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File: 121 KB, 650x650, breath-of-fire-4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
361647 No.361647 [Reply] [Original]

So I really want to play this game, but I've never played a single BoF game before. Is it even worth it or should I skip ahead to 4? Also, Breath of Fire thread.

>> No.361669

3 and 4 are generally people's favorites. You won't be disappointed in them (and they are both long).

>> No.361684

If I remember correctly, BOF4 actually takes place before 1-2-3 chronologically.
Just play the game and then go back and play the three first entries, they are very worth it (I loved the second game).
Their stories are connected, so be sure to play them in order (you don't NEED to, but that way you'll have a greater appreciation for a lot of the returning characters and in-game references.).

>> No.361686

Play 2 or 3, they are much better games. 4 is rather lackluster as it doesn't try ANYTHING new unlike all the other installments. It was basically Capcom's "safe" RPG because the market was flooded near the end of the PS1 lifespan.

>> No.361690

4 and 5 don't have a place chronologically. They aren't even in the same universe as the first 3 games.

>> No.361697

All of the Breath of Fire games are similar to Final Fantasy in that they are each standalone titles that share common themes with the other games in their respective series. They are not direct sequels to one another.

So yeah, you can just jump in and start playing 4 no problem.

My preference : BoF II > BoF 4 > BoF 3 > BoF > Dragon Shitquarter

>> No.361704


>complain that BoF 4 doesn't do anything new in the series to a man that has not played any games in the series

Dude, that makes BoF 4 perfect for him.

>> No.361714
File: 291 KB, 450x450, 49a5c084fd5534dede0163f3993333eb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they are not direct sequels to one another.
>there is an entire mural that appears both in game and before the title screen in 3 that depicts the final battle in 1
>references made throughout 2 and 3 to the first game
>Deis appearing in every game is the same Deis

What the fuck are you on

>> No.361746
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>> No.361751

I never played 1 or 2 and I wholeheartly enjoy 3.

There is no need to play them in order. References are pretty scarce too afaik.

>> No.361759

Play 3

>> No.361774

4 was my favourite in the series, but that's probably because it was my first. 1, 2 and 3 are also excellent, but 4 is probably the shortest and most user friendly. 5 is a piece of shit.

>> No.361845

4 is pretty much the best one. Music, Animation, Combat, Story, Setting (with a fair amount of Imperial Chinese aesthetics) and more.
Some people will say 3 is the best one but those people are wrong.

The first three are technically set in the same world but it's barely noticeable unless you obsess over timelines. Whereas 4 and 5 are separate games.

>> No.361842

Is it really THAT bad?

>> No.361857

It's awful as a Breath of Fire game, but a decent JRPG on it's own.

>> No.361859

Not if you're expecting a dungeon crawler with a wonky time mechanic.
Unlike the other ones in the series it's not a BOF game at all though.

>> No.361925
File: 73 KB, 600x483, 247739-0snake.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>4 is pretty much the best one
>citing the music, story, and setting as great aspects of it
>most uninteresting story in the entire series with maybe the exception of the first game
>rather subpar music when compared to 2 and 3
>setting is boring with almost the entire game taking place in a fucking desert

>> No.361983
File: 226 KB, 669x764, 46a9d84c5aaed02620b000c598956335.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh wow, a BoF thread just before work.

1-3 are linked and I would recommend playing in order to get the most out of the series. There are a few subtle bits and pieces along the way. BoF1 has some psychedelic dungeons, 2 has some odd shit but best Nina in my opinion, 3 has them feels and 4 has the prettiest everything. The series is notorious for having dem feels everywhere.

Gameplay is straightforward until 3 where you have a lot more customability and characters don't stick to the archetype of caster, healer, high hp etc. Ex: you can have Momo(your primary healer) deal massive amounts of damage with custom abilities like Super Combo once you fix her accuracy.

>> No.361993

Who honestly elevates 3 over 2? Who?

Who is that daft?

>> No.362008

Honestly I never got the love for 3. Does it get really good later on?
Cause I stopped playing it a while after getting Momo.
BOF2 I haven't played since I was pretty young but I remember loving it the first time around, even the apparently bad translation.

>> No.362103
File: 405 KB, 1305x1860, BoF iii 01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are some themes that might disagree with you. BoF3's main hook was growing into an adult and it's initial draw is those 2 fucking horses. There's a bit more regarding them after you get Momo and even into the second half of the game which shows how much the other characters change.

There's a couple neat plot twists near the end as well. Also that feel when kid Ryu's attack changes from inaccurate swipes to a proper swing.

From where you stopped pkaying, it seems you haen't messed around much with Masters, Skills and other stuff. Definitely worth seeing through to the end in my opinion.

>> No.362150

DQ is basically a dungeon crawler with a time limit that expects you to replay the game over and over - it even has a fucking restart feature that puts you back to square one.

>> No.362194

But when Majora's Mask did it, it was "revolutionary"

>> No.362287

Never played it for that reason. However, you can fix both games with a few gameshark codes, so I might.. someday.

>> No.362661

DQ is basically a claustrophobic game where you NEVER see a single blade of grass or even get to see the sky, you are always locked inside of a giant, old, rusty dungeon crawl.
Nina is a seminaked loli with stunted wings, a weak ass body (with her vocal chords ripped off, to boot) and her backstory doesn't involve Windia, DQ Nina was simply a lab creature intended to filter out pullution until she died.
The Dragon Gene feature was fucking awful- if you even tried to use your dragon powers (or if you did certain things) the goddamn thing kept taking over Ryu until you completed the 100% and Ryu became complete bonkers, which means immediate Game Over.
To make it worse, you HAD to allow the dragon genes to take over Ruy's mind during the final battle or you won't get the good ending, this is NEVER explained anyhwere and you have no fucking way to know this.

It's a piece of shit game with the BoF tag slapped on it.

>> No.363740
File: 133 KB, 640x480, 12-Breath_of_Fire_IV_02547.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>. 4 is rather lackluster as it doesn't try ANYTHING new unlike all the other installments.

Combo system called

you're a retard.

also full party control. all 6 members

>> No.363757

I only wanted Ryu to have different dragon forms.

>> No.363767

>DQ is basically a claustrophobic game where you NEVER see a single blade of grass or even get to see the sky, you are always locked inside of a giant, old, rusty dungeon crawl.

yes that was the objective

>Nina is a seminaked loli with stunted wings, a weak ass body (with her vocal chords ripped off, to boot) and her backstory doesn't involve Windia, DQ Nina was simply a lab creature intended to filter out pullution until she died.

and she had more plot relevance than the tomboy princess ever had

>The Dragon Gene feature was fucking awful- if you even tried to use your dragon powers (or if you did certain things) the goddamn thing kept taking over Ryu until you completed the 100% and Ryu became complete bonkers, which means immediate Game Over.

no it didn't.

>To make it worse, you HAD to allow the dragon genes to take over Ruy's mind during the final battle or you won't get the good ending, this is NEVER explained anyhwere and you have no fucking way to know this.

you have one attack that works on the end boss. I think it's pretty obvious what the game intends you to do.

>It's a piece of shit game with the BoF tag slapped on it.

sound slike the typical I suck at it there before it's bad argument

>> No.363778
File: 187 KB, 700x700, Breath.of.Fire.IV.full.963532.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


yeah well reawoken god emperors only wanted to live peaceful mountain lives. You know how that goes

>> No.363813
File: 110 KB, 575x800, Breath.of.Fire.IV.full.291935.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dem dragons

>> No.363816
File: 182 KB, 730x750, Breath.of.Fire.IV.full.291933.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.363835

Dragon Quarter didn't kill Breath of Fire.

The fans did.

>> No.363839
File: 819 KB, 1024x768, Breath_Of_Fire_4-Tree.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.363851


Considering it sounds like he knows exactly what you need to do to get the best ending, he likely did just that after figuring it out.

No one is "bad" at an RPG.

DQ did suck. It stank. There's a reason we don't get any more BoF games, and it's because of how assfuck terrible DQ did in sales.

>> No.363856

Oh, that's why he killed those 2 soldiers before any human even try something against him, right?

>> No.363857 [SPOILER] 
File: 14 KB, 425x275, bosch2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Dragon Quarter didn't kill Breath of Fire.

DQ sold reasonably well anyways. Capcom just doesn't give shit about anything not named SF or RE these days. Look at how they treat Mega Man and really these days would you even want a new BoF game from Crapcom?

Plus DQ was awesome. Fuck all ya haters

>> No.363874

>Considering it sounds like he knows exactly what you need to do to get the best ending, he likely did just that after figuring it out.

there's only ONE ending.

