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File: 9 KB, 200x200, links awakening.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
369396 No.369396 [Reply] [Original]

So, in about two months, this game will be 20 years old.

In almost-celebration, let's have a Link's Awakening thread. Still the best portable Zelda to this day. If only it weren't just a dream...

>> No.369420

>Still the best portable Zelda to this day
But that's not true, because you can emulate pretty much any Zelda game on the go

>> No.369431

Is anyone else a big fan of the select trick? You press select to bring up the map when you go to another screen and then it glitches out and sends you to the other side of the next screen. This is the coolest glitch ever in a Zelda game, and it can have some hilarious results.

>> No.369445

Since you're gonna be like that...

The best Zelda to be initially released on a portable system. Happy now?

>> No.369471

No because I only had the DX version

What about official ports?

>> No.369485

I repeat myself,
>The best Zelda to be initially released on a portable system
>initially released on a portable system

Does that answer your question?

>> No.369486

>initially released
it's like you can't read

>> No.369496

And yet, Link's Awakening is still the best Zelda.

>> No.369508

Am I the only one who hates how in the DX version, you can't skip text like you could in the original? It's really annoying, because it still happens when you accidentally walk into things that trigger text boxes. That aside, I thought DX was a worthy remake, but that one little thing still bugs me.

>> No.369512

I thought we were negotiating

>> No.369516

>Wow! This looks pretty
>heavy. You won't be able
>to life it with just your
>bare hands!

>This isn't a chest. What?
>You knew that?

>> No.369536

You gotta hand it to them. This game had Bomb Arrows 14 years before Twilight Princess implemented it.

>> No.369543

Er... 13. Whatever.

>> No.369565

>you can't skip text like you could in the original?

Oh, if only you could.

If I have to read that dialogue about the compass's new feature one more time...

>> No.369581

Boomerang was for casuals.
Shovel master race.

>> No.369605

>go into shop
>see bow and arrow for 980 Rupees
>grind like a motherfucker (that's what she said) to be able to afford it
>finally get it

>> No.369618

The Bow and Arrow were quite useful against the Armos Statues and some of the other enemies. When combined with Bombs it becomes incredible. And of course, you need the Bow against the final boss. Or use the Boomerang and he dies in one hit.

>> No.369627

True, but that's how I felt upon getting the bow and arrow. Of course, actually playing through the rest of the game got me out of that mindset.

>> No.369637

Didn't you know you could just steal the bow and arrow?

>> No.369647

Sure, if you enjoy being THIEF for the rest of the game and not being able to ever go back in if you want a perfect record.

>> No.369652


Don't you know how to roleplay?

>> No.369663

Well, it could preserve your no-lives-lost run during the mid-boss fight in the second dungeon. There's always a chance you can die there if you go into that fight with your sword.

Granted, apart from that...

>> No.369667

I got enough rupees for the bow naturally by the end of like the third dungeon. No need to grind or steal it. I'm predicting the usual max-rupee surplus that lasts half the game like every Zelda.

>> No.369670

>Don't you know how to roleplay?

>RPG characters
>not all the most shameless thieves in existence

Why yes, I will walk into your house, check all your furniture, steal the money in your treasure chest and the Elixir in your clock and walk out without you being able to do a damn thing about it.

And I'll smash all your pots, too!

>> No.369676

>Not taking anything that's not nailed down
Way to break character.

>> No.369683

Wow, you guys did that? I always felt ashamed and would never take something from someone else's home without asking.

>> No.369682

>I got enough rupees for the bow naturally by the end of like the third dungeon. No need to grind or steal it.

No way, you totally grinded to get it that early!

>> No.369707

So, if the Link from this game is also the Link from LTTP and the Oracle games, does that mean this Link has been in more Zelda games than any other Link?

>> No.369703


>> No.369724

He never had his own TV series like the original Link from LoZ and Zelda II, though.

