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/vr/ - Retro Games

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3734523 No.3734523 [Reply] [Original]

I've never played a Megaman game besides II before, but i really want to get into it after all the fun i had with similar games. problem is, there's just so many games that i don't know where to start.
I know the Classic series has 10 games spanning over the NES, SNES, Playstation, and downloads, but that's it.
How many games are in Megaman X? Battle Network? Star Force?
Which games are good? which ones should I avoid?
What's up with Megaman Zero, what's that all about? Why does Zero have giant green lightbulb tits? And most important of all, why doesn't anyone bring it up?

>> No.3734525

Well, 10 games besides Megaman & Bass and Wily Wars, sorry. I forgot

>> No.3734530

You already know the different serieseseses so that's good.

Just go in release order, budinski.

>> No.3734535

yeah but that's literally all i know; that they exist. How many games are there in each series?

>> No.3734548


>> No.3734562
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About this many

>> No.3734565

>people are mad that this series slowed down

How insatiable can one fanbase be?

>> No.3734572

oh jesus wtf is ZX

>> No.3734574

autists anon. they'll play the same copy-paste game for 30 years and still demand more.

>> No.3734575

i think it's because after so many frequent installments it just immediately stopped for practically no reason, ntm the games are pretty short as is (at least most of them, what do i know? this is the first time im hearing about ZX and BN & SF are RPG's...)

>> No.3734584

If you count every single game and port as a separate game (because a lot ports make minor changes) then it's over 100 last I counted, but that was like 10 years ago. Probably over 150 now. Megaman has been on basically every console released since the NES, and he's had a game in most major genres.

Picture in >>3734562 is a good start, but there's a couple of consoles not represented. For example there's some WonderSwan Megaman games which I can't find in that picture.

It's basically the MMZ series doubling down on the Metroidvania aspects. Instead of getting new weapons from bosses you get new forms (think the Forms system from MMZ2) which play like completely different characters.

Pretty much this I think. Megaman had been a constant presence in video games for over 20 years since his inception. He's been on every console so it's almost impossible to not have heard of him if you grew up during those 20 years.

>> No.3734594

We have this thread every week.

Approximate MM game tiers:

Must play: MM2, MM3, MMX, Rockman Forte, MM9-10
Slightly below that: MM4, MM7, MMX2–3 (maybe 4)
I need moar: MM1, MMX4–6, MMZ1–4, MMX8
I will play anything now: MM5–6, MM Legends, MMZX
I am a Japanese schoolboy with GBA: Megaman Battle Network
I have no self respect at all: MMX7, MM8

>> No.3734603

The NES ones are the classics for a reason.

The only other real "must play" is the original X on SNES.

>> No.3734605
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It's not the fanbase likes every single series. There can be groups that only like Classic or only BN, so the other series means nothing to them. I mean, if you just group all MM games together, then yeah, it's a shitload. Break it down by series, it's not as big.

Also, I just wanted Legends 3. And I'm sure those ZX fans would have liked a 3rd game too.

>> No.3734610

but what about Star Force :^)

>> No.3734640

As for MM sub-series, here's a basic breakdown.

"Classic": MM1–10. Self-explanatory. Old-school jump 'n' shoot Megaman. Simple cartoon-like plot in the vein of Astro Boy. Cutesy characters and enemies. Not much fancy mechanics, but you can charge and slide in later games.

MMX: a bit "grown-up" Mega Man. Takes plot in the future, has X and Zero as main heroes. Darker theme and a bit more serious plot. More upgrades and exploration, more abilities like wall jumping, air dashing and so on.

MM Battle Network: Capcom made Mega Man into a tactical RPG with collectibles. And lo and behold, it became one of the best-selling GBA games in Japan. Needless to say that since it's Capcom, they made shittons of these games. Hint: leave these games be.

Star Force: it's Battle Network's new name

Megaman Zero: GBA series which takes place after MMX. Dark anime tale about how Zero woke up in dystopian future and everything went to shit. Mostly resembles MMX4–6 Zero gameplay plus more Metroidvania. Can be pretty decent or pretty dull, but worth a try.