>DQ did suck. It stank. There's a reason we don't get any more BoF games, and it's because of how assfuck terrible DQ did in sales.

it was the highest selling game the week it came out. The reason we didn't get any more BoF games is because like


said. Capcom doesn't care about niche genres. BoF was always Niche among even the niche.

>> No.363871


>the game was just so good that the fans got mad and decided to not buy it
>they were too dumb to appreciate the brilliance of a game that is virtually like none of the other games in the series, or shares any of the appeal and pull that the other titles had, which fostered the fanbase in the first place
>seriously those fans are so dumb

DQ killed BoF. Not fans. Change one thing at a time, not 50. I love BoF far more than Final Fantasy, but Final Fantasy survives because it leaves enough of the game the same and makes little changes here and there.

DQ was like trying to bypass walking and going straight into flying.

>> No.363893

>but Final Fantasy survives

Final Fantasy survives because it's supporters are so rabid Square will shit on their faces and tell them it's candy and they'll eat it all up. There's are reason we haven't had a good FF since entering double digits and even the single digits only maybe half of them are truly good

>> No.363996


>IGN ranked the game 6th on its list of the "Top 12 Hidden Gems for the PlayStation 2", which included games that sold less than 135,000 copies in North America, or less than half of one percent of the console's user base


>> No.364010


cuz Japan cares about north american sales

>> No.364013


The week it came out doesn't = total sales. Especially if nothing else came out that week.

Also, Capcom is greedy beyond all other things. You're fucking yourself if you think Capcom doesn't make BoF games just because they "don't care" or "it's niche".

It can't be both.

Either it sells great, or it doesn't. It can't be niche and best selling at the same time.

Capcom doesn't make games that doesn't sell well.

DQ did not sell well.

>> No.364026

DQ isn't retro and cannot be spoken of here anyways.

And it is thusly shit.

>> No.364043

Capcom cares. Evem more than the sales in Japan.

>> No.364070

The Dragon Gene system of 3 was really cool. It was a lot of fun mixing the genes and seeing what type of dragon would pop out. They should have expanded upon this idea. Or even have some sort of 'build your own dragon' system so different players might have different builds. Pissed me the fuck off how they got rid of it and that in DQ the dragon aspect is reduced to an "Panic" button that you should never press.

>> No.364078

>So I really want to play this game, but I've never played a single BoF game before. Is it even worth it or should I skip ahead to 4? Also, Breath of Fire thread.

Start with 2. Original has aged badly.

>> No.364161

They're people's favorites in the same sense that Final Fantasy 7+ are people's favorites. Because gaming didn't really start becoming mainstream-popular until the release of the PS1.

I grew up with the NES/SNES, and just recently completed another playthrough of BoF 2. I absolutely love them, but unlike the FF series, where 6 is just flat out superior to most of its descendents, I'll be the first to admit a lot of the early Breath of Fire games' appeal is sentimental and nostalgic value. They're generally terribly translated and fairly slow, sometimes quite difficult games.

If you're a casual gamer or you didn't grow up with the series, yea, you should probably start with 3+

That said, there's a masterful re-translation of Breath of Fire 2 that a guy called Ryusui spent years completing, and it's definitely worth looking into.

It was a profitable game. The problem is that it wasn't profitable "enough". Big name mainstream franchise titles are destroying the industry. If it won't sell to the masses and make hundreds of millions most big gaming companies won't even consider it anymore, and indie companies almost never had the budget to create and finish quality, polished works.

At least not until things like Kickstarter existed.

>> No.364468

Dragon Quarter would have been far better off as an unrelated ryona game. You would have had all uniquely grotesque game overs that would have actually made people interested in the restart system. The little girl with inside out lungs wouldn't be out of place. Nor would the personal horror aspect with the subsuming monster. It could have been praised as a decent guro rpg, which have all been improbably lacking. As it stands, it's simply a mediocre waste of potential with an obnoxious cult following.

>> No.364508
File: 67 KB, 758x454, Fou_Lu_by_monlincat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Breath of Fire was very lighthearted on the surface, but they were much darker when you looked deeper.

I feel Breath of Fire IV was especially dark in some of the events.

>> No.364649

You think Breath of Fire was aiming at a niche market before, try again after you're targeting guro fetishists with an unknown brand name.

An unrelated "ryona" game never would have sold in the united states, nor would it have sold nearly as well in Japan. It would have been a complete failure.

>> No.364723
File: 142 KB, 621x667, 16096080.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Main party:
They're on a quest to find Elaine, sister of Nina and future wife of Cray.
Eventually they end up in this strange place that seems to be the interior of a body. The organs don't look right though.
They then see Elaine in bed. Nina and Ryu are happy but Cray ask them to go away.
Appears that she had become a half goddess, half abomination. Her wish is for Cray to kill her and end her suffering.
Cray eventually ends the life of his beloved with the Dragon Slayer.
A sword forged by Yuna, which was made out of a god of which his summoning went wrong. He appeared as a head that would never stop screaming.
This god's anger and pain makes the sword able to absorb the power of other gods.

Wakes up from his long slumber.
Finds descendands of the people who were loyal to him hunting for his life out of selfishness for his country.
He cannot trust anyone.
Actually finds someone that took care of him for nothing in return and slowly starts to like her.
The Empire captures her and other people.
They are being tortured to the highest extent to power a weapon that feeds on agony.
These carronades are solely used for killing Fou-Lu himelf.

I think I even hate Yuna more than Kefka.
Kefka goes to a higher extent, but Yuna really knows how to snap those little strings that are really dear to people and fuck them up more personally.
All while saying he does it for the greater good.

>> No.364757

Except that Capcom has a significant survival horror branding that is much larger than it's rpg properties, and whose fans would be far more interested in body horror and grotesquerie than Breath of Fire fans.

>> No.364858
File: 36 KB, 540x405, Behemoth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>find new gene
>play around with it
>get this

>> No.365031
File: 234 KB, 900x225, bof4mobile4gaems.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's not forget all those BOF4 mobile games.

BOF4 confirmed for favorite.

>> No.365051

IV was the first one I played and it's the first one I recommend. It's up there in my top 5 RPGs

>> No.365108

demfeels.....anyone have the manga pages and are willing to post them online where the girl gets insanely tortured?
....you do know they were posted there to kill them and the guy who did it. The general guy sacrificed them to alert him when Fou Lou would awaken...

>> No.365112
File: 50 KB, 480x359, BoF Genes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BoF3 had the best dragon system with the genes.

If only they had mixed in the Shaman character fusion, then it really would have been off the fucking chain.

Imagine Rei + Garr.

>> No.365132

Where'd you find out about the Dragon Slayer back story? Beat the game like 4 times and I never found that

>> No.365149
File: 5 KB, 117x230, Breath_of_Fire_II_Nina_Wyndia_by_misterpickles.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BoF2 Nina is best Nina.

>> No.365151

Got Dragon Quarter without even knowing it was apart of a series and thought it was a great game. I then remember getting pretty far into the first one for the GBA, but I got bored and quit. I got the PSP version of 3 for pretty cheap (cousin was selling it), but have yet to play it. I also own 4 on the PSN, well, but haven't touched it.

I don't know why I got the games beyond the first since I didn't like it and I keep putting off the others. Is it worth running through these? And, if so, which versions should I play? I don't have my PSP or PS3 on me right now (at my parents' house a few hours away), but I could go get it if the PSP version is the best of 3. I'm also not against emulating at all (higan, vba-m, and PCSX-R).

So I guess: Should I bother going through all the games?


BoF 1 - SNES or GBA?
BoF 2 - SNES or GBA (heard about a translation patch; worth using?)
BoF 3 - PlayStation or PSP?
BoF 4 - PlayStation or PC?

>> No.365197

Too bad Bleu surpassed her in almost every way

>> No.365206

Personal preference:

GBA. Better menus, run button, etc. Translation is identical to SNES, bonus points if you use the graphics restoration patch.
SNES with the re-translation. It's soooo good.
PSP has more content, but it's really negligible (bonus fishing mini-game, galleries, etc), but they are both good.
PS1, PC version has this really weird...uh...filter that annoys the hell out of me, and I've seen people having problems running it.

>> No.365226

>Is it worth running through these?

I'd recommend you to read the whole thread and take your conclusions, since that has been answered several times.

>> No.365241
File: 514 KB, 1280x1716, BoF3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>BoF 1 - GBA
>BoF 2 - GBA

The GBA versions sped up the walking speed and lowered the random encounter rates and boss fight difficulties to compensate for the lower levels. Overall there is MUCH less grinding in the games.

