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/vr/ - Retro Games

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3718026 No.3718026 [Reply] [Original]

For those of you that collect, why don't you just emulate?

For those of you that emulate, why don't you collect?

>> No.3718029

Most of us do both.

>> No.3718034

Why don't you do neither?

>> No.3718040

Because i like collecting and playing games

Are you going to ask me why do i like collecting and playing games too?

>> No.3718043
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Collecting was fun a few years ago when you could still get reasonable deals. I used to scour all the Goodwills and thrift shops I could find on Google Maps within a 30-mile radius from my house. By the end of the day I'd have bags upon bags full of good shit in my car.

Nowadays I find good stuff much less often. When I do, the prices are outrageous. Goodwill wised up and started charging out the ass for video games, and a lot of thrift shops are looking shit up on eBay. Craigslist is a crapshoot. I'm too socially awkward to go garage saling for video games by myself, but I'm sure it would just be a letdown even if I did.

I blame Youtube and social media. Youtube especially has inspired people to buy games and either hang on to them forever or sell them for ludicrous prices on eBay.

>> No.3718050

Pretty much this. I have a sizeable collection, but some of the harder to find or expensive stuff I'll emulate.

>> No.3718408

I don't do either, I just use flash carts. It's the best of both worlds, you get to play the original ROM on real hardware without having to piss away lots of money, time, and space hunting down overpriced plastic shells that stored less data than the average JPG today.

>> No.3718482

Fuck emulation. Flash carts are where it's at.

>> No.3718489

I'm a pleb when it comes to tech so that keeps me from emulation. But I've also hung on to all if the games I had as a child, so I had a good start when I decided to get serious about collecting. I knew I wanted to collect them ever since I was a kid. I'm not and have never been a hoarder in general, just with my games.

>> No.3718823

Is simpler and cheaper to emulate. I don't feel the need to collect old games, so that's it.

>> No.3718843

Collecting is expensive as fuck, also in some cases you have to deal with loading times, meanwhile if you emulate you do not have to spend a penny and the load times aren't as awful.

>> No.3719124
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Does it have to be one or the other?

>> No.3719161

I wish I could afford to buy real hardware, but I could just use that money so much more effectively.
I really don't get why these companies don't capitalize on the fact their games are going for so much to play on physical copies that they don't rev up the factories to make new releases of their old hardware and games.
I mean, you could even mark them slightly to just let the dudeswho actually pay for the less reliable older and original shit know that they're better than you.

I live in NY, and those prices are pretty consistent with what you've found in Japan probably.
As much as playing the real deal is attractive to me, and it is worth spending a bit more money, but it's still
way too much.

>> No.3719981

I collect, emulate and use flashcarts.

I mostly collect for preservation sake, emulate for most of my casual gaming, and use flashcarts when I've been playing a particular system a lot and I want the "authentic" experience.

I also get repros and clone consoles because I don't like to take my original consoles out of their boxes and I'm a freaking technology hoarder.

>> No.3719985

I've tough of that so many times. I don't understeand why videogame companies insists on obsolence, they make most of their money off software sales, I see no reason to shove a new system down your throat every 5 years and cut off support for the previous one completely.

Maybe we're a bigger niche than it seems.

>> No.3720035

I used to collect frequently but now I do it less and less. I do still find good deals from time to time (Though now it takes months) but 99% of the time they're out of /vr/ age so I can't post them and 99% of the time when I go to some place to search for shit I wind up empty handed. The cost of gas or manpower of walking to get there isn't worth the returns now.

I emulate and what I can't emulate I try to get into console hacking/burning/whatever the fuck for. I recently bought a Dreamcast off eBay just to burn shit because it's only a $50 entry fee for every Dreamcast game (We already had a stack of CD-Rs).

>> No.3720046

This is my take.

If you already have a collection, keep it, don't worry about it. Maybe buy a game you really want on occasion.

Do not "collect" for the sake of collecting.

