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3718494 No.3718494 [Reply] [Original]

Dragon Quest Thread

>> No.3718497 [DELETED] 

What's the best DQ, and why is it 8?

>> No.3718548
File: 786 KB, 1280x800, shrine_of_mysteries___dragon_quest_vii_by_glv_da-dahx6e4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

VII is best, IV and V are close behind
>try searching VII on art sites
>get VIII art
Damn, why is VII so unpopular?

>> No.3718563

Not sure, but I'm way more excited to play VIII on 3DS than I was for VII.

>> No.3718571


>> No.3718574

>most bloated and backtracky DQ game
get a load of this twat

>> No.3718610
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Yeah, I know, I'm in the minority. I just really love VII. Though really they're all quite good. VII episodic plot, class system, and world really appeals to me. I've beaten it three times and loved every hour.

>> No.3718735

Why didn't they make DQ games for the Gameboy?

>> No.3718757

Because you are a faggot.
I spend three months to beat Dragon Quest VII on the PlayStationONE
mostly because i had to work, i used to play at least 2 hours per
day and it was fantastic, while you played the game you could feel
how all the stress from work was going away, i keep playing it to
the 100% until Dragon Quest VIII came out.
DQ7 wasn't a perfect game, but it was so complete that at least in
my case i forgot about all the rough edges the game had.

>> No.3718853

If you want to feel what it is to be in the minority, have a look at VI.

>> No.3720390

Playing the Japanese PSX version of Dragon Quest VII right now. Took me about nine hours to get to the first battle. I just really like talking to all the NPCs.

I can already tell that I'm going to like this game way more than VI though. The party chat makes a huge difference for me. I think I would enjoy VI a lot more if I played the DS version with the party chat.

>> No.3720434

anyone still have that interview with horii where he talks about jami the rape horse

>> No.3720475
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Been going through the series in order, just got to VI.

Following V, it seems pretty weak so far. I think a lot of things will improve as it goes, but man, these character designed are maybe the worst in the series.

>> No.3720479
File: 56 KB, 463x600, 94133b9c35c99ddb15cc6cccd24a146a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, because it doesn't exist. Idiots love spouting it but the second you ask for a source they shut up.

>> No.3720486
File: 68 KB, 348x249, Dq7art1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

VI is often seen as the weakest or second weakest behind II. To be honest VII uses a similar system but more improved. I guess continue but know you aren't in the minority. After the classics that were III, IV, and V VI is pretty weak. Personally VII is my favorite as I mentioned earlier in the thread. You probably won't feel the same but I can definitely say it is much better.

Also I fully agree on the character designs, worst in the series by far. The hero looks like Toriyama was asked to draw him in ten minutes. Fortunately I think he really improved them with VII. I liked VII art since it seems more of a return to his more classic style. With V and VI had this super muscular style but VII seems to capture that more sillier, cartoony look of I-IV. Probably my favorite designs in the series.

>> No.3720508

that horse is fucking ripped

>> No.3720560

Have to stay fit, or those wives won't be drawn to the horsecock.

>> No.3720619
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>I think a lot of things will improve as it goes

>> No.3720947

I've been playing the series in order during my work commutes and I've enjoyed them all. I still don't see the issue with 2 or 6.

>> No.3721120

I liked 2 as much as the the other games of the trilogy.

>> No.3722006

Can any DQ7 help me out in explaining some of the game's plot points? I'm in the postgame, but some stuff in the main story seemingly went unaddressed and I'm confused.

>> No.3722034
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Like what exactly?

>> No.3722037
File: 68 KB, 281x355, Dragon_quest_builders_art.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe this isnt best place to ask but i cant find any other dragon quest threads...
Has anyone here played Dragon Quest Builders? Ive been strongly considering it because ive had an urge to play minecraft but dont want buy it again and Terraria is just incredibly boring. I also like jrpgs and while Dragon Quest 8 is the only DQ ive played, it was alright.
Would you recommend this game if you've played it?

>> No.3722040

what was the point of the blood rubies? why did orgodemir disappear the population of Faraday, and if they were restored after the final boss, why weren't they part of the victory tour?

I'm likely forgetting other stuff.

>> No.3722056
File: 587 KB, 435x607, 435px-DQVII_Battle.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The blood rubies were like a power source I believe. I think it gave power to the monsters.

Orgodemeir never completely wiped out Faraday's population, just severly lowered it by killing many of the villagers. Orgodemeir is more of a trickster then the other antagonists. Some of the things he does are for none other then just his own amusement. He's batshit insane and obsessed with himself, hence his "beautiful" form.

>> No.3722223

Recently beat DQ5 on the DS. Fucking loved it overall but I hated the English script. First of all, the accents were annoying half the time. Second, the script tried too hard to be witty, so didn't have that much emotional impact. I'm thinking of playing the SNES version with the translation patch. What's the best end-game party for DQ5 SFC version? I'm thinking of going HERO - SLIMEKNIGHT (switched with GOLEM) - SON.