BoF1 = the graphics are slightly improved over SNES.
BoF2 = Graphics are slightly inferior to SNES in my opinion.

>BoF 3 - PlayStation

The PSP version actually has MUCH worse loading times and doesn't add anything at all.

>BoF 4 - PlayStation or PC

Either one. I would say PC just for the ease and comfort and being able to clean up the graphics a little. Though the Playstation is more accurate obviously.

>> No.365263

Thanks for your opinions.

Seems like a lot of people are in disagreement, to some degree, but the general consensus seems to be that I should go through 3 and 4. I'll admit that 4 does look really pretty from an artistic standpoint.

>> No.365360
File: 234 KB, 607x800, dd8f378243d6f7e04e3a7e55eb4b530c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bleu can't lift 20 times her own weight out of a dead drop.

>> No.365451

>graphics restoration patch

And where can I find this for BoF 1 GBA?
I looked around and all I could find was one for the second on GBA.
I also found the original file name for the patch, but nothing turned up from that.
It's not on RomHacking.net

>> No.365496

I don't know, I've used it some years ago when I first played BOF1 GBA. I think I got it on gbatemp or something.

>> No.365520
File: 345 KB, 600x800, dq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dragon Quarter is in my personal top 10 of all time. Once you figure the mechanics out, the battle system is incredibly strategic and interesting; it's almost like an tactics/SRPG. I love the atmosphere and overall design. The SOL system is unforgiving until you figure out how to keep your items.

I love the game utterly. But I agree that it should not have had the BoF label on it. Dragon Quarter as a spin-off, sure.

>> No.365557

Breath of fire 5 is one of the most innovative & fun JRPGs ever released, and I love it to death.

It's intimidating at first, but once you really learn how to play it's extremely rewarding. I can understand how that might turn people off though. It's not easy, and that's generally what people expect from Jrpgs. An easy to learn, easy to play game.

Dragon quarter just laughs at people who do not know how to play it properly.

Anyone I know who saw it through to the end loved it.

>> No.365592

Dragon Quarter is the only good game in the series, because it dares to be more than "Dragon Quest with furries."

Plus you don't have to play stupid minigames in every town to advance like in III/IV

>> No.365598


Yeah Dragon Quarter was such an innovative and unique game.

If you think of it as a Breath of Fire game? Its terrible.

Think of it as a dystopian action/strategy RPG that relies on replay value? and its great.

>> No.365612


>> No.365621

I found a few links on GBATemp, but they're all dead as a doornail.

>> No.365630

Goddamn 3 was terrible for that shit.
It was nonstop cases of one step forward, ten steps to the side

>> No.365635


It's an amazing game, but people expecting a direct sequel gameplay wise are going to be disappointed. That's why they dropped the number in america, they wanted people to perceive it as a spinoff.

Same problem with Chrono Cross, the fans expected something entirely different, even if the final product ended up being a good game on it's won.

Zelda II & Majora's mask might also fall under this category.

>> No.365642

Curious -- how many times have you guys replayed? My sword is up to +7 and I'm 1/4 ratio. Once you get through a couple of times, you can do it pretty fast.

>> No.365671


7 resets on my first playthrough, zero resets on my second playthrough.

So, twice. It's pretty short, but not enough etra areas opened up for me to want ton play a third time.

If I ever try a third time it's going to be because I want to try the optional dungeon.

>> No.365682
File: 483 KB, 1000x1347, capcom158.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Dragon Quest with furries
>completely ignoring the dragon fusion systems, town building, character fusions
>the dark story lines involving racial genocide, religious conspiracies, euthanasia, torture, etc

Not to mention the BoF artists were a lot better than Akira Toriyama.

By your logic Final Fantasy is DQ with Crystals. Wild Arms is DQ with Wild West themes. Xenogears is DQ with Nietzsche and Robots.

Just... be quiet.

>> No.365691

references aren't really direct connections. He meant something inherently related story wise other than "this happened millennia ago".

>> No.365765

Optional dungeon is fun but hard, as to be expected. I never made it down to the optional boss, it would just take too damn long.

>> No.365832

>If I like BoFIV. I will also like.....

>> No.365854

uuuhhh Dragon's Dogma

no but really, it's a good game

>> No.365868
File: 512 KB, 400x565, BofFDQJapanArt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

IV and V are the only ones worth playing, OP. You'll be fine.

>> No.365873

I loving fusing stuff and though I not a furry myself I love games that have races beside human, elf and dwarf. Shining Force being a good example.

The racial genocide sound like a nice plot if the game have a shit ton of races. I may have to try the game out for myself. You make it sound like fun.

>> No.365953

I hate 3 because of that stupid beginning with kiddie Ryu and Nina. It just goes on far too long. It should have been like an hour long with a couple fights.

>> No.365954

Anyone have any information on this? I'm interested in this patch, as well.

>> No.365989
File: 97 KB, 500x500, tumblr_lxtkfuhM6n1qg462bo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't minds us, we are just breaking your heart.





>> No.366027

Yuna basically turned Fou Lu into the villian. Yuna almost killed him by shooting him with a gun powered by the tortured soul of the only woman Fou Lu ever loved. That is what broke him. And Yuna gets away with all of it.


>> No.366036


Kid part would have been better if you were actually allowed to kill Balio and Sunder instead of them doing FUSION HA

>> No.366094


File name was cr081122.zip.
Found this through looking in old RomHacking.net posts and GBATemp.
Google doesn't find anything, though.

>> No.366182


The biggest problem with all of the obvious DQ samefagging that they never specifically mention anything definitely good about it. Just "it's different" and "I know how to cheese it." and "I hate all the other BoF games"

>> No.366184
File: 65 KB, 763x640, 110164 - Breath_of_Fire Breath_of_Fire_IV mami.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They totally had sex, too.


>> No.366204
File: 273 KB, 805x911, bof4crew.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love the fishing in BoF4. I spent probably 20-25 hrs in that. I found out that it actually is compatible with the PS1 fishing rod controller, so I bought one on ebay. It's pretty fuckin neato.

>catching that whale for the first time
>aww yeah

Hated the other mini-games. Absolutely hated riding around in the desert looking for white birds or a smoke signal. (Though the Nautilus as vehicle is one of my favorite concepts ever).

>> No.366224
File: 97 KB, 500x635, rin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry, I'm >>365520, and I didn't samefaq, and I did mention specifically what I liked about it. Also I like & own all BoF games. My preference is 4>3>2>1, and DQ is its own thing which I love to pieces.

Agree to disagree. Also, here's another reason I love DQ, pic related.

>> No.366234
File: 116 KB, 782x1200, Ursula.full.1056375.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The one and only minigame everyone hated was the one with the chickens. Ugh.

Also, Ursula was the best character ever, mostly for her comically serious behavior and her over the top use of violence to solve a problem.
And those deleted scenes made her even funnier.

>> No.366258

I liked her because I thought she was kind of a nod to Chun Li.

>> No.366282

Yes, you liked it because you figured out how to cheese it and because of "atmosphere" and "overall design", whatever those mean. That doesn't convince people of the game's worth.

>> No.366287

I'm surprised to see the hate for Dragon Quarter. It was a unique RPG and excellent in nearly all respects. It's quality is part of what has driven me to re-examine the rest of the BoF series: I ignored all the other games past BoF1 at the time they came out because I was severely underwhelmed by the original BoF and assumed the rest of the series was equally uninspired.

I'm playing through BoF2 (with the re-translation patch) right now, which does seem to be better than BoF1, though the endless random encounters coupled with the slow and bland battle mechanics are growing pretty wearisome and I'm not sure if I'll see it through to the end.

What little I've heard of 3 sounds somewhat intriguing, hopefully it's a bit more enjoyable.

>> No.366347
File: 32 KB, 420x373, 1365129998418.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I haven't played any of them but 3, but man I loved it.
Just do whatever man.

>> No.366354

> complaining about BoF2 random encounters

Dude, don't equip the Collars, those fucking things increase the random encounters to kingdom come.
Just sell them as soon you find them, they add no bonuses to the characters anyways.

>> No.366378

Okay, you're obviously a tremendous guy who has a different opinion but can't be a gentleman.

I'm not trying to convince anyone. I'm saying it had a great battle system, excellent design, and that I enjoyed the story. Have fun with that pent up aggression, duder. xoxo

>> No.366382

>severely underwhelmed by the original BoF
And guess who localized that one...


>> No.366393

>What little I've heard of 3 sounds somewhat intriguing, hopefully it's a bit more enjoyable.
4 improves upon 3 in most respects, although there's a lot to enjoy in 3. I would play 4 first, then try 3 and see if you like it. There's no direct story connection other than the naming conventions so no issues there.

