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/vr/ - Retro Games

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3710108 No.3710108[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>New Years Eve
>your on /vr

Why are you here anon?

>> No.3710112

So I can point out posts that aren't /vr/ like some autistic faggot.

>> No.3710116

I don't really like drinking or partying or hook ups

because I'm abstinent, all the people who would be my friends are also in their rooms on the computer or sleeping through it

>> No.3710124

not retro >>>/v/

>> No.3710130

Because I have stomach flu and have been puking my guts out all day.

>> No.3710135

New Years Eve is overrated honestly. Would rather get wasted and make an ass of myself on a night all the cops aren't out and most everyone is at home. Never liked an audience.

Also to keep this thread alive what /vr approved games are you playing instead of going out? I'm rocking some gbc Mario Golf.

>> No.3710136

Because I'm miserable, lonely, and now single, and as autistic as this board can be, you guys are some of my only friends. What are you guys playing tonight?

>> No.3710139

Ogre Battle is my comfort food

>> No.3710145

>, and as autistic as this board can be
Stay in your /crt/. You're not one of us.

>> No.3710152
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I am out, and I'm miserable
>"why are you on your phone anon, you texting your friends?"
>"yeah, my friends."

>> No.3710168

sounds like the people you're out with aren't your friends

is there a reason you can't be more honest?

>> No.3710170
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Just came home after a family gathering at my grandma's house. It was terrible, but at least I had fun playing Dodonpachi, Alien vs Predator Arcade and Shock Troopers with my 6 years old cousin.

>> No.3710175

my uncle got remarried and I guess they wanted to be assholes and make everyone spend new years with them. I just want to be home. I hate new years, always have.

>> No.3710179

gekijou ni nureta yume no na.... konosekaiwakuraiyaminanamida

>> No.3710193

If you search for the light, then it's possible you may find it; but if you search for the darkness it will be all you ever see.

>> No.3710195

On nights like that I like to slip away and gaze at the moon. No matter how I'm feeling, it's beauty seems to be different but the same.

>> No.3710201

tsuyukaika ni nureta hana no na wo toreba....

>> No.3710205

-I'm drunk
-At home
-Cops sit outside of bars, waiting for prey to leave the parking lot. So fuck that
-/tv sucks
-/vr is comfy. Just looking for cool games that I was unaware of from my childhood.

>> No.3710209

This. Video games are always better then people.

>> No.3710221

>tsuyukaika ni nureta hana no na wo toreba....
maybe you should drink something warm and go to bed

>> No.3710224


ano sora no mukou e!

>> No.3710234
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Been stuck in the lab since early December trying to get the final revision of our project working before we demo it in 5 days. It's been 4 years in the making, and shit's fucked.

Thus couldn't make it to the folks. Friends have dispersed and none in the vicinity, and though I've been living at my place for 3 years now, I have come to appreciate this past Fall that I have made no friends here. I need interaction of some type, but frankly I don't want to be around people right now.

So I'm alone on and on the internet pissing away the last few hours of a year I don't want to remember in a place I don't care about. I don't mind anonymous boards like 4gay for some reason, but I am an absolute luddite when it comes to Facepage because of how creepy and unnatural it feels.

Anyway I'm on /vr/ for the same reason I'm ever here. I do like old video games. I like playing them, analyzing them, and hacking them. I even used to work at a used video game store.

But I use them as an escape. When alone, I have two options. 1) Think about how shitty I feel on a personal level (especially bad on holidays :D), or 2) constantly distract myself from myself with work, or school, or often times, video games and talking about video games.

Just like anyboard on 4chan (or any well-known community in general), /vr/ has gotten relatively bigger and has lost a lot of identity to endless summer. But there are still a few cool people here. To those that actually engage in good conversation rather than resorting to unintelligible screeching, Happy New Year. To all the rest, lurk moar.

>> No.3710236

I'm in lots and lots of pain. I developed post infectious ibs back in March after eating some bad food and my gut hasn't been the same since. Always bloated and feeling horrible, constipation too. They found some inflammation in the gut as well but biopsies wasn't conclusive crohns so they don't know what the fuck is wrong with me.

I'm holed up in a hotel room in London. I could have stayed with friends but I didn't know if I'd feel sick and sure enough I did so I made the right call. The pain today is too much. Id do anything to be who I used to be. Worst new years ever, wish I was dead. Fuck 2016, worst year of my life. Fuck ibs and ibd, horrible no cure diseases.

>> No.3710237

The sun will rise again right? lol

>> No.3710239


tatoeba watashi ga ashita shinda toshinara

>> No.3710240

>this years numerology is the number 9
>year of the hermit
sounds about right desu

Cheer up cause next year is the year of fortune.

>> No.3710245

thats a little bit morbid
are you running a fever?