>> No.3722418
File: 44 KB, 509x477, joy cookies.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm thinking of playing the SNES version with the translation patch.
Did you really think you could escape?

>> No.3722549
File: 777 KB, 700x900, 843d070b-b5e7-414d-878a-f42d356a4b2e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've used hero, son, and daughter and they did good.

Slime knights, any metal slime enemy, cur slimes or king heal slimes, and anything in the underworld is suitable too. In my experience the english patch for the sfc version is pretty good. Slime knight can be recruited just about as soon as monsters join you and is reliable to the end, very good monster.

>> No.3722556

>the script tried too hard to be witty
this is a result of Dragon Quest 8 being popular in the west.

>> No.3722559

So does that mean it sold a few thousand more copies than the other games then?

>> No.3722575

I dunno. But the fact of the matter is that Square sees it as the most successful Dragon Quest in the west, and so now has it in their head that any subsequently localized entry must take after it. And it doesn't even seem to occur to them that most people bought the game for the Final Fantasy demo.

Dragon Quest 8 was much more comedic than previous entries, so new scripts have to have as much funny injected into them as possible, even if it means straying from the original script. That means puns and name changes wherever possible. To make them closer to 8.

Dragon Quest 8 featured British voice acting, so new scripts, whether they're voiced or not, have to have accents to make them closer to 8.

>> No.3722624

Looked it up, the US version was said to have sold 430,000 copies. However DQIX also sold 1.2 million in both the US and Europe. I couldn't find a number for the US alone.

>> No.3722640
File: 335 KB, 1920x1080, Screenshot_20170106-212323.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm about to go to the demon tower and look for Bianca in DQV. I've had the game on hold for a few weeks while I play other stuff (S3+K Complete, A quick CT playthrough with my wife, Hebereke, and dabbling with Metal Max Returns.)

I think I'm terribly over-levelled because I wandered around aimlessly lost in the mountains between Ned's Inn and Granvania for a few days. I don't want to resort to a guide since I feel that they ruin RPG enjoyment on the first playthrough, but the dungeons get more complicated moving forward, right? I've never had such a hard time navigating dungeons in a DQ before (playing them in order,) but the encounter rate plus all the one way drops made that place really hard for me.

>> No.3722649

I feel like the Demon Tower is the hardest dungeon in that game. It's one of the only Dragon Quest dungeons where the environment is a legitimate threat (the fire-breathing statues specifically). It's also pretty complicated. Think there's about ten floors if I remember right. Still, there's an awesome boss fight waiting at the top if you're willing to push through it.

>> No.3722876

Is alright. Let's hope for the sequel.

>> No.3722921

Has there been any open world DQ game beyond the first one?

>> No.3722924

They open up once you get the boat.

>> No.3722926

From the few I've played they still stay quite limited. Sure you can get to the entrance of like 6 new dungeons or so but you will need to unlock 5 of them still.

>> No.3723102

Playing V on DeSUME
>Get Legendary Sword
>it's fucking nothing
>use it in combat for the fuck of it
>it clears up the annoying transformation mobs do
That's pretty neato. Any other stuff that does anything in battles? Also, anyone know how to play in higher resolution without increasing window size in desume?

>> No.3723234

By playing the superior PS2 version

>> No.3723242

I don't know about that, as VII doesn't seem to have much whimsy injected into it. Then again, I doubt there was much joy during the arduous task of translating all that fucking text.

But seriously, I thought V had the best localization in the series to date. I don't see the hate for it.

>> No.3723274
File: 473 KB, 593x425, quality TL.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the official DQ5 translation is hard to take seriously when your trusted advisor speaks Spanish and your castle is renamed to a mundane German city.

>> No.3723297

That and Agon were really the only parts I wasn't keen on.

>> No.3723331
File: 24 KB, 256x193, dqvi-long-journey[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking plebs, VI being the best installment in the saga. VI is the natural successor of III, if what you want is some character stimuli, why don't you play Final Fantasy?

>Being this plebeian.
>"VI is pretty weak"
>The biggest game, the one with the most content to explore, with the most epic quest in the jRPG universe.

>> No.3723338

>VI is the natural successor of III
Yes, that's why everything up to Mudo is a narrative-driven adventure with non-generic characters, just like III, right? There's no excuse for how hard VI drops the ball.

>> No.3723352

>why don't you play Final Fantasy?
I find this funny since the DQVI battle theme sounds the most like a typical FF battle theme with its intro

>> No.3723361
File: 114 KB, 1280x720, gb174629.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Big brother?