>> No.366409

>Same problem with Chrono Cross, the fans expected something entirely different, even if the final product ended up being a good game on it's won.

The issue is that it wasn't supposed to be a Chrono Trigger sequel at all. Square shoe-horned CT into it to help market it.

>> No.366446

So it was more of a side story or spinoff set in the same universe(s)?

>> No.366467

Hey it's cool, just pretend to be offended and run away when someone cross examines you in depth past all the vagueries. I guess we'll never see a Dragon Quarter fan who can discuss their game without resorting to spam.

>> No.366468

...oh god damn it...if this is really the source of the issue and I've slogged through a decent portion of the game with a ridiculous encounter rate for no reason...ugh.

I don't recall seeing a collar at the moment, but I know if I found an accessory with no obvious utility I most certainly would have equipped it anyway and probably left it on forever because I haven't found much to fill out my accessory slots.

Thanks for the tip in any case.

>> No.366473

Chross ends up getting into that same Xenogears disc 2 level bullshit of "oh shit we gotta finish this game and somehow tie all these plot threads together" and THEN Square was like "lol this is now Chrono Trigger" which turned it even more ludicrous.

I enjoy the game itself but the story is impossibly convoluted.

>> No.366480

Unlimited Saga was even more unique and look at the reception that got.

Face it, the most popular and highly-regarded games aren't the ones that did something weird and new, they're the ones that took something that existed already and made it shine like a mirror. That goes double for games that are ostensibly part of a series.

>> No.366501
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>cross examines you in depth
You funny, I hope you're not in law school.

Jesus man. I like the game and gave reasons, you don't like it. Let it rest. Have a good weekend.

>> No.366510

Except Unlimited SaGa is pretty hard to have fun with. The game is really not just difficult or hard to learn, but it has some really ill-planned mechanics -- especially compared to past SaGa game. I could play the game if it wasn't for the dumb reel battle system, that kills it for me. Everything else I can put up with because I love SaGa.

>> No.366513

The story would have been okay had Square not decided to go "LOL WE CHRONO TRIGGER 2 NOW" during development.

>> No.366521
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Why Teepo.

>> No.366640

You gave generic reasons that a paid schill would come up with, which is incidentally what a lot of DQ fans do, in rapid succession like the game is the second coming.

If you don't like people who call you on that then just give better reasons without name calling. You can't play the gentleman card if you aren't proper enough to discuss like one. That just gives you away.

>> No.366679


I'm out, thanks for shitting up this thread.

>> No.366683
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>> No.366692

The thanks is all yours.

>> No.366742
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>> No.366797

I don't know about any collars but fishing gives you a respectable amount of income so you can use that to buy smoke bombs or AP items for the smoke skill.

>> No.366798

>DQ fans
>paid schill
Right. And yeah, you're just ruining a cool BoF general at this point.

>> No.366812

>I'm out
>comes back 10 minutes later
Dragon Quarter spammers sure are credible.

>> No.367512

>find out Capcom made a Breath of Fire Fishing game for phones
>can't find it anywhere at all
>check year


Retro games are so old they've been lovingly catalogued, but phone games prior to 2009 are lost in the annuls of time.

>> No.367667

That's the difference from tracking a handful of console platforms per decade to dozens of phone platforms per year. If there's any consolation, it probably sucked.

>> No.367720


Probably due to phone controls, yeah. But I can't deny that I would buy a PSN/XBL/iOS version of BoF fishing in a heart beat.

>> No.367712

Fucking Blasphemy. Do you know how much time I put in that Fishing game in BoFIV? HUH DO YA?

>> No.367810

>BoF DQ has no fishing
>no fishing


>> No.367928

For BoF3 despite the PSP version being slightly inferior for longer loading times and Stallion's colors being changed it's much cheaper to find these days in comparison to the PS1 version.

>> No.368003 [DELETED] 


>put the PS1 eboot on PS3
>no changes, super load times


>> No.368024


Why do you keep tossing around those buzzwords, why do you keep assuming that people that like DQ are the same person or "spamming"

Its fine if you don't like it but stop being such an insufferable prick about it.

>> No.368069

That pic reminds me. Wyndians usually don't have wings in BoF III. Nina didn't had it too when she was a child, what happened?

>> No.368130

The same posting style thread after thread gives it away. Really, all I asked for were concrete positives about the game to see past the bullshit if was really worth the quid and you clam up and respond with defensive shitposting. You're still resorting to it and it isn't needed or welcome outside of /v/ and /vg/. There will be a lot less insufferable pricks in your little world if you stop being such a pussy.

>> No.368182
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"Hey guys, should I start playing Breath of Fire with #4? Or what order is best?"
>bitching and shitposting about a spinoff game

Stay classy, /vr/.

>> No.368342


This is why PS2 is not allowed.

>> No.368402
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>"Wah! Stop liking what I don't like!"
Seriously, you're turning this into /v/, please stop.

>> No.368469

She did had wings, but BoF3's art was a mix of unused concept art and was irregular as fuck.
Kid Nina had wings, they were never seen.

Katt, Bow and Sten were the only characters who could equip the Collars. Because of the lousy translation job, the description of the Collar's effect was omited so nobody could realize it was a curded item that increased the encounter rate.
Basically you could equip it if you wanted to try farming enemies for rare drops, such as Katt's ultimate weapon (Mew Staff) and some bracelets that could be farmed on the final dungeon, like the Army Glove.

>> No.368791 [DELETED] 

If you don't want to show a single concrete positive quality about a game then why are you still here trying to push it? Posting evasive macros doesn't accomplish anything.

>> No.368839

It's specifically stated ingame that the Wyndians no longer had wings in BoF3. Most likely from interbreeding with other clans over time. Nina's "wings" that she has an adult were decoration.

>> No.368907


It's also the reason why Nina 1 could switch between bird and human forms whenever, but in 2 her sister had to give up being human and be stuck as a bird forever: weakening bloodlines.

I believe Nina 1 herself implies in 2 that the mixed blood started with her and Ryu, yes?

>> No.369054
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I'm not the same guy, I've never even played DQ, but since you seem so obsessed with "concrete qualities," can you give any concrete negatives as to why I should never play it?

It's a PS2 game released in 2002, so it doesn't belong here anyway.

>> No.369072

You figure they would have started a eugenics program or maybe just a wing strengthening exercise. Of course, with Ryu's sister and mother you realize that the brood also have wings so there must be something more to the atrophy.

>> No.369214

Sure you aren't. I don't know any concrete negatives because the guy won't give me a reason to put down the 30 quid for it without crying like I punched him in the ovaries. That just seems a bit much for a 10 hour rpg that relies on "replay" value and has sickly looking designs for characters I grew up with. If there's a good reason to play it, I want to know. If there isn't, then I can safely assume that it's just another awful game for hipsters and autists.

>> No.369218
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Well, the Brood have always been a more reclusive and rare tribe. In 1 we only saw one village full of them. In 2, you'll remember that all the Brood had sealed themselves underground to stop Deathevan. Nothing to breed with down their except other members of the dragon clan.

Of course weakening dragon genes can also be seen over the course of 1-3, in fact a lot of tribe members you see get more human in general, so this was probably just the natural result of miscegenation over time.

>> No.369237

>just another awful game for hipsters and autists.
Go kill yourself, seriously.

Also guess what, I'm not any of the previous people you think you're trolling/talking to. Stop shitting up /vr/.

>> No.369246

fantastic pic, thank you.

>> No.369258


Guy... I haven't been a part of your conversations with anyone in this thread, but you need to calm down before labeling people so aggressively.

I think DQ is a cool game. The world and character design is unique, and the setting and plot feel pretty fresh. I find the gameplay to be challenging, but rewarding, and the dragon system/timer to be exaggerated in how restrictive people claim it to be.

If you aren't into it, that's fine, but there are shades between "something I'm not interested in playing" and "an awful game for hipsters and autists", you know? /I'd/ be willing to try to talk to you about it if you'll be open-minded.

>> No.369274
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I got lots of 'em.

>> No.369276

If brood only stuck with brood then it's strange that they would get weaker in contrast with the windian's dilution.

>I'm not here to discuss things so hurr
Then stop replying dipshit.

>> No.369319
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Well in Ryu's case I think it's because he and Nina hook up after every game and the next Ryu is probably an offshoot of that lineage, so somewhere along the line they took a hit to their blood's purity. Perhaps the Brood take race mixing worse than the other tribes as well?

Or, maybe the explanation is too much interbreeding? I mean, with communities that small, you must end up mating with a distant relative at some point, and maybe that hurts their dragon genes?

