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/vr/ - Retro Games

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3731323 No.3731323 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.3731326

SOTN cause it was my first

>> No.3731329


>> No.3731330

I don't like MetroidVania.

Going with Super CastleVania IV, I prefer the whip mechanics and the atmosphere.

>> No.3731331


>> No.3731353

Super IV is my personal favourite. Great gameplay, superb level design, neat bosses, wonderful music.

SotN isn't a Castlevania game.

>> No.3731367

>SotN isn't a Castlevania game.

A little too late now, anon

>> No.3731372

ClassicVania vs MetroidVania vs CasualVania

>> No.3731408

Easily Rondo for me.
It's fast, it's beautiful to look at, it has great levels and memorable bosses.
Also an excellent soundtrack.

IV ehhh. It would be on par with Rondo if it was less clunky and had better bosses.
The golden bat, death and dracula were all underwheilming to me.
But I have to give it, it has a more consistent atmosphere compared to Rondo. (i.e. it doesn't go full anime)

SOTN was my first castlevania ever because I was too much of a pussy to play it before.
It is a great game, but fuck metroidvanias, the classics is were it is.

>> No.3731413

>SotN isn't a Castlevania game.
You're right, its much better than the shitty classicvanias, and is solely responsible for saving the franchise from a far earlier demise

>> No.3731415

Saving is turning it into something completely different (and worse)?
Mankind ill needs a savior such as you.

>> No.3731421

Rondo > SotN > SCB

>> No.3731423

Saving? It wasn't even given it's fair chance. Games shoved straight onto the gameboy because apparently Castlevania couldn't hang on a main console without making a 3D transition it honestly didn't need.

>> No.3731472 [SPOILER] 
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More like the great de-bait.

>> No.3731476


>> No.3731479

Impossible. He put 3 overrated games and told fans to choose.

>> No.3731531


>> No.3731536

Apples and apples?
Trying to split up communities in to which game they prefer when all of them is excellent is just fucking stupid.

>> No.3731676
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Dracula X

MetroidVania doesn't even register.

>> No.3731723

Castlevania III

>> No.3731725


Fucking this

CV has the worst infighting if any fanbase I can think of. Worse than Metroid, worse than Zelda, worse than FF.

They're almost all good games except like HoD and some 3D ones

>> No.3731728
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this is kinda how I feel too but I have a soft spot for II and SOTN because of the RPG elements. its like the two are either not enough or too much and misses what makes the series challenging. I like the idea of secret paths and power progression but just being able to grind your way to success feels so disingenuous.

>> No.3731731


So just like

Don't grind

>> No.3731758
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I love all 3 of these games.

I can't chose!

SOTN is so expansive, with something new around every corner.
Rondo is stylish as hell, and filled with crazy secrets.
IV is just pure fun factor and a blast to play through.

>> No.3731876

>CV has the worst infighting if any fanbase I can think of.
It's two different fanbases. Fans of 1 and 3 who love 1 and 3 and Rondo and Super IV and x68k have a very clear cut image in their mind what they want out of a Castlevania title.

The others who started this series with Super IV/SotN/CotM have a different idea entirely on what the series should be. This has been the problem since SotN changed the entire genre yet still used the title "Castlevania" and it's never stopped being a problem. And regardless of how many well and detailed posts about how and why the portable vania titles are hardly Castlevania in feel let alone enemy and stage design or how why classicvanias were just part of a dying type of game the two types of fans will never compromise.

Because it IS two types of fans with some overlap in the middle. A game like Order of Ecclesia, while arguably great is so far different in design philosophy, music, feel, weaponry, basic enemy design, boss design, homages (of which there are like none), that it boggles the mind that it's marketed under the same franchise name. And that's really all there is to it. Infighting will exist because halfway into this series life there was a genre switch that signified the end of classicvanias.

>> No.3731908

Even if you don't the game's difficulty is trivial. I used a gameshark to freeze Alucard's XP to 0 and he still became too strong because of bosses leveling me up.

>> No.3731915



>> No.3731931
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For me it's SOTN. I like the "Metroidvania" (fucking worst term ever) style of game. And at the time, and since I put in a ton of hours on the game. Still fun for me years later. I never liked IV. Don't know why. Even when it came out I was pissed off as a CV fan. Something about it turned me off. And Rondo I never really played. I played a remake on PSP which was all modern looking, and basically sucked. So SOTN it is.

>> No.3731946

I like the one for Sega Saturn where you play as the girl.

>> No.3731959

Dracula Chronicles X wasn't a bad game at at all. It was slower but the game was adjusted to make up for that. You could get music CD's that let you change up the stage, it came with SotN and Rondo, had a ton of collectibles. In short it was a good portable game.

