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File: 196 KB, 800x346, Logo_Final_Fantasy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
375502 No.375502 [Reply] [Original]

Final Fantasy /vr/gin reporting in.

I've honestly never played final fantasy before, and you guys seem to love it - where do I start? Is it best to just start with FFI and move on from there, or are there any notable ones to start at? Do I have to play them chronologically?

>> No.375514

Just play FF1
All Fighter Killbot Squad

>> No.375526

Don't bother with 1, go for 4, 5, or 6. 1 is mediocre, 2 is just shit, 3 is alright.

>> No.375540

this fag doesn't know shit

>> No.375554

Start with either 4, 6 or 7, those seem to be the best ones to get into the series.

>> No.375563

4 through 7 are good, though 4 has an incomprehensible story. 1 through 3 are for classic RPG fans; otherwise, skip them for now. 8 through 10 are good but not everybody likes them all. They're worth trying out if you decide you like the series. Everything after 10 is not as good, so don't bother unless you've become a die-hard fan.

They only share stylistic elements and themes with each other. You don't have to play them in order. They don't even take place on the same world from game to game.

Anyway, start in the middle and go from there. 6 and 7 are both must-plays if you want to talk about the series with others, since they're the most loved and the most recognized in the fan community. (People often argue about which one is better, but that question isn't even worth trying to answer because they're so different.)

>> No.375575

VI to X, they are your safe bets. IV,V,XII if you ever feel adventurous. Don't worry about about the others.

>> No.375608

Dude, just start from the beginning and play the whole shit. Some are better than others, but that's what makes it great, seeing how the series progressed (and regressed at times).

>> No.375621

I would say 6, 4, 7, 9, 1 (GBA version), 2 (GBA version), 5, 3 (DS), 8, 10, X-2, then finally 12. Obviously skip 11, and I'm not positive on 13 or 13-2 cause I have yet to play them.

>> No.375626

IV is good for its historical value. One of the earliest examples of JRPGs valuing linear cinematic storytelling with minimal player input. Combined with Lunar: The Silver Star released a year later, you can start to see when the genre started carving out a identity of its own.

>> No.375631
File: 193 KB, 480x640, tumblr_m982mtDta71r449hho1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How can anybody not recommend V?
All dem classes.
Also, Gilgamesh.

>> No.375680

It's not for everybody, but it's definitely one of my favourites.

>> No.375683

I'd say start with IV, VI, VII or IX, those are the genuinely good ones, of the main series anyway, in my opinion. The rest range from decent to terrible

>> No.375728

After playing so many JRPGs, I wouldn't call any of them downright terrible (except FFXIV). Easily outshine by other JRPGs though, sure.

Downright terrible would be Secret of the Stars or the USA version of 7th Saga.

>> No.375741

Sounds like the verdict is IV. Thanks!

>> No.375743

>asking about Final Fantasy

Brace for shitstorm

But anything after III is fine all the way up to XII and maybe even XIII if you don't mind linearity.

IV is simple but has a good story and is fairly challenging
V has a very simple story but the most interesting battle system from pre-VII games (character classes)
VI has a good story and better characters but a simpler battle system compared V
VII is pretty easy but otherwise a very solid game with a very good skill system, far more convoluted a plot than previous games
VIII is divisive and very experimental but you should give it a shot, extremely easy to break
IX is a love letter to pre-VII Final Fantasies with a charming world but somewhat slow battles
X is very linear and has a poor protagonist but one of the best battle systems and lots of optional content
XII is the opposite of X, extremely non-linear but you also control only one character at a time
XIII is the most linear of all and very different from the rest, some people like it though

>> No.375775

Personally I think XIII is terrible, I know some people love it but I just hated virtually everything about it

>> No.375771


Oh, and X-2 is full of GIRL POWER and J-pop but if you get past that it has one of the best combat systems in the series, very similar to V

Both X and X-2 are coming to PS3 as a HD collection somewhere down the road.

>> No.375773

That's the one I started with and it managed to get me hooked.

Sounds pretty reasonable to me although I actually liked Tidus

I and II are also worth playing if you like the other 2D FF games.

>> No.375804

FF8 is good to start and has the most awesome FF story/characters

>> No.375812


What have you done

>> No.375817

I'll give ya XIII, IV trumped it in most ways. I compare it to IV because they kinda operate on that same story-centric focus as opposed to something like V.

Looked pretty as fuck though. I hoped they paid those artists well.

>> No.375837

Play FF3, 4, an 5

>> No.375869

True it did look lovely, especially the environments. It's just a shame about, well, the rest of it

>> No.377065

I wholeheartedly agree with you about X. I also felt that the linear structure helped make it arguably the best told story in the whole series, which counts for something in my book.

