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File: 62 KB, 1024x768, Perfect_dark_cover_art.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3751508 No.3751508 [Reply] [Original]

Never played this game. Altought I loved Goldeneye I don´t know what should I expect from it.
Recently found a cartridge for 10 bucks on a retro store. Should I buy it?
Sell me the game, /vr/

>> No.3751525

is goldeneye with a fuckton of options and less fps

>> No.3751529

it's pretty good but there's some serious performance issues. There was a remake for the 360 that was great, I think it's XBLA only however. Not the sequel, perfect dark zero.

>> No.3751532

Better than Goldeneye in the gameplay department, but the storyline in the first player mode is kind of lame and the le X-Files conspiracies and "grey" aliens were dated even when it came out.

Need the expansion pack to really enjoy it, so get that.

I really recommend it, especially if you play only Slayer missile launchers in the Egypt stage.

>> No.3751537

>less fps
Use an Expansion Pack and select FPS Mode in the options

>> No.3751593

Your first mission starts with you on top of the local EvilCorp offices, with the mission goal of rescuing one of their scientists (who has had a change of opinion).

You fight your way through the upper levels, and at the lobby, find the locals have already arranged a... welcoming party... for you. You kick their asses, find the way into the secret lower levels, and go deeper.

And that's just the first level on the lowest difficulty. The next two levels involve you finding the scientist in question, and extracting him safely, despite the bodyguards of the CEO trying to stop you.

What I know for a fact is true:
-Far better reloading animations and design; The closest equivalent to the Klobb is a decent weapon here (Better firing rate and a smartgun feature)
-Wider weapon variety, and you get a hoverbike at one point, even if you never get a tank
-You get what I think is videogaming history's best sniper rifle (The Farsight XR-20)
-Goldeneye guns are still available, if you do well enough in the target range
-The integrated tutorial/practice area for playing with stuff
-It's the same company, a similar design, and you doubt their gamemaking expertise?

But yes, you need the N64 expansion pack to get the most out of it.

>> No.3751594

what fps mode in the options?

>> No.3751894

It's Goldeneye but better in basically every single way. I wasted hundreds of hours playing multiplayer trying to hit the top rank.

>> No.3751908

played the fuck outta it with my best friend in high school

>> No.3751928

Story and level design go from brilliant to wacky in one mission about half way through.

The hand was like goldeneye, it's true fun was in multiplayer. Although luckily perfect dark also has a load of fun options too like challenges & bots if you don't have friends. Plus a firing range to frustrate you with how difficult it is.

Make sure you have the expansion pack, worth picking up, but if you can get the XBLA port get that instead.

>> No.3752000

I think Anon was trying to make a clever joke about the Hi-Res mode in the options. It makes the game run at a higher resolution at the cost of performance. I'd recomend keeping Hi-Res mode off, the increase in visual quality isn't worth the frame rate drop. The game spend a lot of time sub 20 frames per second so you can imagine bringing it even lower being quite unpleasant. Still my favourite N64 game tho. You're on /vr/ so you'll probably appreciate and even enjoy the genuine jankiness of running the game on the original hardware.

>> No.3752648

thank anons. Luckily I have my N64 with an expansion pak, so no problem with that.
I like what you guys say, so I´ll give it an opportunity.
Is 10 bucks a good price for that game? (just the cartridge, no box or book)

>> No.3752658
File: 129 KB, 1920x1080, Chicago.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure it is. For less that the price of a movie ticket, you'll get more than 2-3 hours of fun out of the game. And even if you don't, you're only out $10. And you could even try to resell it or possibly return it to the store you bought it from depending on their policy. But more likely than not, you'll have fun with it.

Pic related: Best level

>> No.3752684

I appreciate your feedback, you sound very gentle sir!
Is that pic from the game? I´m totally in for some 90´s cyberpunk.
You've convinced me, I´ll pick the game tomorrow
btw, I never beated Goldeneye as a kid, I play it here and there sometimes but never feel like beating it, perhaps Perfect Dark makes me fall in love with the formula even more and try Goldeneye again.

>> No.3752716

Getting to play this again on the 360 was heavenly.

>> No.3752719
File: 42 KB, 318x220, PerfectDark-Chicago.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No problem!
That pic is from the XBLA port, but this pic is from the N64 version, almost the same shot. Best I could find with only a few mins of searching.

Perfect Dark is very much a 90's Cyberpunk/SciFi type game. If you never beat Goldeneye, prepare for some difficulty with Perfect Dark. Just a fair warning. Also, the soundtrack is fucking awesome too:


>> No.3752728

Good game

>> No.3752782

in the top 10 N64 games?

>> No.3752796

it still looks fantastic! back in the day magazines showed the game talking only about all that Mission Impossible-like story with aliens, so I just assumed was setted on modern days. But that futuristic setting looks fantastic
that piece of soundtrack sounds amazing, btw

>> No.3752797

>Dem fucking final 3 challenges, tho

>> No.3753081


>you'll get more than 2-3 hours of fun out of the game
>2-3 hours

this is not even near true, it takes like 8 hours beating the sp in perfect agent if you know what are you doing
doing all the challenges will take you more time, and you will crash a wall in the challenge 30 and you still have the weapon range

>> No.3753131

It's one of my favorite games though I feel that it drops a bit in quality when the missions drop the corporate espionage theme and start focusing more on the alien stuff.

