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File: 1.93 MB, 5138x1982, 20170110_191305.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3729447 No.3729447 [Reply] [Original]

I have a copy of donkey kong country 3 that just won't work in my super nintendo no matter how much I clean the contacts with q-tips and isopropyl alcohol. I tore it apart and i can't see any issues with the PCB either. I know dead batteries are an issue but is that only for save files? What's the best way of troubleshooting my cart?

>> No.3729449

Dead batteries are only for saves.

Try a white eraser on the contacts. If that doesn't work, try Brasso. If that doesn't work, you're out of luck.

>> No.3729454

Yeah, those contacts are anything but clean.

>> No.3729457

Show picture of the other side of the board.

>> No.3729463
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>> No.3729478

very dirty contacts. Really, use brasso or a pencil eraser on it.

>> No.3729509

wen't over with an eraser but it still refuses to load. I'll try some brasso and see if that works

>> No.3729535

Is GameCube retro yet? I have a faulty GameCube controller I've been waiting to repair.

>> No.3729536

probably not, but what's wrong with it?

>> No.3729539

A button doesn't work unless I mash it down super hard. I've never spilled anything or eaten while playing my controllers. Do you think it's dirty?

>> No.3729575

it's most likely the contacts on the board are dirty. Just use a q-tip to give it a good clean and see if that works. Also give the contacts on the Silicon domes a good clean too, that's another potential cause of your problems

>> No.3729584
File: 104 KB, 640x384, 20170109_174013s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess this is what I get for buying acceptable condition games on eBay. It looks like it sat in water for days.

I hate to toss old games, but I don't think this can be salvaged.

>> No.3729585
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>> No.3729596

What the heck has the previous owner been dunking this into

I've never seen shit look this bad

>> No.3729612

Easy fix.
Just desolder the rom chips and shove them up your ass.

>> No.3729620

Will do once I get it open. Thanks!

>> No.3729721

>acceptable condition
acceptable condition is the lowest quality you can choose that's not FOR PARTS/REPAIR, friendo.

>> No.3729786


Your tracks seem to be oxidized/worn out.

Try some abrasive cleaning, and if it doesn't work - and you're a electronics guy - try repainting the tracks with proper conductive paint.

>> No.3729809

OP, if you have a multimeter, test for continuity between the pins on the cart, and various pins on the DIPs. If you find a connection that is kinda janky, then that's your problem.

Otherwise there is very little that could cause a cart not to load a game. It's literally just a vehicle to connect the SNES address and data buses to the game's ROM.

>> No.3729940


I had a conkers bfd cart that just would not work after extensive cleaning. brasso fixed it. q-tips recommended.

>> No.3730060

I have a Sega CD that often disconnects from the console when gaming. Sometimes it just won't load and you have to press the systems together and reset it.

Could the slot between the Sega CD and Genesis need some of that?

>> No.3730063

Acceptable condition means that if you buy it, you accept it in whatever condition it is in.

>> No.3730073


I wonder if soaking it in diluted CLR or similar would work, followed by a rinse, followed by alcohol cleaning.

>> No.3730627

soak that shit in vinegar then put it in a clip lock bag full of rice for like, a week.

>> No.3730642

I got a Pokemon Yellow that would not boot. Took macro pictures of all of the chips to look for problems. the +5v pin on the main Rom was cracked. A wave of the soldering iron over it fixed it right up.

Try re-flowing the solder on the ROM pins.

>> No.3730647

Fuck thats nasty. Out of curiousity what game is it?

>> No.3730670

That ain't acceptable. Anon should definitely issue a refund. I doubt that works, so it should have been for parts/repair

>> No.3730689

Got a SNES pad that needs the rubber shit replaced but the screws are stripped down and I can't get it opened up. Any suggestions?

>> No.3730712

Cum on it. Post pics.

>> No.3730718

I too would like an answer to this


>> No.3730772


Freedom Force.

>> No.3730784

Brasso on the male contacts. Take a clean toothbrush, dip it in isopropyl alcohol, flick off the excess, and brush the female slot. The toothbrush should be pretty dry when you do it. Let the slot dry thoroughly. Look up brassoing cartridges to be safe before doing the male edge.

>> No.3730938

Followed by fire

>> No.3730943

>white eraser on contacts
My bootleg Mario all-start wont work. Gonna try that tomorrow

>> No.3730958
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Dude, it can probably be saved. Wish I still had some before and after pics on my phone.
I have cleaned worse and it's been fine.
I would use a dremel on slow setting with a wire brush attatchment to remove the rust on the legs of the chips As well as the rust on the resistor. Then rubbing alcohol to clean up the board and wipe down the chip legs.
Removing the rust with the wire brush will allow u to see if u need to repair anything with a soldering iron.
Resistor will probably need to be replaced, but it will work without the resistor in place, the graphics will look a little messed up tho.
And definitely brasso on the pins. And if the black sludge won't come off I would also very carefully clean with the dremel. Then reclean with brasso and then with rubbing alcohol.

Oddly enough I've been able to get every game I have Coke across in that condition working. So no doubts you can too.

>> No.3731157

read this


very interesting....

>> No.3731168

>read this
>it's a video
Very interesting indeed...

