on PC than on Sega CD.

>> No.3761348

I played all of them on genesis, and 3&K is without a doubt the best.
Fight me.

>> No.3761353
File: 643 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20170126-072334.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ehhhhhh, I like pic related more.

>> No.3761409

>Sonic 2fags always have to split 3&K into 2 for their game to be good

>> No.3761462

Should I bother playing Sonic 3 without Knuckles and then with Knuckles or go ahead and do them together first? I've never played them but I have both.

>> No.3761515

I'd say to play through the whole thing as S3&K first. Both games alone have minor differences that should be considered, but playing them together is the ideal way of playing a game.

>> No.3761610

That's how the games were released. If you were actually alive back then, you'd have played 3 first, Knuckles later, and 3&K as a "super game", but the releases were individual.

Standalone Sonic 3 has some differences in the level design of the last zone (some more spikes, etc, it's easier with &K included), and the final boss fight with the Big Arm mech, which is missing on 3&K.


>> No.3761627

honestly I dislike the way Sonic controls in Sonic 3&K

I like how Sonic controls in Sonic 1
I actually like the slower speed I think it gives the game a better pace but the fact that its missing the spin dash is annoying

>> No.3761910

Thoughts on Advance 1:
It wasn't a 2D.5 game at all, but I have to rank it above Sonic 1. The Zones were enjoyable, except for the rail grinding. Playing it again recently, I felt the engine was.. actually pretty solid. I give it a 8/10.

Thoughts on Advance 2:
This was a drastic leap into a bottomless pit, and pretty much began setting the stage for what we notoriously criticize Dimps for today. The whole game was about making me wanna punt my GBA because of those damn pits. However, I also found the boss fights to be stupid and too similar to each other. They, as well as the usual crappy GBA soundtrack, cause me to give the game a low rating, so I say 4/10. Close to 3 though.

Thoughts on Advance 3:
Advance 1 was pretty good. Advance 2 was pretty bad. Advance 3 is pretty stupid. Knuckles can't glide, pretty much making up for anything they may have gotten right. To me the level design wasn't as bad as Advance 2, just regular-type bad. I never found myself finishing this game, thankfully. I give it a "DID NOT FINISH"/10 for messing up Knuckles.

>> No.3761925

sonic 1 for the win

>> No.3761991

lol wtf knuckles can glide in advanced 3

>> No.3762084


iirc in Sonic Advance 3 characters actually have different movesets based on the partner character you select

Advance 3 actually had some cool features even if its definitely the worst of the trilogy

>> No.3762097

>except for the rail grinding

There were like two rails in the entire game and they were optional, in fact I find them difficult to even use.

>> No.3762243

It should have been released in one complete cartridge in the first place. After giving it thought though I'd say that together yeah this is the best Sonic game for sure.

>> No.3762562
File: 22 KB, 320x223, Bug.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sonic may not be the star of this game, but it's easily the best one he's appeared in


>> No.3762580

Looks like a mod.

Looks better if you ask me.

>> No.3762589

Everyone knows Sonic CD ever since it got ported to phones and recent gen consoles. Even before that it was rereleased on the PC and eventually the gamecube where it received pretty decent exposure for a few years. It's not obscure at all and your adamant assertation claiming otherwise is uninformed and, frankly, embarrassing.

>> No.3762892

Sonic 1 is okay. It's not a terrible game but it's not a very standout one either. Some of the levels are good, but a lot of them are either just okay or mediocre. Certainly neat for the time but the series hadn't found its place so to say yet. I have no idea how anyone could rate it as the best.

Sonic 2 is fantastic. Just about every level is great in some way and there's no real failings. There's a reason other than just nostalgia as for why everyone seems to rank this one the best if they actually played them back then: That's just how it is.

Sonic 3 by itself is good to decent. Very well presented, but the zones are hit or miss. Sonic & Knuckles is actually quite awesome on its own, with plenty of high quality zones and only one that is all that questionable (Sandopolis). Together, you get a much longer game, but I don't truly know if it's better off for it. It's technically not a complete experience without doing so, but the pacing feels very wrong and you get all of Sonic 3's bad zones. It even removes the final boss from Sonic 3 in a way. Every time I play 3&K I just wish I was playing the &K levels already by the time that Marble Garden rolls around.

CD is an ambitious game but the level design is kind of boring and aimless up until the last few zones. The exploration idea is cool and all but I don't think it worked out as well as they probably planned. I can see why people would like it but I personally don't.

>> No.3764049

To me, 2 and CD are branches off the original Sonic, focusing on different aspects, 2 on speed, CD on exploration. People like the one that focuses on what they like. 3&K takes what they learnt from those two and made a game that does everything better. Speed segments, exploration in finding the special stages. That's why it's the best.

Sonic Advance/Rush Series are about "flow". Which is like the idea if you know exactly what to do at each point in a level you never really have to stop moving or wait to clear it. Problem with this is when you don't need a stage they're boring and you stop too often, souring the experience.

>> No.3764681

Dimps may be a big old fuck up now, but the last good game they made was Sonic Rush. It's much more boost reliant, but the trick system encourages the player to continue their boost momentum, and you can be pretty thoughtful about approaching the stage hazards.

>> No.3764745

Fuck you guys Sonic Advance was Kino

>> No.3764802

Going to have to REEEE a little bit here. I hate how Sonic fans don't have the balls to choose a side.