>> No.377292

That game made me who I am today. The music. The story. The characters. I was actually surprised to see some people not caring for it. Enjoy it.

>> No.377348

I thought the lore they set up in xiii was pretty good, but the story was just told in a boring way. The characters were pretty one dimensional too. The linearity killed it. I can even forgive the battle system as paradigm switching is actually kind of fun later on. It should have been implemented sooner in the game's story.

xiii-2 pretty much fixed all that was wrong with xiii. much less linear right from the start.

>> No.377372


I would start with FF1 and move up the list. The first couple aren't very friendly, but it will be more difficult to appreciate them after you've played later titles.

Make ABSOLUTELY FUCKING SURE you play 3, 5, and Tactics in that order. If you play it in another order, the job systems on the older ones will feel restrictive since they were improved on.

>> No.377381

1 might be too simple for a moden gamer
2 is broken
3 is nice, but stupid hard ad grindy.

4 Is your best bet to get into the series, the psp version is preferable but not necesary.

Work your way up the series,stop before touching XIII and go back to 1, 2 and 3 for completnes.

>> No.377410


FFI is pretty much an AD&D game. It has lots of replay value and is challenging, but isn't a great starting point. Especially if you're not used to games like that.

FFII was an experiment that failed. It's not "bad" but it's certianly not good in the least. Play it if you're looking for something different to do for about 10 hours.

FFIII is basically an expanded FFI. More classes, longer game, more stuff to do, more plot, ect.

FFIV is ultra linear, but challenging.

FFV is an expanded FFIII. More classes, ect, ect, ect.

FFVI got the story/gameplay balance right for the first time. It has the largest cast ot the entire series, and they all have different ways of learning skills as well as their own in-battle systems for using those skills. Then you also have some customization in the form of Espers, that allow you to learn magic and such.

FFVII is the gateway drug of the deries. Start with this one, unless you can't stand ugly graphics. It's the most fun, with the best atmosphere, most interesting plot (well, it draws people in more than any other FF anyway) with the most optional content and feels like the most fully realised world. It's also arguably one of the best games ever made.

FFVIII is for people who like drama and micromanagement. It's actually a great game, but dont ruin it by using a guide when you play it. Doing so will ruin the game, because you can arguably break the game early if you "know" what you're doing (or read about it). Just play it and enjoy it.

FFIX is the best overall game in the series, but is slow paced and does nothing origonal.

FFX is almost as linear as FFIV, but has lots of optional content, the best battle system of the series and arguably the best cast.

FFXII is a dungeon crawler with programmable characters.

FFXIII is a modern version of FFIV. It's linear but can be challenging.

Like I said, start with FFVII, unles you NEED good graphics, then I'd say start with either VI or IX, they're both comperable to VII.

>> No.377427


Invaluable 2D FF tip!

When you´re inside a building, look for secret hallways on the inside walls that aren´t quite visible. This also aplies to the backside of buildings when outside.

When in caves, every wall may be fake .....

Interact with objects!

>> No.377487


Start with 1, play a remake if you're not enjoying it. Same goes for 2 and 3 but you won't miss out on much if you just skip them altogether.

>> No.377529


>FFXIII is a modern version of FFIV

Yeah, those towns, shops, secrets and optional content.
The overworld map was especially cool to explore in XIII.

That airship that could ride you anywhere ?.

The lighthearted characters were awesome too, the main character gets a lap dance in every town.

That simple yet functional story and likeable characters.

You are totally right, XIII was great and just like IV.

>> No.377556

Pretty sure he was referring to the incredibly linear plot. No need to go full autist.

>> No.377616

There is a final fantasy with non linear plot ?

the main thing here, is that you can do a ton of stuff besides the plot at any given time, this is not the case in XIII, that is a game on rails.

>> No.377676

Linear plot was a poor choice of words, linear progression would have been better. And have you even played the game? It opens up halfway through.

>> No.377735

If you have an iWidget and want to go that route, V just got ported to it, and I-IV are already on it (III and IV being derived from the DS remakes of each).

>> No.377756

Wait, is that that awful-looking V remake that looks like it was made with amateur RPG Maker sprites?

>> No.377760

I have, I beat it, and I liked it. The combat gets petty nice about 12 hours in, when you are actually allowed to play the game. Would I ever submit myself to those 12 hours ? no, thats why I sold it.

You get some hunts in the style of FFXII. Gran Pulse doesn´t make up for a huge explorable wold tho.

>> No.377770

Dunno. Almost tempted to get it just because the PS1 version isn't compatible with the Vita yet.

>> No.377789

Don't you have a PSP? I think I would rather put up with a SNES emulator if I really had no other option.

