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/vr/ - Retro Games

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3730086 No.3730086[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

imagine no mario 64

>> No.3730091

I only ever played that game a couple of times for maybe 20 minutes total, so it's pretty easy. It's quite easy to imagine no N64 at all actually come to think of it.

>> No.3730095

Imagine no Catcher in the rye

>> No.3730098
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Great, Bubsy 3D being the standar 3D platformer.

>> No.3730108

Yeah I bet old Johnny could get behind that.

>> No.3730110

I kek'd

>> No.3730112

The world mostly has. Catcher in the Rye really isn't very relevant to anyone born after 1970 or so.

>> No.3730121

I and several people i know read it who were born in the 90s? People still read books....

>> No.3730126


You could have met 100,000,000 people BECAUSE they all read Catcher in the Rye and some fagbag here would still spout off with "Fuck off with your anecdotal evidence"

>> No.3730142

t. phony

>> No.3730151

Imagine no Earthbound.

>> No.3730153

What is the point of this thread?

>> No.3730153,1 [INTERNAL] 

Probably a reference to this thread >>1472065

>> No.3730162
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Of course people read. That's not my point. It's that Catcher in the Rye is about an adolescent boy realizing that growing up is actually going to suck and that his carefree childhood notions of what being an adult would be like were completely unrealistic.

But these days that message is so encoded into every facet of popular culture that by the time someone is of an age when the book is meant to be read they've been jaded about how shitty adult life will be for years already.

It's not a bad book, but it's also nowhere near as relevant as it was when it was written because culture has changed so much. Hell even Less Than Zero seems cliche to teenagers now.

>> No.3730184

That's interesting. I don't think kids will be jaded about adult life though, atleast not all.

>> No.3730249


Didn't touch nintendo after SNES. feelsgoodman.jpg

Tell me all about the kiddy shit you played on those lame ass consoles.

>> No.3730259

It all comes down to how they are raised, both by their parents and their environment.

I'm not going to get too into this since it's incredibly off-topic, but I seriously believe all the shitty TV programming and the fact that kids are getting tablets at the age of 6 is having an adverse effect on their growth as a person.

>> No.3730302


Most people like their adult lives though.

>> No.3730306

Well, duh, just remember 2008 or so.

>> No.3730313

Not actually the point. Read the book anon.

>> No.3730329
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I'd rather imagine the world where OoT miserably failed, burying Zelda with it. I'd feel more comfortable without every American telling me every day how it's THE BEST GAME OF ALL TIME and it DEFINED 3D GAMES and IF YOU DON'T AGREE YOU'RE OBJECTIVELY WRONG.

>> No.3730345

Mario 64 sucked. Fight me.

>> No.3730347

This so hard, I'm sick and tired of hearing not only about Ocarina of Time but Zelda in general, most overrated fucking game series of all time.

>> No.3730393

i can't fight you because Mario 64 actually does suck

>> No.3730410

END of story.

>> No.3730416

I didn't know the Amish played video games.

>> No.3730417

It's doesn't suck. It's a good game, but is overrated and outclassed by other 3D platformers.

>> No.3730434
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This is easy for me since I never had an N64... never had an SNES either

> dad thought he was doing me a favor by selling my NES and tv so he could get us an 8088 with a Green Screen.

> he was in fact, since I started drawing on DPaint2

Borrowed a guy's Sega Genesis to play a bunch of mortal kombat on it.

Played PSX Tekken 3 and Destruction Derby in a club room in high school.

But otherwise I completely missed the N64 and after doing some trial emulation with it I really do not get the gist of why it was so good.

To be frank Castlevania SOTN was the bomb on PSX and its a sidescroller with some limited 3d effects.

Yet they decided for what reason I cant fathom . . . to put in both Zelda and Mario as 3D games on N64

And that decision was a horrible mistake.

They could have gone overboard 2D sprites with larger sprites and some 3D effects and it would have been as golden as the first zelda cartridge.

To this day I think OOT sucks and Twilight Princess should have been the first 3D zelda title.

But Mario?
Nope just Nope.

Maybe in Ocarina they could have done it as mostly 2D and then had first person 3D segments for shooting games as well as 3D cutscenes, and they would have had more care and attention given to them.

I love The Minish Cap more than OOT because everything was so much better on 2D to make it better than if it was tried as a 3D.

(also the game balance of the items in OOT wasnt all that impressive either, for example the magic hammer, and having light arrows rather than silver arrows)

I tried Mario64 for a short time and put it right back down, and it didnt make much sense either.

3D really shouldnt have been a thing until Gamecube. They should have just went Infinity +1 on 2d with the N64.

>> No.3730439


another thing that was unforgiving about that game was the money flow restriction, when in reality money chokepoints in zelda are just an early game moneygate

there was also alot of fluff and things that didnt really amount to much, like the masks, or going to shoot the ghosts roaming the countryside

and I hate the goddamn horse, I hate it, and I hate the emphasis on using the horse too, so much so I cant recall its name

>> No.3730443

It wouldn't be a big loss becouse when you think mario 64 you imagine that without it there would be no 3d platformers (when Bubsy 3d predates Mario 64) and the gameplay of mario 64 wasn't even really copied into any other mascot 3d platformer. Yes the general idea is the same in them(collecting shit in themed levels) but neither Crash, Banjo nor Spyro or Bubsy copied the dynamic of M64 and each one of them did their own thing gameplay wise.

