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/vr/ - Retro Games

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3694390 No.3694390 [Reply] [Original]

Can we talk about TASing? Most TAS'd games fall under /vr/'s definition of retro, and I think it would be something fun and different for a change.

I have some experience TASing so I'd be happy to answer questions. Or feel free to just state your opinions on TASing: is it art, is it cheating, is it the most autistic hobby ever?

Here's an example of Mario 64 beaten in a few minutes time. Picture very tangentially related - I just thought it was interesting.

Let's talk about TAS of retro games.

>> No.3694579

Speedrunning is for faggots.

>> No.3694679


>> No.3694734

I've been a fan of TASing for 10+ years since that first SMB3 warps run started making the rounds.

That Mario Kart 64 one from a little while back was bonkers.

>> No.3694776

It's literally watching people save-scum and getting excited about it. /vr/ should fucking HATE TASs.

>> No.3694837

its more about pushing games to theorhetical extremes

its funny to see stuff like Torneko solo the lategame of Dragon quest IV.

>> No.3695147

You might say that on /vr/ savestating is heresy, sacrilege.

TAS is not merely savestating, however; no, it's far worse.

If playing casually in an emulator and using savestates is sin, then TASing is the founding of the church of Satan, fooling the world into believing God is dead and leading civilized societies everywhere into chaos by way of a multi-generational global conspiracy, unleashing a literal state of Hell on Earth in which hordes of demonic goats make black magic real again, reviving Lucifer the Light Bringer IRL and enthroning him at the height of Mt. Olympus, enabling him to at last fulfill his iniquitous ambition of ascending God and becoming the Most High, and damning all humanity to eternal hellfire in the process.

>its more about pushing games to theorhetical extremes
Like this guy said, it's "X-TREME" savestating, like an extreme sport.

And among TASers there is real competition to reach the end of games in the least frames, so it really is sportsmanlike.

And to that end it turns efficient play into a highly exact science.

And in the end it creates works of truly modern art: videos depicting humanly impossible and technically flawless playthroughs of retro games.

What's not to like?

>> No.3695167

The best aspect of TAS is luck manipulation. Perfect inputs and whatnot are cool, but having the game playing to the maker's beat is something you cannot see elsewhere.

Creative use of mechanics and glitch showcases are among my favorites also. That International Super Star Soccer one never gets old for me.

>> No.3695228

Whenever I watch a TAS, I pretend it's the canonical events of the fiction.

Take this video of mario 64 for example. It's a existential horror story about mario molesting the fabric of reality and logic itself, getting closer and closer to raping bowser to death, and there's absolutely nothing that can be done to stop it.

>> No.3695231

>It's literally watching people save-scum and getting excited about it.

That's not the point of TAS retard. It's to explore how much you can fuck with the game.

>> No.3695260

You've somehow mistakenly ended up in /vr/, bb. You're far from twitch.

>> No.3695328

You're basically right. The fundamental point of all TAS in general is to entertain. Individually, the 'point' can vary from video to video depending on the game and the goal or category (any %, 100%, etc). The end will always be the same, ideally, the point is figuring out which of the different means of getting there works best.

My experience TASing was that it was by far the best video game I ever played.

>> No.3695369

>And to that end it turns efficient play into a highly exact science.
The problem is that it eventually turns into "skip 70% of the game by zipping through all the walls or something similar" and watching that is just plain boring.

>> No.3695385

It's not boring for me if it's a game I've played many times. I like seeing games that I know and love exploited. Doesn't mean if I played them I would want to cheat my way through it.

>> No.3695387

They do more than just save-scum though.

>> No.3695389

Often, yes, but there are less popular categories like 100%, or glitchless runs to circumvent that.

I actually felt exactly the same way when I first got into it. It can still be fun to learn to do that even if it's not what you imagine to be 'your thing' - though you might be surprised on trying it - and if not, then who knows - maybe you will be able to find some creative way around that.

As long as you have a passion for whatever game you TAS on, of course.