>> No.3731172


that should be a direct link to a comment by 'robert bledsaw' on the video..thats the reading part

>> No.3731207

What's interesting about it? He's just saying to use alcohol, or contact cleaner if that doesn't work, which is the same advice you'll get from most people here. Eraser and Brasso are extreme measures that you should only use when gentler methods fail.

>> No.3731972


>> No.3732024

>Brasso KILLER meme
>BbbbbbbuGAIS it works if you remove it inmidieatly

Just use a white eraser and rubbing alcohol for fucks sake.

Meh, nothing of value.

>> No.3732070

Does anyone have any concrete proof about brasso being
I've been literally using it for 6+ years now to clean games and I have literally never had a problem.
Or is it just idiots not knowing how to use it and ruining their games?
I hate seeing how most people clean their games. I mean how are people going to say Brasso is the devils cleaner of choice while they go ham on their cartridges pins with sandpaper?

>> No.3732169

It's microabrasive you fool. You should only use it if alcohol doesn't work.

>> No.3732439

I don't think anyone is saying it's evil or the worst thing you could use. Obviously it's not going to destroy your cartridges if you use it correctly. But it does wear down the contacts; that's literally how polishing works. If you care about your games, you should always start with the mildest methods, and move up to harsher methods only if necessary.

>> No.3732671

>OMG OMG he used a microaggression on his old toy
Top kek kid

>> No.3732859
File: 576 KB, 2048x1152, 2017-01-11 20.40.16.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have this scratched up genesis here with me, and I'd like to buff it or something.

What sort of options are avaiable? Is my only option some kind of paint?

The reset button also has trouble getting up after it is pressed. Do I have to replace it/its rubber dome? Any idea what kind of product can replace it?

>> No.3732908

Try the wire brush attachment on a Dremel. Only buff it high speed, though, or you'll make the scratches worse.

>> No.3732924

I think one can drill into stripped screws very carefully in order to break them. But you'll ahve to triple check this advice.

>> No.3733012
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Confirming that's how you do it. Big pain in the ass. Replace screws before they're gone and use well fitting screwdrivers folks.

So I tried that out on the underside. It does wipe out the white scratches but it leaves the console looking kind of smudgy. Also seen is me fucking up and melting the plastic a little.

Wondering if it was powder or something, I found out the genesis case doesn't like isopropyl alcohol. Very minor marks, nore minor than the wire brush marks that remind me a little of acetone marks on plastic.

The cloth attachment on low speed wipes out the smudge and the isopropyl residue/damage. On high speed it scratches the plastic though.

To the left of that screw hole, to the left of that scratch was a scratch. There's a little bit of residue still there but it is mostly fixed. Texture still feels right too.

I do wonder whether there's a better way. I'm also assuming using a magic eraser or something on the smooth plastic on the genesis that circles the cartridge slot is fine, right?

>> No.3733013

Plastic polish

>> No.3733028

This or use an x-out bit.

>> No.3733096
File: 26 KB, 158x467, usethisnotbrasso.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The best option for cleaning those contacts is to use electrical contact cleaner, you know, the thing specifically made for this exact purpose. I found pic related at a nearby home depot. Brasso comes with a lot of bad smells and is not necessarily good for the plastic either. Enjoy DKC 3 OP

>> No.3733102

>not necessarily good for the plastic either
Anon, you don't take your games out of their shells when you clean the pins?

Anyway that usually, usually works. I've had one game that it didn't work for. A copy of Pitfall required some eraser action.

>> No.3733135

It's looking like a capacitor replacement job is in my future for my poor old Mega Drive. The jailbars are pretty bad and the audio is quite noisy.

Anyone have experience with recapping a model 1? How hard is it? I've done some minor soldering jobs and repairs, and I'd rather not have to pay someone else if I can avoid it.

>> No.3733150

It's not very hard. There's just a fuck ton of caps on it.

>> No.3733448

This is not always true.
Secret of Evermore will not load if the save battery is dead. The game looks to save data right at boot up. I do the know why it does this, but it has happened to me on two different carts.

>> No.3733549
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Look at this shit.
Happened for absolutely no reason and there was nothing I could do to fix it.

>> No.3734184

A recap won't fix your jailbars anon. The only way to get rid of them is to reroute the signal away from the VRAM chips.

>> No.3734495

I know it won't eliminate them completely, but I've read things that indicate that if you have heavy rainbow banding similar to what I'm seeing, it could the result of cap problems. Either way, it sounds like I'm going to be replacing at least some of them, so I may as well just go ahead and replace them all.

>> No.3734527
File: 56 KB, 320x284, rainbow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rainbow banding isn't jailbar though. Replacing all of them is a waste of time and money.

Just to make sure you're clear on what rainbow banding is, here's a picture. It only happens with vertically dithered objects.

>> No.3734569

It's fucking new except the contacts.
I was going to tell you to get a multimeter and start testing values, but fuck that.

>> No.3735115

Yes, that's what I'm seeing, but much worse than in that picture. It's bad enough to affect non-dithered graphics as well.

>> No.3735967

Bought a GBA SP today and when I try to charge it the light doesn't stay on, the same thing happens too when I move the cord around. I have also tried another charger but the same thing happens. Is this a simple fix? I'll try cleaning the port too, do I clean it like I would a cartridge?

