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/vr/ - Retro Games

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3732000 No.3732000 [Reply] [Original]

What made this game such a masterpiece?

>> No.3732003

It was different and unique at the time

Nice trips btw

>> No.3732005


>> No.3732014

Hordes of Americans who shitpost every day how it's THE BEST GAME OF ALL TIME and it DEFINED 3D GAMES and IF YOU DON'T AGREE YOU'RE OBJECTIVELY WRONG.

>> No.3732032

It's well designed and it set the ground for many 3D adventure/action games to come up to the present day.

>> No.3732038

>groundbreaking innovative 3D game

pick one

>> No.3732061


The fact that nothing can top it

>> No.3732074


Its too easy, shallow and empty. Its not a masterpiece.

>> No.3732078

When did it become such a cool contrarian hipster thing to claim that OoT is either "shit" or "overrated"? I mean 10 years ago, you couldn't go on any gaming website without most people at least acknowledging that it was a pretty good game back when it came out, even if they didn't think it was the best Zelda game. Now it seems like it's more common to see people trashing it for all sorts of petty reasons. I wonder if these are the same people that suddenly started claiming that AoL is "the only good Zelda game"?

>> No.3732089

America Online isn't a Zelda game

>> No.3732094

It has a great atmosphere and story, which really lends itself to immersion, and the game has fanastic graphics for a N64 game.

Also, playing it when you were a kid really ups the wow factor, both then because it was special, and now because of nostalgia.

>> No.3732217

Its fans overrating it.

When you settle the dust, you notice it's a pretty average Zelda game of the bunch.

It has every thing other games of the genre has so I don't know why people overhype this game more than others.

Also, Majora > Ocarina

>> No.3732232

It's the first and best 3D Zelda.

>> No.3732323

If I had played Wind Waker before Ocarina of Time I would like Wind Waker a lot better. I played OOT when it came out(13yro), and was completely immersed. I felt as if I cared about every random character and loved how dark it became after the first 3 quests. I shed a tear when I beat it. I've replayed it a few times and still love it. Still WW is my fav but less "nostalgia".

>> No.3732336
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It was a solid Zelda game, not shitty, not amazing. An 8 out of 10 game in the larger scope.

But it "perfected" 3D in the eyes of normies, I say it's a "Kim Kardashian game", famous for being famous. But now that 3D is no longer mind-blowing we can assess with 20/20 vision that it's merely a great game, but suffers from pretty generic gameplay.

Same like Goldeneye 007, it's an okay FPS (Perfect Dark is better in every way, and doesn't get a tenth of the love) but it became famous for showing normies that FPSs could work on consoles (hell it was probably the very first FPS most console gamers ever played).

In hindsight it has fun multiplayer but it's so broken and clunky.

Then again I believe that retro games should stand the test of time and be authentically fun and not begin with the excuse "well considering the time it came out".

>> No.3732610

Please stop with these lame-ass spam-a-lot cookie-cutter "what made this game such a masterpiece" threads.

>> No.3733069

was revoultionary. had such a nice feel to it. like a good book; it felt real. like that world really existed. you could feel the cool breeze in the air. could smell the cedars in the forst. I wish I could liver there...

>> No.3733152

This anon is correct.

>> No.3733178
File: 8 KB, 600x337, masterpiece-logo-grey-hires-scale-600x600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What made this masterpiece such a masterpiece?

And what gave it that retro feel?

>> No.3733201

Ocarina got so many things right on the first try that it will always be regarded as a masterpiece. It's influence on gaming is astounding

>> No.3733221 [DELETED] 
File: 206 KB, 1024x768, pc-43646-51336393174.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was an outstanding game with superb gameplay, the Lock-on / Z-Targeting feature was an amazing addition for the gameplay at the time. Ocarina was definitely a masterpiece back in 1998 (and still is), but it was already surpassed by many games.

In fact, it's not even the best action-adventure of the late 90s, Outcast is.

>> No.3733225
File: 206 KB, 1024x768, pc-43646-51336393174.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was an outstanding game with superb gameplay, the Lock-on / Z-Targeting feature was an amazing addition for the gameplay at the time. Ocarina was definitely a masterpiece back in 1998 (and still is great), but it has already been surpassed by many other games.

In fact, it's not even the best action-adventure of the late 90s, Outcast is.

>> No.3733674

Exactly. The game came out in fucking 1998. Would I rather play SMB right now instead of Rayman Legends? No. Does it mean I consider RL better than SMB? Of course not! The things OoT did at the time were completely insane, nothing even came close. And I don't even feel nostalgic for it, I grew up with a PSX and played OoT last year on the 3DS for the first time.

>> No.3733681

Lots and lots of polish. Manages to make amazing use of the lone analog stick and context sensitive controls to make what would otherwise be a blocky, poorly controlled mess in to a cozy, intuitive experience.

Also, it does not get nearly the credit it should for its cinematography. The use of camera angles and the way they dynamically adjust is amazing for a 3D game of the time. Shit like that they still fuck up in modern games.

>> No.3733705

>>implying that's only a thing to OoT
>>implying people aren't doing the exact same thing with AoL

I still think you've got a point. My guess is that people realized how easy it became to troll with it. Guaranteed replies when you mention a game like OoT or FFVII and words like "shit" or "overrated" in the same sentence. Even if it's so obvious, some people bite it regardless.

>> No.3733708

It seriously wasn't.