>> No.3732007

Spotted the fucking babby that can't handle a real man's game.

>> No.3732171

>implying all games are not for kids


>> No.3732175

>implying all games are not for kids
What about 17+ games?

>> No.3732186

My favorite game when I was 12 was Mortal Kombat II.
Ratings are just for shitty lawsuit protection, they know the ones who consume "mature" bullshit in vidya the most are kids.

>> No.3732194

Most games are for adults. That's why Nintendo is dying while Sony is flourishing.

>> No.3732205



>> No.3732327
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>nintendo is doomed

It's good but not as good as III.

>> No.3732335

Despite being 4 years past the cutoff date, Aria of Sorrow.

>> No.3732342

>>nintendo is doomed
Doing so badly, they had to merge their console and portable line...

I'll be surprised if they make a successor to the Switch.

>> No.3732349

>I'll be surprised if they make a successor to the NES.
>I'll be surprised if they make a successor to the SNES.
>I'll be surprised if they make a successor to the Virtual B-
Ok, you got me here.
>I'll be surprised if they make a successor to the N64.

See? We had our own "nintendo is doomed" memes on /vr/ times too.

>> No.3732359

Nobody said that about Nintendo in the '80s and '90s. They were actually good back then.

>> No.3732372


Okay sure, and I agree, but that's a different complaint

>> No.3732373


No it's fuckin' not. I mean obviously there's some divide but my fist CV was CV1 and I've loved almost the whole series going forward from there.

>> No.3732374


>> No.3732375

SONY is literally tanking as a corporation, the PS4 is the only thing keeping them afloat.

>> No.3732378

Has the PS4 even surpassed WiiU sales in Japan already? Lost track of that.
I assume with FF XV they must have moved as ton of units, even if apparently japanese hated it.

>> No.3732379


At this point even if Nintendo does go under it'll be a broken clock thing

Not happening soon though. Even with the Wii U failing, 3DS has done fantastically and Pokemon Go just happened

>> No.3732395

my man right here

>> No.3732401

Most Go profit didn't go to Nintendo though.

>> No.3732447
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>> No.3732452

>No it's fuckin' not.
Yes it is. And if you've been keeping up with this series moving from 1, to adventure, to SotN and HoD you would have undoubtedly dealt with the constantly rantings and ravings and bitchings that's been plaguing Castlevania fansites and forums for as long as I remember.

>> No.3732457

Not all sets are orderable. They are all fun games. We'd be poorer without any of them.

>> No.3732483

>not the superior X68K version

>> No.3732491


Yeah no shit, that's what I'm complaining about.

>> No.3732547
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Blame the direction the series has gone with your spin offs and your anime that didn't take off, and your fighting games, arcade machines, comics (they were bad), novels, the failed pitches for the cartoon, and the anime and lack of full fan support or used feedback.

You should have seen how shit turned back when Judgement was announced way back when. The people at that time that were cautiously optimistic turned full out negative once the game launched about the future of the series. So much so that when Iga said he was interested in an 8bit castlevania people laughed that the thought away entirely with the bitter pessimism that often was reserved for Megaman fans post Legends 3 cancellation.

And AFAIK both Movies never came to fruition. Comically enough. People were looking forward to those at one point. Game quality hasn't been the important thing for years. Castlevania is most divisive to the people who were most emotionally involved.

Thankfully I sit outside of that line of thinking.

>> No.3732758


I'm having a hard time figuring out what you're saying in most of this post.

I feel game quality has been very high on the DS titles on the Wiiware remake.

The cartoon is apparently actually happening now, according to a blatant hint dropped by some higher up at Frederator.

>> No.3732870

It includes the X68K version I thought

>> No.3732892

Can you use the GLORIOUS Roland sound module for it?

>> No.3732956

You can

>> No.3732997

What >>3732186 said, most people who played MK and GTA are kids, the ratings are legal bullshit, they know parents will buy them for their kids anyway.

>> No.3733014

SOTN is the best one, but despite being a retro game, I don't consider it a "retrovania".

Rondo is a close 2nd. Super IV is a good game, but too overrated. Where's Australia-kun?

>> No.3733015

SotN has been my favorite game of all time ever since I played it for the first time, but I've been giving Rondo a honest try (As in playing with Richter instead of Maria) and completed it to 100% a couple times, and I'm starting to appreciate it a lot more. The visuals and music are great, and it plays beautifully. A lot of annoyances from the early games are gone, yet the challenge is still there. Richter is stiff like a typical belmont, and yet he feels agile and not completely helpless. There are cool secrets to find, many levels and branching paths. It's a masterpiece of a game.

