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/vr/ - Retro Games

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3738771 No.3738771 [Reply] [Original]

This fucking game. They just don't make them like they used to. It's the perfect mix of Nostalgia with Dragonball-esque art and Final Fantasy mixed in; when will there be another masterpiece such as this game?

On related news


>Chrono Trigger director Takashi Tokita has said he'd like to see Square Enix bring the critically acclaimed RPG back in some form.

This games fucking deserves a remake, a sequel or something. The only things that comes close are a hacked ROM version/successor as Chrono Cross


>> No.3738776

It was a great game.

Square moving to PlayStation was the beginning of the end for Nintendo. All the N64 needed was a couple blockbuster RPGs to make it one of the best systems of all time, instead it has garbage and it's been memes ever since, Wii, Wii U, Switch

>> No.3738781

It's seriously not that great. Overrated.

>> No.3738792

The game cube was pretty sweet.

>> No.3738808

That was the beginning of the fall, man.

>> No.3738828

>All the N64 needed was a couple blockbuster RPGs to make it one of the best systems of all time
Why? It already had a bunch of games that did such a job.

>> No.3738883


Feel free to back up your claim any time.

>> No.3738890

Quest 64
Aidyn Chronicles
Hybrid Heaven
Paper Mario
Ogre Battle
Harvest Moon

>> No.3738893


I bet you the sales for all of those games combined isn't half of what FFVII sold. I'd bet $100.

>> No.3738902

Nice goal post move. FF7 sold well because it was marketed well, none of the subsequent sequels managed to sell as well as FF7 did.

>> No.3738910


Those games are shit, it's not moving the goal post at all. N64 is not known for RPG and did not have an RPG presence because Squaresoft signed with Sony and lost the Final Fantasy and Mana series, not even to mention Xenogears, Chrono Cross, FF Tactics many more you can find with a quick search.

You want to say that N64 had enough RPGs to hold it's own but you're flat wrong, it didn't and that's the main reason why SNES and PSX are such better systems.

>> No.3738994

Who gives a shit about JRPGS. They're pretty niche anyways and the popular ones are shallow and filled with tropes. Anyways, I will agree with the PS1 having a better library, but they both had good games. You could even say some PS1 are bad because they started the cinematic trend by involving the story too much.

>> No.3738998

>They're pretty niche anyways
Damn, you are right https://www.wikiwand.com/en/List_of_best-selling_PlayStation_video_games

>> No.3739001

>bring it back in some form
>it's a mobile game
>pay to win

>> No.3739080

Ocarina Of Time
Mario Kart 64
Mario 64
Worms Armageddon
Super Smash Brothers

>> No.3739532

It already got an updated port on DS, why another remake?

Even better, a new Chrono Series that all people are dying to see for.

>> No.3739593

>why another remake?
Name one Chrono Trigger remake.

>> No.3739957

The visuals and music are great but the game suffers from the battles being simplistic just like most JRPGs. Collect 99 Megaelixirs and spam the strongest tech and you can beat anything.

>> No.3740151

Doesn't stop it from being fun.

>> No.3740224

There already was a fan remake but Square got butthurt and canned it.

>> No.3740249

>a thing that is objectively not fun does not stop it from being fun


>> No.3740374

I played the shit out of CT as a kid, got all the endings, completed all side quests, etc. I even replayed it once through with my at the time gf on PS1 when I bought it with FFIV, since we played Chrono Cross together. Loved it then, too.

I'm currently replaying it for the first time in over a decade with my wife who's into RPGs but never played it. I have to say that after dozens of other /vr/ RPGs, there is nothing outstanding about this game; it's ridiculously short with absurdly linear and speedy pacing, plus little to no challenge in any shape. It's an RPG a 9 year old could play with no instruction manual and complete in three sittings.

That being said, it's still *somehow* a great game. There is just something extremely comfy and charming about the game's music, art, ambiance, NPC dialog, etc. The whole thing might have nothing that stands out as amazing, but it all works together as a sort of masterpiece. I mean, the game plays like a Saturday morning cartoon, and that's kind of what makes it so memorable.

>> No.3740381


>spend a retarded amount of time grinding levels
>wonder why the game is not challenging enough

It's an RPG, the game is as hard as you want it to be, just like any other game in the RPG genre

>> No.3740383

>; it's ridiculously short with absurdly linear and speedy pacing,
This is a good thing in my opinion.

>> No.3740398

>absurdly linear

It's not THAT linear. There's enough free roam to feel like you're deciding what to do.

>> No.3740402

Aside from the popular ones (See: any Square Enix game)

>> No.3740413

the only rpg that isn't from square is from dragon quest VII

>> No.3740420
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>> No.3740440

>Finishing the game well within the advertised amount of hours of gameplay
>spend a retarded amount of time grinding levels

Pick one.

>> No.3740457

Well, it does a good job of opening side quests and mini-games between plot points so that there's usually a few things you could be doing, but the plot rolls completely in a straight line and usually explicitly tells you what to do next while simultaneously giving you whatever you need to unlock the next area before you head out instead of questing for it like most games do. It feeds you story advancement instead of letting you quest for it.

It's not as linear as Mystic Quest, but holy shit is it linear.

> This is a good thing in my opinion.
I might be inclined to agree. Usually this is a bad thing in an RPG, but Chrono Trigger does a fantastic job of making you feel like you're always doing something to move forward, Instead of moving laterally in 20 different ways at once. The downside is that if you're at all accostumed to RPG gameplay mechanics you end up feeling like you're being spoon-fed the whole time.

>> No.3742826

James Bond Jr
The Mask
Cutthroath Island
ACME animation factory

>> No.3742930


Everything you said is true and is exactly why it's so good. It's like what Mystic Quest tried to be but it actually pulled it off. Anyone can play the game through with little trouble and, for those who expect more, there's like a million other RPG's on the same system.

>> No.3743896
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I love the game one of my most favorite games even, but personally, I'd rather Square-Enix not do a sequel nor remake until they can prove to me they are able to do the game justice. Prior to Chrono Trigger, I enjoyed Final Fantasy 2 (4), Final Fantasy 3 (6), and Secret of Mana such that I saved up to make Chrono Trigger my first ever preorder. Has Square-Enix done much recently to give you confidence they can make a good remake or sequel?

Then again, I am very old, and I accept that fact keeping my memory of Chrono Trigger as I remembered it: the SFC original and SNES Woosley translation. I never played (but do own) the Playstation version with the new animated cutscenes, nor do I have a DS nor iOS/Android for the new dungeon(s?). I feel those experiences are improved for the new younger generation. Similar to how I am fine with the SegaCD Lunar games, the story I experienced may be very different than what the kids now like, and good for them to enjoy better. If they remake it, it'll be for a new generation.

Maybe the new "I am Setsuna" is pretty good, I just won't know but I did catch that it is heavily inspired by Chrono Trigger. Maybe you should check that out. I also heard the new Final Fantasy is pretty good, and they intend on remaking 7 in a similar way. So it may be possible Square-Enix is able to do the game justice.

>> No.3743912 [SPOILER] 
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Also, while I do think the character designs and artwork were nice for the original game, I never really was that big a fan of Toriyama art at that time (yes, I knew of Dr.Slump, Dragonball, and Dragon Quest even then). I say Toriyama did more for enemy designs than anything by infusing them all with a lot of character which is more than the design of the party characters.

Maybe that's why I like other people's take on Toriyama designs like spoilered image by Quadrastate

>> No.3746196

I've thought long and hard about why I don't like CT as much as other people and I think it's just that I don't like the cast outside of Lucca and Robo.

>literally cheese and you can beat anything