>> No.3710247
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Have some good music and a nice night, anons of /vr/. Relish in the fact that you have made it through another year, and that it is time to banish the demons of yesteryear and start anew. Sure most things wont change because of a number on the calendar and your problems wont go away, but there are always new opportunities presenting themselves. Needing the right outlook to take advantage is the only thing stopping you. So enter this new year with that in mind and most importantly: have fun.

>> No.3710249



>> No.3710253
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>> No.3710280

take a hot bath maybe?

>> No.3710283

Same, and without sounding like a meme my finace and I are playing gba games on the Rpi.

>> No.3710313
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>started with 8 god damn wizards and a doll mage this time
wew lad

>> No.3710315

Well OP, 4chan is the main site I use, not Facebook or Pinterest or any of that shit. /vr is also my main place to post/lurk. I love this place and right now I'm not doing anything interesting. Thanks vr for being comfy as fuck.

>> No.3710326
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Happy New Year, /vr/

>> No.3710327

>Bought march of the black queen for cheap at a flea market ages ago, loved it but never beat it
I should play that again.

>> No.3710379
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Don't have any friends, also a shut-in. So naturally I'm here. I think I might prefer this.

>> No.3710391
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I just got off work and am waiting for the bus. Its going fourty minutes to an hour on two buses and two trains to get home

So I'm celebrating new years with a coke and luqourice on the bus like a fag.

Its really pretty out, tho. Pic related.

>> No.3710394

what city is that? it looks the same here in edmonton

>> No.3710398

Too nice a person for this website.
I'd bring over some wings and beer and play some classics with you.

>> No.3710409

Calgary. You an Edmonton dude? I just moved here a few months ago to chase my dn fool dream if film.

I miss my mom. And my nephews. And my dog. God do I miss him.

>> No.3710417

What's your favorite game, anon?

>> No.3710421

haha no wonder, the sky looked like it had the same amount of light

how do you feel about the weather over here?

>> No.3710434

Same as it was in BC, just a fuck if a lot more windchill than I'm used to. I used to live in a valley, all this windy bullshit was unheard of.

Not made too many friends so far. Any one in northwrn Calgary who won't murder me when we meet up?

>> No.3710446

>Same as it was in BC, just a fuck if a lot more windchill than I'm used to. I used to live in a valley, all this windy bullshit was unheard of.
You definitely gotta bundle up. I usually throw on a sweater and a leather jacket on top of that to block the wind. Definitely a good idea to invest in some long johns and a good scarf.

>Not made too many friends so far. Any one in northwrn Calgary who won't murder me when we meet up?
Unfortunately it's not real safe for me to have friends in my home town here myself. Edmonton was the stab capital of Canada a few times and the people that know me around here are some awful rats for sure. When I was in Calgary last I had an alright time downtown, and the college crowd seemed decent enough, but it's a pretty conservative place and for me that pretty much translates to normies reee

I guess I'm not the person to ask.

>> No.3710448


What food did you eat ? very curious

Ahhh.. i might play Ecco 1 or MM5. But usually what i do on tonight is plan for the future.

>> No.3710450

I work 2 jobs (line cook and pizza guy), got off at 12:10AM EST from one and work in less than 4 hours at the other, I'm here because I can't sleep

Did I make bad life decisions to end up in a spot where I have to work 60 hours to make 45? Probably.

>> No.3710453

How old are you? How's your social skills?

>> No.3710458


24; friendly and personable on the surface but unrepairably autistic on the inside, the former is a front so I can function in society (line cooking is a profession filled with white trash, nigs, criminals, etc. you can't be a sperg and survive)

>> No.3710459



>> No.3710463

Can't you wipe yourself down with a hot towel

>> No.3710467



>> No.3710471
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there there

>> No.3710474

You religious? If so, what denomination?

>> No.3710492
File: 5 KB, 148x114, 1408202254897.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that image

A-Anon, this is a blue board...

>> No.3710494


>> No.3710530


>> No.3710552

I think it was this stale af McDonald's meal I got at 5 am.

>> No.3710658

Forgot what that class does. Boost your Golems???

>> No.3710659

I ate Pizza Hut bought by one of my "middle management" at about midnight. Plain ol' hawaiian pizza,'cause the other pizza he bought was spicy as fug.

>> No.3710663

You sound like a tough guy. You could try out as club bouncer. Pays better in most cuntries, but you still gotta deal with trash and criminals.

>> No.3710689
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I feel a lot less lonely when I'm here

/sci/ is pretty comfy too

>> No.3710707

Spent the night trying to make actual progress in Turok 2 without cheats. Had a lot on the ol' noggin lately so wasn't trying to do much drinking. Planning on using 2017 to get my shit mostly together. Anywho, not trying to blog too much so I'll end it with some /vr/ tunes.

>> No.3710727

And that gave you ibs too?