>> No.3695396

No, it's really not. Take Yoshi's Island for example. Running that has come down to basically going partway through some of the levels, wrong-warping back to 1-1 and finishing them.

It's boring as hell.

>> No.3695398


>> No.3695457

There's a difference between speedrunning and TASing.

>> No.3696042

It can be if you have no interest in WHY it can be done.
I like TAS videos more for taking it in to a programming perspective. How are the rules (code) of the game laid out and how can this be manipulated in interesting ways.
Its like solving a logic puzzle.

If you have no interest in the lower level workings of the game or it's coding, or lack the knowledge to understand what it all means, then yeah I could totally see why TAS videos would be kinda lame. But understand there is a lot more going on that you're not visually seeing, thats where the interesting stuff really is.

>> No.3696075
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>If playing casually in an emulator and using savestates is sin, then TASing is the founding of the church of Satan, fooling the world into believing God is dead and leading civilized societies everywhere into chaos by way of a multi-generational global conspiracy, unleashing a literal state of Hell on Earth in which hordes of demonic goats make black magic real again, reviving Lucifer the Light Bringer IRL and enthroning him at the height of Mt. Olympus, enabling him to at last fulfill his iniquitous ambition of ascending God and becoming the Most High, and damning all humanity to eternal hellfire in the process.

>> No.3696139

TAS are fun when used to demonstrate perfect plays or showcase strategies that really aren't possible in normal play.

They should represent extensive knowledge and understanding of a game, not necessarily skill. A two hour long live speedrun and a 5 minute TAS are both impressive, but for different reasons that really cannot be applied to eachother.

>> No.3696227
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I'd rather see an AI perfectly play a game. Far more impressive, seeing the mathematically perfect inputs of the machine and admiring the work someone had to build it.

TAS is a substitute to that, at best. The perfect accuracy is there, but there's something there about the human playing that dissatisfies me. Worse if the person makes "funny" movementes like jumping repeatedly just for it and such

>> No.3696303
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>but for different reasons that really cannot be applied to eachother.
Indeed. A speedrun's like a sporting event live on television; it's exciting, intense, physically impressive. TAS is like a painting hanging on a wall in a museum; it's meaningful, thought-provoking, technically impressive.

Hey! Much obliged.

I think a lot of people only think of TAS as something they can ever watch. I don't get it. Why is that?

We can talk about watching TAS all day but the real fun lies in making TAS yourselves.

Is it the high entry-level threshold? Is that it?

>> No.3696319

is it wrong if I got an erection from watching that gif?

>> No.3696354

This is so fucking hypnotic.

>> No.3696357

I thought TAS of the original Mario World for NES reached the point some time ago wherein certain runs were proven, somehow, to be literally perfect in terms of inputs needed to yield the game's completion using the absolute fewest frames possible. I could be wrong tho...

>> No.3696683

It can be thought that a TAS is perfect, but then someone will find some hot new trick that saves a few frames and then a frame war begins anew.

It happened with Donkey Kong a while back.

>> No.3696687

But eventually if that process repeats long enough wouldn't they be bound for perfection in a matter of time? Particularly with smaller, simpler, older games such as DK or Mario 1.

>> No.3696708

Of course, but honestly there's no real way of knowing if it's truly perfect, because some new technique could be hiding right around the corner.

>> No.3696720

Nah... there is only so much room for possibility within the confines of any given game. The more refined a game's TAS standards gets over time, the realm of possibility within that game becomes more well defined, and so it becomes increasingly possible to rule out the very possibility itself that yet-undiscovered glitches may one day emerge.

>> No.3696785

I don't like TAS ones much. It's like playing a game with loads of cheats like infinite health through an Action Replay - it quickly becomes a chore.

I'm more interested in speedruns that are practically possible, rather than through brute-forcing glitches.

>> No.3696803

There's always a chance of getting trapped in a local minimum.