Mega Man Legends: might be the most divisive game in existence. Some say it's a worthless attempt at 3D game with shit camera and controls which is nothing like Mega Man. Others swear by it, but a lot of them just meme it for their waifus so you start to wonder if they can be taken seriously.

That's the gist of it.

>> No.3734897

>but a lot of them just meme it for their waifus so you start to wonder if they can be taken seriously.

that actually upsets me. until I discovered the internet, I had no fucking clue anybody even knew about legends, even then, they were super far away. it was like 1 person in every country liked it. then I actually met a person who liked it. it was nuts. now I see it get shit on or fluffed up every other thread on this board. I enjoyed it for what it was. it's no modern masterpiece, but I loved everything about it.

>> No.3734905

Megaman is for aspies what Sonic is for autists.

>> No.3734917


>> No.3735051

Try megaman x. Once you've played that you've played them all.

>> No.3735057

On NES, start with MM1 and go forward until you get tired of it. Then try MM9.

On SNES, start with X and go forward until you get tired of it.

Everything else is optional.

>> No.3735560


>Hint: leave these games be.

Bullshit advice. They're excellent for what they are.

>> No.3735574

I never said anything about their quality. It's just that they are barely related to MM, and are not the games you should start from. I'd rather advice them to someone looking for RPGs/tactical games or something like Pokemon.

Think of what people mean when the say "Mega Man-style gameplay". I tried to give the advice from that perspective.

>> No.3735928

OP here
Hey man, my favorite game series are EarthBound and Pikmin, so I think I'll try it out anyway. Thanks for the heads-up though!

>> No.3735996

Different subgroups of the franchise. There's no guarantee that fans of Zero or the Classic series will like Legends or X, so that trims down the amount of games by quite a bit if their tastes vary. Plus, that chart counts all of the re-releases, apps, and ports as separate entries.

Also, you can finish a lot of the 2D games in under a few hours on your first playthrough so of course they'd want more content.

I'd say that Mega Man 2 is a good way to ease into the classic series. For X you can start from the beginning and carry on until you get tired of it. Same goes for Classic, although it's games are less divisive. 8 is the only truly controversial game in the series.

>> No.3736008


Trade MM7 for MMZ and X3 for ZX. Z3 and ZX are better games than those 2.

>> No.3736490

It's a bit different from EB and Pikmin. It's more of a tactical game with collectible stuff (much like cards). The plot is there but it's a bit childish really.

Well, in any case, I'd advice playing classic MM and MMX first. You see, Battle Network has lots of references to these games such as enemies, abilities and so on. If you don't get them, you will miss a part of the appeal of the game. Not to mention that the series is not that popular in the West, even with Mega Man fans.

>> No.3736536

Well, frankly, the list is approximate and it the placing doesn't really matter that much for me. I feel it's also a matter of taste. But still I'd argue about that a little.

I played all of these, and for me where MMZ falls short of being great is the level design. I still like the series and its serious tone, but at the same time the levels in it were just blander and flatter, it's not on par with the classics and early MMX. And ZX was even blander than MMZ, I beat it all and it was not bad, but still I wouldn't jump to recommend it above older games.

Now I'm a bit biased towards MMX3 and MM7, they were some of the first MM games I've played. These games certainly do have flaws, and boy, are they apparent. But at the same time, they still had the good level design: the secrets, the carefully placed platforms, etc. The bosses I also liked way more, they felt more inspired. And the artwork and music felt just so much better done.

Now MM7 is perhaps the more flawed game, I haven't even beaten it because of its childish style. But still it had that classic Mega Man vibe which is IMO lost completely in ZX. Maybe I'll get around to beating it some day.

>> No.3736632
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any of these would be fine

>> No.3737090


Isn't really about "accuracy" of the list, but dscussion of games we love. Your list is good, the must play section is good, but my beef is with the "slighly below" that I don't think does justice to the games I mentioned.

