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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 29 KB, 300x403, sonic-the-hedgehog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3720083 No.3720083 [Reply] [Original]

So why is Mario so popular?

>> No.3720098

Because Americans can relate to overweight, dumb labourers who have their girlfriends cucked away from them by niggers.

>> No.3720108


hi /pol/ :)

>> No.3720110


Classic Sonic is chubby, has red shoes like a dumb labourer and he got cucked by a robot built by a jew.

Seriously though, Sonic came out much later than Mario, and Yuji Naka already said without Mario, there would be no Sonic. So, more respect, young Segafags.

>> No.3720112

I've been wondering what exactly people find appealing about the character of Mario.

Sonic's a badass with an attitude he can back up through physical prowess. Mario's just a dude who puts on magic pants and has embarrassingly bad phrases like "mamma mia!" when he inevitably falls on his ass.

>> No.3720118


Mario sucks and you know it. Wolfenstein came first then there was Doom, and we all know Doom is the superior game.

>> No.3720121


>m-muh cucks


>> No.3720125

Pepsi is better than Coke and yet here we are. We live in a dumb world filled with dumb people.

>> No.3720126

Mario will always be superior to sonic.

Sonic is just a bunch of marketing dept. men in gray suits sitting around a conference table and trying to find a "cool" marketable mascot for their key demographic. There is no originality in sonic, he's just a mishmash of those day's most marketable attributes thrown together at random.

Let's say a multi-million dollar company tasked you with finding the new mascot for their flagship product...what would be the odds that you would end up with an american-italian plumber as the answer? No one in their right mind, no one rational would pick such a mascot......you, me, and everyone else would act rationally, play it safe, and order a marketing study in order to best target their key demographic and from that they would create a mascot with the "coolest" fads of the day.

It took balls to pick mario. They unknowingly tapped into that creative, zanny vein which humanity posseses and succeeded.

That's why mario is special and sonic isn't.
Mario is a stroke of genius that could not be anticipated. It took balls.

>> No.3720128


He's right though.

>> No.3720129

You make a false premise that better games/characters by definition enjoy more popularity, and your point of view is given without explanations.

To answer your simple question as is, the biggest reason is that Super Mario Bros came out first in 1985 and soon became the best-selling game on the best-selling console in the world. It then got several successful sequels and established a big and successful franchise which never really produced commercially disappointing games.

Sonic didn't enjoy the same amount of good fortune commercially. He got his share of fame in the days of Genesis and mostly only in US and Europe. Then came a period of absence which hurt his popularity, finally followed by a long-awaited proper return on Dreamcast—which, alas, was doomed for a quick demise. The follow up games never met the same or even comparable levels of popularity, and after the death of Dreamcast the franchise earned a bad reputation from cirtics and players of a series that significantly went down in quality.

Meanwhile, Nintendo continued to manage their intellectual properties in a more commercially successful fashion. As a result, Mario is more popular today than Sonic in the West.

>> No.3720131


No he isn't. Sorry /pol/ fags have a massive cuck fetish.

>> No.3720134

If Sonic was what you claimed, he would be a human being, or at least something like a dog or cat. What's hip and cool about a hedgehog? The "me-too" games following Sonic may have been like that, but not Sonic himself.

Also, Mario wasn't designed as a mascot. He was the main character in an arcade game that became a hit, and then went on to become a mascot.

>> No.3720138


I like both franchises honestly, but I prefer Adventure Island over both.
Also, FPSs suck.

>> No.3720147


Fact: Sonic is better than Mario.

>> No.3720148


Mario is emblematic of Nintendo approach.

He's different.

Nintendo does things differently from microsoft and ps4. They don't just take a financial analysts perspective to game making.

Nintendo was first and foremost, a toy company before it branched off into videogames. They have kept that toymaker perspective and they dare to be different.

Other gaming companies try to do the same thing...big AAA rehashes in order to meet their quarterly report expectation.

>> No.3720158
File: 138 KB, 290x259, Mario_&_Sonic_at_the_Rio_2016_Olympic_Games_boxart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine traveling back in time and showing your kid self pic related.
Would have you been hyped or angry? Be honest.

>> No.3720160

>"Olympics? What is this shit? I wanted to see Mario beat up Dr. Robotnik!"

>> No.3720161



Only simpletons enjoy sports and sports video-games.

>> No.3720163

Would sell millions on the Genesis.