>> No.3733715

>poor performance
>slowass combat
>out of nowhere platforming in Motazaar
>that buggy lighthouse in Okaar
>no dungeons, just overworld
>interesting new gamechaning mehcanincs
It's a great game, but not as great as Ocarina of Time. If anything then Drakan from the same year was a better action-adventure game for PC.

>> No.3733718

>interesting new gamechaning mehcanincs
No interesting new gamechaning mehcanincs. My bad,

>> No.3733734


>> No.3733743
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>> No.3733786

Once the "greatest game ever" times began this dispute all went to shit. Most people who claimed that don't even play it really from what I've seen and move on to skyrim and new gen shit probably haven't touched OoT in years not even knowing the game entirely. It's my favorite game ever but saying whether it is the best or it's trash doesn't matter. Even Majoras Mask is getting shit with the whole "edgy" thing popping up with fans being introduced to it cause of Ben Drowned. What happened to just liking a game and not caring about how good it is?

>> No.3733793

Why not both?

>> No.3733805


>> No.3733887

On opening part where I'm supposed to go to some fucking tree on my kids 3ds - No idea where to fucking go. He doesn't like the game because he doesn't know where to go - it would be his first "adventure" game - he's 8. I might have to youtube it to help him along - and tell him he needs to read shit.

>> No.3733916

Don't focus so much on getting from point A to point B, focus on exploring the entire environment you're in. The NPC that blocks your path tells you to find a sword and a shield before you can meet the Deku tree. The sword you can find on your own, the shield can be purchased in the shop.

>> No.3733990

The art direction is perfect, the game design does a lot of stupid stuff. Memorable experience with a terrible fanbase anyway.

>> No.3734009

I think you actually point out an important fact:
>But now that 3D is no longer mind-blowing

You can't understand why everyone liked it if you aren't new to 3D

>> No.3734016

>terrible fanbase
nice meme

>People attack a game
>Fans defend it
>"wow wat a teribel fanbased"

>> No.3734017

This. Half of what I played when I was a kid is damn near unplayable.

>> No.3734064

Went home at lunch to let out the dog - Started a new game - OK - thanks for this - I'll get to that damn tree then help my son through with your words and mine - Get him to slow down and explore as opposed to expect instant action.

>> No.3735239

Zelda games are based a lot around that. Usually the mentality is that you need to do the objective in other games, but if you keep exploring you'll start to really know the characters and locations a lot faster than you think, cause it's all so memorable (the npc's are usually very lively for example). You won't have to "explore everything now that I have a new objective" aside from the opening hours, cause eventually you'll know that "oh, this new item is just the thing that retard in a hoodie in city X has been looking for". Plus there are no missables ever in Zelda, so just do whatever you feel like doing.

>> No.3735976

> Plus there are no missables ever in Zelda
Someone has clearly never played Wand of Gamelon

>> No.3736805

This guy gets it. OoT is good but by no means a masterpiece, not even if you take the time it released into account.

>> No.3737868

agent triple zero

To answer your question it was a 3D game in 1998 which had shitty graphics (worse than some games of the time) but they were Smoothly rendered with little or no lag.

Players previously knew zelda as a tile game, now it made it look and seem much more lifelike, they could sympathize from Link's perspective now and even imagine themselves there more accurately.

Also it had a Very Good storyline for the game setting, really laid out how it all happened while previous games just spoke of the aftermath.

I guess kids also sorta loved the Music Tunes portion of having to recite a certain song to go a certain place. Abit of a larp element to that.
> that damn ocarina

Meh I have problems with the item balance but otherwise it seems pretty good.

Also SWORDBEAM when?

And the horse needs to be taken to the glue factory.

> and link has more boots than I do for some reason, this would be inexcusable in D&D

> swordbeam when?
> no swordbeam no zelda imo

>> No.3737891
File: 2.54 MB, 200x150, hu24pVm.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>OOT is overrated

>> No.3737996

I'm more interested in what gave it such a retro feel... and your trips, too.

>> No.3738000

It's incompleteness.

>> No.3738025

lol what a retard

>> No.3738026

I like WW, but I cant play it again. OOT MM and TP were all harder than WW.

>> No.3738036

If youve never played Zelda heres a easy tip. What ever item you find in a Dungeon is more than likely the item you have to use to help you beat the Boss of the Dungeon.

>> No.3738045
File: 46 KB, 620x428, Quest64_big.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related was way better

>> No.3738052

That game was ok, the only cool thing it had was those octagon movement for battle. No money or items you buy was kind of lame and the game is stupid easy.

>> No.3738059

Are you saying you actually bought things in Zelda?

>> No.3738063

The only Zelda I didnt buy shit in was Links Awakening I just stole whatever I needed.

>> No.3738080

Links awakening was Sonichu tier shit storyline. I think the panasonic Zelda games might be better

>> No.3738083

AoL isn't a game, you mean Link's Adventure... LA.

It's not the only good game in the series, but it is the patrician's choice of Zelda games.

>> No.3738094
File: 63 KB, 400x274, Mystical-Ninja-Starring-Goemon-cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You posted the wrong pic.

>> No.3738219

>lol what a retard

>> No.3738228

OOT was easier minus the water temple. I I fucken hated Twilight Princess and I never finished it. I think the graphics of WW really drew me in.

>> No.3738234

That game had a shitty camera and only 5 dungeons.

Give me the SNES Goemons over it any time.

>> No.3738689


>> No.3738785

I don't enjoy Zelda games in general