>> No.377801

Plays the GBA version on PSP, or the snes version if you just can´t handle the shit font like me.

>> No.377908

>2 is shit

Your taste could literally not be any worse.

>> No.377917

>those graphics
brb, gouging eyes out

>> No.377970

I also love the part around 11:20 where either the controls are awful or the guy playing is retarded. Either way they try to walk through a wall for almost full five seconds.

>> No.378758

>There is a final fantasy with non linear plot ?


>> No.379709
File: 4 KB, 218x224, saga logo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>FFII was an experiment that failed.
But an entire Square franchise uses similar growth mechanics for one of its races and that franchise being somewhat popular in Japan. I wouldn't call it a failed experiment.

>> No.379843

1 is a great early jRPG with heavy DnD leanings, try out the PSP, PSX, or GBA versions of it.

2 is experimental, love or hate. Try at your own risk.

3 is a real floaty grouping of cool gameplay ideas executed in a mediocre fashion.

4 is crap. It redefined jRPGs, sure, but it is loaded with a really bad melodramatic story where characters are just sort of introduced then killed off then introduced and killed off and you're just sort of driven from point A to B ad nauseum and then there's stupid plot twists where people are revealed to be brothers and there's really forced betrayals and you go to the moon. Also the challenge is not really present and any and all hard parts are more just a matter of grinding than skill.

5 is the perfect mix of everything that came before it. It's right before the series took a shift towards more steampunky and dramatic stories, its kind of a really good classic fantasy setting. Builds upon the story elements 4 planted but fixes problems by not killing off every other character, having a smaller but stronger cast of characters, and being much more straightforward and less plot-twist reliant. Also it takes a lot of the gameplay mechanics that 3 experimented with and perfects them, so unlike 4 where the story is the meat and the gameplay is standard ATB fare, you have a lot more flexibility and involvement in 5's character customization. A lot of these elements would be taken a step further in 6.

6 is pretty much considered one of the best 2D FF games. It's got the best FF story and while the gameplay isn't as meaty as 5's it still is quite fun.

7 is like a really simple yet well-executed jRPG. A lot of fanboys call it the best thing ever due to it being their first experience, and while it isn't necessarily a bad game it's kind of just, a well made product but nothing too spectacular. Worth playing.

8 is pure crap. 9 is a great send-up to everything that's come before it.

Hated 10, 12, and 13.

>> No.379996

>5 is the perfect mix of everything that came before it.

That and the protag is named Butz.

>> No.381378

You know it's pronounced "Boots" right?

>> No.381484

I'd say start with VI and then VI those are without a doubt the two most talked about. Then I'd say IV and IX as i think they're pretty solid and then lastly VIII and X as those are either a love hate thing for most people

>> No.381517

>people recommending the GBA and DS versions of I, II, III, IV instead of PSP

Please explain me why.

>> No.381527

Play 4, the GBA version because best translation. Use VBA, get the european version, and patch it with sound restoration and whatever else you like in romhacking.net

>> No.381534

>2 is shit.

say that again and I'll tear you 2 new assholes, you faglord

>> No.381538

DS throws in a bunch of shit that honestly doesn't make it feel like the same game at all. If you want to start somewhere, the DS versions aren't it.

GBA vs. SNES it has the better translation and extras as well.

>> No.381541

>Playing After Years

>> No.381546

The PSP port of IV has the original on it as well.

>> No.381548

>hating 12

I liked it. I can understand hating 10 and 13 a lot though

>> No.381551

The first final fantasy I played was IX and I loved it to death, then I played the american II and loved it

>> No.381554

IX is underrated among FF games, clearly the best PS1 FF.

>> No.381557


Are you me? Because that's pretty much how I feel about the games.

Expanding on 2: It's mechanic makes it super easy for people who know how to tweak it to demolish the game (even without the cancel glitch), and those who don't to be left with useless characters. I'd say if you must play it OP, tackle it later on.

>> No.381558

agreed. also, Firion is a protag that is from a time where FF characters weren't complete gay, whiney bitchniggers. best protag so far competing with Warrior of Light.

>> No.381565

From what I gathered /vr/ troopers suggest VI is as good as IX and the next best is VII. I guess those will be the only ones I'll play because there are so many JRPGs out there and I would like some sort of social life (some day)

>> No.381569

>Recommending butchered ports
Wow, you're a fucking asshole.

Whatever you play OP, don't play remakes, they all suck. Play the original versions.

>> No.381578

you don't belong here if you only play what is suggested here. just tackle a game that looks interesting to you. and don't count on your social life ever be evolving. it only goes downhill. my guess is you're in your early 20ies.

>> No.381580

Watch out, opinions coming through.