Never thought I'd be discussing Breath of Fire genetics on the internet.

>> No.369360

For starters, I want something more definitive than "fresh and unique" and "challenging but rewarding", because that means anything and nothing. And if a feature "isn't that bad" then I can't perceive that as a plus.

Secondly, If a game is only 10 hours and relies on replay then that replay better be fanfuckingtastic and not tedious at all.

>> No.369378
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Did they really? I loved the ultraman reference.

>> No.369406
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Why not just buy the game and stop relying on everyone else to tell you if you'll like it or not?
If you're so worried about it being a waste of money, why are you shitting up /vr/ instead of researching the game yourself? Sage for DQ not being retro

>> No.369450


Little handholding
Every move matters
no random battles
Enemies can be poisoned, damaged, or avoided entirely with the use of traps
High replay ability
Ryu isn't silent
Small cast of characters makes you attached to them and the story more. where as a larger cast may not get as fleshed out
insane optional boss dungeon
New battle mechanics, appose to the stale mechanics used in the previous 4 games
environment and music change slightly the closer to the surface you get

Not the same guy, but this is just off the top of my head.

What did you like about it?

>> No.369474
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Well I really don't know how to sell you on the stuff like story, character design, or setting because that's all really subjective. If you've seen it/heard about it and you don't like it, you don't like it.

As for the gameplay, what do you want me to say? Should I explain the basic mechanics? Should I compare it to something? Help me out here.

The timer isn't "isn't that bad", it's straight-up a non-issue unless you just REALLY want to use dragon powers all the time, because you won't make it to the end like that. The way it works is you have a counter: it starts at 0% and works its way up to 100% as you take steps or turn into the dragon and attack. Now, aside from the first forced dragon transformation, you have total control over how you manage this the rest of the game (and you can get out of that forced transformation encounter with like 5% on the counter EASILY so it's not a big deal).

Transforming adds like 1% to the meter I think? And the three different attacks add varying amounts per hit or sustained use in the case of the breath. However, the dragon form is so strong that you can kill most enemies, including bosses, ridiculously fast with it. So, even though each attack adds something like 1-2%, by being smart and only pulling it out in a pinch, you won't screw yourself. What's more, the counter only goes up 0.01% every ten steps. So that's 100 steps to go up 1/10 of a percent, and 1000 steps to actually raise the counter 1 whole percentage point. If you didn't use any dragon power until the final boss, you would need to make about 95,000 steps to game over. That will never happen, and the game is short enough that even using dragon powers doesn't put you in real risk of maxing the counter unless you're an idiot.

You don't NEED to replay the game, it's fully possible to get through it in one playthrough if you're smart. Not extremely likely, mind, but fully possible.

>> No.369501

If people are going to sing praises of a game and spam it everywhere then why are they so unwilling to actually discuss it? Viral marketing and "every day until you like it" would shit up /vr/ much more than than critically asking why something is good or not

>> No.369531


why are you persistently arguing in defense of a position that isn't on-topic for the thread or even for the board and that nobody present appears to be enjoying including yourself

>> No.369548
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>>369474 here

I wanted to elaborate on my reply to the
>Secondly, If a game is only 10 hours and relies on replay then that replay better be fanfuckingtastic and not tedious at all.
comment, because I ran out of characters.

There are a number of ways to approach almost every battle in the game through the use of skills and traps, as well as just positioning of your characters. I don't think it's an exaggeration to say that you could play through the game multiple times and never do everything the exact same way.

There are no instances of forced grinding, and there's almost zero instances of returning to past areas at all. For the most part, the game is a straight shot from beginning to end, always marching forward.

The combat is rewarding and challenging and if you like the story, the extra cutscenes you get from replaying are a delight.

>> No.369601
File: 23 KB, 250x250, 1360293935335.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're out of your fucking mind dude.
Enjoy the amazing fresh world of Breath Of fire OP
And no.. The main character Ryu never speaks.

>> No.369615

Is the trap use as clunky as in the Xenosaga games? I used them heavily at the beginning and then they were worthless at the midpoint
>Ryu isn't silent
This could be a minus depending on what and how he has to say.
>New battle mechanics, appose to the stale mechanics used in the previous 4 games
Do these mechanics flow with the battle, or is it simply extra stuff to keep track of just to attack and lolcombos?
>Small cast of characters
Do they get an insanely satisfying amount of characterization or do some of them become third wheels with the occasional character event?

>> No.369634
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This is so full of fucking moronic bullshit I've ever heard. Do not listen to this man.

>> No.369656


>Do these mechanics flow with the battle,

They ARE the battle. You're given AP to move, the more ap you have the more you can use to move around the field. It's also used to attack, so it's very important to plan turn by turn exactly how far you want to move, or if you don't want to move at all to stack two turns worth of AP to get a huge chain attack going.

>> No.369679
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Not that guy, but I'll throw in my two cents:

>Is the trap use as clunky as in the Xenosaga games? I used them heavily at the beginning and then they were worthless at the midpoint

Not at all. Traps are almost essential to battles, given how you'll typically be outnumbered. The game is built around them as a central mechanic, rather than an afterthought. Likewise, they have varying uses, like your typical bomb trap that gives you extra damage, or the very useful meat which you can lay as bait to avoid encounters or draw enemies to a more advantageous location.

>This could be a minus depending on what and how he has to say.

He's a pretty down-to-earth guy.

>Do these mechanics flow with the battle, or is it simply extra stuff to keep track of just to attack and lolcombos?

Here's a basic breakdown of combat: every character has a gauge of 100 Action Points. You expend AP both to move on the field and attack. Each attack takes a set amount of AP, so you can either move a lot and attack a little, or move little and attack a lot. Attacks are determined by your weapon, different equips have different types of attack (especially for Nina and Lin), such as a wide slash or a long thrust. Each attack is assigned to a face button, and certain combinations result in special moves. That's about the gist of it.

>Do they get an insanely satisfying amount of characterization or do some of them become third wheels with the occasional character event?

I'd say the characters get a lot more development and focus than the other games (although to be fair I haven't played IV). Bosch especially is a highlight. Fantastic antagonist.

>> No.369701

How fun or intricate is the dragon usage? Can you do anything with it besides "hit shit hard occasionally" or is that pretty much it? If this percentage thing is so forgiving then is there any point to it? Atelier Iris had a countdown mechanic on one of the characters but there were tradeoffs that made it worth it to let her dip into low max mp. Is there anything like that here?

>> No.369716


I wish the regents were expanded on more. Some get close to no background info.

>> No.369735


The dragon form is your instant win button. Charge + any attack kills any enemy on the game in one hit, even bosses. It's rape mode, and it's only there for when you have no other options.

That's the entire reason you're punished for using it, because it's fucking broken and it's suppose to be.

>> No.369794
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>How fun or intricate is the dragon usage?

Dragon basically has three attacks, as far as I remember: a basic attack, a wide swipe, and the breath attack. I think he also has the special trait of completely free movement around a battlefield. The fun part of it comes from the fact that enemies are pretty darn rough on your guys, so being able to blow them away effortlessly sometimes is rather cathartic.

>Can you do anything with it besides "hit shit hard occasionally" or is that pretty much it?

Truthfully, no, the dragon is not very elaborate. It's pretty much just a "I NEED SOMETHING DEAD RIGHT NOW" button. But, that's not really different from the other games, is it? If nothing else it differentiates itself by making it something you REALLY need to conserve, but is absolutely destructive when you do pull it out.

>If this percentage thing is so forgiving then is there any point to it?

The point is that you are restricted in using the dragon. If you could use it just whenever you had the MP for it like past games, you would absolutely break the game. Now your ability to get by without using it is directly tied to your chances of actually beating the game. I understand people not liking it, but it ties in completely with the plot of the game. I believe the nigh-inconsequential increase that comes from just moving around is just for thematic reasons, to make it seem like you're running out of time and need to hurry to the surface. To that end, I think it works well enough.

Something I forgot to mention is that there is one more way to increase the counter: Ryu's special D-Dash ability. It lets you move faster and makes you immune to encounters while using it, but raises your counter at the same time. It's a valuable tactical move to avoid trouble, and perhaps an even better example of the game's theme of not using the dragon: deterrence is a better idea than actually using the full power.

>Is there anything like that here?

I don't think there is.

>> No.369839

Skip ahead to IV? But it's IV you have pictured there. Did you mean III?

Either way OP, you won't go wrong playing III or IV. Play both. Neither are successive, so playing either or first won't hurt you.

Going back and playing I and II is fine as well, but I'm quite sure I is quite old and may take some patience, as opposed to II which is also old but a bit better to take.

