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/vr/ - Retro Games

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3684901 No.3684901 [Reply] [Original]

they told me it was hard. Giving it a go on difficult next time.

Real Hardware, no cheats.

>> No.3684903
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>> No.3685052

It's not that hard, just tedious.

As a kid I could never get past the lava raft section due to awful hit/landing detection. And I just didn't care enough to beat the game legit, so I used the level select to bypass it.
The final battle is really easy.

>> No.3685054

dust clouds spell out SEX

>> No.3685060

>awful hit/landing detection
You played the SNES version didn't you?

>> No.3685062


Nope, Mega Drive.

>> No.3685073

Well then you don't wanna play the SNES version...

>> No.3685078


I don't own a SNES, but anyway it's a Virgin disney game, they all had that weird hit detection problem, I don't know why.

>> No.3685093

Congrats. I bet you want a cookie. Too bad you are quite 25-years late.

>> No.3685146

i think the pre rendered 3d is a little smaller than the tiles or hit boxes

>> No.3685151

Yeah honestly it's pretty easy. The hardest part is the maze cave near the end with all the hyenas. I played it so much as a kid I memorized it but your first time it'll be confusing. The water slide level was also kind of confusing. Ostrich ride is vastly overrated for difficulty.

>> No.3685153

none of the bossfights were hard, a few of the platforming sections were quite tough though.

oatmeal raisin plz

I will try the genesis version when my flashcart gets here

>> No.3685489

I beat the whole game on snes when I was 8 without any bullshit 'hit detection' issues.

That faggot claiming 'he couldn't be bothered' to beat a level and so used a level skip didn't beat it. Typical /vr/ shitter that cant admit he's shit at everything. Fuck this board and its manchild ego.

>> No.3685492

Whether you think the SNES version has bullshit hit detection or not, the hit detection is objectively more buggy than the Genesis version.

>> No.3685530

>I beat the whole game on snes when I was 8
>Fuck this board and its manchild ego.

>> No.3685535


How the fuck do you guys not get the game-restart glitch? If you press A+B or A+C or some shit it restarts the game.

I'd be playing into the stampede and suddenly it resets back to the main menu

>> No.3685561

it is not that hard.

People basically have trouble with one level, the one with Ostrich and waterfall. Ostrich is easier than battletoads and it is easy to memorize pattern. Waterfall has trick to it.

Besides that the game is not that hard.

>> No.3685612
File: 27 KB, 500x500, lion-king-sex-cloud.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3685625
File: 133 KB, 311x366, dNVvntX.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Ostrich level is only hard because nothing teaches you to double jump.

>> No.3687234

Except... you know.... the arrows that teaches you beforehand

>> No.3687551


>> No.3687569

Genesis version had some marvelous bass:

>> No.3687625

Liar, that looks like the SNES version due to the sprite size.

>> No.3688224

he's not the OP. I was playing SNES version. Isn't the hud different as well?

>> No.3688450

Genesis version of Lion King has music by Matt Furniss so it's pretty much guaranteed to be good.

Curiously, the SNES version has music by Frank Klepacki, who later did C&C. Some of the tracks are really well done (I like Hakuna Matata) but
others are dull (Be Prepared). Even if it doesn't reach the same highs, Furniss' rendition is more consistently good IMO.

>> No.3688451

Ok, nobody cares though.
But ok.

>> No.3688452

Hey, I care.

>> No.3688554
File: 23 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I played this game a ton as a kid. Fucking ostrich part was annoying because it basically comes down to memory, and the monkey part of that same level is a lot of trial and error. The waterfall part, I could never get by as a kid, I think it was the part of the game that required the most skill.

It's a shame, because now that I'm older, I probably have the coordination required to get past the waterfall, but I no longer have the patience to deal with memorizing the monkey and ostrich parts. C'est la vie.

>> No.3688560

Haha, what? Never happened to me at all. That's weird...

I cared. I like learning new things. I didn't think I would care, but then I did.

>> No.3688616

What 3D?

>> No.3688623

I played the SNES one.

>> No.3688625

>game made for kids isn't hard
more news at 11

>> No.3688629

>had this game for genesis and snes as a kid
i don't recall really liking the lion king, but my parents must have thought i did