SotN is really fun but also a mess in many ways. A lot of stuff about it was fixed in the GBA and DS entries. It feels a lot like an experiment, while Rondo feels like the culmination and final result of years of research in vampire whipping platformers. Rondo feels perfect in what it set out to do. There's also the fact that SotN reuses a lot of graphics while all the assets in Rondo were made specifically for it, so it feels tighter in that regard as well.

4 is really fun to play with all the new moves you get, it seems easier but the challenge is still there, though the multi directional whipping makes the subweapons useless, and it's got some weirdass enemies and more funky stuff. I've always thought it was pretty ugly to look at. Or maybe that's the kind of atmosphere Castlevania should have? If you ask me which Castlevania game has the best Castlevania-like atmosphere, I'd go with CotM.

>> No.3733027

>Classicvania vs Metroidvania infighting
It might be a little too late for this, don't you guys think? At this point both are true Castlevania no matter how you look at them. We should join forces and bitch about those awful GodofWarvanias on the PS3 instead.

>> No.3733035

the one you played first

>> No.3733036
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Classic vs. RPG will never go out of style.

That said, there really isn't much left to discuss about the series anymore, unless we bring homebrew into the fray.

>> No.3733059

genesis one

>> No.3734136
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I dont like SC 4... the graphics suck and they're not even reminiscent of the first games (C3 was best in that capacity). Talking about graphics when it comes to /vr/ is kinda pointless but in the case of SC4 the graphics are actually...
> pretty darn bad to the point that NES castlevania 3 was even Better in graphics.
> their fireballs and item icons are unnecessarily tiny and hard to see... they suck.
> and the Links between the Chain look absolutely stupid (the hookshot from zelda was represented better)

CD-X was COMFY when it came to graphics, just the right amount of smooth and sublime plus details. But the problem wit CD-X is its almost like an updated version of C1 and as a result even though its pretty nice, its kinda limited in its scope (despite some efforts to give it some path choice but it wasnt even as good as C3 along those lines).

Symphony Of The Night was excellent but it COULD have been produced for a SNES with a minor hit to capabilities (the music would be the noticeable difference).

Thats not the problem though, alot of the item choices were stupid and redundant. The other character modes were inconsistent too since they couldnt use the items.

And the weapon choices really sucked since there wasnt much more he could do besides swing a sword (I wanted him to be able to find a WHIP, perhaps a cursed version of the vampire killer which he could touch)

The verdict id say is

SC4 **
CD-X *****
SOTN ******

Id say SOTN but I wish CD-X had been more extensive, expanded beyond even C3

>> No.3734148

>SotN is best
>liking the rubbish version of Rondo of Blood
>shitting on Super Akumajo because of the aesthetics
Opinion descarte'd.

>> No.3734174

in the case of SC4 the aesthetics are actually a Major Issue

If someone remade it so it looked like Castlevania 3 I would Love it.

The graphics are so bad I put it below the very original C1.

Also I disliked the quick ramp to 3 Life Hit enemies, I felt like it should have taken several more levels before the 2 Life Hit strikes increased to 3.

>> No.3734221

>IV appearing at all
>No Bloodlines
>No 68K
>People answering anything but Rondo

>> No.3734232

The correct answer is 3. I'd rather play the fucking pachinko machine than SCIV.

>> No.3734246

Why do people hate fun? IV has objectively the finest gameplay mechanics of the classic games. Grappling with the whip was a fantastic concept.

>> No.3734265

hating SCIV is a meme

>> No.3734306

Found Dracula X at goodwill for 2 dollars about 7 years ago, honestly my favorite Castlevania next to Simon's Quest which I unironically enjoy

>> No.3734352

>no Bloodlines/68K
Good. The less we bring up those shitty entries, the better.

>> No.3734453
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Elder God Tier:
Castlevania (NES)

High Tier:
Super Castlevania IV

Mid Tier:
Dracula's Curse
Castlevania X (SNES)
Castlevania (X68000)
Castlevania X (CD)

Low Tier:
Haunted Castle
Castlevania (MSX2)
Belmont's Revenge
Kid Dracula
Simon's Quest

Shit Tier:
Symphony of the Night

Super Shit Tier Deluxe:
Legacy of Darkness
Castlevania 64

Abomination Unto Mankind Tier:

>> No.3734471
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Castlevania 1 is perfection
3 is a masterpiece created from the perfection

4 is fine entry

Bloodlines is one of the most fun

HOD is the sequel to Simon s quest

COTM n POR are my fave metroidvanias

I only speak of the games I ve cleared all loops and difficulties

>> No.3734489

IV is too popular and some people need to feel special. Also, Egoraptor.
Also, in the case of /vr/, australia-kun.

IV is probably top 3 for me, along with Dracula's Curse and Rondo of Blood.