>> No.3720165


Nice samefagging

>> No.3720167
File: 30 KB, 420x598, 6913-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Olympics? What is this shit?

You never played Izzy?
BTW this dude was better than both Mario and Sonic, so unfair he faded into obscurity.

>> No.3720169

Fork over that lunch money, dweeb.

>> No.3720171


Mario gets boring after the first level, sonic there is a boss at the end of every zone and feature special stages. There is also more variety in stages. Sonic has better music. Mario just sucks.

>> No.3720174

What the FUCK is better?

Character design? You have to be kidding...

The olympics game? Casual garbage just like the 3DS game, how is this better than the Mario and Sonic platformers from the 80-90s?

Get fucked hipster

>> No.3720175


see: >>3720165

I don't know what's your beef OP, but you're being dumb. Both Sonic and Mario suck, bonk's where its at.

>> No.3720176

>getting this triggered over Mario being a literal cuck

>> No.3720180


Bonks bottom of the barrel.

>> No.3720182
File: 1.61 MB, 1546x1379, Sonic_Lost_World_box_art.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that Sonic will forever be a shitty Mario rip-off for autists

>> No.3720183

one thing I never understood about Sonic.

He hates being around Amy,and she barely only appears in one of his main games (if you consider CD main, Amy doesn't appear in any of the Genesis trilogy), but he's OK with a young male Fox being around him all day.

What's the deal here? Is Sonic.... gay?

>> No.3720185


>being a literal shitposting /pol/ autist


>> No.3720187


I guess that's one of the advantages of being tall and large. You don't get bothered, only envied.

Most sports fan are simple creatures. I'm not saying they are unintelligent. Some of them can be trained to become engineers or doctors. Despite some being highly trainable, most sports fan lack depth and insight.

They are the same people you see sunday morning loading their SUV with fluorescent-coloured high fructose corn syrup drinks in your local costco parking lot.

Some of them become dentists, doctors but their intelligence doesn't translate into a greater awareness or insights into life.

They are the NPCs of real life.

I suspect a lot of them are also closeted homosexuals. It's all done under the guise of supporting their "favorite" sport players.

>> No.3720196

I never played Bonk, seems interesting, I'm gonna have to get to them eventually

Right now I'm stuck with the Adventure Island series though

>> No.3720197
File: 256 KB, 900x668, shrooms.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Mario is shit. Why do you enjoy playing as a gay Italian plumber jumping on mushrooms shooting fireballs while avoiding giant bullets. Must be tripping on mushrooms.

>> No.3720207

Mario is the original and successful till this day. Sonic is the shadow that died with the Genesis. It's the truth. Get over it.

>> No.3720208


How do you know he's gay?
You seem to have a good eye for those things...

>> No.3720210
File: 26 KB, 300x205, Sam02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're both good, you're all a bunch of brand loyalty faggots.

>> No.3720216

Amy is underage and spends all her time pestering Sonic and getting in his way. Tails is a good friend that provides Sonic with valuable assistance.

Also, Sonic doesn't have time for romance. If he gets the urge, he'd probably just bang a hooker in Casino Night and get back on the road.

>> No.3720217


For someone that doesn't anything about videogame it's easy for you to judge both as equally good since you don't know what you're talking about.

For example, I don't know anything about coffee. I think mcdonald's coffee tastes just as good as the more connoisseur type of stuff. Does that mean that those that prefer the more highbrow stuff are pretentious people? Or does it perhaps reflect my own ignorance on the subject of coffee.

>> No.3720240


Hooker at Casino Night? I only remember badniks there... are you one of those people who writes fanfics and stuff?

>> No.3720249

"fuck sonic, fuck white people!"

>> No.3720258

Well duh, they're not out on the main roads. You gotta go down into the red star post district.

>> No.3720264

So who built the stages featured in Sonic games, and who were they built for? Do you even understand what Badniks are?

Sonic has featured numerous times with real people in canon works. There are undoubtedly prostitutes in these cities.

>> No.3720272


Can I subscribe to your deviant art?

>> No.3720275

he wants the shota boipussi

>> No.3720279

Learn what jokes are and we'll talk.

>> No.3720309

Have you gone back to play the games recently? The Sonic games have aged really poorly, with the exception of CD. By comparison only one Super Mario game from the same era is kind of a slog to play and that's the very first one.