If you don't have a collection, don't bother starting one. It's an uphill battle and all the "must haves" are going to be ridiculously over priced. Common as fuck games like Mega Man X, Super Metroid, and Chrono Trigger are all pushing 50 to 125 these days, which is absolutely outrageous.

The only reason I won't sell my collection is because I love it, and I know I would regret it. It's also a massive undertaking to sell it and get any kind of real cash for it. I will sell it at some point, or if I ever get cancer or something because I just wouldn't want to burden my family with it if I did die.

I have it all documented and have it priced out. So while it would be hard for my family to get rid of it should if something happens to me it would be less of a pain in the ass.

That being said, I also do youtube like a massive faggot and its not the same if you're using an emulator.

>tfw someday I'll write off Little Samson as a business expense

>> No.3720050

Answer for both: priorities.

>> No.3720057

IMO 50$ for cart and manual is perfectly fine, the most I'll pay for a game is what it would of costed me when it was brand new. Tho only if it's reasonably complete.

>> No.3720097

answer 2 the question number 2, because its FREEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!

>> No.3720123

Literally not an answer at all. Some retarded insight that belongs on reddit's /r/iam14andthisisdeep.

>> No.3720314

If it's $30 or under, I'll buy physical. Between 30-40 and it's a matter of how bad I want it, and anything higher is emulate. There's quite a few of the latter on my list so I'm asking some relatives for a flashcart for my birthday.

>> No.3720325

I consider back up loading to be adequate for my needs. I collect hardware, something you can't really write to a generic CDR or load on an HDD or SD card or something. So I have various controllers, hard to find sticks, stuff like the steel battalion controller I'm happy to own.

>> No.3722291
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I live in Toronto.

Apparently, it's like the worst place for trying to get retro games, alongside new york.

>> No.3722424

As has been discussed before here to death.. "collecting" isnt somthing for your average person anymore.

People spend endless hours here complaining about prices and the impending "crash" because they can no longer afford to partake in this hobby.

Prices are not coming down. Especially for carts which are in limited supply (say all you want about over inflated eathbound prices, there were only 1/20th the amount of EB carts produced compared to Link to the past)

Emulating is not the same, period.

Emulating is fine for games you're going to play 5 minutes and never play again, emulating is fine if you dont want a "collection" emulating is fine if you dont get joy in holding the actual original cart.

Emulating is not, and never will be, the equivalent to playing and owning the original cart, it simply isnt.

People here need to earn some more money, or accept the hobby is no longer in their budget and carry on.

"Collectibles" whether it be hockey cards, comic books, etc. are all based on rarity, and the original carts for many sought after games are only becoming rarer and rarer.

>> No.3722430

i don't want to spend money on something i can emulate, and emulation with an xbox controller on my non-crt laptop is 99.98% the same experience as when i played these games as a kid

>> No.3722436


>> No.3722437

you're playing with a fucking XBOX controller and you're saying it's 99.98% the same? LOL

>> No.3722442
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at any rate u don't need a damn collection to play retro, Pic related is all you fuckn need senpai

>> No.3722446
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this too
everybody wants to go and buy a bunch of shitty games but u just gotta stick to a couple of actual good ones

>> No.3722474
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As someone who mainly collects I gotta say that's a really weak mindest. I've completed many games emulated while having physical games I still haven't touched. It all depends on circumstance and what I want to play at the time. Do you really expect me to shell out money for a copy of Vampire Savior on Saturn which isn't arcade perfect when I can just play it with others on fightcade? Sounds to me you're just upset others can partake in the same thing you can with the only difference being you paid money.

I'll give you the price complaint thing. That shit's annoying. Because if the price is really an issue then you obviously don't even want to play it SINCE emulation is an option.

>> No.3722953
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Don't take me wrong, I like to have original copies because i'm obsessed with preservation.

But when I can get shit like this I'm honestly not sure why I would bother looking for OG copies on Ebay at all just to play.

>> No.3723308

I collect things that can't be emulated easily. For example, I'm holding on to my 3DS forever because of the 3D screen and my Wii for its motion control setup on my tv.