It's kinda funny you criticize MMZ level design and praise/like X3's. I mean, that is some wonky level design. You have lots of empty, tight corridors and the same enemies over and over again with some OK music. The bosses patterns are really cool tho. The fact that they change based on health is a neat addition, but I feel X3 still miles below the other games.

MM7 problem lies with HUEG sprites within a small screen. The stages feel clutered and don't have space for anything but Mega and 1 or 2 enemies that aren't really a threat most of the time. The music is cool and boss designs too, but you already played the really good classic games plus some other good stuff, so why don't mix up more variety?

I advocate Z3 for its cool level design, high level of challenge and fast paced action combined with one of the best final boss in the franchise. Best of the Zero series bunch.

ZX is recommendable for the controls alone. Seriously, that's some satisfying shit right there with, again, fast paced action, good level of challenge, better field of view (fixing the Zero series problem) and one of the best OST in the entire franchise right up with MMX. And the model gimmick that's also pretty cool. The flaw of the game is the metroidvania style that doesn't really mesh with the mission system: you should be allowed to either explore and find the bosses on your own or teleport from Hunters Base to every area like Zero. The mismash of styles is really annoying and a serious pain in the ass on Hard mode, but it's a flaw that's overshadowed by its qualities.

>> No.3737138

>Mega Man Legends: might be the most divisive game in existence. Some say it's a worthless attempt at 3D game with shit camera and controls which is nothing like Mega Man. Others swear by it, but a lot of them just meme it for their waifus so you start to wonder if they can be taken seriously

God, I wish you weren't right. I don't really give a shit about Legends 3, I just want another Tron Bonne game.

>> No.3737198

Do yourself an immense favor and just play mega man x 1 - 3 to start with.

Don't subject yourself to the misery that is mega man on nes

>> No.3737206
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>> No.3737228

>I mean, that is some wonky level design. You have lots of empty, tight corridors and the same enemies over and over again
Yeah, this is its obvious flaw and it's no X1. But it's not like this for all levels. It also has some nice secret parts, including a battle with Vile, and for me it had the best graphics, music and style of all MMX games on SNES. Collecting everything in it felt very satisfying. Plus it's not very long and it still has all classic elements of MM games.

>MM7 problem lies with HUEG sprites within a small screen.
>but you already played the really good classic games plus some other good stuff, so why don't mix up more variety?
I guess this depends on if you like classic MM or not. I didn't go for variety in the list.

Regarding ZX, I just don't think it has some especially strong sides. MMZ had them, ZX kinda lost them. It eschewed a lot of old gameplay traditions, and gave the player a big open world with lots of models. But the gameplay itself just didn't feel as tight IMO.

>> No.3737761

>Don't subject yourself to the misery that is mega man on nes
This is an understandable position, but by skipping MM2–3 you simply miss out on excellent games.

Mega Man X added a lot of mobility to the character's movement (especially jumps), and charge shot made the combat way more convenient an easy. So compared to MMX, the classic Megaman might seem clunky and sturdy to control.

But the classic games used these limitations to create challenge. The NES games were built with clunky "fat" Mega Man in mind, and they managed to create some amazing levels and bosses from it, still remembered today. Think of the disappearing platforms, Quick Man stage lasers, the flying enemies and other design elements of MM2—these simply wouldn't work in MMX, you'd dash through them, climb them or blow them up with a big charge shot.

I think MMX just has a very different gameplay. By allowing dash jumps and wall climbing, it opened for a more action-paced, rush-style gameplay. At the same time this drastically changed the platforming and the way you handled enemies. For me, the beauty of classic MM lies in the platforming and the difficulty which the old limitations brought. I guess sometimes less is actually more.