Great: X, VIII, VII, VI

Good: IV, V, XII

Meh: XIII, X-2, XIII-2

Bad: I, II, III, IX

The reason I put 9 so low is because of how damn slow the game is, I got to disc 2 and put the game down there.

>> No.381583
File: 61 KB, 640x547, youarenowhearingonewingedangelinyourhead.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone who thinks FFVII isn't the greatest FF is deluded.


That said, it's closely followed by VI and V.

>> No.381592

>Best translation, especially for V which didn't even have an official one
>Can be patched nowadays to not be butchered
>Kept true to the originals while providing improvement where it was due

>> No.381595

I think FF2 is a more interesting game than FF4.
come at me, /vr/os.

>> No.381612


I know right? The graphics are great, story is great, and the amount of things to do is crazy.

People complain it's to slow, like wtf go play an action game or something then

>> No.381615

Dragon Quest.

>> No.381616

Yeah I'm 21. And I had a feeling about the social life part. So what exactly is IX and VI like as far as the battle system and customization?
I'm know a good deal about VII from my childhood memory so I'll probably go start there first.

>> No.381619

I strongly disagree with you, GBA ports are technically inferior and you can't simply patch all the problems away.

If you want the real experience, buy the game and play it on the SNES. If you can't, play it on an emulator, set up a CRT shader, sit back and play it like it was fucking designed to be played.

>> No.381630

VI has customization as far as magic is concerned - you assign Espers that allow characters to learn magic. Otherwise, characters have their own skills.

IX has practically no customization at all. Characters do their thing, and if you don't like it, fuck you. My opinion of IX is that its combat is a godawful chore. I'd like someone to try and prove me wrong, but I don't think they can.

>> No.381634

>you can't simply patch all the problems away
What makes you say that? Patched GBA versions are superior to SNES versions in EVERY POSSIBLE WAY and adds bonus continent to do after game.

>> No.381636

if you have never played an rpg before start with like 10 or something easy. if its your first final fantasy play the play station ones. im only saying this because most people who are FF virgins like yourselves dont appreciate 1,2,3,4,5,6 if they play it out of the time frame. unless you play the ds remakes of 3 or 4 and there is a good chance you will like 6. idk its nothing againts any of the games it is just new players dont appreciate the older ones until they are veterans with the newer ones. but this is just what i have collected over time of new players.

>> No.381647

start with the easy FF games like FFXII or FFXIII

>> No.381652

Are you high kid? Have you even played the original games on the SNES? Get the fuck out.

>> No.381665

Personal preference:

GBA (with sound restoration patch)
GBA (with both sound and graphics restoration patches)
PS2 (International version)
PS2 (IZJS version)

>> No.381670

Explain how.

>> No.381676

>Implying that shitty DAC was better than the SPC700 the SNES has
yeah, no. All the music in the GBA ports sounds like shit. Aside from that, the reduced resolution and brightened colors looks like total garbage. Everything looks squashed because they had to jam everything on a smaller screen and the colors look washed out. The originals are far superior, even if the ports have bonus content.

>> No.381681

The fuck do you not understand about PATCHED? The patches can fix all of that besides the resolution, which is only a minor issue because this is a fucking RPG anyway and not a game where the resolution is very important.

>> No.381682


>not PC versions

>> No.381698


Say that again

>> No.381718

1) GBA emulators aren't even close to the level of emulation the SNES has, which isn't the best itself (it would require you insanely strong PCs to emulate at even 95% of the real SNES), so playing it on a real SNES is the best in that regard by default
2) There are changes in the GAMES which made them easier and otherwise retarded additions (see DKC3, LttP, etc)
3) If you want a better translation just patch the ROM. Fanmade translations are always better than official ones because they follow the real text better. They don't have to censor stuff because of cross-culture
4) GBA games are ugly as fuck and I doubt you can fix the palette, brightness, resolution and all that like you claim

I think you're trolling me, I can't believe anyone would prefer a GBA version over the original, but just in case you really exist, watch this video:

Look how they raped poor LttP. FF is worse off, go check differences between GBA and SNES.

>> No.381728
File: 36 KB, 409x409, 1358750301989.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Confirmed for biggest Final Fantasy plebeian.

>> No.381738


>> No.381740

>PS2 (International version)
>PS2 (IZJS version)

What's the difference?

>> No.381746

>This just an MP3 file of Japanese Orchestral Game Concert version of the song laid over a video of the GBA game. This not the SNES music at all.
>Right, I didn't say it was. Thanks for specifying the song version though.
Yea, confirmed for troll, show over.


>> No.381749

Extra shit.

>> No.381759

To any newfags reading this: Everything in the post I'm replying to is bullshit.