>> No.3696864

I understand, but you may be looking at it without seeing the bigger picture. Sure, it uses tools (not cheats) - that's the whole point. But the point isn't just to play the game normally and make it easier - though I think maybe you know that.

However, the key is using those tools extensively and playing the game at such a high level as those tools afford. That way, the game may be experienced in a new way, with a more abstract approach, and potentially completed at level nearing perfection, in theory. TASing becomes a puzzle where knowledge is everything. The tools eliminate traditional difficulty 100%, which makes you feel like the game character you normally play now has super powers the likes of which the game's designers couldn't have possibly imagined, and the challenge instead becomes using those tools and your knowledge of the game together to achieve your own goal - whatever it may be (any %, etc).

Although it can be very monotonous, sometimes, so passion for a certain game that you love and with which you wish to become more intimately acquainted is important - especially for beginners, I expect (for that was my experience, in fact I have only ever TAS'd one game).

If you do it for the right reason - fun - it can be rewarding and addictive. Take it from me: when you first pull of some seemingly impossible thing you're trying to do using tools, that you aren't sure but think might be possible with them but know damn well you could never ever do in real time, it's thrilling. And your progress is always easy to measure because it goes by the frame count, so you can watch your own improvements along the way. And the more you improve, the better you get, and it becomes a cycle. So you might enjoy redoing the same level periodically just to see the difference in frame count your experience nets you over time.

Fuck that was long.


>> No.3697013

Classic Pokemon games, board games and others have TASes where authors have written lua bots to figure out the best conceivable path rather than doing all the work manually.

>> No.3697014

When the fuck speed became more important than scoring for westerners?

>> No.3697021

Frames is a score - a bit like how a golf game is scored. I suppose TAS allows this to be hard quantified now.

>> No.3697037

>Frames is a score
No it's not, most games don't give a shit nor keep track of the time you take beating it.
Also tases are meaningless for competition, they aren't even done at real time.

>> No.3697067

If it's quantifiable and its value is considered a measure of skill or perfection or some other parameter, then in some abstract sense, it's a score.

I know the games don't usually keep track of this but that's irrelevant here.

>> No.3697281

>I know the games don't usually keep track of this but that's irrelevant here.
No, it's just a silly self-imposed challenge for kiddy games that never were meant to be played competitively, as opposed to games that actually had high-level competition in mind.

>> No.3697287

I don't see the problem here.

>> No.3697290

>No, it's just a silly self-imposed challenge
Yes? And? It's not my cup of tea but if people have found new ways of getting sport out of something, and enjoy it, then good for them I guess.

>> No.3697326

Just pointing out that it's an inferior form of competition.

>> No.3697374

But once the principal form has been exhausted then what's left?

>> No.3697418

It is autistic and valid, it's just nerds wanting to experiment with beating games as quickly as possible using math and calculation. It's a nice gimmick and spectacle for people when they're bored or curious.

>> No.3697429

Because it's not recorded by the game?

>> No.3697631

>No it's not, most games don't give a shit nor keep track of the time you take beating it.

Sounds like some achievement/trophy-loving faggotry right there. So you never imposed house rules on yourself for a favorite game to challenge yourself? Buster-only Mega Man doesn't change the ending, but you feel like a badass when you pull it off.

>> No.3697635

For real achievements and all that trash are just that: trash. I just see them as forms of data mining.

>> No.3697648

TAS you say?


>> No.3697663

Not only that but also because they were never meant for "speedrunning", meanwhile there were games actually designed to push your skills further with high-scoring and multi-looping them.

>Sounds like some achievement/trophy-loving faggotry right there.
No I'm not you retard, just saying that some silly self-imposed challenge shouldn't be taken seriously in terms of competition.

>> No.3697672

If everyone is competing at the same self imposed goal then what the hell's the problem?

>> No.3697694 [DELETED] 

That you are not playing a competitive game, you are just playing easy shit just fast, that's not competition.

>> No.3697695

That you are not playing a competitive game, you are playing easy shit made for kids just fast, that's not competition.

