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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 42 KB, 589x351, oot-3d-e3-2010.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
367470 No.367470 [Reply] [Original]

One game you wish you can play for the first time again.

Pic related.

>> No.368292
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>> No.368318
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>> No.368337
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This or FFVI.

>> No.368568
File: 106 KB, 1024x768, KingdomHearts1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Say what you want about the rest of the series but I fucking loved the first kingdom hearts so much. I hated that easy triangle bull shit in KH2, that made it way too easy.

>> No.368846
File: 24 KB, 280x400, cover-nes-legacy-of-the-wizard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This game, right here.

>> No.368881

I just got this game + manual for $0.99. I've never played before.

I am now excited.

>> No.368890
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>> No.368927

>play OoT for the first time about 5 years ago because I never owned an N64 growing up
>actually not at all impressed

I really think you'd have to also make it the first LoZ game you played, and also de-age yourself to around 8 or something.

>> No.368925
File: 130 KB, 256x341, Grim_Fandango_artwork.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If only ;_;

>> No.368947

The first LoZ game. The best one in that terrible game series.

>> No.368948

FFVI aged horribly, I don't think it's easy to like that game playing for the first time now.

>> No.368957

I wish I could wipe away all memory of the pokemon series and play it without any knowledge of it.

>> No.368961

it's sad that looks worse than the original.

>> No.368964

Any 1st or 2nd generation Pokemon game would be a really magical experience.

>> No.368971

>tfw I played FFVI for the first time as a 19 year old college student and loved it

I'm not really seeing the problem, man. Then again, I do love classic gaming.

And as a disclaimer, that was still many years ago for me. I graduated from college in 2004.

>> No.368975

It's just a bad picture.

>> No.368967

>FFVI aged horribly
Hahahaha, you are kidding right?
FFVII, now that's a game that did not age well

>> No.368968

The problem is that so many 3D games use the same mechanic, nothing felt new when you played OoT. This whole idea only works if you go back to the day of a games release.

>> No.368982

I honestly don't think so. I'd played every Zelda game prior, got it the day of its release, and fell in love. I was 12 at the time. However, I understand why you wouldn't be all that impressed...not my favorite Zelda game, though I do have fond memories.

>> No.368986

I still haven't played Final Fantasy VI. I have no idea what's in it except an opera scene.

I'm waiting for a better re-release than the GBA versions.

>> No.368994

every FF aged like milk. and as broken VII is, it's still fun.

>> No.369006

Aged milk isn't fun.

>> No.369005

I know this sounds like an excuse but I have never seen a flattering screen capture of a 3DS game. Even Luigi's Mansion 2 videos look horrible compared to actually playing it on 3DS.

>> No.369012

no, link's design looks worse. to me anyway.

>> No.369014

Some aged milk turns into the finest cheese

>> No.369017

>Aged milk isn't fun.

Got a problem with cheese?

>> No.369019



>> No.369024
File: 831 KB, 968x1090, Young_Link_Artwork_1_(Ocarina_of_Time).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He looks just like i the manual

>> No.369029

you should play the snes version, i don't think there will be a re-realease soon
I agree, FFVII is still fun, i'm just saying that some of the games aged better

>> No.369031
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>> No.369032
File: 47 KB, 512x448, ff6[1].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think it aged horribly at all if you're into JRPGs. 2D sprite art never really gets old, unlike early 3D, so it still looks good. The characters aren't a bunch of obnoxious teenagers with FEELINGS either, since this predates the emo-age of Final Fantasy, and the story is fairly decent.

I played it when it came out and it's still my favourite of the lot. Nostalgia, probably, but others in this thread agree that it's worth a play so I'm not the only one.

>> No.369034

>I was 12 at the time.

Well, there's the reason. You say you played every Zelda game prior, so you're saying you played the NES original when you were 4 or something?

For me, I grew up with an NES, then played the Game Boy and SNES Zeldas. I actually never had an N64, but I did have a GameCube, so I even played Wind Waker before OoT. Not to say OoT wasn't a decent game, but damn it just wasn't anywhere near as impressive as it was hyped to be.