>> No.381756


>> No.381768

I'm not the guy you're arguing with, but in my opinion, the FF GBA ports are great. That version of GBA LttP that you linked is horrible though. The FF games were done far better.

>> No.381779

Thanks for elaborating why, otherwise someone might have taken you seriously.

>> No.381794

Everything you said is wrong, pretty much.

1 is just plain wrong.
2 is wrong in this case, the only changes are the new content, except in IV, which we're not even talking about anyway.
3 is just retarded, nobody is going to update the script of a snes game
4 is also wrong.

>> No.381802

Thanks for elaborating why, otherwise someone might have taken you seriously.

>> No.381806

My social life evolves and I still find time for FF games. :(

>> No.381809

I did elaborate. Your points are all wrong. There's nothing more to elaborate on.

>> No.381818

>B-B-But SNES have higher resolution
>A-A-And better music
>nope patched
>B-B-But palette!
>nope patched
- SNESfag

>> No.381819

[citation needed]

>> No.381826

Thanks for elaborating why, otherwise someone might have taken you seriously.

>> No.381842

Thanks for proving your childishness by just stuffing your fingers in your ears and shouting the same thing over and over again until other people go away.

>> No.381843

1) Good luck playing FFV on a real SNES unless you have a flashcart or speak japanese
2) Advance versions FF didn't alter the difficulty, the optional stuff is kept separate from the main content until endgame.
3) Defeat the purpose of playing on a real console and the FFV fan patches used to be notoriously bad.
4) Opinions.

>> No.381851
File: 304 KB, 540x309, 1365283966589.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What about the iOS ver-

Oh, nevermind.

>> No.381857

>patch higher resolution
Kid, stop talking about things you don't understand.

>> No.381858

No fucking way.

>> No.381861

The hell is incomprehensible about it?

>> No.381867


>8, 10 and 12 are good but not everybody likes them all.

Fixed that otherwise very accurate comment for you.

>> No.381868

That's what you're doing you fucking retard. "You're wrong. Why? You're wrong. Why? You're wrong."

How deluded can you be?

>> No.381887

>plaything through this right now on NEStopia

>horrible horizontal lines showing up every few minutes

>enable vsync

>lines are gone but now theres input lag

So whats the best emulator?

>> No.381889

I do believe everyone has told you why you're wrong, meanwhile you're just Ctrl+V-ing your response in an attempt to be witty.

>> No.381892

I thought it was fake and then I saw the pictures. Now the pain won't stop. It just won't stop. I...need to take a hot shower and just rock back and forth.

>> No.381897

L2read imbicile

>> No.381908

Not that guy but you are faggotry incarnate.

>> No.381916

Sure you aren't.

>> No.381931

Look man, it's not my fault your first FFIV experience was a shitty butchered port. Cry to Squeenix for ruining your experience. Stop defending a shitty port that wasn't even made by the same company as FFIV. No one has had any counter argument as of yet, and I'm starting to lose interest in trying to help you kids have a good time.

>> No.381937

Who the fuck is talking about IV? Everyone knows the GBA port of IV was terrible.

>> No.381949

Man, I miss being 14.

>> No.381953

I personally think it's far superior due to the difficulty fixes...

But still, we shouldn't even be talking about it.

>> No.381959

>Fuck, I have no defense...uh...OH WAIT HE MADE A GRAMMATICAL ERROR, HAHA I WIN

This is /v/ levels of stupid, go away.

>> No.381961

Either way the PSP port is better than the GBA port, RPGMaker-esque menus aside.

>> No.381962

We already told you why you're wrong, why do we have to say it again?

>> No.381970

>using we to imply anyone but you supports your faggotry

>thinking Im the guy you were arguing with

He can't even check for samefag, Christ.

>> No.381975

>using L2
>telling people to go to /v/
Oh, the irony.

>> No.381980

We are approaching a critical mass of stupidity. Let's just let this thread die.

>> No.381997

>claims he can check for samefag
>can't see I'm not the only one defending the original games on a retro board

Stop embarrassing yourself man. Haven't you had enough? But seriously, I love this board, try less shitposting. The quality already has dropped dramatically in the last weeks.

>> No.381996

Actually you've been told by several posters that those ports improved on the gameplay without sacrificing difficulty and that the minor downsides could be patched.
Unless you own a SNES flashcart, FFV Advance is by far the best version.

>> No.382003

Why defend the original if the port has improved EVERYTHING?


>> No.382059

i'm currently playing FF1 for the first time ever.
earlier i played FF4 , FF5, FF7 , FF8, FFT, FFX and Mystic Quest.
i don't recommend playing Mystic Quest/FF1/FF4 if you are FF virgin! they are so dull there is quite high chance that they will repulse you from playing any FF in the future.
try FF5 -it can be pretty immersive , has good story and doesn't feel dull at all.