>> No.3737780

>TFW one of your favorite franchises died because crapcom went full autismo in the mid 2000's

>> No.3737796

> 1991: Dude, fuck consoles in general. Arcade beat em ups is where it's at! Fuck Final Fight though, we need new IPs for dat booming American arcade market
> 1994: We need to sell the remaining CPS1 boards though. No one cares about SF anymore, just put some scrubs to make SF Alpha
> 1996: Let's just milk SF further with a 3D game for lulz. Nah, don't waste our talent, outsource it to Arika. Do whatever you want with it
> 1996: Haha, SFIII? Well how about we fuck up the whole roster, people are tired of Ryu and Ken. CPS3 is gonna be a huuuge success with its all 2D graphics
> 1999: Dude, Dreamcast is gonna win big. Bet our support on Sega

Capcom: we're our own worst enemy™

>> No.3737801
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I'm just saying I love games where I get to stop and think or plan ahead, so appeal isn't that big of a problem. maybe that's why I'm so patient?

>> No.3737803
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HAHAHA, you fools, this entire thread was just an elaborate excuse for me to post Woodman! I've played you all like a FIDDLE

>> No.3737815

So what you're saying is that Megaman X was trying to rival Sonic as well, but ended up making its own secluded subgenre?

>> No.3737832

they really are.

>> No.3737880

>Megaman X was trying to rival Sonic as well
Um, I'm not sure it was like that. I guess they simply wanted a reboot/evolution of the franchise for the 4th gen. But yeah, in the end it played differently from most platformers, and is pretty much a thing of its own.

Before you take dash chip in MMX, it's more or less like MM4–6, except with wall climbing and bigger charge shot. But dash changes the whole physics of X drastically. You become able move in huge leaps and rush forward, blowing through everything with a wall of charge shot; and you don't even have to care about jump accuracy much, because wall climb leaves you so much more leniency when it comes to landing in specific place.

Even in Sonic, you can't just rush through things like this, because he doesn't have charge shot or wall climb, and he needs to get speed over time. I think MMX devs underestimated the power of dash in the first installment, especially since it's a chip you have to find in the game.

I actually liked how they used some nuances of dash in later games. I feel that it actually benefits Zero most of all, because it allows him to quickly get in the face of an enemy and pierce through him with a slash instead of shooting him from afar. I also like how they played around the fact that the character kinda bends to the ground while dashing: you can dash under a lot of projectiles in the later games, and they're specifically designed with this in mind.

What I really love though is how MMX drastically increased the ceiling for your skill in controlling the character. The little things like being able to shoot while on walls and dash jumping from them are hard to learn, but allow you to deal damage bosses when you otherwise can't and avoid even the most vicious attacks (see Blizzard Buffalo, for example). And not to mention you can reach some hidden spots with them.

>> No.3737896
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What is the best Megaman game and why is it pic related?

>> No.3737924


Well, we will agree to disagree because I can't really think nice stuff about X3 other than what I already said.

>I didn't go for variety in the list.

I noticed, that's why I criticized it.

>ut the gameplay itself just didn't feel as tight IMO.

So I urge you to play it again if you can. ZX have the tightest controls of all series. I don't play it every day like I do with Ninja Gaiden because it's too long. I would love a shorter versions without big map bullshit.

>> No.3737970

I think you just prefer the gameplay of the later installments in the franchise. And that's understandable. Really, if you ask me, Mega Man changed so much over time that classic MM and ZX might as well be from 2 different franchises.

So IMO comparing MM7 or X3 to MMZX is almost like comparing OG Castlevania to Aria of Sorrow. They both have their merits, but change the setting and the name, and you'd see almost nothing common between them. I'd rather see the MM subseries as different entities altogether.

The rest is just down to what kind of game you prefer.

>> No.3738114


Just play the first X and call it a day, it's the only really good one in the entire franchise.

>> No.3738172

Why is the Zero series so good? It's miles ahead of the X series and is only ignored because of it's platform.

>> No.3738174

play the entire NES series, Id start with 2 or 3. 9 and 10 are GOD TIER, definiteyl paly thema fter you're done

play X-X4, and stop there. Maybe X8 if you want to

never played BN

>> No.3738185


Zero series is amazing despite rooms filled with spikes all over the surface areas

>> No.3738194
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That's true, I remember getting spiked on my last life after beating a room of bosses. It was almost as bad as X4. The characters make up for it though, IMO

>> No.3738201

Because of the shitty ass camera that's zoomed in too closely on Zero. Also took them 4 games before they brought back copying the boss' abilities again.