Everything else gets emulated. I'm not doing this for value or resale, I like having a large library of games available to me because I play a large amount of games. That's all it boils down to.

>> No.3723362

I use to strictly emulate video games. I would spend about an hour or two every week downloading everything that looked fun off Vimm's Lair, then the rest of the week going through everything. It got ot the point where i would hardly spend any time actually learning the game and enjoying it before just moving onto the next one. I wasnt really getting a whole lot out of it, so I decided to start actually collecting games. Now that I have to spend actual money on it, I take the time to enjoy each game I buy and end up not just taking them all for granted.

>> No.3723385

bumping for thread interest

>> No.3723742

I don't know why this isn't common knowledge yet:


Emulators suffer from a ton of small glitches that don't exist on original hardware. To fix that, emulators have built-in patches for the most popular 50 or so games so those will play perfectly, but the instance you want to play something more obscure you're shit out of luck. You'll run into tons of issues, some of which may never be patched out.

This article explains it very well: http://www.tested.com/tech/gaming/2712-why-perfect-hardware-snes-emulation-requires-a-3ghz-cpu/

Also, INPUT LAG. This varies from console to console, but many emulators suffer from additional input lag. I haven't yet found a N64 emulator that doesn't have at least two frames of input lag.

Emulators are a great way to try a game out or to play a game from a console that you really only want to play 1 or 2 games of, but they're definitely not ideal if you're in it for the long haul.

>> No.3723751

By the way, I meant 2 visual frames in Ocarina of Time, which is the equivalent of 6 frames in a 60fps game.

>> No.3724045

The Wii motion controls can be used on the PC emulator, you need the Wiimote and the sensor bar tho.

Same desu I actually resorted to virtual console and other such things so I could actually control myself, since my backlog is already gigantic as it is.

Even the most popular games sometimes aren't perfect, when I was playing Castlevania 1 on Nester J there was this weird bug where for some reason the game would freeze near the end of the level if you had found one of the time stopping clocks. But not every time, i'm not sure what that was all about.

>> No.3725683

Cycle accurate emulators are accurate for every game

>> No.3725694

Collecting is fucking expensive.
And I live in a place where there was no console culture back in the day, only PC and C64

>> No.3725701


>"And there's that whole naggling issue that SNES games should run on, you know, an actual SNES console."

>the subtly of using a screenshot of mario about to be destroyed by a big bullet bill as to evoke feelings of futility

>the know-it-all pessimism of that article using words like "never"

Been emulating since nesticle and I can honestly say SNES lib cores are as close to the real thing as they need to be

>> No.3725704

I meant the word "can't"

>> No.3725740


Too poor. It also does not help that I live in a third world island.

>B-B-But get ur games from ebay

And pay an extra $50 a game for shipping? lol, no.

>> No.3725750

>For those of you that emulate, why don't you collect?

I prefer to spend my money on more personally meaningful things like food and traveling, and just saving the rest. I also hate collecting any physical media other than books. The idea of having a room full of obsolete hardware does not appeal to me.

Emulation of most pre-2000 hardware platforms (especially the popular ones) has reached near-perfection, and things like input lag and sharp unfiltered pixels have never been a problem for me. Old Windows games will also continue being playable for as long as the PC is defined by x86.

>> No.3725752


What's the best place then? Montreal?

>> No.3725773

>obsolete hardware
Sure u on the rite board m8?

>> No.3725789

Nothing wrong with enjoying old games while also not being a hoarder.

>> No.3725797

sorry you live in Japan anon

>> No.3725798

>Send to Argentina

Shouldn't you be dealing and stealing in the favelas, not considering importing chink shit?

>> No.3725827

I emulate.

