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File: 1.49 MB, 2600x1567, 1995_01_PCFX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3704462 No.3704462 [Reply] [Original]

Anybody here own a PC-FX?

Team Innocent looks kind of interesting to me.

>> No.3704558
File: 26 KB, 221x221, 564376.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3704569

Get the fuck back to /jp/

>> No.3704582

Just doesn't have any must-play exclusives for me.
I watched some Team Innocent videos for a bit and it seems like an alright adventure game, kind of Resident Evil-ish, but nothing too special.

>> No.3704591
File: 65 KB, 487x640, 2174298-photo_gallery_pdfx_cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Just doesn't have any must-play exclusives for me.

Oh I am not expecting some amazing hidden masterpiece the system itself kind of fascinates it seems like such a hack job I don't understand how NEC thought this could compete unless they were all coked up.

But it's got a bunch of strategy games which interests me.
Anything I should know? Is the system prone to malfunction and about how much should I pay for one.

>> No.3704598


eh id pick msx,x68k,fm towns any day over sixth gen shitters

>> No.3704608


>> No.3705041

The big deal about the PC-FX was its expandability. They could have released a new 3D card every few years and keep it a cutting edge console.
It might have worked if they released it in 1992 and established a user base before the PS1 and Saturn came out.

>> No.3705135

PCFX stood for

X (it was the 90s)

>> No.3705194

I'm down
Love loli

>> No.3705196

"NEC directed Hudson Soft, with whom they continued their partnership over the PC Engine, to develop only games based on popular anime franchises and using prerendered animated footage. Though this policy played to the hardware's strengths, it barred Hudson Soft from bringing successful PC Engine series such as Bomberman and Bonk to the PC-FX."

Is that true? That's fucking retarded no wonder it failed.

>> No.3705206

Damn NEC were total weebs

>> No.3705214

As far as I know the anime strategy only come into full swing in 1995.
Bomberman and PC-Genjin/Denjin worked with animated footage so it shouldn't have been an obstacle.
You'd have to read the quoted magazine to know for sure.

>> No.3705285
File: 62 KB, 637x356, HiTenBombermantitle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh what could had been...

>> No.3705289

Hi-Ten Bomberman needed a high resolution display well beyond the capabilities of TVs of the time.

>> No.3705447

I used to have one but for english speakers theres only like 4 games that you can play,but if you know japanese and like graphical novels/hentai games this is the system for you.

>> No.3705454

Any way to mod it for component output? PC-FX uses updated NEC video chip that doesn't output RGB, modding it same way as PC Engine is impossible. But seems like it can output YUV
Is there a working mod?

>> No.3705458

some hi-end japanese tvs were compatible with high resolution

>> No.3705467

You're still better off with a Saturn. Not to mention computers.

>> No.3705479

What's a ok price for the unite and a controller only?

>> No.3705760

>You're still better off with a Saturn.
Yeah that was the thing. All I cared about was 2D pretty girl games and I still just got a Saturn. Saturn had more PC98 ports than the PCFX did. Not to mention Sega-sponsored anime titles like Rayearth and Nadesico. PCFX didn't even get a Tokimemo port like SS and PS. And Saturn got a real Tengai Makyou RPG while PCFX just got that goofy FMV fighter.
I was expecting the PCFX to be the next PC Engine but instead we got nothing.

There's a couple of ports with unique traits are worth noting if you're a huge fan of the series I guess. Power Dolls FX is kinda unique, mixing elements from other games and the OVA, and it was the first voiced Power Dolls game. Pia Carrot 1 on PCFX is I think the only version of the game with both uncensored graphics and voiced dialog (unless that ended up voiced on Windows eventually?).

>> No.3705796

>Pia Carrot 1 on PCFX is I think the only version of the game with both uncensored graphics and voiced dialog
The only thing it has over the Saturn is nipples in the HCG and some male voices. Meanwhile the Saturn has an extra route and more FMV.

The CD versions of Power Dolls had voice acting. Or at least the Towns had

>> No.3705812

There are easier ways to fap to anime, OP

>> No.3706052
File: 110 KB, 640x545, Rolfee PC FX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This must be the greatest mascot ever

SEGA&Nintendo are you even trying?

>> No.3706054
File: 1.27 MB, 1300x1619, page_0003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3706067
File: 119 KB, 425x600, p_rols1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3706071

>Those Windows 95 wallpapers

>> No.3706075
File: 569 KB, 566x900, rolfee.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3706080

Rolfee a cute


>> No.3706087
File: 73 KB, 1280x720, mx_20090622220548.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shit picture aside look at the main menu NEC nailed the vaporware look.

>> No.3706113

wew. I n-need a PC-FX now.

>> No.3706119
File: 252 KB, 1024x768, 137813042733713113943_20130902230027.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3706123

I kind of want them now.

>> No.3706129
File: 1.70 MB, 3534x2264, pcfx22--.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck wrong picture

>> No.3706132

Such a beauty, one of my favorite console design ever.
It would made an awesome Mini-ITX case.

>> No.3706134
File: 97 KB, 417x600, p_fxga98.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3706148
File: 216 KB, 975x1280, imge0360.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What kind of software were the anime freak series?

>> No.3706164

I don't really understand the PC-FXGA.
It's a card that interfaces with your computer and lets you play PC-FX games as well as provide 3D acceleration for PC98 and PC/AT games.
At that point those were so diverged from each other that selling two separate cards sounds more reasonable.

>> No.3706349

I was never brave enough to have anime titty desktop wallpaper in w98 like my cool asian friend. I am still not brave enought to have loli wallpaper in 2016.

>> No.3706350

why didnt they call this store HARD-ON?

>> No.3706478

>Voice Paradise
Oh god I bought the PS version of this.
It had Sugiyama Genshou art and great voices like Tange Sakura, what could go wrong?

It has hardly any voiced lines in it!

It's a voice actress game. It's got "Voice" in the fucking title. The first thing you do in the game is pick the actress you want to play each character. And then...you only hear voices every now and then when an FMV plays, not for the main dialog. Also everything else about it sucked too.
The illustrations are nice I guess.

>> No.3707828

I own one! It sux.... end of story lol

>> No.3709645
File: 120 KB, 256x224, 393422-chip-chan-kick-pc-fx-screenshot-in-the-options-menu-you-can.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

chip chan kicku!

>> No.3709648
File: 114 KB, 1920x1080, 0feb094a0b8ac32cba17959997a7a4dd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

someone say chip chan?

>> No.3709706

Hence the "some". They would've alienated a majority of potential consumers.