However, one BOF fan's opinion: avoid V. There are styles and themes and concepts and ideals that make up the BOF mindset, none of which are present in V. The dragon aspect is, but it's been perverted and nothing like the previous IV. IMHO: play I-IV and you've experienced the beauty and fun of BOF.

>> No.369893

I've been googling around and looking for this file all day (you know, instead of actually playing the game the patch is for; I'm pretty sure this says something about me but I'm not quite sure what), and I've, more or less, come to the conclusion that it no longer exists anywhere on the internet.

Welp, time to put my autism aside and actually play video games.

Thank you again, /vr/, for your opinions on which versions of the games are the best.

>> No.369919
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Yeah... they do have really nice character designs, though, and I think that goes a long way towards giving them personalities.

>> No.369930

The combat system sounds like Xenogears with movement, does chaining matter or is it just a little extra damage?

Finally, is Nina fun at times or is she just a lump of damaged goods left to horrify older fans for shock value?

>> No.370003
File: 59 KB, 500x479, 33406224.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The combat system sounds like Xenogears with movement, does chaining matter or is it just a little extra damage?

I wouldn't say it's that much like Xenogears... there's nothing really that matches up to deathblows in power, but on the flipside you don't need to get move experience to do them either.

To be honest, I haven't played in a long time, so I don't remember anything about chaining, but I can say that each character must be used as a team to truly be effective. You won't get too far if you use each member individually, you have to do stuff like...
>Set down magic landmine with Nina
>Position Ryu near it and store AP
>Have Lin pull an enemy into it with one of her specials
>Ryu follows up by unleashing lots of attacks with built-up AP

Stuff like that.

>Finally, is Nina fun at times or is she just a lump of damaged goods left to horrify older fans for shock value?

Nina is... well, Nina is moe as fuck, quite honestly. She's absolutely adorable and you feel really bad about her situation. Ideally, you, the player, want to help her as much as Ryu does. I like her a lot.

Plus, she's a real help in battle. A lot of your damage will be coming from her if you use her right.

>> No.370008
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One way to think about it is that the Dragon/brood tribe probably split up several ways. Ryu 1 got his powers from the Dragon God/Spirit after a trial, Ryu 2 could only hold the form for one attack and would use all of his AP. Ryu 3 seems to support the idea that the eventually tribe broke off into multiple tribes with the whole assimilate dem genes bit.

Also where all da Dark Dragons at.

Food for thought, Karn's lineage eventually fucked off and went full Shaman.

Zenny for your thoughts, Ryu 1 had a lot of attack animations, regular slash, cross slash critical hit and Boomerang toss.

>> No.370016

not the guy you were talking to, but ya lost me buddy

>> No.370064
File: 28 KB, 480x640, 1349458018304184.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Well, the Brood was all different clans to begin with. Light Dragons and Dark Dragons broke off because of their clashing ideals on what they should do with their power. There's also a manga set after BoF1 that features an Ice Dragon clan, which could or could not be canon.

But yeah, you bring up some good points about III's gene system.


I was just trying to say she's cute.

>> No.370139
File: 829 KB, 850x589, BoF 01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah, good clarification. I was thinking more along the lines of branching off from whatever remained of the Dark and Light Dragons.

On the subject of Ninas, never played DQ(because it seems to ignore what BoF as a series does well, world-building), but I always fancy every game's Nina to be a character that moves the plot along and usually someone with strong character. Granted she usually needs some push(ie: rescuing) but for me she's one of the go-getter characters.

DQ seems to peg Ryu and nina as some sort of Rockman-Roll duo.

Also Rei best Worgen and doesn't that just beat all? Cray is a terrible person, Katt is ayt but Cray is a terrible person. He's also terrible in battle. Cray is awful.

>> No.370173

Alright, that was more influential than the usual "It's different and the old games suck". I'm not completely sold on the Dragon implementation since I prefer something in between "I one shot the boss with overdamage" and "a good clean atomic gut punch with quadruple digits". But the rest the stuff sounds better than it previously looked.

>> No.370207

>Cray is a terrible person
Hum... What?

>> No.370240

>I was just trying to say she's cute.
I dunno.
I've always had a thing for Nina I and Nina IV.

>> No.370251

>Yuna getting away and dissapeared from the rest of the game

Why is he not a boss?

>> No.370270

>Read BoF 4 mango
>She's even more cute

>> No.370282
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>never played DQ(because it seems to ignore what BoF as a series does well, world-building)

Oh, I disagree. It may be an entirely new world but it's just so damn fascinating. There's so many little touches, too, so it's not just "underground". Like the main living area the game starts in having the ceiling painted blue, and a conversation occurring about why that is.
>They painted it like that to resemble something in the records called a "sky".
>Sky? What's that?

Or how you end up going around places like power generators and labs that raise creatures to be used as food. It's all really, really cool.

>DQ seems to peg Ryu and nina as some sort of Rockman-Roll duo.

Naaah. Nina is still absolutely a character central to the plot, even moreso as she's now the entire impetus that kicks off the journey to the surface and the conflict between Ryu's group and everyone standing in their way. Plus flipping the script and having Ryu be the talker and Nina be the mute one leads to a whole new dynamic between the two.

Haven't played IV yet, but I like all the other Worgen.

>> No.370291

I've never read the manga, but I see I'm going to have to make that a priority.

>> No.370316
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>Alright, that was more influential than the usual "It's different and the old games suck".

I don't get the people who like the first four games and HATE HATE HATE Dragon Quarter, but I don't get people like what you described either. I like all the games and I wished everyone else in the fanbase did too.

>I'm not completely sold on the Dragon implementation since I prefer something in between "I one shot the boss with overdamage" and "a good clean atomic gut punch with quadruple digits".

Well, maybe it's just because I'm a super-conservative player anyway, but I never used the dragons except against bosses in the other games, anyway, so it really wasn't an issue for me. It's an interesting angle, though, kind of taking the idea of the dragon powers being your trump card to the extreme.

>But the rest the stuff sounds better than it previously looked.

Glad to hear you're warming up to it. It definitely doesn't benefit from being called Breath of Fire, but it's a damn good--and unique--game when judged on its own.

>> No.370325
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I like all the Ninas, but Nina V is really cute.


Because rushed development.

>> No.370357

What a Capcom response.

>> No.370378

There's something about that leotard/t-shirt and that hair of Nina I, though. Something about it just gets me...happy.

>> No.370379

I will gladly buy any console or handheld for a new Breath of Fire or even a remake of any of the Breath of Fire

>> No.370438

Maek BoF V, because DQ isn't BoF V.

>> No.370441
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It's a cute design. So fucking early 90's fantasy anime.

I like that she got a slight costume change after the time warp, especially the Alice band becoming a headband.


I'm still really bumblasted we didn't get Last Ranker. That's the closest thing to a new BoF there's been since DQ, and it's not even like it. Does have the same artist though.

>> No.370449

Warp? Could you refresh my memory?

>> No.370465
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It's been a long time since I played it myself, but at one point after defeating a certain boss Nina gets stuck in some space-time continuum bullshit. After a while you stumble upon her in an entirely different town and she tells you she wound up going to the past, and she's finally caught up to the same time to join back up with you. That's as specific as I can recall.

>> No.370487
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Haha what.
Barely remember that...
Always had trouble remembering plots of videogames... and I played BOF I just about a year ago. To be honest, I don't even remember anything of the whole story.
Very annoying. Makes replaying more interesting though... I guess.

>> No.370492
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Yeah, there's a definite upside to forgetting a game in that you almost get to experience it for the first time again.

BoF1 actually had a number of weird events... like the whole dream town with Cerl and the trippy battle with Mote.

>> No.370515
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It's frustrating though. I even have that problem with my top favorite games.
Thank goodness my bf watches me play most of the games and helps me refresh my memory and connect story elements.

>> No.370525

>Rei best Worgen

>He's also terrible in battle.
Out of the 6 party members in battle, he has the least advantages, but he hits like a behemoth.

He intended to trade the King's Sword for Elina, a symbol of the alliance for the Wyndian first-born daughter and heir presumptive. It somehow never occured to him that if the Empire captured Elina, they'd use her for a puppet usurpation of Wyndia, which is easily over 1/3 of the alliance power. I know I'm just speculating, but the fact is he's way too casual about the sword and his journey into the desert. Sending Nina, the surviving princess and current heir presumptive, off with the sword to Mos Eisley while he stayed safe at the sandflier isn't exactly smart either. There's some other hints in the game about Cray's recklessness, but he just isn't bright with his misguided intentions.

>> No.370536
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Yeah, memories get spotty. I don't know if there's anyway to get better about remember this stuff, but maybe it would help if I played games more often?