Reasons why:

1. I would rather play games than stare at their boxes, carts and discs.
2. All of those things can degrade and break.
3. Save states. I'm not an 8 year old anymore. I just don't have the time to replay large sections of a game (or often, the entire game) over and over again until I can beat something in game after game after game. I want to play a shit ton of games. I don't necessarily want to master every part of every single one of them
4. Money and physical space.
5. Hardware failure.
6. A lot of original controllers fucking suck as soon as you take off your nostalgia goggles. They are frequently uncomfortable, unresponsive, have squishy feeling buttons, wobbly d-pads, all sorts of issues.

Honestly, if you're absolutely must play original hardware, use flash carts/repros.

I can't understand why anyone would want to prop up speculators and cart flippers.

>> No.3725828
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>tfw get into /vr/ recently because I got a psx 9002
>Start looking up cool games for it on youtube
>wow all these games look fun as fuck and actually provide historic significance to the evolution of videogames
>Decide I want to start a collection atleast for ps1
>Games that people say are a dime a dozen type common are expensive as a new 60$ AAA release for modern consoles
>Buy a modchip
>Install it
>Play CD's I burn in 10 minutes, any game I want
I mean convenience wise, it's better but it just feels... Like off, like it's not the real thing. I'm kinda ocd with that shit, but I'm just sad and mad that games I want to collect that others say are common as fuck are as expensive as a new game for modern shit. I guess this is because of the prevalence of retro gaming YouTubers like Pat the nes cunt and other channels that talk about collecting. I'll probably go full autistic and make a list on excel of as much games as I can get info on, and then see if/when a popular retro youtuber talks about one the prices shoot up. I doubt people are that stupid that just cause some YouTube fucked talks about a game or whines about some shit he doesn't like people go out and buy that thing.

Pic related, the only original thing I have in my collection

>> No.3725835

Why do you bring this up?
What does this contribute to the conversation on retro games?
Also favelas are Brazilian.

>> No.3725839

It's funny you gave those comic books and trading card examples because those markets have all experienced bubbles and collapses.

Sure there are the genuinly rare cards from the 1900s or whatever and those are worth a mint. That'd be like Nintendo world championship. No one gives a shit about 99% of the cards produced though.

It also had exactly the same market forces. In the 80s the boomers were flushed with cash and could buy all the stupid hobbies they had when they were kids so prices shot up. Then manufacturers got into it and so did a new generation of kids. Then eventually they realized this shit isn't worth anything.

Mr Jamieson recalls his own experience attempting to unload his hoard in 2006, boggling at the rock-bottom prices they commanded on eBay, an auction site. “One guy wanted $1,500 for his ten thousand cards. He didn’t understand: we all still had our ten thousand cards.”


So if the bubble started in the 80s and didnt peak until the late 90s you still got 5+ years before the next collapse.

>> No.3725869

I have a flash cart.
I want authentic sound.
I prefer the colors on my crt.
I'm not so rich I can afford real copies of all the games I'd want.

>> No.3725875

I basically agree with this guy.

I sold all my retro games and made £3.5k to put towards a down payment on a house.

I do actually still collect video games but only gb/gbc/gba. I like to play it before bed each night and I have over 350 carts. I understand the irrational desire to own the real system but I don't think it's worth the money for most consoles.

>> No.3725882

>For those of you that collect, why don't you just emulate?

I'm a perfectionist about quality and accuracy. I also like that the things i'm collecting have value. If I ever want to stop, I just sell the collection and I've lost no money (probably made a profit).

>> No.3725920

>tfw I collect
>play new shit for about 2 hours
>put everything away
>get back out after a year
>start collecting again
>never play

I need a flash cart.

>> No.3725928

I collect nostalgic games/consoles/PCs. Things I actually owned/played in the 90s.

Emulate the rest.

>> No.3725945

>rev up the factories to make new releases of their old hardware and games

It's not that easy, so try and think before you speak


>I don't understeand why videogame companies insists on obsolence

Because mass production is a streamlined process, doing small runs of retro shit is going to cost more than the old shit even at inflated prices

You have to figure people are charging outrageous prices because of lack of supply.

If that supply is met with more production then prices will go down and it won't be profitable.