>> No.3753610

you're reading comprehension is troubling, friend. he was comparing the cost and length of time of a movie ($10, 2-3 hours) to the prices and play time with the game ($10, way more than 2-3 hours).

>> No.3754032

Exactly this.

>> No.3754547

It's in the top 5

>> No.3755434
File: 414 KB, 920x654, FeelFrench.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


sorry, I don't speak English

>> No.3755453

How do u like it?


and there chat https://forum.ithanks.com/index.php

>> No.3755459

It's a poor game. No atmosphere, shit guns and its cartoony.

Goldeneye is a lot better. And doesn't require a ram pak either.

>> No.3755462
File: 200 KB, 1920x1080, 15591357_1108614352577710_6508168914795642813_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do u like it?


and there chat https://forum.ithanks.com/index.php

>> No.3755498

If you loved Goldeneye you're pretty much guaranteed to like Perfect Dark as it is quite literally the same game with a new coat of paint.

However, Goldeneye is far superior. Goldeneye's campaign is legendary 100% of the way through, while Perfect Dark's campaign loses steam when the alien gets involved.

Graphically, it's really impressive for an N64 game but you will realize right away this was done at the cost of the framerate. It really is bad. It's way worse than Goldeneye. You know the end part of Facility when the alarm rings and the infinite guards come out and the framerate dips? That's what it feels like all the time in Perfect Dark.

The challenges and multiplayer with Sims is great. There's so many options and you won't get bored for a long time.

The XBLA remake would be absolutely flawless if it weren't for the aiming. I think the N64 controller must have had a more accurate analog stick or something because aiming feels really off in the Xbox version.

But at $10? Pick it up.

>> No.3756770

>All these posts saying "you get the most of it with an Expansion Pak"
iirc you could only play multiplayer without an Expansion Pak. As in, the Single Player didn't work at all.

>> No.3756779

And even then, multiplayer was limited.

>> No.3756787

Two words. Laptop Gun.

Throw that shit on a wall and let it shoot people for you. Still one of my favorites.

>> No.3756795

>In 5th grade
>Been reading about this shit in Nintendo power for months
>Borrow this game from my best friend
>Hyped AF
>Get home from school, slap it in the N64 to fire up
>Can't fucking play anything except the multiplayer against bots

I ended up getting an Expansion Pak for Christmas that year, after by parents got me DK64 for my birthday (which is like a month after my birthday) and I couldn't play it due to no Expansion Pak once again.

>> No.3756797

CHRISTMAS is a month after my birthday

Jesus Christ anon time for bed

>> No.3757703

I dislike this game sorry

>> No.3757756

underwhelming. goldeneye is still superior in every way, and you're constantly wishing you were playing that one but with the new weapons from perfect dark.

>> No.3758742

Combat simulator alone ends friendship

>> No.3758753

This. Get it OP. At least to FedEx to me.

>> No.3759624


>goldeneye is still superior in every way


>> No.3761168

Single player = Goldeneye
Multiplayer = Perfect Dark
Longevity = Perfect Dark
Graphics = Perfect Dark
Framerate = Goldeneye
Music = Draw

If you remove the nostalgia goggles, PD is the better game. Timesplitters 2 was GOAT FPS but it isn't retro.

At $10 you should pick it up.

>> No.3761352

I recently bought an n64 and an everdrive after not having played one for several years. The fps in a lot of games is seriously hindering my enjoyment, I never realized back then how many of these games are powerpoints

>> No.3761460

>Slow motion in the Facility with proximity mines
>Devestators in the G5 Facility
>Protect the bots challenge
>Trent Easton running around with a fucking DY-LX magnum, one shotting you

Good times.

>> No.3761582

Yeah, I was kinda surprised too after not playing for years.
I got used to it after a couple minutes of playing though.

That said, some games are incredibly smooth, like Forsaken.

>> No.3762319

Better Gameplay
Better Multiplayer

Worse Levels
Worse Story
Worse Music

Your call OP

>> No.3762635

>Worse Levels
Need you to defend that one anon.

>> No.3762646

>better story
>better level designs
>"tighter" controls
>more enjoyable objectives on harder difficulties
>better mp
>better atmosphere
>more serious tone
>less stupid final boss

>> No.3762650


>better mp

just no

>> No.3762651

>Worse Music

The FUCK you say?!?

>> No.3762661

Yeah. Bots don't automatically make a game good also the ability to customize shitty characters doesn't either.

>> No.3762932

The XBLA version is also on Rare Replay for the Xbox One.

>> No.3762935

360 version is the one to get. The N64 version plays at like 15 FPS tops. 360 version maintains steady 60fps.

>> No.3762979

I wish Goldeneye and Perfect Dark fully allowed for stealth.

>> No.3762984

Not him, but while Perfect Dark did have a good soundtrack, Goldeneye had a lot more memorable tunes.