Oh well.

>> No.370537
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It isn't genetics, it's the magic diluting further downward from the Endless progenitors.4->1->2->3

>> No.370539
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So we can agree he was the best character in BoF4?

>> No.370543

Eh? 4 really takes place in the same universe?

>> No.370547
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Then again, I think Nina would've forced Cray to allow her to join him on his journey. Even if he kept declining, she would sneak up anyway.
It's her sister after all.

>> No.370553

he joins you way too late and has no actual character development. also, they replaced his alcoholism with stuttering for localization purposes.

>> No.370565

Um... yes he does?
He first planned to act as a traitor but chose their side after all, declining the money the Empire gives him face to face?

>> No.370590
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I thought Cray was the moralfag of the game.

>> No.370605
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Was there ever a comment on IV's canonicity like there was for DQ?

>> No.370619
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that would be ershin

>dat theme song

>> No.370637
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Nope. Ursula.

>> No.370660

This is now the theme of this board.

>> No.370661

There is no way to IV be in the same universe of I.
At the end of IV Ryu cast away all dragons, even himself becomes a human, so the broods would never exist in this universe.

>> No.370697
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>> No.370725
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>The point is that you are restricted in using the dragon... I understand people not liking it, but it ties in completely with the plot of the game.
BoF2 was the first attempt to restrict dragon transformation, and it was a bad execution. The AP rationing of BoF3 and 4 set the right pace, you're encouraged to use the dragon for benefits while managing AP. 3 does it perfectly, I think, because transformation is becoming *different* and not necessarily a stronger like how 4 simplified it. So DQ stacking a bigger consequence for using dragon transformation, to me, seems un-Breath of Fire. However, you don't describe a broken system in DQ, I still want to play DQ someday. As been said in the thread, there is alot of learning to do with the gameplay, I look at an FAQ and couldn't believe how big the tutorial is compared to most JRPGs. I admit I've been intimidated twice by the game, but take that as a compliment to how complex and thoughful the game is.

>that each character must be used as a team to truly be effective.
This, however, is VERY Breath of Fire, glad to see someone confirm what I was noticing in my first 90 minutes of trying DQ.

Please, I know you love this series, but it's Woren.

I see a Princess Diana sort of charm, very proactive and optimistic spirit. Was really cool that Nina 1 shared a couple swords with Ryu 1.

>> No.370775
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>Please, I know you love this series, but it's Woren.

Right. Got confused with the way the guy who I replied to spelled it.

>> No.370786
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Well, for the dragon gene reasoning, no you'd be correct. The real reasoning I'd endorse 4->1 is it would explain Deis and Myria. Myria in 3 comes across as a defective AI, saving the planet by destroying what's inaccurately classified as a threat. In 1, and I'm only going by the SNES Woolsey translation from memory here, she's only a wish granter. A wish granter thematically fits with Yuna's ideals, a super being that reapportions according to one's merits, in this case successfully meeting with Myria. As for the hostility toward dragons, if Myria is supposed to be *the* wish granter and overseer of the world, she would need to remove similarly-powered entities like dragons. Again, as you pointed out, 4's ending got rid of dragons. The only way around that is if 4 is a parallel world, summoning dragons is pulling souls from another dimension. Suppose Yuna created Myria and a body for Deis (she lost her godlike power but she's still stranded in the world inside that armor, mortality still can't claim her), what if those two were reverse-summoned?

>> No.370845
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Goodnight, everyone. It's been fun talking about this series with you all, and I hope I helped convince that one guy to try out Dragon Quarter.

I leave you with this picture of Nina from that Onimusha Soul game. Looks like a combination of II and III.

>> No.371079

Rei is bro of all bros. You know he rip n tear for his fellow bros.

Cray has accuracy issues like Momo and his spells are eh. If I wanted accuracy problems, I'd use Ershin but Scias takes any position that Cray/Ershin would have filled because he b-b-b-better.

There's also that he's retarded and caused a massive shitstorm. Worgen aren't that smart by far but even Katt could have smelled what the empire was cooking.

>> No.372618
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>that one guy ... Dragon Quarter
i dunno, that guy appeared to be a total jerk.

great thread, rest of you. i love Breath of Fire dearly, and all of this gave me some feels. thank you.

>> No.372831

Congratulations, /vr/. I'ma go buy BoF IV off the PSN now because of this thread.

Unless there's some weirdness with how it runs on the PS3.

>> No.373402
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It's Woren, Woren, there's no G in Woren.

I wasn't disagreeing with Rei being best, I know he's phenomenal. It's Cray I disagree on.
>Scias takes any position that Cray/Ershin
Doing it wrong. Give Cray multi-target attacks that you can't fit on Ursula or otherwise need two people to attack multiple targets with the Physical element.
Ershin is an AP battery, elemental combo-maker, and tank. Build her right and that's a free 20+ AP a turn, use Transfer to move that blue AP over to Ryu or Cray
Cray is good for combos because his slow speed guarantees the combo will chain.
That skill for guaranteed 100% accuracy but weakened power, it works for Cray because his base damage is so high he can still deal damage.

>> No.373549

Being a jerk gets things done apparently.

>> No.373636

I played 4 first and then 3. Loved BoF4, I loved the split storyline and I did enjoy immensely playing as Fou-lu. Also the multiple endings.
On the other hand, I didn't like 3 so much. Maybe i had already played many other rpgs so whatever was new about it was already old to me, but for some reason it just didn't click. I found it pretty bland, in fact I was so unimpressed I only have vague memories of what was going on. Certainly I have no desire to play it again.
So yeah OP, if you wanna play BoF4, I say go for it.

>> No.373646
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I guess the last thing I have to say about Dragon Quarter is the whole thing about the dragon meter and how it plays out in the end is truly brilliant. Once I realized what I had to do to -- it gives me goosebumps just thinking about how amazing that whole sequence is.

Fantastic game on its own merits.

Incidentally, here's the BoF4 manga in english:


>> No.373680

I know this is nitpicking, but I'd recommend you guys to read the manga on Batoto instead. You see, mangareader compresses the images and they look lower quality than they really are.

>> No.373720


Yes, you didn't even live adult Ryu's life!

>> No.373726
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Playing BOF4 for the first time thanks to this thread.
Is there any place with a list of monster skills you can learn, by region? Something like "In this dungeon, you can learn skill x from enemy y, and z from the boss".
Please help.

>> No.373759

>Capcom just doesn't give shit about anything not named SF or RE these days
And they just killed Resident Evil. I'm confident the series has gone fully Megaman. Mark my fucking words.

Capcom's going to rename itself Monsterhunturd before 2015.

>> No.373913

>Capcom just doesn't give shit about anything not named SF or RE these days. Look at how they treat Mega Man
It really is incredible because Mega Man would be just basically printing money, wouldn't it? I'm certain MM9 & 10 sold well. Crazy that they won't just make a proper game.

Is BoF truly just dead, with no hope of a new game ever? Are there even any like, cel phone games in Japan or anything? A BoF4 fishing game for phones would be great.

Thanks for the tip.

Don't worry too much about learning everything, although obviously you want to learn everything from all the masters. Some other nice rewards as well.

>> No.373984
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I think there are basically two camps of people who liked Dragon Quarter.

In one camp you've got people who found it interesting, particularly for the combat system (too bad they ruin it later on with that retarded barrier mechanic and if you were halfway intelligent with budgeting your dragon form you could cheese through EVERY boss with it more or less) but agree it just didn't share enough with other Breath of Fire games to really be considered a part of the series (why abandon Masters and learning skills from enemies? Why have an extremely limited dragon system when that was one of the major draws of ALL the previous games?). It did involve dragons, but that isn't really enough to be considered anything more than a spinoff at best.

Then there's the OTHER camp that act like hostile retarded hipsters and tend to start fights with fans of the older games. Fuck them.

Personally, I did like the combat system. I'd gladly see it return in a new Breath of Fire game with some tweaks. But the good features of the older games should come back too. BoF3's Gene system, BoF4's handling of Masters and overall pretty fantastic storytelling (aside from unfortunate padding). Too bad we'll never see another game ever. Even if Dragon Quarter HAD done as well as previous games, Capcom would still have killed the series for not making ENOUGH.

>> No.374040

Not being /v/ doesn't mean we have to be a hugbox. Being vitriolic is an essential part of the 4chan spirit. As long as we're properly being assholes to each other over GAMES, then we're not in fact devolving into what /v/ became.

>> No.374379

>the extra cutscenes you get from replaying are a delight.