>> No.3738203
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That's what I meant by platform, they had a lot less room to work with the gameboy screen.

>> No.3738241
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Funny, I never had a NES as a kid so I decided to start Mega Man in July last year.

Started with Mega Man 1 and went in order to Mega Man 10. When I began I didn't realise how frustratingly (but entertainingly) difficult Mega Man games were.
Now I'm a big fan, and about to play X1-6 now that I'm back from holiday.

I would recommend playing the de-makes of MM7 and MM8. Having the art style change out of no where was too jarring, and they are great de-makes anyway. They are also more difficult and more in-line with the rest of the classic series than the original MM7 and MM8 anyway.
Duo not getting his own boss fight in de-made MM8 sucks however. Patiently waiting for MegaMan and Bass demake.

Personally I felt MM1, MM3, MM7, MM9 and MM10 are the best ones. I also enjoyed Mega Man Unlimited which is a fan game that bridges the gap between Classic Mega Man and Mega Man X.

I would also pick up the Mega Man and Sonic crossover graphic novel from Archie. It's pretty good especially when Eggman and Wily are bro-ing it up.

>> No.3738372

It was good, but it lacked the appeal for Westerners. I think it was also a bit confused whether it was aimed at the old fans who stuck with it for 10+ years or the new generation of players. The former might not like the more childish anime designs; the latter might not get who all these characters are and why the game is so hard.

MMZ1 was a bit flawed with its single big world, but afterwards they got it right. The level designs were IMO not on par with the classics, but around the level of MMX4–5. The added ranks pushed you to improve your skill and replay the game, the collectibles were welcome and done well, and the elf system was good overall.

The plot and the art direction were very well-made and convincing though, and immediately felt like a new canonical MM. The music was also great, loved the arranged versions back in the day.

But IMO, still, they were just a tad bit tedious and flat at times. Could've been way more. They didn't reach for new heights like Aria of Sorrow. Even compared to old MMX1–3, I felt the exploration often wasn't very rewarding or interesting—too few secrets that made you say 'woah', not very elaborate stage design, etc.

>> No.3738563

>Playing fan games
>Reading fan comics
Please never post again

>> No.3738759

If there's anything I've learned from AM2R, it's that fan games aren't inherently bad. Let people have fun.

>> No.3738991

How dare I contribute information to the thread.

The crossover comic is also officially licenced by Capcom. I would hardly call that a 'fan creation'

>> No.3739581

Just read it, problem was that bcz I never read the sonic comics and the crossover took place in the middle of a sonic story arc, I have no idea about some plot points, like why are two of the chaos emeralds in Megaman's world? Also in the beginning, what in the world did the Genesis wave or whatever even do?the universes look perfectly normal, except when the doctors kidnap Sonic's friends, yet that had nothing to do with magic science shit.

>> No.3739586

*I* just read it, I mean.

>> No.3739629

>The crossover comic is also officially licenced by Capcom. I would hardly call that a 'fan creation'
Really? Wow, Capcom really let themselves go.

AM2R is one big obvious exception from a rule. Everyone knows 99% of fan creations are deviantart/indie shit tier. He should stop recommending people garbage

>> No.3739678
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Weird question but does anyone have an EBOOT of Rock Man 8? I don't mind the cutscenes but I can't listen to POWER SHOT constantly and wanted to play it on my PSP.

>> No.3739709


>> No.3739742
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Thank you anon, really appreciate it.

>> No.3739783

>Everyone knows 99% of fan creations are deviantart/indie shit tier. He should stop recommending people garbage

Too bad he mentioned actually good ones. MM7 and 8 demakes are better than the originals.

>> No.3739986
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Fuck, I had to go out and finally just got home. I tested it and when opening it the game can't be played. You know how to work around this? Assumed with CFW I would have no problem.

>> No.3740019

Do you have Popsloader? If you don't then get that first, then when loading the game hold R and select a different version. You'll just have to trial and error through them until you find one that works, but start with 3 and work your way up.