>> No.3725958

Damn, right on cue, montrealists popping in to preach about comparing to toronto!

>> No.3725963

the cards and comics which have always been valuable continue to be valuable and increase in Value, period.

of course a set of 94/95 upper decks which EVERYONE had is worth less than it cost to build the set back in 94 because the market is flooded with those sets. they are the most common and thus, the least valuable.

>> No.3726015

comic books and trading cards are only for collecting, though. technical hurdles and ease-of-use can make video games better or more practical to buy rather than emulate. so physical vg still serves a purpose beyond sitting behind a sheet of plastic.

so i wouldn't count on a crash in vg prices in the forseeable future. there might be an eventual crash when most of physical media has died, but that'd be it.

>> No.3726017

right, so 99% of games are not particularly valuable.

Earthbound rare 100% CIB for $500 is a load of shit. It was a popular game on a popular system, there's nothing rare about it. Its price will collapse (or at least become reasonable) with the bursting bubble in a couple years, like the 94/95 upper decks did.

It's got nothing on Nintendo world champions, or little samson--something that's actually rare.

>> No.3726035

>The potency of a bubble is in its plausibility, to laypeople and experts alike, right up until the moment the game is over.

>Bubble-spotters tend to identify a few key contributors to financial mania. There is often an initial spark of enthusiasm rooted in real value: the promise of new technology in some cases, the recognition of the worth of a scarce commodity in others.

I'm not saying it's necessarily going to be $1/$5 for the box of old games someone just wants out of the attic again. But $$$ RARE LOOK LEGEND OF ZELDA is not going to stick around for ever like others are arguing. It's obviously a bubble.

>> No.3726051

>visit my local retro games store
>Super Mario Land which sold 18 million copies costs 15$
How tho

>> No.3726068

i hope you're right, but comparing vg to comics/cards is apples to oranges, and citing titles of ebay listings isn't evidence of anything besides how annoying/dumb/unscrupulous people can be.

i'd be surprised if prices lower before the retro game trend dies, and i'd be surprised if that dies anytime soon because it's partly rooted in gameplay that rarely exists in most modern games. old games continue to get attention and are anything but obsolete.

>> No.3726101

The thing with a bubble is you don't know when it could crash. Prices could continue to rise for another 5 years then "crash" back to today's prices and you would be no better off than just buying today and enjoying your collection.

If you never intend to sell your collection then what exactly are you worried about price so much for? You may be paying a little too much today, or you might be priced out forever. Which outcome would you prefer?

>> No.3726380

>1. I'm poor
>the end

>> No.3726387

>Old Windows games will also continue being playable for as long as the PC is defined by x86.



>> No.3726410

I collect

I prefer sitting on a couch in my living room rather than at a desk.
I like having the option to play with my friends

>> No.3726412

Im with you on 3 and 4. I dont have 4 as a problem. The rest...cry cry cry poorfag

>> No.3726424

Official MS abstraction layer and drivers -> win32 on ARM. Got you another 20 years of windows accessibility probably.


You know you could still find the win 3.1 shell built into windows as late as xp? Start -> run -> progman

>> No.3726426


>> No.3726428

>Why don't you collect?
Because there's no god damned way I'm paying more than $15 for a games that's over 10 years old.

>> No.3726656

No, i'm not a hue.

>> No.3726664
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I hope you are right.

It doesn't need to be particularly high quality, the chinks can make a profit off selling repros can't they?

It costs like 10$ on the virtual console.

Also you can do whatever the fuck you want. The less people collecting the beter desu.
But the "I don't have the space" explanation is particularly weird to me. I have a decent sized library of games for 4 different systems and they all fit on a corner of my room, they don't even take up an entire drawer, systems included if I didn't had them set-up. So if you really don't have the space to collect either you are already a hoarder with no space left at home or you live in a closet

>> No.3726681

>It costs like 10$ on the virtual console.
it's 3.99 on the eshop

>> No.3726683

I consider myself lucky, because I started collecting seriously about 10-15 years ago, before the prices went insane.