>> No.369741

Excuuuuuuuuuuuuuse me, Princess~

>> No.369742

I like the Oracles better than LA.


mostly because of dungeon design and characters. I think that the text messages in LA were so fucking annoying whenever you try to pick something up and you can't f.e.

>> No.369748


Oracle Link doesn't quite fit in, though, since Zelda hadn't met him before. It's okay if you ignore the dialogue, I guess.

>> No.369752

Honestly, the Oracle games always felt subpar to me, and not even like Zelda games.

>> No.369759

Oracles didn't have stunned enemies telling you that they'd like to exchange bodily fluids.

Neither did they have a naked hippo.

And they especially didn't have a mermaid missing her bikini top and asking you to find it for her, upon which you could decline with the implication that you prefer her topless.

>> No.369760

I have no idea why anybody would claim something like that. sorry. I do not comprehend.

>> No.369773

>Oracles didn't have stunned enemies telling you that they'd like to exchange bodily fluids.
>Neither did they have a naked hippo.
>And they especially didn't have a mermaid missing her bikini top and asking you to find it for her, upon which you could decline with the implication that you prefer her topless.

Damn you, Westernization!

>> No.369774

In terms of humor and comedy they had those awesome undead pirates, based subrosians (like the smithy there and Rosa), and other cute adorable stuff.

I've yet to start OoA though

>> No.369790

>Marin is with you sequence

>Enter dungeon; She waits outside
>Jump down the well in the village, don't move; She lands on top of you and apologises
>Strike any animal and she'll tell you to stop
>Enter the game hall and she'll fetch the owner
>Steal something from the shop with her and she'll giggle at being successful
>Talk to any of the children and they'll encourage you to...

Any others?

>> No.369797

Oh, I'm not denying that the Oracles had a great deal of charm. Just no blatant sex appeal.

>> No.369801

I just never got that feeling of adventure from them, and the story felt hackneyed. No way could I explain why I wasn't initially a fan when I'm this drunk though. I should probably replay them admittedly. Which is the better of the two?

>> No.369803

>Oracles didn't have stunned enemies telling you that they'd like to exchange bodily fluids.

I can remember the other two, but where was that?

>> No.369812

Americanisation, actually. The continental Euro versions were identical to the japanese versions, apart from having the difficulty toned down a bit (I.e. the Djinn only takes two, rather than three throws to break his vase).

>> No.369813

>implying Rosa isn't sexy

pleb. everybody was h8an when I went on a date with that hot gurl.

>> No.369820

But you don't need to enter the shop again after that

>> No.369836

Stun a Buzz Blob, then talk to it.

Although actually, looking at Zelda wiki, it appears that this is a feature of the German translation. Well, I don't object.

>> No.369846

>I just never got that feeling of adventure from them

as somebody knowing the zelda series for a long ass time and a shit ton of other adventure games I can confirm that if Oracles doesn't give you a nice immersion for exploration and adventure, then I don't know what could.

they are both good in their own way. just start with whatever you like. I liked Seasons better. it's more jolly.

>> No.369859

If you keep hitting chickens she'll go bloodthirsty.

"Great! Dig! Dig it to the center of the earth!"

She disses your ocarina playing.

She complains if you look in people's chests.

>> No.369870
File: 527 KB, 1000x1356, Marin_artwork2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fucking love the shit out of this game. have some Marin art

>> No.369871

As I said, can't explain it fully. Haven't tried to play them in over 10 years. Have played every other Zelda game and enjoyed them in one way or another (obvious exceptions to CDi games). So perhaps I was just not in the right state of mind. Will check them out though. Not like I have anything better to do.

>> No.369872

>Although actually, looking at Zelda wiki, it appears that this is a feature of the German translation. Well, I don't object.

In the U.S., it's:

"Hey Mon!"
"You know me, I like short names the best!"
"It can display millions of polygons!"
"I really gotta have it, as soon as possible."