>> No.369045

I hadn't considered this. I was thinking the milk at the back of your fridge that you tell yourself you'll pour out, but eventually weeks have gone by, and you know it'll smell horrible when you pour it, so you leave it there...and eventually it congeals into a totally solid mass.

I will say, however, that while I like a fine aged cheddar, it's quite high in calories, so the fun is short lived. And...wait, does this analogy still work?

>> No.369047

You have to understand no entertainment is as effected by time as videogames. I can't think of a mechanic from OoT that hasn't been used in multiple games since.

>> No.369052

Ultima Online or Arcanum

>> No.369075

And yet I still go back and play games from NES and SNES on a regular basis and have a blast. Same with old DOS games. Sometimes I find old gems that I never played when I was a kid and still end up loving the experience.

Honestly, I think it's just that early 3D games were god awful in both art style and mechanics and needed a LOT of refining before they got any good. Meanwhile, even the NES came many years after games were being made in 2D.

>> No.369076

The only 3D action game I played before OoT was Tomb Raider at a cousin's house so it seemed like a god send to me when I first turned it on that Christmas.

>> No.369089

>when you were 4 or something
Wait, didn't you play OoT years after its release? Why would I have to play it when I was 4? Not sure if you're being accusatory or not. My dad was a gamer, My dad's a gamer, and I started playing NES when I was 4 or so...I probably didn't play Zelda until I was somewhat older.

I actually prefer Wind Waker over OoT. I think the problem for you, and people who play OoT years after its release, is that it's SO hyped that you expect a godlike game...but really, it's just a solid game.

>> No.369090

Imagine the 3D games before analog controls and Z-targeting

>> No.369096

Probably Deus Ex.

>> No.369098

D-don't mention UO...I will start ranting. But man...being fresh to that game would be AMAZING circa 1998-99.

>> No.369101

I'd love to go back to my first time playing GTA III. I haven't been blown away by videogames since.

>> No.369102
File: 385 KB, 1125x800, super-mario-world-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


No question for me.

>> No.369109

>My dad was a gamer, My dad's a gamer,
This is why I shouldn't write anything when I'm drunk.

>> No.369119

SMW is my favorite game of all-time but ould you really want to waste your one chance to go back on a game that takes at most 10 hours to find all 96 exits. (I can do all 96 exits under 2 hours now).

>> No.369129

Zelda Oracle of Seasons
Wario Land 1

>> No.369139


Definitely. Getting to experience that opening music for the very first time again? It would be well worth it.

>> No.369164

VI is the most overrated FF. even moreso than VII.

>> No.369172

young link looks fine, but adult link looks retarded. and the animations are ridiculous. he looks like he has elephantitis.

>> No.369169

Care to elaborate?

>> No.369173

It's all good man. I'm drunk too.

Basically, I had an NES, Game Boy, and a decent (family) PC growing up. Then I bought a PS2 and GameCube with my own money when I went to college, and also caught up on games I missed on the SNES and Genesis around the same time. But N64 emulators were shit then (this was around 2001) so I didn't play OoT until 2005ish when I had already graduated. And, admittedly, I wasn't that impressed. I can admit that compared to a lot of 3D games at the time of its release, that it was good from a mechanics standpoint, though.

>> No.369179

Not really, since FFVI is a great jRPG that is consistently overshadowed by the mediocre FFVII, that is hyped to the fucking moon and not even the best FF on PS1.

>> No.369180

nope. SE will remake 4 again.

>> No.369194


you don't have to like it, but it's by no means mediocre.

>> No.369217

Terrible art, average characters, subpar copy of the FFVI setting and themes, dated mechanics, too serious for its own good. Yeah it's miles better than FFVIII, but FFVII is only good if it's the first one you played.

>> No.369225
File: 21 KB, 396x297, Zelda title screen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ocarina of time. the power of the nostalgia i feel for that game makes me say it's my favorite game ever if i get asked what my favorite game ever is, despite it not really being my favorite game to play anymore

that music man.

>> No.369234
File: 311 KB, 620x429, sm64.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


That's how I feel about Super Mario 64.

