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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 118 KB, 820x500, PSP-PiStation-Portable-by-Ellindsey-Thingiverse[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3725093 No.3725093 [Reply] [Original]

why are people obsessed with building devices to play the same old two dozen SNES roms they have already played for years?

>> No.3725117

because they're normies

>> No.3725120
File: 217 KB, 500x325, elaine-seinfeld22.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder if people so much as play SMW for more than 10 minutes on it, let alone waste time building it.

>> No.3725129 [DELETED] 

They don't wanna play the games.

That's like asking why people use Crysis and Doom 4 or whatever to benchmark their new GPU. They don't care about the game, they just use it as a demo for the thing running the game.

>> No.3725132

They don't wanna play the games.

That's like saying "why are people obsessed with buying a new GPU to play Crysis again?". They aren't, they're just using the games to jerk off to numbers. To be a demo, what they actually care about is the thing running the game.

>> No.3725137
File: 478 KB, 3532x687, 1465708462701.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do people hate pillarboxes?

>> No.3725139

are you being obtuse?

>> No.3725176

Why are people obsessed with porting Doom to every system imaginable?

>> No.3725186


to be fair, once someone got it on a literal toaster it has become more of a tradition or a challenge than anything else.

>> No.3725202


it's the new hello world

>> No.3725208

Presumably building the devices is the attraction not the actual end result.

>> No.3725213

Would you feel different about it if he had a へべれけのおいしいパズルはいりませんか running in this photo?

>> No.3725217

Everie normie and their normie mom can build a shitty emulator, hell, since the raspi came out, you don't know how many normies come to me and tell me that they know about electronics and programming and how it isn't that hard, and then I ask them what they made and it's just a fucking 5$ raspi in a 3d printed case glued together, and an off the shelf 3" LCD plugged into the raspi. A fucking kid could do that shit especially since you have the whole step by step guide online. I want to see better emulators, I want to see people making cool shit like home made DS emulators,now that's fucking cool. I also respect those guys who make portable versions of home consoles, I've seen portable GameCubes, ps2's and more that are actually portable, and not just stuffed into a suitcase or something.

>> No.3725320

>Everie normie and their normie mom can build a shitty emulator
Clearly not since you can't even get the terms right.

>> No.3725332

to be fair it was a pretty fancy toaster

>> No.3725357

snes is the favorite /vr/ system for normies
that's why its games are so expensive

>> No.3725382

since when? I only saw a video of a toaster working as a game controller for doom, not the toaster itself running doom.

>> No.3725425


>> No.3725464

>once someone got it on a literal toaster
totally legit, right?
but they run doom on a printer

>> No.3727741

I spent an afternoon playing it up until the castle of world 5 before getting bored.

It's a fairly fun game overall. Just not good enough for me to care about finishing it again.

>> No.3727786
File: 204 KB, 1000x750, eccoDSCF7588 copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because old games look awesome shrunk down onto a tiny screen.

>> No.3727915

I get the projects are time wasters for hobbyist, but what I don't get is why they make videos showcasing features they won't even use like they plan to market it.

>> No.3728137

ITT: people obsessing over people obsessing over people obsessing. It's exactly like shitception but spelled different.

>> No.3728258

I don't want to play on a screen made for ants though.

>> No.3728273

because for a lot of people this what cutting edge at a time, and now we can build things mega cheap ourselves for pennies on the dollar.

>> No.3728283

to get LE UPVOTES on reddit of course