>> No.3740036

Thanks. I do have popsloader and didn't think to use it. I'll look up if anyone has a recommended version and if not just test it from there. Thanks.

>> No.3740239

Is there a demake of Megaman Powered Up that exists, or a mod for the original Megaman that includes the PSP remake's extra bosses? i want to try out the game but the aesthetics trigger my autism too much.

>> No.3740913

OK, I decided to read the rest of the Megaman comics, and... I'm genuinely surprised at how good it is. Through the games, you're always told a general background of the Robot Masters, but you never really get WHO they are.
In the comic, they actually gave each of the Robot Masters unique personalities, making them feel like actual people, instead of generically themed bosses. The bosses from Megaman 1 and Powered Up actually FEEL like Rock's family, instead of just being told that they are.
I seriously cannot recommend it enough.

>> No.3740983
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Case and point:

>> No.3741106

Zero doesn't need copy abilities. I thought it was great how he can use multiple weapons simultaneously.

>> No.3742614
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Aaaaand I found out that the comic is on indefinite hiatus. Fuck. I miss the bad puns already

>> No.3742631
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I'm so sorry, anon. I guess you can say it's Xover

>> No.3742718

I have the whole set of sealed Mega Man comics.
How much are they worth?

>> No.3742991

I'm no expert, but it's worth asking if you have the single comics or the paperback collections of the story arcs, because if it's the former then it's already worth a lot.

>> No.3743001

Didn't the paperback collections stop at volume 8?

>> No.3743007
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Can we just dedicate this thread to posting comic strips?

>> No.3743010

Also why is Blues always so stylish?

>> No.3743020
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The shades and scarf

>> No.3743027


>> No.3743043
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Let's anime it up

>> No.3743048

Damn! Ice Man gets blueballed in his own wet dreams.

>> No.3743050
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>> No.3743182

I agree with what you're saying. I think the dash jump mechanic is what sets X apart from original Mega Man. Dash jumping increases the range and speed of movement in unprecedented ways.

Controlling the character in the dash jumping state is so much better, it quickly becomes the natural state. Dash jumping is automatic for me. Mega Man X and all others that come after are aerial games for me. I can't shake the urge to dash jump even when playing other platformers.

Wall jumping is most vital in boss fights while dash jumping helps most during the stages. Also nice is how they're orthogonal techniques; you can combine them into a dash wall jump that can throw you to the other side of the screen. By combining these techniques you can be anywhere on the screen whenever you want, something the original Mega Man simply can't do, and the boss fights are that much better for it.

MMX4-6 take the dash jump beyond any of the SNES games, increasing its precision and speed. To me it's the reason they're so enjoyable. X6 is particularly furious when you equip Zero with the right parts.

I think it would be interesting if Zero was the only one who had access to this move. X could play more like the classic series and it would make sense given X's ranged attacks. Getting at the enemy's face and shooting with the buster just isn't satisfying as slashing them.

>> No.3743189

Zero is my favorite, especially the first game. I think much of its difficulty is due to how small the screen is. Everything is so close you can barely react.

>> No.3743571

>Getting at the enemy's face and shooting with the buster just isn't satisfying as slashing them.
Yep, I agree. Dash and slash compliment each other. The whole point of the slash is that it moves with your character and covers a wide area, dealing a lot of damage.

On the other hand, in MMX the shot kinda misses its point when you can dash faster than your shots travel. Also, your shots still barely cover any vertical range like in the NES games. This makes sword way more convenient in MMX, IMO.

Since Inafune initially wanted Zero to be the main character in MMX, I imagine he might have designed the mechanics with Zero and slash attacks in mind. Maybe not, but IMO Zero certainly feels at home in MMX.

Meanwhile, while all of the above applies to MMX, I don't think that's the case with classic MM where you can't dash. When I play MM1 for example, I feel much better using the shot. It feels just safer to shoot enemies from a distance when they fly at you at full speed, and it actually feels almost like a SHMUP in this regard. Also, a lot of enemies die with one shot, and usually there aren't many of them onscreen. So, it feels actually designed with buster in mind, and it makes much more sense in MM1–2.