>> No.3730448


Also forgot to mention SWORDBEAM.

Where the hell is my fucking Swordbeam.

When I swing my sword I want to hear that electric brrr-rrt and it shoot out a fricking lightsaber because im a magical elf.

> even if it only does half an arrow worth of damage

I was also severely disappointed in the SNES link to the past swordbeam. I mean its got one if you call it that but it was more of an annoyance (since you didnt know what it'd hit, and the sound too).

> t. Hates all Zelda games without a proper emulation of the first game's Swordbeam

> and is right when he says they are inferior

>> No.3730449

imagine john lennon wasn't a liar and a hypocrit

>> No.3730450

Most kids now have an anticipatory anxiety disorder about adult life.

>> No.3730454

I heard Paul used to beat the shit out of Yoko

>> No.3730456

imagine the beatles being a good band

>> No.3730459

Because modern adult life is more complex than it was back then.

>> No.3730473

more n64 game circlejerking

>> No.3730484

So now that we are on topic of nintendo and it's supposed innovation in games. Can someone tell my why everyone hyped up the analog control on the n64 mario saying it's essential to it but then years later nintendo released mario 64 as a launch title on a handheld without analog controls and pretended that lack of analog control is ok?

>> No.3730514

Nintendo's earliest games on DS were a mess, to be frank. They 'tried' to show how touch screen could have worked, but at best their attempts presented it like a funny little gimmick. Can't blame them because it was 2004, 3 years before iPhone, but still they failed to make a definitive case for the touchscreen like they did with SM64 for N64.

Unfortunately, this very thing happened to Super Mario 64 DS. On paper, the touchscreen replaced the analog. In reality, it was almost impossible to play this way. That's about all I can say about its touch control really. Everyone just figured out that the only real way to play it was on D-pad.

Later Nintendo got a hang of it though. They realized that using touchscreen together with buttons was almost always a bad idea. They also later realized the need for an analog in a console. But who cared, when they eventually sold 150 millions of DS across the globe?…

>> No.3730521

The physics in Super Mario 64 DS are completely different than that of Super Mario 64 and no longer require the precise control that the 64 game afforded you

>> No.3730531

>The physics in Super Mario 64 DS are completely different than that of Super Mario 64 and no longer require the precise control that the 64 game afforded you
We dumbed down the gameplay becouse we were too cheap to include a analog controller like sony did.

>> No.3730547

Macross 7 belongs on /m/, dummy.

>> No.3730591

Imagine music being good

>> No.3730598
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>> No.3730606


>> No.3730608
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>> No.3730645

she absolutely deserved it

John was a total piece of shit though. Beating Yoko would have been his one good deed in life

>> No.3730757
File: 28 KB, 640x480, crazy anime woman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine no Symphony of The Night

>> No.3730765

what animoo?

>> No.3730778
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>> No.3730782
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That's not an amish...

>> No.3730923
File: 23 KB, 344x386, Croc_Legend_of_the_Gobbos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One can dream...

>> No.3731007
File: 152 KB, 640x480, Sound_Blaster_Creative.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine no sound blaster, no sound blaster AWE32 or at least no sound blaster live.

>> No.3731015

>every American
So true, it's always Americans doing this.

>> No.3731316

OoT is the best game of all time and it defined 3D games and if you don't agree you're objectively wrong.

>> No.3731547
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I wonder who's behind this post

>> No.3731563

Gravis Ultrasound>Creative Soundshitter

>> No.3732356


imagine no talent

>> No.3732376

Do people actually like Bubsy 3D? I can't imagine a world of 3d platformers where the landscape was shaped by Bubsy 3D when it was such a horrible experience. Maybe this is just a meme that I'm not in on.

>> No.3732382
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>all this reddit-/mu/ contrarianism on /vr/

>> No.3732398
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>> No.3732405

Does analog even matter in that game? I only remember running around at full speed every single time. You could sneak past the sleeping chop chop flowers, but I remember only doing that once to try out if it works; since it was faster to run past them, and they didn't reach you anyway.

I haven't play it since 1998 though so I might remember wrong.

>> No.3732656

>the general idea is the same in them(collecting shit in themed levels)
problem is, that wasn't the general idea in m64, but enough people thought it was. so devs/pubs made collect-a-thons because they thought they would sell (and they were probably easier to make than consistently challenging games), and the fact that they sold meant more were in store.

a star in m64 was a reward for completing a challenge (a tutorial in early levels) or for exploring. the only collecting was for normal coins, which were meaningless with saves and continues. that surely scratched an itch for folks that want to collect everything, but it was innocuous for everyone else because they could miss them without missing any part of the game. and they certainly weren't a requirement for advancement.

m64 isn't to blame for what came after, but without it we might have had more good platformers and fewer collect-a-thons, at least for a while.

>> No.3732683

well yeah /vr/ is pretty much /mu/-lite

>> No.3732958

My dad got a lifelong well paying career because he was walking down a road one day after he graduated college and a guy drove by in a car and said, "How about working for us?"