At this point, I've pretty much collected everything I wanted to collect, everything that is personally meaningful, or nostalgic, or historically interesting to me. Every now and again I'll buy a PS1 or PS2 game for pocket change, but I'm basically done.

For everything else, the accuracy-focused emulators and CRT shaders that have been developed recently are good enough for me personally.

>> No.3726692

"I don't have the space" means they live with a controlling wife or gf who would chew their head off for bringing a crt into the house

>> No.3726704


Must be nice, 10 years ago is about the time I realized I wanted to start collecting but it wasn't until about 6 months ago that I was in a stable enough financial situation to actually get involved. Paying out the ass but I am almost done then that's it.

>> No.3726710

>I doubt people are that stupid that just cause some YouTube fucked talks about a game
I don't know, MetalJesusRocks talked about getting flak from people for that and has since stopped mentioning prices in his videos. So, I don't think it's impossible.

I also do not thing it's fair to call people stupid for going out and buying a game a YouTuber talks about. I've done that a few times. I hear about a game I think sounds cool and I decided to buy it. Stupidity had nothing to do with it.

>> No.3726724
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I'm not really a collector though, just own a bunch of stuff from back in the day and bought some others stuff but that was 10 years ago. Nowadays I'm just enjoying what I have, working on the backlog, enjoying some old favorites, and every now and then I'll get hooked to some other game I don't own but still want to play, PSP emulation is great for that (unless it's SNES), otherwise my Wii is also a great emu box, played lots of PC Engine games there, don't own the actual system.
Used to emulate on PC and I still would but honestly no time to sit on the PC to play vidya, I'm usually doing something else, like posting on /vr/.

>> No.3726729

The key to collecting responsibly is to set yourself an endpoint. Make a list of the top 52 games you absolutely need to have. That's enough to play one classic per week in a yearly rotation.

In the last 5 years I've shaved my retro collection down from 300+ to a little under 200. Not selling anything for big profit, just whittling the collection down to my own personal, definitive shelf of classics.

>> No.3726748

if you use save states as anything other than a way to save your place and pick it back up another day, you're not actually playing the game

>> No.3726964

I don't really collect, it's more like I just kinda hoard games that I'll eventually get around to playing

and the duplicates I buy for whatever reason I'll probably just sell later on, anyway

I just reaally enjoy having games I guess

>> No.3727049

This is mostly why I stopped collecting retro, sold everything and emulate, all except the N64 and DC which have shit emulation.

The cheapskates moved to either 6th/7th gen or started collecting 2600 games; there's tons of cheap ass Xbox/PS2 and Wii games and a lot of them are pretty good. Some lesser coveted NES and 5th gen games (i.e; PS1, most N64 besides the outrageous shit or popular/hyped shit) are still really cheap. Master System games are pretty cheap too, last I checked.

What really grinds my gears is how expensive Gameboy shit has gotten - Pokemon Go happens, sends Pokemon carts (of which there are millions upon millions) skyrocketing, then it spreads to the consoles and unrelated GB/GBC, even GBA games. $30 for Metroid II with a torn label? Blow me.

>> No.3727072

>wife or gf
That's not how you spell mom

>> No.3727181

that's how I spell it.

>> No.3727251

What part of Arkansas are you from?

>> No.3727383

I do emulate (PSP, it's usually without flaw spare a graphical hiccup here and there on NES and Genesis), but I prefer physical copies because I respect the games more and I'm actually inclined to finish them. ROMs just feel like hollow. I'll emulate or virtual console the outrageous stuff, but for the most part I try for physical. I just don't buy if it's over $30 or so

>> No.3727797

I just play video games.

I never really got into emulating, though. Back in the early days, good controllers were hard to come by, and after playing Kirby's Dreamland 3 on a keyboard, I was not enthused. Plus emulation wasn't great back in the early 2000s.

