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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 269 KB, 1920x1080, 906.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3753895 No.3753895 [Reply] [Original]

Let's post games we haven't played yet because they don't seem appealing to you and have other anon's sell you on them!

I'll start, pic related

>> No.3753983

>haven't played yet because they don't seem appealing

You will have a blast.

>> No.3754895

Good on you, if you found the original contra to be pretty lame and super C to be shit, you will find #III to still be rather unimpressive.

>> No.3754905
File: 148 KB, 800x933, 173733-mechwarrior-2-ghost-bear-s-legacy-dos-front-cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3754910

I couldnt get past the train level with the running mech boss at the end.

I ended up getting a shitty homing missile and because of it I couldnt hit the head or whatever part, and it was unwinnable. I didnt want the homing missile either but I got popped with it.

>> No.3754914 [DELETED] 
File: 68 KB, 325x568, Final_Fantasy_III.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3754915
File: 3.57 MB, 2100x1501, images.duckduckgo.com.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like RPGs, but there are no waifus and I can't imagine a mario game having a compelling plot.

>> No.3754916
File: 767 KB, 2048x2048, IMG_2478.m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3754918
File: 122 KB, 600x435, froncoversmall2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3755461

Mechanics are solid, music is great and the graphics are pretty charming for pre-rendered stuff. Plot is actually pretty decent, nothing super-complex. Plenty of little chuckles.

Overall, I would never call it an amazing game, but the combination of quality, simplicity and charm make it so easy to slip into. It's a rare kind of RPG that can just be picked up and played on a whim.

>> No.3755502
File: 42 KB, 313x310, Final_Fantasy_VII_Box_Art.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok, so this one may seem silly, but... I've tried playing and liking this game a few times now, and I always tuned out a short while in the game. Can anyone please explain to me what the selling point is, because the plot and especially the antagonist/protagonist really aren't doing it for me.

>> No.3755504

the fuck is that cover

>> No.3755505

If you don't like it in the first couple of hours the game isn't for you. It's pretty consistent all the way through. Just move on to something else.

>> No.3755513


Really? I mean, I've liked other FF games and plenty of other JRPGs. It's obviously a really well known and loved title so I'm just really curious what exactly sets it apart

>> No.3755526

It was just one of the biggest (in terms of visuals) RPGs released at that point in time and a major entry in a long running franchise.

>> No.3755532


Huh, that's a bit of a letdown, but thanks anyways

>> No.3755541
File: 62 KB, 276x500, dq5snes_front.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It came out at a time when JRPGs were still niche and ended up being a blockbuster that brought many other people to the genre. It will always be seen as a massive game because of that.

But that doesn't mean it's a game that is going to appeal to everyone. All tastes vary, it doesn't really matter. All I'm saying is that the tone and characters are pretty consistent, so if you've tried it a few times and don't like it then it probably just doesn't appeal.

I tired to get into DQs, IV, V and VI multiple times before just accepting that although there are many people who love what those games are doing, I'm not one of them. So whatever, there are plenty of other games out there.

>> No.3755552


Yeah, I get what you're saying. And I'm not gonna deny I've still got a massive massive backlog at any rate

>> No.3755570

Don't listen to anyone who says the game should only take a few hours to pick up. Midgar is awful. It's got terrible pacing and design. The entire Midgar intro chapter is mostly cutscenes, dialogue and random mini-games or arbitrary objectives. Good world building happens here, and the atmosphere is fantastic, but judging it as a gaming experience, it's awful.

I honestly didn't start enjoying the game until I was off the first continent, (because Junon was pretty lame, too, being more minigames and cutscenes), it wasn't until I was 15+ hours in that I felt the game finally got out of its own way. What made it worse was that I didn't have a lot of time to dedicate to playing the game, so I'd play for an hour or two after work here and there, and I never felt like I was making any progress because I'd sit down, and read a ton of dialogue and maybe have a boss battle if I was lucky.

Despite all of this, I think the game is still pretty impressive. I was playing games back in '97, but didn't have a PS1, but I was still aware of the hype train for this game. As I said before, the atmosphere is great. The music is excellent, and the gameplay mechanics are solid. I think the Materia system is one of Square's best gimmicks, plenty of customization, but not tedious or difficult, and the act of discovering and leveling up Materia are already woven into the game's mechanics. Once you get off the first continent, the word is fun to explore and has a very unique feel. I'm not in love with the plot, but it could be worse, and it certainly becomes more interesting as you progress and things make more sense. Throw in the impressive presentation and FMVs and it's really not hard to understand why this game blew so many minds years ago.

It's a bit much to ask, but you should stick it out until you get to the Cosmo Canyon area. That was the point where I felt the game finally gave me enough slack to get wrapped up in it.

>> No.3755581


The combat system I definitely didn't have any issues with. I mean, liked FF8's junction system and I learned afterwards most people thought it was crap :P I just peeked at a few screenshots, and if I recall correctly, Cosmo Canyon may in fact be the farthest I've gotten before I stopped. I do vaguely remember getting vaguely interested there.

Thanks for the advice, I'll definitely keep it in mind

>> No.3756293

I got mixed up and read as if your assessment was in response to the post above yours!

>> No.3756651

Looks like a custom cover for a reproduction game.

>> No.3756656


Same game, more guns and shit

>> No.3756796

It makes my penis become the big penis.

>> No.3757389

That's actually pretty funny.

>> No.3757438
File: 30 KB, 250x356, 250px-PanzerDragoonSagaBox.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everyone keeps praising this game, the prices are immense.
>Best Saturn game
To me it looks just like an unappealing rail shooter whenever I look it up again which I have done severall times because people keep mentioning it.
Is it playable on emu because I'm deffenetly not buying it?

>> No.3757445

>Is it playable on emu because I'm deffenetly not buying it?

I beat it on an emu in 2005.

>> No.3757721

This game is very very hard