>> No.3697696

But anon all games are made for kids.

>> No.3697697

If all you play is console shit then maybe

>> No.3697701
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You mean arcade games aren't?

>> No.3697702

>That you are not playing a competitive game, you are playing easy shit made for kids just fast,
It doesn't matter in the least what or who it was designed for, if people compete at doing it, it is still a competition. Case closed.

>> No.3697704

Get good at a real competition, nerd.

>> No.3697708

>easy shit that is only """"competitive"""" via silly self-imposed handicaps is somehow more competitiva than games designed for the hardcore players
whatever makes you feel better memerunner

>> No.3697712

>faggot quotes
Not an argument.

>> No.3697713

Thread officially ruined.

>> No.3697717

Shit son, talk about projection...

You're the one discriminating what competition is acceptable on the basis of the difficulty of the game itself, like an edgy teen, as if difficulty itself is even a valid criteria to judge the validity of a given competition in the first place; or you're disqualifying certain types of games based on autistic nitpickery. And now you're belittling someone for not actively engaging on one your personally approved sports. And, this implies that you, yourself, engage in these activities. Like a fucking nerd.

Not mad though and not to be overly harsh, just comprehensive.

>> No.3697720

And if you pick up a competitive game for hardcore players make sure it's the correct competitive game for hardcore players, none of that lame bullet hell crap from CAVE.

>> No.3697723
File: 15 KB, 182x151, STOP ENJOYING THINGS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3697724

I doubt any of the posters in this thread are as skilled as they claim to be. You're all a bunch of try hards.

>> No.3697729

He was another guy, retard. Also the point wasn't just difficulty, the point is that some games had competition in mind and others simply not, the problem with memerunning is that it forces "competition" on games that were never meant to be played competitively, don't even get me started with RPGs or stupid shit like this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1wOCtnxBeoY

I'm not even a fan of Cave, however they are a good example of competition and high-level play compared speedrunning shit

>> No.3697734

>the point is that some games had competition in mind and others simply not,
Doesn't fucking matter, retard. Competition is competition.

>> No.3697735

STD general hates cave games and consider them for casuals.

>> No.3697739


>> No.3697740

better vid

>> No.3697745

>putting your shoes as fast as possible is just as competitive as sprinting
whatever you say champ

>> No.3697749

what is this std general and do they have any meaningful record in a cave game to give a shit about their opinion

>> No.3697768

Yes I suppose that will have to be the case what with the way you change the goal posts every time you get in trouble.

>> No.3699467


*unsheaths katana*
Nothing personel, kiddo....
*kills you and teleports away*

>> No.3699574

I'm particulary much more impressed with speedruns done in real time than TAS.

TAS is basically a stratetgy game that you can't lose, you plan your route and try to get everything as good as possible, a normal speedrun is about frame perfect inputs AND strategy, it's much more impressive.

>> No.3699576

Technically you lose if your time is unoptmized, no?

>> No.3699578

Just to complete, I do find fun some glitches that can ONLY be done with TAS, sometimes it's so absurd that it can give a good laugh.

>> No.3699628

>a normal speedrun is about frame perfect inputs
TAS is based on strategies based around the assumption that frame perfect inputs will be entered on every single frame. That should be more impressive technically, visually, and just in general than watching some guy playing slower, safer, and less accurately. It might be more suspensful and thrilling when he finally pulls off a difficult trick - sure. But saying realtime speedruns are much more impressive than TAS? I don't buy it, I think you have a strange view of the world.

>> No.3699734

>all these butthurt memerunners
kek, careful you might turn into a tranny

>> No.3699735

>But saying realtime speedruns are much more impressive than TAS?
Not him but how the fuck they aren't? the point of the games is to be played in real time, TAS aren't nothing but practice and hypothetical routing that shouldn't be taken seriously.