>> No.3736179

Could be the battery is die.
Could be your brain is die.
Could be there's an stray "r" in your URL.

>> No.3736624

>when I move the cord around
Might be that the connector is dirty. Might be that the connector needs a re-flowing. Try cleaning it first and if that doesn't work open it up. Look for obvious damage. If you don't see any reflow the connector's solder.

>> No.3738225

if a disk has no scratches that are major yet doesnt work what do I do


>> No.3738237

Might be your laser going bad.

What system is it? PSX or PS2? Both of those systems are a little notorious.

Does only that disc not work or have you tried others. Note that if others still work it might still be a problem with your laser.

If that disc is the only disc with problems, then try polishing it before doing anything further.

>> No.3738248

Gamecube, It's only this disk (Melee). It has little small scratches, like all my old disk, but it doesn't load. It actually starts to load and then crashes after I click the start button. Do I polish? If so, how would I do that

>> No.3738260

It's likely the scratches. They're reflecting the laser beam and preventing it from reading data.

I think some people try polishing discs with toothpaste, but I'd discourage this as you could mess up and melee is moderately expensive.

Try going to a music store or a retro games store that can polish discs.

Alternatively you could buy a CD refinishing machine yourself on amazon. They're not that expensive, but they're probably still more than just taking your disc to a music store.

>> No.3738269

Ok thanks, do any big retailers do this like Best Buy? Just asking cause I live in a rural area

>> No.3738270

Not sure. Just call them on the phone anon.

>> No.3738919
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Anyone have a guide on doing an expansion audio mod on a top loader? Not finding a good guide online.

>> No.3738939


What the hell is going on here? Did your game divide by zero?

>> No.3739447
File: 43 KB, 472x576, 1369977013105.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why the fuck are all 3rd party S-Video cables for the SNES/N64/GCN pieces of shit?

I just got one expecting better video, but then I found out that even though it uses the chroma/luma pins, it ties them together anyways!

Can I get a official Nintendo S-video for less than $30?

At this point I'm thinking about just making my own cable from scrap.

>> No.3739468


I'm waiting on one of these. They're the recommended cable from RetroRGB. Not much cheaper at $25 shipped, but since it'll be the cable for multiple systems I just decided to go for it. I had had two S Video cables that were wired wrong and a fucked up Genesis SCART cable, so I'm pretty over shitty Chinese cables.

>> No.3739523
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I need to free save space on my 3DO, but for some reason it won't go further than about 8 or 9 saves while there surely are more. after the 8 or 9th it while freeze. Any help?

>> No.3739527

really what is going on here? it looks like someone stuck their finger in your screen.

>> No.3739808
File: 10 KB, 400x400, DOGGO is FUCKING PISSED.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was trying to figure out why my Atari Lynx left d-pad input wasn't working. With the system half-open, I plugged in the wall adapter, turned it on, ran fine (making sure it was all good). As expected all buttons worked except d-pad left. I turned it off, unplugged the power, reseated the controller cable, plugged the power back in, and got a weird boop noise out of it. Didn't know what happened, but then I realized that I accidentally plugged it into the headphone jack and not the power adapter jack. Now it won't seem to turn on. How fucked am I?

Also, why did they think it was a good idea to make the two ports accept the same jack? Surely they could have foreseen the real possibility of accidental plug-ins?

>> No.3739994

This is Atari we're talking about, anon. The company which listened to a dumbfuck consumer group who told them to make it BIIIIG.

Epyx would have done the job right given the chance.

>> No.3740286

Thanks, those look high quality, but given the price I think I can make the same thing for less.

>> No.3740468

I've been talking to this guy, he seems legit. He will also make cables on request.

>> No.3740763

This retard can't even figure out what's in rubbing alcohol. Why would you pay attention to anything beyond this?
For fucks sake, you can look at the side of the bottle and see that there's no glycerin?

>> No.3740795

So neither alcohol, contact cleaner or white eraser worked for this

I guess i should bust out the multimeter and learn how to see if traces are still in tact or not

>> No.3741251


I haven't bought the S-Video cable from him, but I did buy the audio cable to use on my gamecube along side the component cable.

While the cable is very sturdy and performs fine, the multi-av connector doesn't fit snug into the port and often needs an adjustment for me to get sound. This is despite me very rarely moving or touching anything in my set-up but the controller except to power on the console. It's a bit annoying.

Still, it's cool that he provides the service.

>> No.3741253

He is using a generic male adapter. Unless some one comes out with a nicer one it really seems that is going to be it unless you want to shell out the big bills for the real deal.

Also, try slipping some paper under the adapter when you push it in see if you can't get a snug fit.

>> No.3741440

I have two Dreamcasts right now - one works, one has a bad disc drive and won't read retail discs, let alone burned ones. Is it worth trying to sell the one with the bad drive for parts, or should I just throw it away? I know I've heard that trying to fix the drive is fairly complicated and requires finding the right laser.

>> No.3742646

I have a Sega CD that stopped reading discs. It used to read them just fine, then occasionally it would just click when powering on the drive would not start up.