>> No.369245
File: 85 KB, 600x952, re1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The first PS1 game I ever had. I was not prepared when I made the jump from SNES to this. 2spooky.

>> No.369252

>FFVII is only good if it's the first one you played.

This is why FFVI fans are terrible.

>> No.369257
File: 43 KB, 366x380, 1334782202448[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying that any FF game is more overrated than FFVII

>> No.369270
File: 12 KB, 514x309, why metroid is amazing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related
Lucky me, though, I get this feeling every time I start up Metroid or Metroid 3. Lights off, motorcycle helmet on.

I also reconfigure the weapon mode and shoot buttons to trigger buttons instead of the S/NES flat-button configuration. I don't know how I ever managed to shoot while holding Run and Jumping.

One thing I will say, though, if ever there was a game for the Power Glove, Metroid's it.

>> No.369271

mah nigga. that game is the tits.

>> No.369275


I feel like they were really tuned into something when they made these

Like it was the perfect games and experiences to have as a boy around ten years old.

I feel the same way about 80's music, like it sounds like being a teenager to me. Except I wasn't around for that

Anyway these games. Holy shit

We're the first generation in history to experience the simulated act of being epic heroes as young kids

>> No.369285
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>> No.369281


Thanks to everyone thinking it's cool to hate on FFVII, VI has taken its throne as most overrated game in the series.

>> No.369282

>dated mechanics
I'm not a big fan of FFVII, never even finished it, but I've got to disagree with you here. FFVII had some of the best combat and magic mechanics out of the FF games I've played, superior to FFVI.

Materia system = awesome system.

The game itself is dated to hell and back, but that's because of the low-level 3D lego block character sprites. The pre-rendered backgrounds look great.

My main point against FFVII, aside from being overrated, is that it was a turning point for FF from being fun to being a chore to get through. That's just my personal opinion, though.

>> No.369291


I agree completely man. What I would give to be a 10 year old experiencing Super Mario Galaxy. I think it would be the same feeling.

>> No.369296

>VII a chore
>Not the grindfests/random battles literally every two steps that were the previous games

Da fuq?

>> No.369298


I also know what you mean about 80s music. For me it's especially stuff by The Cars and Violent Femmes. They just capture that feeling of being a teenager in the pre-internet age.

>> No.369303

I felt that way playing it as an adult. shame SS wasn't that great. :(

>> No.369316

>grindfests/random battles literally every two steps

Yeah that fits the original on NES, as well as FFII (NES) that wasn't even released outside Japan, but certainly not the SNES games.

>> No.369323

>average characters

I can't even remember most of them in VI. 2/3 of your party was entirely forgettable. I think you got an abominable snowman at one point? meh.

>> No.369334

Not retro, but I honestly felt like a kid again playing Super Mario Galaxy. It captured the feeling of old school gaming so well. No cinematic nonsense, no shameless attempts to be a fucking film, nope, it was just a damn game as God (Shiggy) intended.

>> No.369348

You need to replay IV and VI.

>> No.369349

>implying the cast of VII was memorable

You've got spiky hair, big tits, boring death girl, and black guy. What a great cast of stereotypes!

>> No.369356

I was specifically referencing FFIV. Played both the SNES and PSX versions and that's exactly what it was.

>> No.369364

I have recently, as well as V. Never even played them until college either. I'm really not getting the notion that random encounters were that common, because they simply were not.

>> No.369369

fuck random encounters. all final fantasys are shit.

>> No.369379


I know man. Also, Rosalina's storybook was such an amazing surprise. It makes me cry every time and is on my short list of all time favorite moments in games.

>> No.369380
File: 37 KB, 640x480, metroid prime.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not <1999, but it's really the only one I truly wish I could play for the first time again.
>dat opening theme
>dat atmosphere
>dose visor effects

This game was such a lovely surprise for me when I borrowed it off a kid at school.
I had no idea what it was about at all, and from when I first powered on my GameCube I knew I was in for something special.

>> No.369389
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>> No.369405

From what I've gathered Cid and Yuffie were the only characters that anyone really liked, personality wise.