>> No.3734814

CVIII is best. Not including it in the OP image immediately tells me you have no opinions worth hearing. Thanks in advance.

>> No.3735094

I thought it sucked I beat it so quickly don't think I got stuck once never wanted to play it or another CV for that matter afterwards

>> No.3735108

Rondo has great music and graphics. Vampire killer sounds objectively better on Rondo.

>> No.3735163

I like all of them!

>> No.3735164


>> No.3735165

What's your ideal Castlevania game? In terms of aesthetics, movement, and difficulty

>> No.3735167


>> No.3735175




>> No.3735250

I don't know. I started playing Castlevania in the 1980's with the original and the very last one I ever played in the series was Symphony of the Night. SOTN is my favorite, but Castlevania 3 is a remarkably close second. I don't think either kind "got it right" anymore than I think Mario Kart is some bastardization of the Mario franchise that shouldn't be included.

>> No.3735272

The Castlevania's for NES are all shit

>> No.3735558

t. australiakun

>> No.3736027

don't forget chronicles.

>> No.3736694


>> No.3737274

Rondo = SotN > SCIV

Rondo and SotN aren't really comparable, they're different genres. I enjoy each approach.

>> No.3737276


I didn't like DXC. The music was shit and the graphics obscured everything. It's entirely forgiven by the fact that it includes the original Rondo with its crystal clear graphics and compoisitions and the expanded version of SotN.

>> No.3737290


>> No.3737294

>The music was shit

It wasn't that bad, but it has a customizable soundtrack, you can use the original PC-Engine tracks if you want, and arrange them however you want, and it includes the unused "Cross Your Heart", which IMO is one of the best CV tracks ever.
As for the graphics, I thought they were OK, PSP 3D graphics can't be as pretty as Rondo's spritework though, but barring that, it's an acceptable 2.5D game. Some textures look a bit bad, but 3D models and their animations are good, and it has a lot of background detail and assets that the original lacked (lots of plain black background and bricked walls on Rondo).
Besides, the game is not 1:1 with Rondo, the remake adds new secret paths, new puzzles, and completely new level design (in most cases for the better), and new boss fights as well. On top of Dracula's new final form.

dxc was IGA's best offering to fans of the series, since as you said it also included SOTN and original Rondo.

>> No.3737297
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DXC also had worst iteration of Maria.
It will NEVER EVER take Rondo's place in my heart.

>> No.3737304


>It wasn't that bad, but it has a customizable soundtrack, you can use the original PC-Engine tracks if you want, and arrange them however you want
You can do that? I just flat out relinked the files in the ISO.

>> No.3737307
File: 6 KB, 149x118, Maria_Peke.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dunno, I like both Rondo and Kojima's designs.
Rondo also has a special place in my heart because of the zany 90s character design, and also I have nostalgia for them because the american manual of Dracula X on SNES used the Rondo portraits.
But Kojima's designs are good in their own right, Maria looks like a younger version of SOTN Maria.

>> No.3737308

....agreed, she looks like an alien in dxc

>> No.3737309

Yeah, you can. You have to unlock most of the music though. Some of them require you beating the boss rush multiple times. It's a nice challenge though, I had fun 100%ing.

>> No.3737313


I didn't find DXC compelling enough to even finish it I'm afraid. Rondo and SotN was enough.

>> No.3737343

At least you're not showing your inner cunt this time, Australia-kun.

Actually might not be Australia-kun, he's not shilling Bloodlines and Amigavania.

>> No.3737398


theres no debate. sotn is objectively the best one cause the other ones are only good if you are into the saga in general. sotn is good even if youre not.


>> No.3737412

you could just say that SOTN is only good if you're into metroidvania kind of games, and the classics are more universal since they become to the much broader popular genre, action-platformers.
SOTN got famous (and let's say it was a sleeper hit, in 1998 the general public wasn't interested on 2D games specifically) thanks to the CV community and the fact the game looks and sounds gorgeous, not because most people preferred metroidvania style (although it did help that it was easier than classicvanias)

>> No.3737843

>sotn is objectively the best because ad populum

Kill yourself, Igababby.

>> No.3738495

>only good if you are into the saga in general
What does that even mean? I don't think anyone even plays Castlevania for the ongoing story.
Classicvanias are good for their atmosphere and tense gameplay.

I wish Rondo Maria got a figure and not her shitty Judgement design.

>> No.3739127

>It's good but not as good as III.

Patrician status unlocked.

>> No.3739147

I like this guy.

>> No.3740689
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You know what, I love IV and Rondo but fuck you hipsters and your ass-hattery.

SotN is also a masterpiece. Get fucking real. If any of you started a playthrough tomorrow you'd finish it.