Eg. Our quasi rogue-like is way too short so we decided to pad it out by making you play it 2-3 times in order to ACTUALLY get a semblance of a story. Don't kid yourself, the game's story is complete dildoes on the first run because of how many scenes are held back from you.

Also, I think the main 3 cast have all the personality of a plank of wood. Guess who are the only people you'll be seeing the vast majority of the game?

>> No.374450
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Is nude Ryu a thing in the BOF series?

>played IV, Ryu appears nude out of nowhere
>started III, Rei saves a nude Ryu from the wolves

>> No.374489

Direct downloads are the best way to experience manga. Batoto encouraged watermarking so I recommend against giving them any ad revenue.

>> No.374505

Only in 3 and 4. Also nude Deis.

>> No.374520

Are the dungeons randomly generated?

>> No.374547

Mega Man sold decently, but never big. The highest-selling title in the entire franchise is Mega Man 2, at just barely over 1.5M. Usually the games sell between 100k and 300k, and classic series sold better than X and Z. Capcom decided to only focus on sales over 1.5M, something even DMC mostly didn't achieve. Consider that Mega Man has over 30 titles in a span of 15 years, Capcom misinterpreted saturation fatigue as disinterest. Niche studios wouldn't like having to churn out 2 games a year for 200k sales, particularly when the games have little creativity to stand apart from each other.

Personally, I recall seeing loads of ads for BoF3, even a guide in gaming rags. I don't recall ever seeing ads for BoF4, nor a guide for it in the rags. BoF5, however, I saw some advertisement, but no hands-on by journalism. 4 came late in the PS1 life, so it could be a victim of the japanese disregarding a console's later years. I didn't dig far for sales numbers, but 5 apparently was dismal, under 200k, when just the GBA port of 2 sold more. 2, btw, sold less on GBA than it did on SNES. 3 is the best-selling in the series, but I think that has more to do with marketing. The only person I met who owned a copy of BoF3 was/is a douchebag who couldn't even play as far as adult Ryu, he never played much of any of his games really. I had the chance to borrow his copy, but knowing how he ended up, I should've kept it.

>> No.374574

Nina IV is for people with taste

Nina II is for average person.

>> No.374617


>> No.374649


>> No.374686
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Dem back, mang.

>> No.374713


>look though the catalog.

>"why is /v/ so gamey all the sudden?"

>accidentally clicked /vr/


>> No.374741

I did say 'quasi'. It's not a roguelike as such, but it shares some aspects with them.

>> No.374760

Threads in /v/ are more lively than the entire /vr/ though, that sucks.

>> No.374783

what about people who want to be sandwiched between nina iv and nina i in a jacuzzi?

>> No.374812

I just asked for clarification; so they aren't randomly generated?

>> No.374815
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Nothing is wrong with the reel battle system. If you don't like the reels then you obviously don't like action based button presses such as Legend of Dragoon, the Mario RPG's, or Vagrant Story, though the reel is more forgiving than any of those games since it gives you more time to choose when to stop the reel so you can perform the certain technique on a skill that you want.

>> No.374837
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>having to choose

Yeah, no. I want them all.

>> No.374852

at once?

>> No.374865

No, they're not. The optional dungeon might be? I forget.

>> No.374882

The Reel isn't what made Unlimited Saga crap, what made it bad was the complete lack of documentation or tutorials for its incredibly obfuscated and unintuitive mechanics.

Plus the weird... board game thing they decided to go with.

>> No.374970

Some of it was simple to understand. You gained panels after you complete an adventure, and if you complete an adventure and that character fought they got a HP bonus. Then when you were fiddling on the panel screen you could see depending upon where you put the panel you saw your stats go up or down thus location was important with placing your panels down on your grid.

>> No.375082

>1: GBA
>2: SNES

Can't help with 3 and 4.

My opinion on 2 is that you should play it without the retranslation romhack, but that's because it was a huge part of my childhood and the retranslation tries to adjust spell/character/location names to fit a ton more references in to other games in the series.

>> No.375327
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I need to get around to playing the retranslation sometime, but I'm miffed they gave the characters their Japanese names again. Katt sounds way better than Rinpoo and I will fight you if you disagree.

>> No.375335

i'd ram it in her katt and double dip in dat rinpoo if you know what i mean

>> No.375341

In my case when I asked that yesterday, I have no knowledge of 2, so I have no preferences in naming or nostalgia.

>> No.375371

Someone should post that manga page where Nina II and Katt are both with Ryu.

Also, I always was bothered a BoF character never made it to a Vs. game. Then again, Capcom did recycle Morrigan's sprite for 50 years, as if she wasn't the mascot of her game series, so I was always dreaming the impossible.

>> No.375461
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No I don't please elaborate.



>Also, I always was bothered a BoF character never made it to a Vs. game.

Yeah... closest we ever got was the Heroes and Heralds cards in UMvC3 and a number of BoFIII characters appearing in a stage in Pocket Fighter.

>> No.375518
File: 297 KB, 1280x320, H&amp;H_UMvC_BOF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh wait, I have those saved.
Breath of Fire very last appearance (I think).

>> No.375637
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Aside from this: >>370845
Yeah, it's the last appearance.

It also bothers me that those H&H cards seem to have been drawn by Kinu Nishimura rather than Tatsuya Yoshikawa, the series' artist. But, it's better than nothing, and they did get a representative for each game.

There were a lot of other cool, niche character choices for those cards, too, like Gene. Between those and the lineup of characters in Onimusha Soul, it seems like there are at least some people at Capcom who remember these games, and try to fit them in where they can.

>> No.375645
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>I want to play 4
>Should I play 4 or skip ahead to 4?

I dunno OP, if you're considering skipping 4 for 4, maybe you should just play 4.

>> No.375685

>Tatsuya Yoshikawa

Did he do the original SFC versions of BoF 1/2? They seem to be in a completely different style, but then again it's not entirely unheard of for an artist to change over time.

>> No.375748
File: 343 KB, 566x800, 378a1972ceacb873be24d8dd5ff710b41334316912_full.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


He's been the artist from II onwards (I don't know who did the first game's art). It's really fascinating to look at his work, from II-DQ, then his promotional art for the GBA ports of I and II, then the PSP port of III, up to DMC4, then Last Ranker and his submission to the Mega Man Legends 3 heroine design contest, and see how its evolved.

The last work of his I'm aware of was doing this picture for Gainax's splash page about a year ago. Wonder what he's up to now...

>> No.375797

Nina 4 is best if you pretend she's a trap.

>> No.375805

isn't he the artist on the ace attorney games too? if he isn't then whoever is doing it is jocking his style hard.

>> No.375815

Jesus FLCL is almost 15 years old...

>> No.375845

Not sure but he definitely did do DMC4, something I didn't expect considering the final product.

Anime-wise, he handled character design for Turn A Gundam.

>> No.375902

In 4, Deis wears a dress that exposes her asscrack and top buttocks.

>> No.375913
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That would be Edayan: http://capcom.wikia.com/wiki/Edayan

I can't really say he's copying him, because, in my eyes, Yoshikawa is so far beyond him in skill that there's really no comparison.


Akiman is the one who did Turn A's character design.

>> No.376037

to clarify the only part of his art that resembles the guy who does BoF is really in the faces. very similar eyes (faces in general). the only difference is ace attorney art overall looks very clean and stale while BoF art looks very warm and loose

>> No.376097
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Yeah, I can say the eyes are at least a bit similar. They both have those sharp edges and "inner circles" thing going on.

I can't sing Yoshikawa's praises enough. He's so flexible, his sketches look nice, but his polished work is gorgeous, and his coloring ability is immense. Definitely one of my favorite game artists.

>> No.376142

that picture made my night.

>> No.376167
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The way an artist does eyes is like a fingerprint, it's one of the easier ways to identify a work.

>> No.376197
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Can't say I've ever put much thought in it.

>> No.377881

Capcom progress from god tier artist to generic, mediocre artist now.

It's just one of the number of reasons I feel they aren't worth my money and time anymore.

>> No.377938

It's... Different. The idea is that you continuously restart it slowly building up power and gear over multiple playthroughs, gaining extra scenes and plot along the way. It's a really alien design philosophy, but if you can wrap your brain around it then it's not a bad game at all.

>> No.377949
File: 248 KB, 660x920, capcom-classics-collection-by-shinkiro[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We can always hope that doesn't happen with SHINKIRO under Capcom, right?

...He won't get discouraged with Capcom's state, or get fired in exchage of ten faceless south korean illustrators that settle with less, right?

>> No.377964


Dragon's Dogma's main theme is amazing fuck you.

>> No.378323

Don't forget your iodine, bro.

Great game, btw.