Now I can't get it to load it. Every time I power it on it clicks once and says no disc.

I was able to get it to load once by hitting it kind of softly and turning it off and on. Once it starts reading a disc it has no problem and can play it and load fine from it for hours.

I don't want to keep hitting it or risk breaking it more though.

>> No.3743250

Sounds like the laser sled is getting jammed in its resting position.

Have you opened your Sega CD and inspected it yet anon?

>> No.3743293
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I have not. Not really sure what to look out for.
It did start running a while after my post and I was able to play Earthwork Jim Special Edition.

It's a model 2.

>> No.3743298
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The system loaded levels and you can hear it load audio tracks on loop and when it seeks data.
Was able to do this boss part without getting hit once. A lot easier on a CRT. Screen is dark because I paused the game.

After this I reset and tried about 10 times and it just clicked again.

>> No.3743713

Looks like a loca bubble from a frontlight kit for a DMG

>> No.3744332



It really depends upon the eraser, soft white vinyl erasers are the best for it.

I usually use four things when cleaning carts. Rubbing alcohol, Electrical Contact Cleaner, White Art Soft Vinyl Eraser (if the contacts are really tarnished), and Deoxit D5. Once in a blue moon I might have a cart not work, but thats because I switch often and it probably didn't seat right in the cartridge connector.

I first start off with rubbing alcohol to get the first layer of dirt off. After that I see if it has a lot of tarnish/wear (in which case i'll give it one or two vertical swipes with the art eraser), then put deoxit d5 on the contacts and let it sit for 1-2 minutes. After that I wipe it off with rubbing alcohol+q-tip as Deoxit D5 leaves a sticky film. It is amazing how good deoxit d5 is as i've seen it return contacts to almost like new condition (due to it removing oxides and the like).

I can wiggle my carts and they don't crash, that is how clean they are.

Also OP clean your system cartridge contacts, that is probably what is stopping it from booting.

>> No.3744774

Use Glad furniture polish one some toilet paper to polish the disc.

It's much less harsh than toothpaste.

>> No.3744781

My Genesis model 2 has rainbow banding on its composite video.

Will replacing all the capacitors (or just certain ones) fix this problem or do I have to search for a high definition HD graphics model 1 to replace it?

I can't be bothered to go for an RGB setup and I know that modding it to S-video will still have rainbow banding.

>> No.3744913

Can't be bothered to buy a 15$ cable and a 20-30$ scart to component/vga/hdmi converter?
C'mon bro.

Best solution is to either get a hi def graphics model 1 or a extremely late Genesis model 2. Caps aren't going to fix crappy parts.

>> No.3745067
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Just picked up a snes with a v1 board that won't power on.
Fuse/at adapter are both good. But i think the problem is with the 7805 voltage regulator. It looks like someone replaced it and when they did they tore off the soldering pad for pin 3 which is the outgoing pin.
To "fix" this they sanded down the underside of the board and just soldered it there.
Looking at a snes schematic, it looks like the outgoing voltage pin on the 7805 is supposed to go to the c81 1uf capacitor. So can I just run a wire from the outgoing leg of the 7805 to the cap to fix it? What side of the cap should I wire it to? There's a whole with a trace next to the c81 cap, what is that?
Please Help lol.

>> No.3745076

You can wire the 7805 and solder right to the area they sanded down, if need be run a small jumper from the pin to the place they soldered to to restore power. I'd recommend getting a new 7805 and using that scene they most likely butchered it. You can pick up a new one at Radio Shack if need be along with some thermal grease you should put on it when you screw it back onto the heat sync.

It looks like you should just be able to solder it all together though scene its close enough.

Also check the fuse (the black thing in your picture)

>> No.3745084
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Also, yes you could wire to the cap, I marked it but it shouldn't be necessary. You should try and solder to the place they scrapped off right near the pin.

I've also marked another spot you might be able to solder to but it's quite far away.

Also marked that line. It looks like it might have cut the big trace. If you got a multi-meter, I'd check and see if you can still get continuity

>> No.3745194

I brought down my SNES from the attic and I wanted to play some classic game goodness. Unfortunately, while the console seems to get power, none of my video cables (composite or RF) output video. I tried multiple cartridges. Is there something that tends to break and might be easy to fix? I haven't opened the console yet because I need to get a hold of the screwdriver for it.

>> No.3745198

clean the games is the first step.

>> No.3745235

I'll give that a shot, but some of the ones I tried had that plastic cover over the pins so they should be clean.

>> No.3745238

its not really dust, its more moisture.

>> No.3745241

So, alcohol might help?

>> No.3745247

That would be a good place to start.

70% is okay but take the other end of a Qtip and dry it off after cleaning.

91% is better.

The grand master of cleaning contacts is electrical contact cleaner. Just make sure its safe on plastic and PCBs.

>> No.3745262

Got it, thanks. I'll give those a try next time I get a chance (not home right now.)

>> No.3745579

Getting a 32x gets rid of rainbow banding since it has a better video encoder.

>> No.3746828

is going to gameSHIT(Stop) for resurfacing disk fine? no? yes? maybe?

>> No.3746850

I dunno.

My local Vintage Stock does it though.