Everyone else was forgettable.

>> No.369429

Cid was cool in FFVII, but no one liked Yuffie. She was an obnoxious brat.

>> No.369425

I could say the same thing about Kefka.

Wasn't this thread about something else?

>> No.369432

who was memorable in VI besides edgar and sabin?

>> No.369446

Not him, but casting them as stereotypes (which is arguable) still doesn't exclude the possibility that they were memorable characters.

>> No.369442

>She was an obnoxious brat.

true, but I had her in my party anyway. loved her design. and at least she was somewhat interesting, unlike tits mcgee.

>> No.369451

i love everything about this game man. that opening theme captures the feel of metroid perfectly. retro studios did what almost nobody thought was possible by seamlessly transitioning from 2D to 3D metroid. also, the graphics blew me out of the water when i first played it, those had to be the best graphics of the time

can't get much more atmospheric than this

>> No.369452

Locke, Edgar, Terra, Celes, Sabin, Cyan, were all great characters as well.

>> No.369454

Same here. Though, I might add that SMG is a million times more appealing to my eyes than most "cinematic" games.

>> No.369461

Locke, Terra, and Celes.

>> No.369476
File: 18 KB, 396x385, 1359414670884.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

man, now I feel like replaying it.

>> No.369487

sorry, I don't remember any of them. didn't one of them. except that one who got gang raped in prison supposedly.

>> No.369505

Then I really have to question if you even played the game at all, since those three were central characters and the three that are consistently argued to be the (or one of the) main character(s) of the game.

>> No.369509

>(I can do all 96 exits under 2 hours now).

Nice lie

>> No.369514

VII is so overrated it has SIDE GAMES and a MOVIE. VII only has ports, it doesn't even get a remake like IV

>> No.369529

You want to race right now?

>> No.369532

>Popular and financially successful = overrated

OP, please consider creating a new thread, this one is pretty fucked.

>> No.369534
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Prime is amazing, and great for getting into the helmet. The exploration and lore background is great even if the shooting could have used some tweaking.

Really, the only fault I can find with Prime is the sequels it spawned, sadly. 2,3,H,OM weren't my cup of tea. Prime really should have been left as a one-of spinoff.

>> No.369549

I think MP3 did a pretty good job, but otherwise I agree.

>> No.369556

It's not that hard. SpeedRunsLive has a weekly SMW race every Saturday afternoon and breaking 2 hours is when you are middle of the pack tier.

1:30 is pro shit.

>> No.369559

He's pointing out that since FFVII has spawned its own side games (plural) and its own movie, that naturally it's more overrated than FFVI. Unless you think FFVII is significantly better than FFVI of course.

>> No.369583

Lots of popular and financially successful things are overrated. You know what else is popular and financially successful? Shit like Gears of Wars

>> No.369593

>sequels shouldn't have been made because I didn't care for them

you're pretty selfish, guy.

>> No.369609

doesn't need a remake.

>> No.369669
File: 493 KB, 1028x536, 1364882173264.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just pretend they don't exist. You can play them if you want, go ahead. Liking Mega Man doesn't mean you like Mega Man Soccer, though, and the later games are too unlike 'Metroid' to feel like Metroid games to me. You have to admit Nintendo was pushing pretty hard to have an exclusive FPS shooter at the time and, having no new IPs available, just went with the market.

This, unfortunately for me, means that the last Metroid game released was Pinball in 2005, a spinoff, or Zero Mission in 2004, a remake.
This view has allowed me to come to terms with the fact that it's been 11 years since they made a new 2d Metroid. And that was Fusion.

>> No.369696

fusion was an amazing game

>> No.369714
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unless you count the Smash Bros 2.5d single-player levels

>> No.369728
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>> No.370089 [DELETED] 
File: 37 KB, 250x365, Ffxboxart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This game for sure... I've never been so attached in a game ever, such a compelling story to it. A close second is Baten Kaitos.

>> No.370097

>Final Fantasy X

>> No.370129

"One game you wish you can play for the first time again."
Wasn't specific on "classic" titles you twat, they are still previous generation games.