>> No.3723373

And? by the way, VI nominated for best DQ soundtrack https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ev1MRskhUmA

>> No.3723375

And dream world version! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2cRMLNMBwS8

>> No.3723384

DQ2 has better overworld themes frankly

>> No.3723801
File: 36 KB, 470x370, Dragon Quest III Classes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3723804

>the biggest game
I can't hear you over how hard me and VII are laughing

>> No.3723817

If you have played DQ II then you'll know one of its major complaints is that it is too open-ended

>> No.3724704
File: 135 KB, 2704x1688, demons-tower-2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just spent 20 minutes staring at a detailed map of the dungeon and planning an optimal run through minimizing unnecessary backtracking, so hopefully I can get through this tower in a sitting.

Now I'm settled in with a glass of bourbon, snowed in on a Saturday night with hours of DQV to get into. Wish me luck.

>> No.3724708

is that the one where bianca gets kidnapped by horseguy?

I remember that was the part of the game where I actually stopped grinding or exploring properly, and I just launched through the entire dungeon on the first go burning through items and somehow beat up the horse, pretty much a straight line from A to B because the roleplaying made no sense otherwise

>> No.3724729

Definitely in the minority opinion here, but I think the cowardly fucks on the first island in Dragon Quest VII totally deserved what happened to them.

>> No.3724902

Haha that's literally what I just did. I went balls to the walls and just powered through the dungeon using mp and items. The boss fight was long and full of close calls. I was perfectly levelled for this place. It made the entire thing feel more urgent, so it worked out perfectly.

Now I'm off to find my wife with my kids, just like my father before me. I'm really starting to like how charming this story is. Unfortunately the grind is starting to get monotonous for me. There isn't much strategy to combat, and the encounter rate is really high. Trying to hang in there, though.

>> No.3724905

You're a lot closer to the end then you think, once you get your kids caught up in levels you're pretty much at the end of the game.

>> No.3724913

Oh, good. I really want closure on everything but want to move on to VI already.

This is my favorite one so far, just barely ahead of III. IV was fun, and was the first DQ to have real storytelling elements to the narrative, but V has had much better writing thus far. III just had the most fun questing and combat so far.

>> No.3724917
File: 108 KB, 1500x1500, 1470460852336.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Pankraz stoically endures the assault.

>> No.3724920

Not sure if retro enough but how's VIII?

>> No.3724925

oh man no you do not want to move on, you want to finish this game and then either play something else or stop playing games for a while

playing dragon quest is not your homework and it's not going to keep teaching you things

>> No.3724926

It's considered the best game in the franchise by meany.
We don't care if you talk about 8 here.

>> No.3725048

his name is Papas

>> No.3725060
File: 49 KB, 280x240, Dragon Quest IV - Michibikareshi Mono Tachi (Japan)-0001.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>playing dragon quest is not your homework and it's not going to keep teaching you things
I play DQ to learn Japanese.

>> No.3725165
File: 33 KB, 600x600, ae983dd69a1157ab7f7342a6037b38f10d652402_full[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>DQ "Please follow this line" VII

>> No.3725479

Dragon Quest Suite (OST, MP3, ~180kbps, 54MB):

Dragon Quest I Remix Symphonic Suite + Super Famicom Version (OST, MP3, 192kbps, 55MB):

Dragon Quest I•II Symphonic Suite (OST, MP3, 192kbps, 84MB):

Dragon Quest V Symphonic Suite ~Bride of the Heavens~ (OST, MP3, ~192kbps, 120MB):

Dragon Quest VII 3DS (OST, MP3, 192kbps, 165.4MB)

Dragon Quest VIII: Journey of the Cursed King (OST, MP3, 254kbps, 214MB)

>> No.3726453

Just finished DQIV on DS.

It was awesome but it lasted a long time and I'm a little tired of the game now.
Do I really have to play Chapter 6?

>> No.3726482

What's a good Dragon Quest game to start with to try and get into the series?

I generally like JRPGs but I've had a lot of trouble retaining interest with DQ games I've tried.

>> No.3726492

The first game.
Play the Super Famicom version, play it with the Reprise patch.


>> No.3726497

IX has a shorter story than most in the series. Also heavily customizable, lots of options regarding weapons/armor/builds.

>> No.3726502

Chapter 6 is just a bonus chapter that wasn't part of the original game. You don't have to if you really don't want to.

>> No.3726787

III if you just want to dive into DQ's sandbox gameplay, V if you want to experience a story. The SNES versions of both are great.

The later titles are pretty much better games overall, but you need to understand what DQ brought to the table originally in order to fully appreciate them.

>> No.3726936

I like VI but it's definitely not the best game in the series and was a step down from its predecessors in several ways - VI's skill system may be far more expansive than anything that came before it, but it's also a fuckload more broken.

>> No.3726996

3 and 5 are the GOAT, 4 and 8 are pretty good, 6 and 7 are average, 1 and 2 have aged kinda horribly.

>> No.3728502

dead thread
dead franchise

>> No.3728558
File: 408 KB, 1134x943, PossessedHorse.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i remember that chapter of berserk

>> No.3729047
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