>> No.3747198

Hi /vr/
i havent found the normal repair general thread so i post this questions over this one.

i have an snes,and it was working ok , and stop using it for like 2 months or so.

one of this days i strated it and it restarts the games, the games look just fine (except for starfox wich doesnt enter and shows a black screen with stripes) but the others work perfect but after some minutes they restart

i dont know what to do, could it be the pins from the snes or the power supply, any help on how to look for clues would be awesome

thank you

>> No.3747205


Try poking the reset switch to see if it's stuck

>> No.3747376


Desolder the reset switch from the board and put the SNES back together completely.

If it stops resetting you will know for sure the reset switch is at fault and you can spray contact cleaner into it.

>> No.3747526

How hard is it to put a 50/60hz switch mod on a NES?

>> No.3748498

Just received a Genesis controller from ebay and the dpad doesn't work half the time. Is if something that can be fixed by taking it apart or would I be better seeing if I can get a refund?

>> No.3749089

thats an atomic purple color though

>> No.3749216

Could be worth trying to get a partial refund at least, take the controller apart and clean the contacts with contact cleaner or alcohol. I would also check the condition of the membrane for the dpad.

>> No.3749326

i had the same problem on an snes controller just had some dirt on the underside of the rubber pad

>> No.3749350
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Come the fuck on. for the second fucking time, that link goes to a COMMENT that talks about ESD when using erasers. Pay fucking attention, tweeker.

The video is shit, pure shit. but i wasnt linking to that directly.

>> No.3749389
File: 383 KB, 1600x1200, 101_1145[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I sent the person a message and he gave me refund.
Probably knew it was partially defective. At least I can open it now without having to worry.

It's one of these model controllers.

>> No.3750192

unless you meant snes, nes cannot be 50/60hz switch modded.

>> No.3750195

You'll get it working but the dpad will always be pure shit.

>> No.3750226
File: 2.24 MB, 3840x2014, dpad_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I took it apart and there was what looked like grass sticks and debris blocking the dpad. There was also a lot of gunk that I had to clean out too.

Those little black pads seem kind of worn out and cracked on the D-pad. Maybe whoever owned the controller before mashed it really hard trying to get it to respond and it tore them up.

Are these little black pads replaceable?

>> No.3750234

My DC also has some kind of disc problem: It'll load and start games, but quits after about 5 minutes. Maybe something overheats?

I know for my PS I fixed the laser simply by cleaning it off with some compressed air. I also cleaned and lubed the tracks and that worked.

>> No.3750254


When you say 'quits' does the video/audio go out, or the system completely loses power and the red light goes out?

It sounds like a power issue, it is probably hitting max power load around that 3~5 minute mark, and that could be what kills it.

When you turn it on, after about 2mins, smell the console (from about a foot away) and see if you smell anything burning. Also check the ac cord itself for abnormal hotness, and the pins/plug on the ac cord for burn marks or discoloring.

>> No.3750342

If you put it back together now, how well does it work? You might be able to find a rubber/silicon membrane on ebay that may fit it if that doesn't work.

>> No.3750360
File: 2.50 MB, 2812x3840, PadsLineup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It doesn't feel like it registers as quickly or smoothly as the SG8 Propad. Depending on the game it not's that bad. The turbo feature is handy and I like the bigger classic style Genesis shape. Maybe it could use a replacement plastic thing.

The Propad 6 on the bottom has a nice feel and good buttons, but the D pad is by far the worst.

For an example in the Down the Tubes level of Earthworm Jim It is impossible to get past the cats with Propad 6. You have jump to grab on to the tube and press up to lift your body so you are out of grab range. If you hold up after a second it will slip to the left or right by accident and you will fall and get hit. With the other two you can rock a little while holding up and still be holding just up. I had to plug in the SG8 to pass that level.

>> No.3751708

Update. After hours of testing it's a bit weird. Sometimes the D pad will work just fine then, the other times it screws up like I won't be able to move left or pressing down down does nothing.

Could something be damaged on the board?

>> No.3751720
File: 19 KB, 250x337, GameCube-Game-Boy-Player.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys, I am having trouble with a GBA player (which I use for playing GB GBC games so /vr/ related). The games start but sometimes after playing them for about 10 or 15 minutes the system acts like the game was ejected when it wasn't. I have cleaned all the connectors and even used electronic cleaner on the connectors and the little switch which tells that a game is inserted, and I still have the issue. The games are also clean and work fine in Super game boy and my SP. Has anyone heard of this problem or have any ideas what it could be?

>> No.3752367
File: 2.30 MB, 3632x2016, 20170121_175918.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic is the board, camera does not do good with close up stuff.

>> No.3752429

Any advice for a replacement 62-pin connector?

I've had an old SNES for a while that I bought at Goodwill but couldn't get it to work outside of displaying a purple screen. Partially disassembled it and it seems to be an issue with connector. Tried cleaning it but no luck there either. It's one of the earlier models where it's not soldered in too.

>> No.3752469

Pretty much all of those connections look like dry solder joins. You should go over each one and resolder them.

Buy a non working V1 of the Model 1 SNES. You can tell if it is by the eject tab. If it's painted on its a V1, if not, its most likely a V2 and up and that's a grab bag if it has the detachable 62 pin connector.