>> No.370132

Not that anon and to be fair, the OP never specified retro.

However, it should go without saying by the very nature of the board itself that only retro answers were expected.

Polite sage for being not entirely on topic.

>> No.370150
File: 47 KB, 500x403, 1334131135876.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should've posted Baten Kaitos.
Now we'll have to bitch for a while.

>> No.370160

>Baten Kaitos (2003)

>> No.370156
File: 37 KB, 256x359, 256px-BatenKaitosCover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just for you babe.

>> No.370164
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>> No.370171

Still around 10 years old, I don't see the issue.

>> No.370183

see >>88549

>> No.370186

>This board is for the discussion of classic, or "retro" games. Retro gaming means consoles, computer games, arcade games (including pinball) and any other games on platforms launched in 1999 or earlier. Sixth generation and later consoles are not considered retro.

>> No.370202

Ah, my mistake. Sorry about that error.

>> No.370448

Fuck you tactics was great. Its like game of thrones in the final fantasy setting. I just wish they hadnt ruined the series with the shitty advance game.

>> No.370506
File: 246 KB, 600x748, 1335661903651.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tactics is a lot more fun for me to get into now than when I last tried. The PSP translation patch helped me a lot, the story seemed very vague and subdued in the PSX version.

'Princess, are- oh!'
'I.. didn't know you were in here..'
"Well, yes.."
'So, erm..'
".. yes?"
'Oh, nothing.'
"Is that all?"
'Are you..'
"No, I'm arranging matches."
'.. I see.'
"I think it's for the best."
"I was surprised. Were you surprised? I was surprised."



>> No.372951
File: 15 KB, 400x300, thequestion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you like Advance more than the original

>> No.372968


>>teenager emo-age of final fantasy

This never really existed, it's just something hipster-fags made up at some point after advent children.

There were some games that fell into this category but they were interspersed through the modern ff's. Everyone in ff7 was 20+ years old except for yuffie and if you were actually paying attention the game included themes way ahead of other games at the time (what does it mean to be a terrorist, prostitution, urban stratification, corporatism, environmentalism, genetic engineering, etc.) - it was very much a reflection of the late 90's and social consciousness at the turn of the century. Ff8 had emo teens (the most notorious of them all), sure, but immediately after there was ff9 where they did a complete 180 into as classic a 3d final fantasy as there has ever been. So on and so forth...

>> No.372974


l i t t l e m o n e y

>> No.373029
File: 138 KB, 960x544, 2012-11-30-234747.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They always upscale screenshots of the system and make them look like shit
The reverse happens for the vita, It's game are a higher resolution and look like a jaggy mess in screenshots, but it displays on a smaller resolution and looks great.

Also, I'd like to replay any Crash or Spyro games
I love paltformers but they lose their exploration fun when you already know where everything is and ran out of things to break
pic related for non-retro choice

>> No.373037
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>> No.373053
File: 30 KB, 460x215, tfc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My ping was shit and sure there was alot of nade spam but I've honestly never had so much fun with on a single game.

>> No.373061
File: 1.74 MB, 1778x1370, Wild Arms 1 - Case Insert Front A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not only for the characters, story and game play, But only to hear the opening music for the first time.

>> No.373073
File: 186 KB, 300x306, Arcadia.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also Grandia

>> No.373139


This, over and over. Still my favorite game.

>> No.373157

...Is it fun? I haven't played it.

>> No.373167

Super Mario Bros 2.

Both endings I just sat there at watched the looped animations.

>> No.373168

Metal Gear Solid for PS. After playing nothing but nintendo games my whole life, playing through MGS for the first time blew my goddamn mind. I just remember constantly telling my friends "It's like a movie!!!!" "It's like a movie!!!"

>> No.373190

One of the best RPG's from that era. Although get the Gamecube version if you can.

>> No.373193
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But I think both are fantastic games.

>> No.373196

Neat, time to fire up Dolphin again.

>> No.373214
File: 1.98 MB, 288x161, 1342037716842.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mfw I'm replaying this now on Wii

It might be favorite game of all time. It's pretty much flawless.