>> No.3699739

I think you're missing the point of a TAS. It's not supposed to be on a comparable level to RTAs but to show off with what could be done theoretically. Sometimes TA speedruns even influenced "real speedruns" by speedrunners using (close to) frame perfect glitches that are discovered by people making tool assisted speedruns. The other way around, real speedrunners might discover something during their practice sessions that could be interesting for TAS creators for their new project. Did you ever notice how at every tool assisted movie it's labelled as a TAS and not perceived as a "real time" run and how it has a number of amount of state resets being used? I never done it but doing research and having to reset over and over again AND having to do that frame per frame takes a very long time. Besides, like "normal" speedrunners they don't do that professionally but out of passion which makes it even harder.

All in all, your implication that a TAS is supposed to be a "game you cannot lose" makes absolutely no sense and it's short-sighted to compare it to savescumming.

>> No.3699741

>is it art?
>is it cheating?
>is it the most autistic hobby ever?
>is it entertaining?
it can be

>> No.3699745

>Not him but how the fuck they aren't?
How many TASes have you actually watched...?

>the point of the games is to be played in real time,
>presuming your own false authority to arbitrarily frame the boundaries of enjoyment and appreciation other people might potentially find by understanding games on deeper levels than you do

>TAS aren't nothing but practice and hypothetical routing
Lol, you can't be serious.

>that shouldn't be taken seriously.
As what? And why not? And according to who?

>> No.3699751

>How many TASes have you actually watched...?
A few, they aren't really impressive if they aren't played in real time.

>presuming your own false authority to arbitrarily frame the boundaries of enjoyment and appreciation other people might potentially find by understanding games on deeper levels than you do
Yeah let's just rape the game with tools that never existed nor were meant to be used on its time, and then pretend it's a legit way of playing, what a retard.

>> No.3699752
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I can't tell whether you're a troll or an ignoramus but in any case, your mentality is well below standard for /vr/.

>> No.3699754

>a TAS faggot questioning the mentality of others
lol the irony motherfucker

>> No.3699760

He's just messing around with you. Just like most posters on this board. Whether that in itself is an excuse for this shitposting is a different matter but the fact you're biting it makes it only worse.

>> No.3699764

>pretend it's a legit way of playing

See >>3699739.

>> No.3699765

You call that biting? Okay...

>> No.3699772

I agree with most of what you say, the TASfaggot however thinks it's comparable to real time and somehow "more impressive" too.

>> No.3699784

>forces "competition" on games that were never meant to be played competitively
Just like STG scoring superplays, which are played in ways the developers could never even have imagined much less intended.
Unless you somehow think that CAVE etc. thought for a single second about the deeper intricacies of their games and weren't just trying to make a quick buck in the arcade.
>meanwhile there were games actually designed to push your skills further with high-scoring and multi-looping them.

>> No.3699791

Did you respond to an obvious troll? Yes. Is that the same as biting the bait? I think you can figure that out yourself.

>> No.3699804

>Just like STG scoring superplays, which are played in ways the developers could never even have imagined much less intended.
But they still focus in the parameters established and worked by the developers, which are scoring and looping, not speed (unless the score system requires speed)

>Unless you somehow think that CAVE etc. thought for a single second about the deeper intricacies of their games and weren't just trying to make a quick buck in the arcade.
Why not both? and if they just wanted a quick buck maybe they shouldn't have focused on a dying genre making complex scoring systems for a niche

>> No.3699815

Completely agree with this. While there are some interesting glitches to see in TAS, watching an actual speed run is far more impressive.

Do you all enjoy watching people use aimbots?

>> No.3699846

You want to see impressive use of TAS ? Check out Tasblock of AGDQ.

>> No.3699868

I would call it entertaining. Knowing he had all the time in the world to adjust for each frame to make it perfect isn't as impressive as watching someone blow through a game faster than anyone in one try.

>> No.3699920

>still missing the point of a TAS

>> No.3699987


Bingo. THIS and seeing what could be done if one had inhumane reflexes and could do things right from the get go is what makes TAS interesting and sometimes impressive but not because of the same kinda skills.