>> No.3752872
File: 1.85 MB, 3632x2016, 1485044768368.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I put a box around one that I personally think looks the worst, but it can't hurt to reflow ALL of them.

>> No.3752897

>rubbing alcohol
>an oxidizing agent
>on copper
yeah nah

>> No.3752950

It's entirely possible the switch telling the system the game is in is shot.

>> No.3753370


>> No.3753941

I considered this too. I was thinking of maybe somehow hard wiring the switch permanently shut, like just soldering the circuit closed. I don't see this affecting anything else negatively.

>> No.3753974

Soldering gun or iron? What is an affordable good brand?

>> No.3754494
File: 338 KB, 800x600, nes-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hope this is the right thread to ask but i was interested in buying a broken NES or two to repair for my own personal use, any red flags to look out for/tips on buying broken off ebay?

>> No.3754604

I have a copy of Pokemon Blue, all trainer + pokemon sprites are shown as black boxes & the game will not hold a save even though i replaced the battery. Any tips? contacts are very clean.

>> No.3754613

CDs won't spin on my Sega CDx). It still plays Genesis games. Is it practical to fix the CD part?

>> No.3754615

Hakko and Weller are excellent. I personally use a Weller WLC-100 soldering station which you can get for $40. I prefer soldering irons. You'll want decent desoldering wick (chemtronics) and flux (SRA brand)

>> No.3754636

Rust is the big one. Usually you can see it though the underside vents.

Other then that, don't get a yellowed system because the plastic is brittle and will most likely snap if you try and remove any screws from it.

>> No.3754648

Sometimes just opening and cleaning/making sure everything is connected can fix things. I got a Sega CD for cheap that would not run games 90% of the time. After cleaning it and making sure the ribbon cables were connected well it works great now.

Take some pictures.

>> No.3754676

it looks like this, but it's Blue version. even the pokemon on the title screen are black boxes.

>> No.3754697

Not him, but for DKC3 it is - the game only "forgets" the save, but it runs fine.

Grab a small piece of aluminium foil. Dip it into vinegar until you see bubbles. Remove it, dry it with a paper. Now use it to clean the contacts - if the problem is oxidization, it'll solve it.

>> No.3755420


You fuck right off of /vr/ is what you do.

>> No.3755442

>Implying anyone besides you owns a 3DO

>> No.3755451

Or get an injection molding company to make one that's slightly bigger to account for the looseness. I've been toying with the idea of getting like an 8 ton press and making shit like this, or N64 stick bowls, or whatever else there sees to be too low quality of.

>> No.3755454

>Or should I throw it away.

Nigger, I'll pay for shipping if you're just going to throw it away. I'll sit on it until GDemu is running again and replace the drive.

>> No.3755468

>These pictures

Other anon's could take a lesson from you. Everything is crisp, clear, and easy to see. Kudos to you for recognizing your cameras inability to do close up shots, and going for the clearest possible picture. You have no idea how many times I've seen people post blurry shit and ask what we think.

>> No.3756029


Boil the 72 pin connector

>> No.3756407

Sure. Tooling up for a common part sounds cost effective. lol
Also, one guy with a defective AV port wouldn't justify it even it was free. Probably a good idea to make sure these cables are actually wrong first.
And if the cable is bad I'm sure the guy who makes them is in a better position to just fix his than someone who hasn't made on yet is to gear up for mass production of 1pcs.

>> No.3756413

What happened to the Repairman Mario OP?

>> No.3756421

I was just going to make this a dedicated thread for my own issues but i thought that'd be a waste and it'd die in a day or two so i just decided to make it a repairs general

i was too lazy to change the picture

>> No.3756434

>Known bad distributors are abundant
>Nah there's no need for someone to make quality replacement parts

You clearly have no idea what I'm trying to do. You see, there is a shortage of quality replacement parts. The cost for even an 88 ton injection molding press already set up for plastic molding is rather minimal. Granted, the molds cost money as well, but plastic molds are pretty cheap, and material is even cheaper. For small items like the N64 controller parts I could do up to 6 parts every 70 seconds, and if I went with a horizontal press I could have it all automated and be clipping gates while it does the next run. Granted, some of the items would be pretty limited demand, but just by having the machine I could take on side contracts.

>OEM quality retro controllers
>OEM quality replacement cartridge shells
>OEM quality console shells
>Custom shells for controllers/games/consoles

Eventually I could even start doing replacement membranes, and start extruding also, which gives me the ability to do everything in house short of PCBs.

>> No.3756608

For what it's worth, I was the anon that linked the eBay posting; may cable came in and fits pretty okay in my SNES, N64, and GCN. It is slightly looser than my OEM cables, but it definitely isn't falling out on its own.

It's pretty damned good. Nice and solid, with good shielding and serviceable plugs.

>> No.3756658

check this out, hope it works for you:

>> No.3756728

Okay, so I just got a JP sega saturn with a stepdown + cables, its missing controllers though.

The thing wont power on at all, I know its doubtful but do I need a controller plugged in?

>> No.3756861

Also if you play Super Metroid with a dead battery, Samus dies immediately as the game starts, something to do with you can't create a save file which sets how much your health is so you start with 0 health and immediately die, or something like that.