>> No.369878 [SPOILER] 
File: 34 KB, 764x728, Rosa Subrosian Young_Link monkeyB.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so hot

>> No.369882


>> No.369892 [SPOILER] 
File: 224 KB, 700x700, Rosa Subrosian stompertron.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.370110

They seem like they would make for a good futa

>> No.370154

>you're now aware that Subrosians are all wearing a burqah

>> No.370174

This officially means there is more porn of the Subrosian Princess than Veran.

Go ahead, prove me wrong.


>> No.370231




>> No.370262

Been replaying Link's Awakening.

Eagle's Tower is killing me. I keep dropping the fucking orb.

>> No.370446

You could try not being a casual and do it right

>> No.370471

is LA worth playing if I don't like the 2D zeldas that much? remember playing it and liking it years ago, but had to return it to blockbuster so never finished it.

>> No.370517

Oracle of Seasons was better.

>> No.370738
File: 154 KB, 574x633, feel link3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know this feel guys

>> No.370783
File: 95 KB, 574x633, feel link4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.371239

>dat spoiler

well, you spoiled it for me...

>> No.371248

Please stop shit posting, this isn't /v/.

>> No.371256
File: 3 KB, 374x143, 013-4-6-10-32-37.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey people, I notice there are two "revision" of this game... what are the differences? which one is the one to play?

>> No.371259

I also hated the retarded hints on some bosses

>Hey you can't damage me with your sword, come on try something else!

>> No.371268
File: 482 KB, 500x282, 1362396026371.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.371421


>> No.371446


Japanese version.

>> No.371467
File: 48 KB, 598x437, killMeNow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>Wow! This looks pretty
>>heavy. You won't be able
>>to life it with just your
>>bare hands!

>> No.371516

You want the revision with:
md5sum e202ee96a60ce347e39fe3f5d9fd65e7
sha1sum 5259e68522225a7a830e29ea17dfddc33263ced5
Goodset name: Legend of Zelda, The - Link's Awakening (U) (V1.1) [!].gb

This has less bugs than V1.2.

>> No.371891

>previous version has fewer bugs

>> No.371921

Maybe somebody fucked up the labeling, and 1.1 is really the newer version.

>> No.371923

The first time I ever played this Was on my 3DS last year, I got stuck after looking literally everywhere but the first dungeon to find the first dungeon for like a week

God I'm thick

>> No.371952
File: 34 KB, 411x359, Zelda+Links+Awakening[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this certainly freaked me out as a kid.

>> No.371976

The mystery of Cukeman:


>> No.372005

dat feel when the whole zelda series has been ruined for you by your ex

we used to play skyward sword together. she then borrowed my console + oot. everything zelda related reminds me of her

>> No.372018

Everything Zelda related reminds me of my black best friend I stop talking to
He was the only person I new with a snes and n64

>> No.372019

it also said
>Gib mir Deinen Saft, ich geb' Dir meinen... (Give me your juice, I'll give you mine...)
i actually thought this was a quest back then

>> No.372030 [DELETED] 
File: 3 KB, 93x125, 1351717480575.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I recall him saying something else as well along those lines as well, but I'm not sure.

>> No.372067
File: 28 KB, 400x300, 1364224016424.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's called a Cukeman
>Has strange, phallic dialogue
christ they weren't even trying to be even remotely subtle

>> No.372083
File: 18 KB, 320x288, nixe04normalversion253[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>your hook is now a sexy bikini top

>> No.372087

your hook is now a sexy bikin top!
Wow! Drool

>> No.372089


>> No.372097
File: 21 KB, 320x288, schleimer03normalversione68[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.372114


In all my years of playing this I never knew you could talk to them...