Seriously, take a look at tas.org or at least the link in a TAS video description. There's usually an explanation of general TAS stuff and more specific glitches or shortcuts. Unless you're just a shitposter who won't take any effort to do any of that and just wishes to continue doing so on an imageboard of course ...

>> No.3700007

Often times the routes and tricks they find in TASes end up being adapted for Real Time speedruns, the two complement each other.

>> No.3700173

It's to be expected. The two communities interact with eachother quite a bit.
Though that famous SMB3 TAS almost destroyed the relationship between the two communities.

>> No.3700187

Got the story?

>> No.3700236

It was related during the TAS Block at last year's SGDQ at the end of a Sonic Advance TAS.
Very early on in the Real-Time and TAS relationship there was some animosity because that famous SMB3 TAS was released and did not include proper annotation that it was created with an emulator with tool assistance.
Eventually it was cleared up and the two communities came together.
This is also why TAS community now generally goes out of there way to note any run that was made with tools.

>> No.3700279

Did you actually watch the really impressive stuff like BrainAge and Mario 3 ?
This (in my opinion) is the reason why TAS is awesome.

>> No.3700443

Not shitposting, I completely agree that there are some really interesting things in TAS and it gives more insight into how some of the games work by essentially breaking them. I just felt that I wouldn't use the word impressive to describe them and find actual speed runs to be more impressive but like you said it's a different kind of skill.

I did watch some of it. I enjoyed the Mario Kart 64 section along with the very strange Mario 3 part. The BrainAge section dragged on a bit though.

Not trying to shit on TAS, I just prefer the skill involved in regular speed running as it's more applicable to me.

>> No.3701082

I think the main issue that some people just can't understand is that TAS creators don't consider themselves players. They are authors, because what they are doing does not resemble playing the game.

Creators know this, fans know this, yet plenty of anons are crying "but it's not really playing the game!" and much to your surprise, we are somehow aware and enjoy it anyway. Do you also go on WWE threads in /asp/ and tell them that wrestling is fake?

Plenty of authors have admitted that they are terrible at the games that they TAS. Then there's the case of authors like Hetfield90, a top MMX/X2 real time runner, making multiple improvements to MMX/X2 TAS runs in various categories. He does not claim that he now has the WR for MMX any% speedrunning because he created the best TAS run. He wanted to know how far he can push his real time runs, which strategies are feasible for him to pull off and the absolute best paths.

>> No.3701110

No, what you can't understand is that other people value runs for the execution involved in the players and not just strategies that are marginal to real time play. Thus for that reason TASes aren't all that hot to say the least.

>we are somehow aware and enjoy it anyway
speak for yourself

>> No.3701236

I find TAS' boring largely because they break the game apart. To the point where its doing things that are impossible to actually pull off.

The idea of "TAS only" strategies is a joke. If its not capable in the main game, it realistically has no place in the TAS as far as I'm concerned.

>They consider themselves authors
That's fucking hilarious because its literally just autism. Playing the game at 0.001% speed, and abusing save states to replay sections over and over to save frames makes you an author? I don't think so Tim.

>> No.3701241

>The idea of "TAS only" strategies is a joke. If its not capable in the main game, it realistically has no place in the TAS as far as I'm concerned.

Nigga your missing the point again.

>> No.3701261

>No, what you can't understand is that other people value runs for the execution involved in the players
I never said that I don't enjoy human speedruns; I absolutely do. Being a fan of one does not preclude the other. Get ready for another wrestling analogy, to keep it simple: Fans of WWE can also enjoy UFC.

>not just strategies that are marginal to real time play.
Confirmed for not seeing the hundreds of TASes that do the extraordinary: controlling multiple players, one input file that completes different games simultaneously, execute arbitrary code, manipulate AI and RNG to attain nearly-impossible outcomes... the list goes on.
This link isn't for you, since I doubt you'll actually seek out anything that challenges your views.

>speak for yourself
Work on your reading comprehension, because I stated that creators and fans know that it's not really playing the game and still enjoy watching and creating. I was speaking for them, not for you.