>> No.3757016
File: 1.17 MB, 1600x1200, model 2 MK-1631.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Picked up a model 2 genesis - sadly, almost no games are working on it. 2 games run, but most only show the beginning licensing screen, then go to black. Do you think it could be anything other than the connector/slot?

Also, what the fuck is going on in this picture?

>> No.3757020


I mean specifically, with those wires. Any video on youtube of people fixing model 2's doesnt have the wires on the boards

>> No.3757021

I've had model 2's do the same thing. It's most likely some sort of IC fault.

Also those two wires are from the factory. You will find wires on a lot of sega systems.

>> No.3757825

use a saw

>> No.3757914
File: 2.35 MB, 3058x1309, tmp_2934-20170124_131641-1-13975519.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The d-pad on my super famicom controller is pretty fucked. It doesn't feel right at all and makes this kinda creaking sound when I move it. Is there anything I can do to fix this?

>> No.3757990

So are you saying it doesn't
>need constant adjustment
to get sound?

>> No.3758006

Get a replacement silicone pad.

They're like $2.

>> No.3758028

Did you get the new model 2 or old one?

>> No.3758083

Thanks, I just ordered some but the screws on my controller seem to strip when I try to unscrew them. What should I do to get this bastard opened?

>> No.3758087

Nope. Fits just fine.

>> No.3758096

No signs of life at all? If it's plugged in and you press power, there should at least be an LED lighting up. Do you have the model number, and have you taken it apart?

>> No.3758097

I've a megadrive board that has the main oscillator broken, and a lot of traces leading to it torn.

Ordered replacement crystals from Alibaba, and I have most of the traces replaced by kynar wire... we'll see if it can be repaired, it has been sitting on my shelf for almost a year, until I noticed I could just grab a new crystal from china.

>> No.3758134

So this anon is wrong? >>3741251

>> No.3758437

What? No. Why would the quality of my connection have anything to do with his. He could have a different female connector, or the male adaptors could have changed slightly.

And as I said, it's not as nice a fit as the OEM. It wouldn't surprise me if someone else's doesn't work as well.

>> No.3758552

Oh, so there actually might be a market for better fitting cords then?

>> No.3758597
File: 609 KB, 1336x1177, SCDmodel1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just fixed up this old model 1 that was laying around (it had a bad controller port).
Connected to a Sega CD the picture look ways better than the model 2 Genesis, white text is easily readable the colors are easier on the eyes.

The only thing is the video cable doesn't lock in. It feels really loose all the time. Do all Sega Genesis video cables plug in like this? No matter how much you force it in it sill pops out with the slightest pull.

>> No.3758695

I was actually referring to your ridiculous suggestion that he get an injection molding company to make the part custom for him.
I didn't even intend to respond to your comment about setting up in injection machine in your moms basement. But I guess I will.

First 100/10 for making the "ima gone build a custom cab" fantasists look like rational competent people. Yours is delusion on a epic scale. If you bother to read more about what's actually involved and the costs and knowledge required you'll figure this out. Honestly just don't though. Live in the dreamland where you can do this and that the asshole who said you were insane doesn't have 20 years experience in injection molding.

Sounds like a coat or two of resin spray might be a better option for solving this problem than setting up an injection molding factory.

>> No.3758724
File: 431 KB, 1280x720, 20170124_172955.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

looking around I haven't found someone with the same N64 issue as mine. The system boots up normally, then after 5-10 seconds the video gets fuzzy and distorted before cutting out completely.
I've tried cleaning out the game slot as well as trying different expansion paks and cleaning that slot too.
Any insights are appreciated

>> No.3758738

Nah just gonna send it back, thanks though.

>> No.3758813

have you torn it down completely and inspected the board?

>> No.3758867

Yea, and I didn't see any leaks or breaks anywhere. I'm no expert, by far, but nothing seemed amiss.

>> No.3758872

Do you get sound still or does it just straight up not work?

>> No.3758889

The sound starts fine and stays on throughout, but gets pretty distorted when the video goes whacky.

>> No.3759009

could try tracing back from the AV port and looking.

Might want to re-flow the pins on the AV port as well. There might be a crack or cracks in it just because its one of the few points on a PCB that can have a lot of stress put on it.

>> No.3759064
File: 274 KB, 1280x720, 20170124_200630.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

looks clean to me, no visible cracks and the board looks great overall. Is there another trouble spot or pic I could snap?

>> No.3759069

Take the picture from above the connection. Can't see crap here.

And it might be the encoder

>> No.3759087
File: 453 KB, 1280x720, 20170124_201734.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok, hope this view helps a bit.

>> No.3759092

The bottom of the board. Where the though holes are soldered to.

>> No.3759097
File: 482 KB, 1280x720, 20170124_202315.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here ya go

>> No.3759103

I'm not seeing anything out of the ordinary but it wouldn't hurt to reflow them and see.

You will have to most likely trace them back even further.

>> No.3759105

ok, i will give that a shot. Got this one for free and hoped I could get her back to glory.
Thanks for the help

>> No.3759108

No problem. Just trace back and you will eventually hit the problem, question is if it's reparable.