>> No.382062

>All these opinions

Might as well add mine:

The first. It is what it is. Solid enough game
Preferred Platform: PSX or PSP

Great ideas, but flawed. Improved by it's remakes. Easy to break, but only if you try to break it. Great atmosphere.
Preferred Platform: GBA or PSP

I see this game as either FFI +1 or FFV -1. Enjoyable for what it is, jobs are always fun
Preferred Platform: DS

Good characters, similar "feeling" and atmosphere to FFII (read: melancholic). In fact, now tha I think about it, it's like FFII in a lot of ways.
Preferred Platform: DS

My favorite of the numbered titles. Total 180 from the atmosphere of IV, with a very "OH BOY AN ADVENTURE" tone. Improved job system from FFIII.
Preferred Platform: GBA

A turn in setting for the series, to an extent. An experiment in giving a player varied experiences without altering the game mechanics (Opera, Shadow, etc.) Fantastic story and characters.
Preferred Platform: GBA

Puberty for Final Fantasy. Very awkward and aged poorly, but still a good game. Some models are hideous and minigames annoying/shoehorned in (that fucking dolphin man) but everthing's cleaner in battle.
Preferred Platform: PSX

Polarizing game. I love it. In my opinion, the first really well handled character arc in the main series. Could have used some polish, it's easy to break this game without even trying. Good story, but mostly just passable characters.
Preferred Platform: PSX

Best Soundtrack in the series. Loading times are a bit much, but are easily overlooked in retrospect. Return to the feeling of pre-VIII FF. Excellent game.
Preferred Platform: PSX


>> No.382140

what do you guys mean by it's easy to 'break' the game?

>> No.382154

The mechanics can be abused to make the game ridiculously easy (ex: hitting yourself on ff2, junction/card mod on ff8...)

>> No.382190


Second excellent character arc in FF. Very linear, but used well to show every step of the characters' journeys and of their development. Return to turn-based battle system. Tidus is unbearable initially but gets better.
Preferred Platform: PS2

Was a fantastic game with a focus on community and helping each other, until Abyssea. Is now shit.
Preferred Platform: PC

Originally a spin-off title that became a main game in develoment. Fantastic world and characters (mostly), and enjoyable plotline. Unfortunately marred by disagreements between the game's director and Squeenix neckties. Unbearably bland protagonist puts a bland filter over everything. Combat is polarizing; I like it.
Preferred Platform: PS2

>FFXIII: lol haven't played

>FFXIV: lol haven't played

>FF Tactics
My favorite game in the series. Improved job system from FFV. enjoyable SRPG combat, FUCKING FANTASTIC story and atmosphere.
Preferred Platform: PSP

>FF Tactics Advance
Weak as a follow-up to Tactics, but enjoyable on it's own merits. Has a very widely debated and very interesting protagonist--entirely by accident.
Preferred Platform: GBA

>FF Tactics Advance 2
More of the above. Fun, but the abundance of side missions overwhelm the story and keep plot progressions few and far between. Some races are not available until midway through the game, forcing you to raise them from level 1 units, which is annoying.
Preferred Platform: DS

>FF Crystal Chronicles
Great multiplayer experience and top-tier soundtrack.
Preferred Platform: GC

>FF Crystal Chronicles: Ring of Fate
Very flawed attempt at a follow up. Multiplayer is very unbalanced, story is okay.
Preferred Platform: DS

>FF Crystal Chronicles: Echoes of Time
What RoF should have been. Fantastic dungeon crawler, great story with a good twist.
Preferred Platform: DS


>> No.382243


>FF Mystic Quest
A mix of good and bad. Good soundtrack, and great details like enemy sprites that change as they get closer to death. Story, despite being fun, is unremarkable in any way. Lack of any real overworld travel sucks. Player options are limited, party size is two.
Preferred Platform: SNES

>FF Theatrhythm
Fun rhythm game with lots of songs to choose from.
Preferred Platform: 3DS

>Bahamut Lagoon
It's okay I guess. I played it once.
Preferred Platform: SNES

Horrid story and soundtrack and characters but a golden battle system hidden within.
Preferred Platform: PS2

>FFXIII-2: lol haven't played

>FFXII: Revenant Wings: lol haven't played

>FF Crystal Chronicles: The Crystal Bearers: lol haven't played

>FFIV: The After Years: lol haven't played

Not including phone games, as I haven't touched them.

Am I missing anything?