>> No.373225

Fusion was awesome too.

>> No.373228

General Leo

>> No.373316
File: 132 KB, 1920x1080, 1364920748792.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Metal Gear Solid 1.

I loved everything about it when I played it, I only played 2 and 3 beforehand, and I wanted to finish 1 before 4, and it was a great game, even with it's limitations, the music, VA, story and everything else was good. The gameplay, was sloppy and unresponsive at times, and the boss battles were really retarded and hard, but still good none the less.

I played it last year on an emulator, if I can still find this game incredible, it really is a great game

Oh, and I loved the boss battle music, fighting Liquid on top of a metal gear, to this.


>> No.373329

Collection? Can you use GCN controllers for prime 1 and 2?

I never got that and I don't even own any prime games anymore, and I've been itchin for some gabecube games lately

>> No.373348
File: 258 KB, 1182x901, hip.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw I got an N64 when I was 11, and the Gamecube was just coming out, and N64 were really expensive and I couldn't afford them

>> No.373379
File: 13 KB, 195x218, 1351487152052.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dad seemed to want me to grow up into being a sony fanboy
>Always really fucking wanted a snes, N64 and Gamecube

I'm trying to not complain because I have like a bazillion PS1 games, but shit I'm trying to get those systems and games now and games and it's getting hard to find things

>> No.373413
File: 61 KB, 1024x768, anarchy-online-wallpaper-6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If. Fucking. Only.

>> No.373565


Tits McGee is certainly more interesting than Flatty McChesterson

>> No.373592

Do you have an internet connection and a computer more powerful than a calculator?

Then no, no it is not.

>> No.373652
File: 123 KB, 400x300, 1238292247131.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.373676

fucking, mother 3
I had way too many spoilers my first time

>> No.373682

>>implying the cast of VII was memorable
It's god an alcoholic, a nigger, a cat, a dog, three women and a virgin vampire. And leading them is a homosexual blond-haired Guts. What's not to fucking love?

>> No.373693

Thumbs up if you masturbated to the mother.

>> No.374460
File: 33 KB, 256x224, actraiser2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.374480

>Actraiser 2 screenshot

>> No.374510

>Article covers both
>Didn't click the link

>> No.375312 [DELETED] 

i just popped this game in the old wii last night. i couldn't really get into it the first time i played it and never got to far in. it's weird because i'm really enjoying it now. i don't even understand why my enjoyment of the game just switched around like that.

it might be because i just got off of a big jrpg and srpg binge this last year. especially this last couple weeks where i beat legend of dragoon and lunar 2.

speaking of games i'd like to forget and play again, i played most of the shining force games, and on my second playthrough sf1 and sf2 i can't not remember what happens in it, so thats really cool.

>> No.375317

i just popped this game in the old wii last night. i couldn't really get into it the first time i played it and never got to far in. it's weird because i'm really enjoying it now. i don't even understand why my enjoyment of the game just switched around like that.

it might be because i just got off of a big jrpg and srpg binge this last year. especially this last couple weeks where i beat legend of dragoon and lunar 2.

speaking of games i'd like to forget and play again, i played most of the shining force games, and on my second playthrough sf1 and sf2 i can't not remember what happens in it, so thats really cool. it's basically brand new

>> No.375357


They all were you're just contrary

>> No.375380

Almost every game. There is nothing like exploring the unknown. It is one of the best experiences a videogame can provide.

>> No.375475
File: 46 KB, 512x343, screen-2[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.375535

>tfw I'm watching my little sister play this

She's in the Forest Temple now.

>> No.375767


>> No.375952
File: 61 KB, 254x511, fiendlord keep.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw entering Magus' castle for the first time accompanied by pitch silence
Whenever I replay CT, I always make sure I'm entering Magus' castle at night with all the lights off.

>> No.377913
File: 5 KB, 256x224, shadowoftheninja.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.377927
File: 74 KB, 244x223, スクリーンショット 2013-03-31 22.17.57.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not sure I would like it now even if I had my brain wiped but if I could regress to my 11 year old self playing that shit then hell ya