If you have a continuity tester that would help

>> No.3759135

cool, I know my buddy has one so I will borrow it off him before i dig in again

>> No.3759158


its a model no: mk-1631

serial starts with AD

>> No.3759210

Google it. Bunch of different options. You might be fucked though, the plastic on one of my snes pads was brittle and the screw holes all snapped.

>> No.3759279
File: 23 KB, 275x328, mav_ntsc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did a bit of research and it seems the audio and video go though the same encoder chip to the multi out.

At least I'm assuming that's what L-out and R-out are. You could try pushing on the encoder chip while its on to see if it's a loose connection.

>> No.3759283

Although it depends on the revision you have.

>> No.3759639

Nope. It's not right but it probably doesn't matter that much.

>> No.3760545

>Your ridiculous suggestion that he get an injection molding company to make the part custom for him

Never said that. I suggested that someone in the business of selling retro gaming hardware have the parts made at a reputable source to better spec.

>Setting up an injection machine in your mom's basement
Never said that either. I happen to already work in the injection molding field and probably have a far better understanding of what goes into it then you do. It's a two sides shell. Are you seriously arguing that it takes an engineer to make a simple mold?

I suggest you do some research of your own before continuing to post, because nothing I have suggested is even REMOTELY outside the scale of possibility. The most likely scenario is Nintendo sending a C&D for making shit they probably own the rights to.

>> No.3760735

You said all that shit faggot. Don't worry. Nintendo isn't going to send a C&D for shit whatever you imagined in your imaginary imagination.

Keep living the dream sport. And by dream I mean fantasy. Any by fantasy I mean psychosis. et ceteraet cetera ad infinitum

>> No.3761257

>Are you seriously arguing that it takes an engineer to make a simple mold?
Not that anon but aren't the draft angles and inlet/outlet port placement kinda important? Then you have to consider the injection rate...

I only work on the QA side of things but have seen the mold drawings and witnessed the results of trying to cheap out by speeding up the process. You'd also need to make tend of thousands of the things to justify the setup cost to do it properly.

>> No.3761315

I just bought yesterday a broken NES very cheap and repaired it by cleaning/boiling the 72 pin connector. Money well spent.

>> No.3761327
File: 1.81 MB, 5184x3456, _MG_1151.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got a broken SNES. this seems to be the problem.
Fixable? how?

>> No.3761431
File: 76 KB, 656x438, wut.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't want to make a separate thread and this one seems close to /techsupport/. Here's my problem: I tried to play Fantasy Generals (1996 strategy game, think FF Tactics, Advance Wars, Fire Emblem) and I get "help.txt not found" when I try to run install.exe and pic related when I try to run the game's exe. I'm guessing you guys use Dosbox a lot, so maybe someone can tell me WTF is wrong?

>> No.3761463

That's all important but not as important as actually having the equipment needed to make the tool. Injection boys mom must have a mighty large basement.

>> No.3761649

I would try running Dosbox as administrator and in XP SP3 compatibility mode.

>> No.3761659

im having the same issue op, the game just gives me a black screen

>> No.3761669

remove the lockout chip

>> No.3761726
File: 7 KB, 640x400, dosbox_000.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my dir looks like pic related. you need to have to cd/iso mounted and enough ram. start with the fg.bat

>> No.3762008

Thanks, solved it. Didn't need an iso, just needed to mount the folder with the game as a cdrom, that made the installation execute properly and removed the error. But the music and cutscenes were trimmed from there, so I ended up downloading a proper iso later on anyway. Still, thanks.

>> No.3762217

best way to remove permenant marker on snes cartridges?

Rubbing Alcohol "works" in the sense I gotta keep dipping it and scrub for 30 whole minutes

>> No.3762334

Think I fried my SNES while working on it because I was careless.

It was halfway broken (issues with games, video problems etc) but now it won't turn on at all.

>> No.3762567

what'd you do to it?
I took apart my NES to clean the 72 pin connector and get the pins in the connector to stick out more. When I put it back together I pinched one of the wires to the controllers with a screw that goes to the RF shield, so the thing wasn't working when the RF shield was on. Patched the wires with electrical tape to prevent further shorts and it seems to work fine now.

>> No.3762584

I was flipping it on and off while messing with the pin connector and trying to diagnose it further. I had assumed it was a connector issue because it was outputting video but not loading any of my (working) games and this was before and after a thorough cleaning.

Possible that my power supply is faulty. I bought a broken SNES off ebay that supposedly worked but only displayed in black and white, but it wouldn't power on with my official AC adapter. The light would briefly flash when turned on, but after a few attempts it stopped working altogether

>> No.3762652

sounds like the broken one had a short or a bad cap

>> No.3762691


MAgic eraser. but use a light touch, dont go to town on it or else it will scuff the surface.

Also, dont use it on the label!!!

>> No.3762701

oh actually if it only displayed in black in white there was probably something wrong with the display out, and only the luminance of the S-video was working (or that was wired to the composite out depending on what you were connecting it with)

>> No.3762789

That's a doosy there.

Only option you would have if a flat pack chip is missing a pin is to cut into it and try and solder a jumper.

>> No.3762797

Or you can try swapping the chip, another thing that isn't for someone starting out.

It's the S-WRAM chip isn't it?