>> No.3720398

Hi /pol/
I'm sure you are the ideal male,I mean, winners use 4chan

>> No.3720404
File: 121 KB, 1032x739, 1472318722746.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>lol you are salty
You have your own board , stay there , this place is for discussion of retro games not your race whiteknighting meme war

They both have some good games but the 3D is decisive in mario's victory over sonic

>> No.3720406

>Have you gone back to play the games recently? The Sonic games have aged really poorly, with the exception of CD. By comparison only one Super Mario game from the same era is kind of a slog to play and that's the very first one.
is there not enough shitposting in this thread already

>> No.3720492

Was the Sonic in Smash Bros April Fools joke before or after Sega called the console game quits?

If it was before I remember being extremely happy, trying for hours to get Sonic and begging my mom to take me back to the grocery store to re-read the magazine because I must have messed something up since I couldn't unlock Sonic

>> No.3720497

definitely after.

The ones responsible for the prank handed out copies of Sonic Adventure 2 Battle, the first Sonic game on a Nintendo console, to anyone who could actually send in video proof that they met the "requirements" to unlock Sonic.

>> No.3720512

Im only the 4th post down in that. And is it so hard to believe /pol/ plays video games?

>> No.3720519

I had a &Kunckles Halloween costume when I was 5. I think I wanted to be black as a child.

>> No.3720525

>this dude was better

No fuck off. Worst game ever made.

>> No.3720603

Sonic Adventure 2 did the gravity planets thing years before Galaxy did, you ignorant drone.

>> No.3720624
File: 13 KB, 276x317, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw USA is only 56% white

>> No.3720629


Reminder that the guys over at the IRC are about to release your personal info. I tried to stop them, but they say they're only waiting for you to do another shitposting marathon to do it.

will you do it this weekend?

>> No.3720634

dont bully tomoko-chan

anyone else want mc donalds

>> No.3720636


It's not tomoko-chan, it's Australia-kun, and I'm actually being nice to him, reading comprehension.

>> No.3720660


>implying American

neck yourself

>> No.3720669


anyone who disagrees with Australia-kun is a "yank" according to him.

>> No.3721187

>Other gaming companies try to do the same thing...big AAA rehashes in order to meet their quarterly report expectation.

That's what happens when shareholders have you by the balls. This is the life they chose.

>> No.3721207


Have a nice freshman year 2017

>> No.3721238
File: 49 KB, 694x652, bombs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I don't give a shit about your shitty race war
can you read ? Or are you too stupid to do that

>> No.3721245

Hedgehogs have spikes, and there "hair" is naturally slicked back. They curl up into a spikey dangerous ball when threatened, "hey we could have him roll really fast and his spikes can kill stuff!"

>> No.3721320

>the NPCs of real life
Laughed hard

>> No.3721327

Because he's been in more than 1 good game.

>> No.3721847
File: 184 KB, 832x607, sonic3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Because Nintendo knows how to make money. Sonic is and always will be the better game.

>> No.3721869
File: 379 KB, 936x684, 2837 - [VC Snes] Super Mario All-Stars + SMW - Super Mario All-Stars [BARRA] Super Mario World - 8 - Platformer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd take this here over every sonic game

>> No.3721907
File: 75 KB, 1024x768, somari.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw there at least 1 anon shitposting here being serious about it

>> No.3721913


I mean, Asexuality is a thing.
Either that or Sonic is all about casual sex, and doesn't want a needy clingy girl trying to slow him down.

Or yeah he could be gay but something tells me that Tails isn't really the object of his affection if he was.

>> No.3721989

>thread about Sonic x Mario
>sonicfags start discussing about sexuality/cuckoldry/furryshit

>> No.3722032

>Crash on Playstation
>Mario 64 on Nintendo
>Or 3d blast on Saturn
Which console do you want

>> No.3722038

Jumping Flash on PS1, Mario 64 on N64 and NiGHTS on Saturn.

>> No.3722048


>> No.3722072
File: 104 KB, 694x530, garek1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw had Sonic 1 for NES, and later Somari

>> No.3723768


>> No.3723779

>NiGHTS on Saturn.
Never understood the appeal of that game.

>> No.3723790

You have to play for score before you get it.

>> No.3725723

Amy is dangerprone. Plus, she wants to rush things and get married.

>> No.3725751

They were basically looking for something that was a combination of Mickey Mouse and Astro Boy.