Which one was better - Sonic 3 or Sonic & Knuckles?

To me, this is the more interesting discussion.

And don't give me that 'b-b-b-but they're meant to be 1 game' crap.

Massive cop out. They are definitely apart of one story but Sega decided to go ahead and make it 2 part and undoubtedly slightly tailored each entry to be enjoyed separately.

I make a point about this because I feel both entries stand on their own as separate games. Together, the experience is a little 2 bloated.

Separating the games into 2 parts serves to provide a convenient intermission between experiences.

>> No.3765049

I prefer 3. Aside from more content, Knuckles isn't quite as fun as Sonic.

>> No.3765068

Sonic and Knuckles. Definitely.

>> No.3765070
File: 142 KB, 256x261, Sonic_Advance_Coverart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not retro but I've had no luck with the spergs on /v/.
What is the general consensus on the Sonic Advance series?

>> No.3765072

First is meh, second is better, third is great

>> No.3765073

Advance 1 is okay. It's not as well designed as the Genesis games but draws a lot from them.

Advance 2 is a fucking horrible game unless you're a speedrunner.

Advance 3 is great and has its own niche unique from the other Sonic sidescrollers. The tagteam mechanic had some broken combinations but there's a ton of fun options and the level design is pretty good.

>> No.3765080

Thanks heaps, I wish I'd just asked here weeks ago.

>> No.3765084

Don't forget Sonic Pocket Adventure!

It's a weird beast. Almost a prototype of Sonic Advance 1. First use of "Adventure"-style Sonic in a 2D Game (not counting Saturn Boxart of 3D Blast), all the acts have the same names as Sonic Advance but have Sonic 2 graphics but Sonic 3 music, near the end Eggman runs off screen old-style, camera pans right and he's "Adventure"-style... it's so odd.

>> No.3765087

Sounds like an oddity worth checking out. Cheers anonski.

>> No.3765095
File: 43 KB, 600x750, 3cf969cd8af4a518125bdb0c689d4c40-sonic-knuckles-inception.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>infinite DLC
It really is.

>> No.3765096

The flex in some of those carts hurts a little.
GameStop will fix them right up for resale though.

>> No.3765105

Can you play as Knuckles though

>> No.3765114

You can even use Knuckles & Knuckles mode

>> No.3765274

From what I remember playing, SPA borrows a LOT of stage design from Sonic 2, it's like almost playing a weird remix of Sonic 2 and 3 with the Advance Sonic sprite.
The only downside is the NGP's screen resolution which is too vertical for platformers.
The viewing field is even narrower than the Game Gear games.

>> No.3765297


My first memories of sonic 3 were a windows 98 version of it

>> No.3765307

Poor soul.


>> No.3765934


You're a faggot but if I had to choose I'd go with Sonic 3. The Sonic and Knuckles levels are too long and I don't even like playing as Knuckles.

>> No.3765939


I like to call it the true Sonic 4, everyone here is nuts. This game was good, it copied the genesis physics very well, and it had four playable characters, all of whom were optional, and all of whom didn't deviate wildly from Sonic's play style ( a common complaint about the Adventure Era games ), Amy was the oddest one but at the core, she was still a high speed platforming character

The only thing it has going against it is that the level designs aren't terribly exciting, but I can still have loads of fun playing it. The Advance series got butchered to hell when it got put on the path to evolving into Sonic Rush.

>> No.3765953

Jesus Christ how horrifying.

>> No.3765979


>> No.3765982

BUG is underrated as fuck

>> No.3766020

>The Advance series got butchered to hell when it got put on the path to evolving into Sonic Rush.
looks like someone didn't play advance 3

>> No.3766024
File: 38 KB, 466x379, 1484582181652.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Super Mario World fags always have to split All Stars on 4 for their game to be good

>> No.3766026

It gave me eye cancer.

>> No.3766110


Advance 1 is very solid, the most similar to the Genesis games as the platforming is strong and physics are actually good.

Advance 2 is a mixed bag, the stages suffer from hold right syndrome as everything is more running-based but it's still very charming. Literally easier than Kirby though.

Advance 3 is the best of the three, much more in common with the first game than the second and the tag team gameplay is a cool oddity that hasn't been done since.

>> No.3766124

Thats not Sonic 06

>> No.3766139

Advance 1 is okay, but kinda boring.
Advance 2 is literally "hold right: the game", and has a painfully tedious method for getting the chaos emeralds.
Advance 3 is good, and fixes the problems I had with 2.

>> No.3766169

I feel getting the Emeralds in all 3 Advance games isn't fun. In Advance 1 In the special stages I cannot get the hit-boxes right so I always miss the rings, in 2 you had to figure the exact path they want you to take, and the special stage is okay but like a worse version of CD, and 3 which is probably the best is still tedious as you find all the Chaos (sorta like CD if you want the good ending without the emeralds, but then ad nauseam) then a key (why? Isn't finding the Choas enough?) which is just tiring. At least the special stages are nice, unique if derivative of tube running style ones. Because of this I've never 100% any of these, I think I got closest with 3 and then lost interest, just never attempted with 1&2 when I realised it was too much effort.

Rush, Rush Adventure, and ESPECIALLY Colors (DS) are golden though, I love them, but we've already gotten more non-retro than our austistic mods with arbitrary date restriction will allow...