>> No.3701270

You guys, there's nothing you can say to the opposing side that's gonna change their mind. You either enjoy it or you don't.

>> No.3701284

>I find TAS' boring largely because they break the game apart. To the point where its doing things that are impossible to actually pull off.

>The idea of "TAS only" strategies is a joke. If its not capable in the main game, it realistically has no place in the TAS as far as I'm concerned.

Plenty of TAS runs forgo the use of game-breaking glitches and skips. There's more than enough room for both kinds of runs. What about human speedrunners that use game-breaking glitches and skips? SM64, LoZ:OoT, Mega Man 2, Super Metroid and plenty of others break and skip large chunks of the games at high-level competition. There's hundreds of console-verified TAS runs, so saying that "its not capable in the main game" doesn't really hold any water. Raspberry Pi box wired to a controller that plays the input file on the console at startup and plays the same way as when emulated. A human absolutely COULD execute the same exact input with the same timing, it's just unfeasible for most games.

>That's fucking hilarious because its literally just autism. Playing the game at 0.001% speed, and abusing save states to replay sections over and over to save frames makes you an author? I don't think so Tim.
Using the word 'literally' incorrectly? C'mon now, you can bait better than this!

Plenty of authors create lua bots and programs to analyze RNG and figure out the best paths. Brute forcing with frame advance is far from the only method that authors use.

Agreed, but that's how most discussion on 4chan goes. I am enjoying the debate, though.

>> No.3701287

>Can we talk about TASing?
Sure. It's just cheating. Show me footage of someone with actual skills any day.
>its more about pushing games to theorhetical extremes

>> No.3701291

>It's just cheating.
Nobody is disputing that. In fact they write in huge bold letters "This run is tool assisted" at the beginning of every movie.

>> No.3701297

TASes would've been funner if playing with frame advance wasn't the most mind numbingly boring thing ever. Also emulators have like built in 3 frames of lag so every time you skip frames you also have to account for that.

>> No.3701504

>Being a fan of one does not preclude the other
It conditions the other at the very least, most of the appeal of one of them is the real time execution, while the other has 0 of that.
And your wrestling analogy is retarded, because both are done in real-time, just that one is silly and the other is hardcore, it's more like comparing speedrunning to STG.

>Confirmed for not seeing the hundreds of TASes that do the extraordinary: controlling multiple players, one input file that completes different games simultaneously, blablablabla
Hey that's cool programming porn and all, but if you can't actually do it on real time, it doesn't matter jackshit to me.

>I doubt you'll actually seek out anything that challenges your views.
No, YOU are the retard that can't accept a different opinion, some people just don't find the idea of TAS very appealing or entertaining as you do and there is nothing wrong with that, just deal with it faggot.

>> No.3701506


>> No.3701510 [DELETED] 

Quit getting mad at videogames. ;)

>> No.3701542

t. someone mad at videogames

>> No.3701550

We all need to chill out.

>> No.3701556

That picture gave me cancer

>> No.3701601

>but if you can't actually do it on real time, it doesn't matter jackshit to me.
Yeah, because you're an infantile pleb who can't appreciate nice things and what's more, you're determined to be as vocal about it as possible to the point where a few others like you collectively derail the thread into a shallow discussion of merit and legitimacy and nothing more. And as a result, this board can't have nice threads.

If you don't care about TAS so much - good, fine, whatever, nobody cares. But then why are you here arguing vehemently that it's shit, and your opinion is objectively right and anyone who disagrees with you is wrong and needs to be told so? I didn't create this thread just so people like you can make sure we all know how bad you think it sucks. It's fine to state your opinion but if that's how you feel then you should probably do the rest of the adults here - who actually do enjoy it and might want to have a deeper discussion about other aspects of it than whether it's good or bad - a favor and do the mature, responsible thing and leave.