>> No.372128

Fun fact:
The guy that translated LA into german translated a lot of other nintendo titles. His name is Claude Möyse or something, I forgot. His translations are full of eastereggs.
When you get captured by the goblins in Secret of Mana, they disappear after telling you that the "Lindenstraße" (the most iconic german soap opera) is about to begin. When you capture the girl from the sandship, the soldier that kidnapped her tells you that they were simply practicing mouth-to-mouth et cetera. He apparently used to get high while doing his translations and had the time of his life.
I really love him, those jokes added a lot of charm to the games. It was only when I replayed those games in English that I noticed the jokes he implemented.

He also often had too long deadlines and did a complete re-translation of Secret of Evermore (in addition to the "normal" translation) that never got released, he re-wrote the entire text in the game into a giant joke. Based Claude.

>> No.372134

did you know about moyse?

>> No.372141


>> No.372145
File: 9 KB, 247x248, 1264234429057.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.372150

I got it for my 3DS and I already love the music. I'm looking forward to this. Pressing all the buttons to save is pretty stupid though.

>> No.372168
File: 63 KB, 300x320, 1357932576577.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hah, what a guy.
The supervisors must've been pretty pissed in the aftermath I'd reckon.

>> No.372185

Yeah, he eventually got fired. They had to re-do the translation for LA DX in order to remove his perverted jokes.

>> No.372352

If you hit chickens with her, theres a small chance she'll say "Do it! Do it moooooooree..."

>> No.372364

>20 years

So many batteries running and having run out of power.

What makes them drain faster?

>> No.372386

America censors out all the sexual references.
Germany adds more!

>> No.372480
File: 664 KB, 640x960, 001103.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The German translator team was really great and they got away with some naughty stuff.
Another example: After you get the bikini from the mermaid, you can dive under right next to her and Link says after coming up again: "Sabber, Lechz." meaning "Drool, crave."

>> No.372487

Isn't Germany the exact opposite with violence, though?

>> No.372567

There are to things that are not okay with german rating boards:
1. Swastikas
2. extreme violence

Both are okay though if they are used for art purpose, which can be quite subjective.

If a game receives no rating it can't be advertised or sold openly(though they are not prohibited from sale), so publishers rather censore their games.

In the last few years the ruleset got a lot less harsher.

Mortal Kombat games usually got cut or weren't released altogether.

The remake was okay though, because the violence was considered to be too much comic-like and over the top so it counted as art. (Even though it was probably the most brutal of them all.)

An yes. Sexyness is okay with them. DoAX2 got a 12+ rating.

>> No.372609

It is. Because of our history.
I still feel bad for buying a german Fallout 3 game

Anime is brutally mutilated. They cut blood, bad words and even fights where people get stabbed or shot. A prominent example is naruto. They also change dialogue so it doesn't upset parents - sometimes changing the plot: A character dies in the original uncut version, germany says that the character just went away

>> No.372619
File: 936 KB, 777x1079, Probotector.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, there always was a lot of censorship in German videogames. It's not as common nowadays, but it's still there. I think that a couple of cut-scenes were cut from Saints Row 3, for example.
Back in the day a lot of video game enemies were turned into robots from humans. A good example would be Contra. It was renamed to Probotector (yeah, I know) and the protoganist and all enemies were replaced with robots. Same thing with C&C: Generals, Soldier of Fortune and a dozen other games.

I had to drive to the Netherlands with my parents in order to buy Goldeneye. A german videogame magazine hat to censor the games' names because they couldn't promote (=saying anything remotely positive) them. Goldeneye was always refered to as Silvereye, for example. Quake as Quark (curd in english) and so on.

>> No.372636

so germany is just a wonder land full of happiness and friendship

>> No.372642

And robots.

>> No.372750

The Probotector thing was whole PAL though.

>> No.372757

Don't forget the cigarettes.

>> No.372873

Yeah, but it was because of Germany:
In Europe and Oceania, the NES version of Contra was retitled Probotector, and the player characters, as well as some of the enemy soldiers, were replaced with robotic counterparts.[11] This was done to circumvent the BPjM's censorship laws in Germany, which prohibits the sales of violent video games to minors.

You're welcome, rest of Europe and crocodile hunters.