>> No.382259

firion is canon gay. the pint still stands about the whineyness though i guess

>> No.382261


>> No.382301


Oh shit

>FF Dissidia
Enjoyable fighter, suffers from horrible balance and over-emphasis on air combat (poor Firion). Customization is good.

>FF Dissidia: Duodecim: lol haven't played

>> No.382404

>firion is canon gay

Then why did he want to fuck the Lamia?

>> No.382423


>No Ehrgeiz

hue hue hue.

>> No.382439


Shit dude if I do that I'm going to have to do shit like Kingdom Hearts too.

>> No.382501

I think people here is unaware that FFIII was also released on the PSP and it's superior to the DS version.
They added auto-battle, faster battles, the loading times are lower, and some other stuff.
I still prefer the NES version the best, though.

>> No.382503


And Mario Hoops 3-on3.

>> No.382520

I'm playing through it on the PSP right now. What is better about the NES version?

>> No.382527

Don't forget Chocobo Racing

>> No.382578

oh my god

>> No.382720

>2) Advance versions FF didn't alter the difficulty, the optional stuff is kept separate from the main content until endgame.

Not true, at least for FF1. They changed the MP system and made it much easier.

>> No.382728

That was done in the PSX version as well.

>> No.382753


It was not. PSX version keeps the "spells per day" system.

>> No.382769

Really? Must be thinking about something else. I know the PSX version had many of the changes that people try to "blame" on the GBA version.

>> No.382798

It had both. The GBA version only has "Easy Mode"

>> No.382842

Be fair with him, you can choose spell charges or MP in the PS1 version.

>> No.382870


Can you? I only remembered the spells-per-day. I guess because that's what I used.

>> No.382889

>firion is canon gay.

What the fuck? No he isn't.

>> No.382913


>Spends all of Dissidia obsessing over an obvious metaphor for Princess Hilda

>Somehow gay

>> No.382934

The novelization is also really explicit for him and Maria as OTP.

>> No.382945







>> No.382957

FF1 is the only FF GBA port that I wouldn't really recommend to be honest. They made it far too easy, completely messed up the magic system just to make it like the sequels and its bonus dungeon is the worst of all the GBA ports too.

The PS port is far better.

>> No.382974


>Bonus dungeon



Aren't there a whole bunch?

Also Gilgamesh is in one of them, so that dungeon is auto-cool.

>> No.383007

It's old as shit, it came out in the 90s. The story is weird and altered, though. It's where Mateus' name actually comes from. I've never seen a translated source of it, because of its rarity. BUT, it was written by the scenario writer for FFII so...

I've been trying to find more info on the newer novelizations that were supposed to come out in Japan last year, Final Fantasy: Memory of Heroes which were novelizations of I, II and III.

>> No.383013


>> No.383025

Yep, but the GBA version of FFII is totally worth buying that 2-pack. What was it called? Spirit Souls or something?

>> No.383034

Dawn of Souls I think? I know it's dawn of something.

>> No.383039

Dawn of Souls

FFII's translation is good, and the bonus dungeon where you fight as the dead party members and go fight the Light Emperor who has conquered Heaven is pretty cool.

>> No.383046

If you've got a PSP then get the FFII port on there.

>> No.383051

4 and 7 are probably the best ones to start with.

>> No.383071


Oh god, never recommend FFVII to anyone new to the series unless you never want them to touch it again. That should be tackled after they already have a good view of things.

That game has aged like a dairy product.

>> No.383109

I played it for the first time a year ago and loved it. It's still really good IMO. Now IX on the other hand... That game is a load of crap.

>> No.383116

I fucked up with the FF2 on the GBA. I had played it before (on the PS1), so I knew exactly when each character left the party/died, so every time before they left, I took away all of their equipment. I never put any effort into training any of them too since my main party was powerful enough.

My "dead" party now is massively underpowered and can't do shit. It's almost impossible to get anywhere.

>> No.383120


dude it's really only playable if you were at least 5 years old when the SNES came out. Or if you're one of those faggots who will play a game they hate just to say that they've done it.

>> No.383125

How is it better than the GBA port? Graphics?

>> No.383128

Ooh. :( Yeah, I hadn't played FFII before, so I ended up not removing their weaponry ('cause I didn't expect their deaths), so I had a decent setup.

>> No.383132


I'm glad you could overlook the horrid models and animations outside of battle, buggy battle mechanics, and horrible intrusive mini games and see the great game that's underneath, but I don't think others will be so generous.

Also FFIX is good, you're a chump.

>> No.383139


Not him, but yes.

>> No.383147

The graphics are upgraded, that's about the baseline of it.

>> No.383152


Why are you even on /vr/?

My roommate was 2 when the SNES came out, he just played it this year. I was 3, and I played it in the 90's.