>> No.3763395

>The N64 version plays at like 15 FPS tops

This is a meme. Digital Foundry specifically picked out all of the slowest, laggiest parts of the game to make it looks bad. It's about ~20 FPS on average.

>> No.3764247

Didn't DK64 come with an expansion pack? I swear that's how I got mine.

>> No.3764270

Have "we" really stooped this low to start defending Goldeneye and Perfect Dark framerates? Jesus fucking christ. You also don't need a technical analytical proof to know those two games have severe framerate issues during moments that matter the most. So yes, including the most frantic firefight framerates do actually make a valid point.

>> No.3764271

Anon collecting N64 FPSs here.
Which ones are worth getting?

Already have this, Goldeneye and The World Is Not Enough. I passed on Doom 64 and Turok 1 because they have superior PC ports, ditto for things like Quake. Anything else I'm missing?

>> No.3764452

Except when it came to games like Halo which Mark is a fanboy of (so much that he made a 50 minute video about it where he spends more time praising the gameplay than doing a technical analysis) he chooses to record the most favorable parts of the game to make it look smooth most of the time.

Also he went out of his way to make Tomb Raider on Saturn look worse than the PS1 version by recording ONLY the parts where the PS1 version runs smoother. The fact is he has his biases.

As for PD he knew the audience smelled blood "durrr hurry laggy game" so he gave them it by recording the absolute lowest FPS parts of the game, with a special focus on the laggy CUTSCENE to the hostage level.

Not saying the game has a good framerate or anything, but he made it look worse than it was to pander to his audience and probably because of personal bias as well.

>> No.3764483

I saw the Halo video a day ago and I'm pretty sure he showed off the second level where it was chugging, as well as the main cartographer beach level where it was pretty hectic as well. He even went as far as to knock on some of the re-releases for having even worse framerates in same areas or looking worse. He straight up deemed them inferior, wow so biased!

And as for Tomb Raider, he benchmarked the literal attract demo, he didn't cherrypick shit and you are just stirring shit up. In fact using attract demos is the most objective way to compare because input wise it's identical on both platforms and validity wise it's on the same level as PC benchmark flyby demos. Waaah he cheated!

I love Perfect Dark a lot more than Halo (if I even do) but it's a no brainer that issue is severe when it goes into 10 fps slow mo compared to frame drops in Halo.

>> No.3764514

buy it and form your own fucking opinion

>> No.3764530
File: 2.84 MB, 640x360, goldeneye_frame.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm pretty sure he showed off the second level where it was chugging, as well as the main cartographer beach level where it was pretty hectic as well
Nah he just shows the parts where it goes to 20 FPS for a second to reassure his audience that it's no big deal. His Halo is perfect. Y'know, not the parts where it's a constant low framerate.

>He even went as far as to knock on some of the re-releases for having even worse framerates in same areas or looking worse
Because he doesn't have nostalgia for those versions. The original must be defended at all costs.

>he benchmarked the literal attract demo
Doesn't mean anything, it only shows one particular part of the game, the part which makes PS1 look better than Saturn.

Maybe he chose the attract demo just for that reason?

>In fact using attract demos is the most objective way to compare because input wise it's identical on both platforms
Digital Foundry don't seem to have this problem with any of the other games they benchmark. A lot of modern games don't have attract demos.

> that issue is severe when it goes into 10 fps slow mo compared to frame drops in Hal
As I said, there's no doubt that the framerate is way worse than Halo, but when people say Perfect Dark is 15 FPS "tops", that's just bullshit.

People have said the same thing about Goldeneye and even the Digital Foundry video shows that's bullshit. It's an average of 20 FPS with some lower dips. Except the Jungle level where the average is a lot lower.

>> No.3764531

likes others said. the XBLA port is actually very good and faithful. If you can get used to the non-n64 (aka double stick) controls you should be okay.

however with some weird quirks removed from the code.

for example in multi-player (combat simultor) you cannot have an alien head on a human body for your character select anymore.

>> No.3764620

As someone who doesn't play Halo, what I took away from the analysis is that Halo targets 30 fps, holds 30 fps for the most part, but in fact has drops during heavy action. Drops to about 25-20 fps. Splitscreen co-op absolutely tanks to 15 fps and really impacts gameplay. That pretty much lines up with how he summarized. You're led to believe he said Halo is perfect because you were ass blasted.

Implying that using an identical replay demo to benchmark games is "cheating" really doesn't help your case of being ass blasted. I did a quick search on PS1 vs Saturn and there are multiple instances of PS1 being able to pull ahead in frame rate here and there. If the Saturn version was better in those regards then people would never be saying this. I'm by no means doing a formal comparison using Google search but it seems you are the only one denying it and you just seem really upset. I play Tomb Raider on PC so I don't need to kiss anyone's ass.

>> No.3765405


I asked this a million times, I don't know if is the most stupid question and everybody knows or nobody really knows

what's the program that analyzes those fps?

>> No.3765418

Does the XBLA version not have single-stick controls?

>> No.3765973
File: 114 KB, 465x308, ID_BUY_THAT_FOR_A_DOLLAR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dat Pond Punk strip club.

>> No.3766031 [DELETED] 




>> No.3766036