Stop hijacking this shit for (you)'s and as your personal vehicle for petty internet arguments. That's /v/-tier shit, son. Fuck off with that already. It's clear many of you doing this aren't interested in having a civil educational discourse; you come in here spewing ignorance just looking for a fight, not caring about the subject matter, not willing to consider anyone else's views and fully determined not to change your own.

I honestly expected more from the mid-late 20's and 30's-somethings here on /vr/ but no; this is still 4chan. Anonymity is great but too often people mistake it as a license and obligation to act like jerks.

>> No.3701630

>Yeah, because you're an infantile pleb who can't appreciate nice things and what's more,
No, simply because it doesn't appeal to me. Jesus are you really this autistic to understand that people have different interests and preferences?

>But then why are you here arguing vehemently that it's shit and your opinion is objectively right and anyone who disagrees with you is wrong and needs to be told so?
Where did I say that, you lying stupid fuck?

>> No.3701643



>> No.3701658

>simply because it doesn't appeal to me.
The fact of the matter is it's not that simple. Your view is that it has no appeal to you solely because it can't be done in real time. Not only is that stupidly simplistic, it is also ironic because that's the whole point of TAS. You fail to understand the point; you can't appreciate it for what it is, because in your mind your own flawed understanding of it doesn't conform to your personal values. Therefore you are a pleb, practically by definition. But go ahead and just keep deluding yourself like that couldn't possibly be the case - that you might misunderstand something, that you might be wrong - and everything can always be boiled down to differences in personal preference, and that all preferences are always somehow immune to underlying factors like stupidity.

>Where did I say that, you lying stupid fuck?
>I didn't literally say it therefore it couldn't possibly have been expressed
And you call me autistic?

Anyway I was mostly just speaking in general terms and not so specifically at anyone in particular, including whoever I quoted as an example.

>> No.3701684

Jesus christ let's try again: I get the point of TAS, I just don't find it entertaining, how retarded can you be to not understand this simple point? do your force all your friends (if you have any) into liking your hobbies otherwise you shit at them? go check yourself you sperg fuck

>I didn't literally say it therefore it couldn't possibly have been expressed
Then post where I "expressed" it because your autistic misinterpretation doesn't help much here

>> No.3701724

>I get the point of TAS,
No you don't:

>I just don't find it entertaining,
But that's the whole point.

Maybe you understand that it is meant to provide entertainment value and little else, but to say that you 'get' the point when you just said you don't find it entertaining is retarded. And anyway, why do you insist on generalizing all TAS? Sure, not all manage to entertain everyone; many may find the majority of TAS only mildly entertaining. But you act like you've never once been entertained by one, as if entertaining ones do not exist, as if there is some inherent aspect of TAS that for you prohibits entertainment on principle. In short you sound like a fucking moron.

>how retarded can you be to not understand this simple point?
My thoughts for you, exactly.

>do your force all your friends (if you have any)
Ooooh, shit, look out everyone: Chad's here.

>into liking your hobbies otherwise you shit at them?
I'm obviously not forcing you to like anything. I just wrote three paragraphs expressing what I feel this thread should be about, compared to what it is, thanks to dumbasses like you. And now I'm explaining to you in excruciating detail why your stupid opinions are wrong, and your behavior is childish. I don't care if you like it and in fact I would prefer if you didn't because you're such an asshole.

>go check yourself you sperg fuck
There you go projecting your own autism again.

>> No.3701737

>hurr durr if you don't like my favorite hobby then you don't understand it!
whatever sperg, didn't bother reading the rest

>> No.3701742

I like the Excite Bike and Track & Field TAS

>> No.3701837

/vr/-your place to say how much you hate others irrelevant of older video games

>> No.3701940

TAS stands for Tool Assisted Superplay
The entire POINT is to break apart the game doing things that are impossible for a human.

>> No.3703592

You put the /v/ in /vr/.

>> No.3704224

scoring sucks and people who defend it are aspies

>> No.3704724

t. shitscorer

>> No.3706421

Nah, too much fun.

>> No.3706437 [DELETED] 