I also find that having every game at my fingertips devalues them. I find it hard to appreciate a game when I know I can always just switch to any other game in existence. I get restless, and especially with how little free time I have now, I always want to find that perfect game to get engrossed in. If something doesn't click immediately, I tend to just move on.

So I prefer physical. I'm also kind of a hipster faggot who prefers "authenticity" in all things. I've always been like that, though. Besides, all of my favorite games I've owned since I was a kid, and most the things I'm interested in trying are not prohibitively expensive enough to keep me from paying for them. I might look into a good flashcart someday.

>> No.3728254

>Save states. I'm not an 8 year old anymore. I just don't have the time to replay large sections of a game

As a 27 year old guy with 2 kids, 100% agree with this. Basically the only time I get to play games is the 1-2 hours in the evening between my waifu going to bed and my tiredness knocking me out. I just want to play the game and have fun, I'd like to relax, I don't want the frustration. I 100% understand movie/game hybrids these days.

>> No.3728483

I only collect demo disks. These things will never jump in values, and the amount of good games in them are reasonable.

>> No.3728559

1. am poor
2. hate clutter

>> No.3728590

Emulating is sort of like virtual collecting. It still feels good to just have a lot of stuff virtually, IMO. If I wasn't a NEET I would probably have a physical collection as well. I used to not see the appeal, but as I age I am starting to get it.

>> No.3728671

I used to collect in-box genesis games but the snes meme spread so the fun is over as far as good prices goes
Also retro shops are scum
No reason not to flash cart now

>> No.3728679

I'm okay with prices going sky high. Not because I'm a masochist, I do have other uses for my money. But I love video games, and I have a daughter with which I'd like to share all of this when she's old enough.

Someday all my belongings are going to be my kids', and at that time, they will probably be worth enough for them to afford things that will make their lives more comfortable.

>> No.3728687

My Steam and GOG libraries agree desu

I'm a hoarding physically and digitally.

>> No.3728693

Is that an Xperia Play? I keep thinking about looking for a cheap one. Are they worth it?

>> No.3728694

Wow. Get out of my head

>> No.3728698

Why do you say the retro shops are scum now? I agree, but curious why you thing the same?

>> No.3728703

Same. I have all NES/SNES/Genesis games on my pc, but knowing I have all those just kills my will to play them. I play one for 5 minutes and just switch to another one. End up closing the whole thing pretty quickly.

>> No.3728723

Disupurin desu

You're life is going to suck if you need to pay money to support artificial scarcity in order to appreciate something.

>> No.3728738
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>For those of you that emulate, why don't you collect?

Lack of funds, but probably will get a couple consoles and flashcarts since Mame is the only emulator with a decent way to set the timing. All snes emus for example feel laggy and need vsync to not have a ton of screen tearing. I do the whole groovymame on a crt thing for mame though. Shits glorious.

>> No.3728740
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>> No.3729587

>Seriously thinking any of this crap will be worth anything in 20 years.

You uh..... Are delusional as fuck.

>> No.3729591
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very nice Ikegami, I'm loving my HTM-2050R.

>> No.3729595

Same thing. Emulating just cheapens the experience. I have a collection now, but I remember years ago playing through castlevania dracula X on an emulator. Finished the game in one go with savestates took no effort and I forgot everything about it. Now that I have a phisical copy and tried the game for real, it's a completely different experience.

>> No.3729606

Seconding this. Been thinking about getting one as well for a while now.

>> No.3729740
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There was another thread here on /vr/ with surprisingly a couple other Xperia Play owners. They had a more modern version of android running on it, but my dumbphone is almost stock (aside from being able to use any carrier). I have not done enough reasearch to make it run good. At this time, my dumbphone is like the old days of modems measured in bauds for browsing webpages or anything internet related. I would not recommend it for others, but I am at peace with my dumbphone, because it is all I can afford. All it offers are buttons in a format that resembles what my old hands are used to, you young kids have better and are more adaptable.

>> No.3729751

>implying she'll give a damn about LE RETRO
Not when tablets exist good sir