>> No.383153

I really don't know how you can think that. FFIX probably has the best soundtrack in the series, an interesting art design, return to the more traditional fantasy elements the series had long since abandoned, and a decent story and characters. The graphics have certainly aged a lot better than FFVII too.

>> No.383161


>Long since

You mean three games?

That said, the rest of your post is correct.

>> No.383176

It was 8 years between FFV and FFIX. That's a pretty long time, IMO.

>> No.383181

Not the guy you're responding to, but meh, people on /vr/ should be pretty forgiving when it comes to horrible models and animations. I've never really had any problems with the battle mechanics either.

You do have a point with the intrusive minigames though. I like most of them, but some of them are extremely shit. The one where you have to give the girl mouth to mouth has to be the worst, if you can even call it a minigame. Even so, they're not enough to ruin a game. FF7 is a good enough game to start on in my opinion.

>> No.383194

IX is a slow, dull, uninteresting, unrewarding, unfun and shallow piece of shit. I guess if all you care about is graphics, then yeah it's "better". IXfags are worse than MMfags.

>> No.383204


I don't think the game is ruined at all. I just think people should pick a more stable choice as their first game.

>> No.383207



>> No.383234

If all I cared about is graphics, FFXIII would be my favorite, yet I didn't enjoy that game at all.

But sure, just keep making shit up.

>> No.383279

...and a bonus dungeon.

>> No.383303

In addition to the bonus dungeon on GBA?

>> No.383323


>> No.383338

The correct way to play FF:
Chronologically, in Japanese, original games only (no remakes)

Exception is maybe VII. NA version had two extra bosses but they also took out the Test 0 enemy. Japanese "International" version has the Ruby/Emerald Weapon bosses but IIRC Test 0 was also removed from this version.

>> No.383430

Oh cool.

>> No.383565

I agree with most of the posters on this thread that the middle games are a good starting place, but I personally started with FF9. It has a very classic storyline and sort of goes back to FF's roots.

Final Fantasy 1 is not a bad place to start but there have been multiple ports and remakes over the years. Personally, I suggest the GBA one. I have friends who would agree (we all played the same version independent of each other and preferred it over other versions) so I recommend that one.

2, 3, 8, and >=10 are not really good for first timers, especially >=10. They aren't bad (mostly) but if you want to play Final Fantasy, you are probably interested in the earlier games since the new ones hardly play like a FF.

>> No.383582

>Final Fantasy 1 is not a bad place to start but there have been multiple ports and remakes over the years. Personally, I suggest the GBA one. I have friends who would agree (we all played the same version independent of each other and preferred it over other versions) so I recommend that one.

But anon, the GBA remake is almost universally agreed to be the worst one (for FFI)

>> No.383623

thank you /vr/ for posting stuff like this and not falling for the idiots who try to /v/ and /b/ the place up ^_^

>> No.383627


Origins is superior.

>> No.383664

>2, 3, 8, and >=10 are not really good for first timers, especially >=10. They aren't bad (mostly) but if you want to play Final Fantasy, you are probably interested in the earlier games since the new ones hardly play like a FF.

I think that's bs. there is a lose FF-formula but nothing that concrete. He can start with whatever he likes and he will only get a general idea of what composes a FF game if he plays various titles anyway. you can start with any game you mentioned you wouldn't start with. In fact, I started with FF8 myself and I like it immediately and tried out other games after that. there's no "the (epitome of) Final Fantasy". it's always something different but with a few reoccuring characters like the black mage or those white, sleepy-looking, cat-eared little kobolds or imps (something that starts with "M", I forgot what they are called) and what not.

>> No.383665


I enjoyed it. I admittedly haven't played Origins (its sitting with my PS1 collection but I doubt I'll get around to it.)

>> No.383675

I should clarify, when I said other versions, I meant the original and straight ports of it.

>> No.383937

Which one is this??

>> No.384724



>> No.384797

>anything missing

dirge of cerberus. but I can see why you'd forget that shitgame

>> No.384945

How are the wonderswan color versions?

>> No.385078


Oh, right.

I never played that or Crisis Core.

>> No.385090


Redundant at this point. I guess unless you live somewhere where Wonderswans exist and happen to have one.

>> No.385706

Forgot to mention:
Stop after PSX. IX was actually the final Final Fantasy.

>> No.387607


4 heroes of light is like a retro final fantasy game with a nice class system. The only good ff after IX.

>> No.387620

>What is bravely default

Also, I liked X

>> No.387631

X is slow, dated, and poorly paced. But its still better than 8 and 9.

>> No.387652
File: 155 KB, 1600x900, wouldn&#039;t tsuplex.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Probably 5 or 6, unless you intend to play a whole lot of them.