>> No.3743674

Personally I wouldn't count Battle Network series. It has neither the same characters, nor the same mechanics.

This even though they're better and should still be played regardless.

>> No.3743682

>Megaman has been on basically every console released since the NES

Not one for 3DO.

>> No.3743685

>He's been on every console

In the Sega Master System?
In the PC Engine?

>> No.3743691

I think it's pretty neat that shooting the buster while dashing makes it do an extra point of damage.

>> No.3743716

They did stop at Volume 8.
I get that they put the series on 'hiatus' but why they didn't finish the paperbacks is beyond me. Super annoying

>> No.3743728

>In the Sega Master System?
He was on Game Gear, which is close enough.
>In the PC Engine?
There's a fanmade port of Rockman 1 on PCE.

>> No.3744101

I was reading up on it and it seems Archie "delayed" a lot of their releases for several series.

>> No.3744310
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>> No.3744417

Do you think this is an accurate rating of MMX?

Mostly rated as the best in the series: X1, X4
Sometimes rated high, sometimes low: X2, X3, X8
Mostly rated in the middle to low: X5
Considered the rock bottom of the series by most: X6, X7

>> No.3744537

I've seen people say X6 is ok and X5 is trash and vice versa, pretty much arguing which of the two is the worst.

>> No.3744580

Well, thanks for the input. I've mostly seen lists which went like "(the other games)>6>7". In any case, Inafune admitted himself he had little to do with X5 and absolutely nothing to do with X6, so proceeding past X4 should probably be done cautiously.

>> No.3744621

I'm a big fan of the Megaman X games.

Finally got the Megaman Legacy collection.

This shit is hard and broken, i'm out

>> No.3744625


Then they are fucking retarded.

>> No.3744626


"Slowed down"? That's a fun word for dead.

>> No.3744627


why not the very first MM?

>> No.3744691

You see, it's a pretty different game in the franchise. I'd say it's hate it or love it. It feels a bit weird and barely has any exploration. It even has scoring, which was gone from all the later games.

At the same time, it's brutally difficult and unforgiving. The enemies are either super tough or crazy fast. But wait, some stages don't even have many things to kill per se, they just have obstacles like fire walls and such, meaning you get almost no ways to restore your health. And if you get to the boss without a weapon he's weak too, get ready for a long, long battle with death. All in all, you'd better prepare to get stuck on the first level for at least a few hours, memorizing every nook and cranny until you beat it.

Challenge is fine and all, but more often than MM1 feels like an uphill battle. The enemies deal ridiculous damage to you and have crazy fast attacks, while you might need to shower them with bullets before you kill them. It really does feel like artificial difficulty, because some parts of the game feel like classic quarter munchers.

Meanwhile, the level design is not terribly imaginative and is even kinda bland at times, to be frank with you. The difficulty doesn't always guarantee to keep you entertained, too: after dying 10 times on one level, I'm not sure you'll be very eager to continue.

So while it's worthy of playing if you're up to the challenge of memorizing it, of course do play MM1. But IMO, MM2 just made it way more enjoyable and fair. MM1 feels more like a test of your resolve. MM2 feels more like an enjoyable game.

>> No.3744707

You have to understand what kind of game classic megaman is. It isn't really like Megaman X or, for lack of a better comparison, Shovel Knight, where you can play through the game without dying much.
In Megaman Classic, you're SUPPOSED TO die a lot. It's all about trial and error, and repeating over and over until you got the idea of what to do.
When I first played Mega man 2 (my first megaman game) and beat it, I HATED it, particularly the last three Wily stages, and ESPECIALLY the 2nd-to-last stage. But, after playing it a second time, I enjoyed it so much more.
I guess Megaman classic is less frustrating and annoying when you know what's coming, when you know what's ahead. I guess guides and let's plays are very helpful in this regard?
I think Classic was meant to be like this, to encourage kids to work together, figuring out what gives you a better advantage, what to prepare for, what order to take on the Masters, etc., and sharing that with their friends.
You said you're playing the Legacy Collection? Then, since the circumstances are different then they used to be, ABUSE the save states the first time around. They certainly helped me get through my first time, and by the time you replay it you won't need to use them as much, and you'll have much more fun then you did.

