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3680157 No.3680157 [Reply] [Original]

>Tries to give friend Surgical Unit Activation Key

>Drops onto floor and turns into Bulkhead Switch

Greatest Game

>> No.3680160
File: 282 KB, 1399x2048, SystemShock PC-98.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thready reminder that System Shock is better than System Shock 2.

>> No.3680192
File: 1.99 MB, 500x700, morpheus.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Both are inferior compared to Deus Ex.

>> No.3680206

none of them are particularly great and deus ex undeniably falls apart once you leave paris. rest of the game is a shit show from there.

>> No.3680263

>implying Ken Levine isn't a hack

>> No.3680361

i disagree

>> No.3680371

Ken Levine used to be a good writer, but as soon as he started branding himself on everything, it kind of went down the toilet

>> No.3680371,1 [INTERNAL] 

Eh while I consider SS2 one of the best games of the 90s next to Blood, SS1 is like trying to navigate a tight maze of similar looking textures as walking tank.

>> No.3680376

>i disagree
Fuck you

>> No.3681205


>> No.3681217
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>> No.3681226
File: 87 KB, 344x358, Clipboard01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>female advanced ai program with delusions of grandeur gets blown off with a simple "Nah..." like a skank


>> No.3681387

SS2 absolutely hilariously deconstructs the entire "where no man has come before" genre of sci-fi. SS1 feels like dead-end branch of FPS.

>> No.3681474

I liked his story in Thief.

>> No.3681502

he didn't write the story, he only wrote a few things about lore before leaving the project to start irrational games inside LGS own studio.

>> No.3682447
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Both are great

>> No.3682750

SS2 is a shitty RPG FPS hybrid.

>> No.3682771

You probably don't remember SS2 is a very shitty FPS, but a pretty good game. Remember that you shoot inside a square to actually hit the enemy.

>> No.3682779

Who gives a shit about gameplay, really.
Outside few competitive games, gameplay is only useful to pad the story and make player feel that he is actually applying efforts to reach the goal and create immersion effect.

>> No.3682807

System Shock 1 is the better dungeon crawler
System Shock 2 is the better shooter

>> No.3684802

SS2 is a horror-lite RPG, with kinda shitty combat presented in first person, not an FPS. It's like calling Morrowind or Ultima Underworld an FPS (I mean, SS series is basically "UU - IN SPACE!).
First person view is just there for immersion.

Deus Ex manages to sort of improve on combat thanks to cribbing concepts from Delta Force and Sin including headshots and stealth, and also adds weapon mods, overhaul of the weapon skill system (i.e. GEP gun or an assault rifle were still pretty lethal and useful even if you had no heavy/rifle skill), and augs and weapon skills complimenting each other instead of being like SS2's PSI where you had to choose, weapons or spells, so it is a decent FPS is you play it like one.

>> No.3684949

Both are shit, and don't talk about Deus Ex like it would be some kind of great game, pleb.

>> No.3685059

you had a hard life anon

>> No.3686463


>> No.3686831

In 90% of western games the gameplay is objectively shit

>> No.3687785

When Ken levine is your waifu

>> No.3687802
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>You probably don't remember SS2 is a very shitty FPS
Its not its strongest part, but calling it shit is pretty retarded t b q h. One of the very few FPS games pre 00's that was actually decent.

>> No.3687806

I still like the lore in Thief then.

>> No.3687810

I liked it. Consvering ammo and using it sparingly made you consider how you would encounter your next enemy. To flee, or fight? On the other hand, inifintiely respawning enemies grew tiresome after a while. Especially when you're trying to advance through the game.