>> No.3744765

>I think Classic was meant to be like this, to encourage kids to work together, figuring out what gives you a better advantage, what to prepare for, what order to take on the Masters, etc., and sharing that with their friends.
Druaga-style? Maybe, but then again, MM2 is basically beat Metal Man—get easy mode.

I agree though that classic MM often gets better when you replay it.

>> No.3744860

I just finished megaman 1 using the select glitch on willy

Is that illegitimate? Man. The sprite flicker on his attack on the second form is just enfuriating

>> No.3745147

Is pause buffering that allows you to kill bosses before they attack once "illegitimate"? You probably know the answer

>> No.3745183

>dying 10 times on one level
>in MM1

That's not going to happen, unless it's a first playthrough of the GB MM1 (Wily's Revenge)

>> No.3745746

No you are. The only good thing about X5 is the X vs. Zero fight. Stop drinking Inafune's koolaid

>> No.3745750
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Reminder that Battle Chase exists and that it looks pretty good.

>> No.3745756

>artificial difficulty

>> No.3745795

Well sorry for using the /vr/ buzzword, but it really does feel like it. When I remember gutsman and the platforms in his stage, I slowly get very angry

>> No.3745820

There's also soccer and that board game, and also a strategy IIRC. Doesn't mean you should play them all

>> No.3746083
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>When I remember gutsman and the platforms in his stage, I slowly get very angry

I didn't want to remember that shit. Playing the Legacy Collection the other day I nearly smashed my keyboard trying to get past that fucking stage

>> No.3746449

the zero games were the ones where they got rid of the lightbulb tits though

>> No.3746617

So guys hear me out
Prob never gonna happen, but that's not the point;

What if the classic megaman series (1-10) was remastered Donkey Kong Country Returns-style, with an optional story mode written by the comic writers, with interludes between games, akin to the story arcs in the comic? An arcade/classic mode would also be available for antistory-fags. What would your opinion be?

>> No.3746964

Also a Wily Tower-like segment where you can experiment with every single ability

>> No.3747875

MegaMan 9 is the best game from the classic series, they simply nailed everything.

>> No.3747885

I played this game a LOT in the Megaman X Collection (ps2), I was surprised, I didn't expected the secret game to be a classic megaman, and moreover, a fucking racing game.
It's fun, however I never beated Willy in the hardest difficulty, even trying a LOT.

>> No.3748131

That game is rushed trash.

>> No.3748137

this some SRW OG shit right here

>> No.3748143


Everytime I come back to MM9 I keep being amazed at how good it is.
It's like every single block of the game is masterfully crafted. Every single enemy placement is perfect. The rythm, the dynamic.... The way it flows when you start to know the game.

>> No.3748145

Powered Up is the best classic MM.

>> No.3748197

Maybe even playable Blues and Bass again

>> No.3748212




>> No.3748216

Buggy collisions and finicky controls heavily disagree, but okay.

>> No.3748382

>They are also more difficult
In 7 it made some platforming sections easier, bosses take more damage, you have longer mercy invulnerability and your sprite is smaller. How is it more difficult?

>> No.3748958


Was the cartoon as good as you remember?

>> No.3749112

I hope that's a laugh of joy because it's a good idea that'll very likely not happen?

>> No.3749119

Why do Megaman and Proto Man have pecks?

>> No.3749162

You're the kind of guy who says "but that'll never happen" when asked "what if..."
FFS, man

>> No.3750253


>> No.3751158

>Sega Master System
Wily Wars is on the Genesis, which is also pretty close.

I didn't say literally, mind you. I figured there was probably two or three consoles he hasn't been on.

>> No.3752152

What's everyone's opinion on Megaman 10? I hear tons of good things about 9, but not much about 10, despite having more content.

>> No.3753307

The first game is hard the rest are easy