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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 12 KB, 480x209, gallery_gaming-nintendo-64-playstation.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3647168 No.3647168 [Reply] [Original]

The way I see it, this analogy is the perfect summation of fifth gen:

Nintendo 64 is like gourmet food. Sure it might be expensive, and it might not be in large quantities, but its a worthwhile investment to high caliber ratio, and its an even better choice for fancy get-togethers or dates.

PlayStation, on the other hand, is a lot like fast food. There's a lot of it everywhere, you can find it in any corner, it may try some interesting new stuff once in a blue moon as a gimmick, but for the most part you know what you're getting. You also wouldn't have a business dinner with fast food, maybe just 1 friend. Ultimately however, its not healthy for you.

>> No.3647187

N64 was for autismal kids.

PS1 was for douchebag casuals and rednecks.

>> No.3647197

Funny how people still buy the
>N64 has quality PSX has quantity
old adverts. They were blast processing tier.

>> No.3647206

weak bait

>> No.3647207

You obviously are a child, having a 64 at the time fucking sucked, you got like 2 new games a year released and most of them were awful. In retrospect the 64 had a few great games, but compared to the playstations enormous library and variety of genres is was clear that the 64 was a bad purchase.

>> No.3647221
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The way I see it, comparing video games to food makes you uniquely autistic.

>> No.3647239

My decision to get a console has always been when there are five exclusive titles I that I know I will regret never having played.

So far the only two major consoles (not 3DO, Jaguar etc) I never purchased and never for a moment regretted are the N64 and original Xbox.

>> No.3647241

Name one worthwile n64 game that wasn't made by Nintendo or Rare.

>> No.3647247

The original xbox has a few, panzer dragoon orta, jet set radio future, otogi are the ones just off the top of my head, I'd pick one up today as they're dirt cheap and you can very easily pirate the games you want.

>> No.3647249

Hol' up
64 was way better
It had 4 player and better 3d
Friends would come thru and play that shit

>> No.3647250

Star wars episode 1 pod racing, Toy story 2... that's it I think, fuck the 64.

>> No.3647251

This, my friend got a n64 because another friend said it was great. He liked it but hated the high prices and wished he got a ps cause of being able to mod and play burned games for cheap.

>> No.3647253

Yeah, no doubt it was a fantastic multiplayer box, I personally had a blast with that aspect, but when you were just home alone wanting to play a meaty single player game the system was awful. As an adult I never even touch the thing, the playstation was a much better system for the older crowd in general.

>> No.3647257

But Toy Story 2 on n64 is trash tier compared to ps1 version

>> No.3647260

Ps1 launched with multi tap but no one used the fucking thing, was still capable though.

>> No.3647261

Panzer Dragoon was on the list, and that's one I'd still like to play some day. But other than that it really didn't have much. JSR was fun on DC but I wasn't too interested in another game of it.

>> No.3647264

>nintendo64babby post
The PS1 and N64 were both baby food consoles, a perfect little soft introduction to a shitty style-over-substance style of gaming that would take over gaming from older gaming for actual gamers and ruin gaming to the point we see today.

If you grew up with these as your first consoles (or any other console past these), you have been corrupted and are unable to comprehend what a good game is. Go play exclusively pre-1995 games (a ton of them, not just the "popular" or "good" ones, because not all old games are good, but the best good games kick the living shit out of the "best" newer games, and this is exactly what you need to understand, how good games are good and bad games are bad) for a year or two and come back enlightened.

This shit right the fuck here is why /vr/ should have been pre-1995, pre-Shit Generation Consoles from day fucking one. Kids that wank over the fucking PS1 and N64 belong in /v/.

>> No.3647265

Most games were 1-2 player only, never played a 4 player game on ps1.

>> No.3647270

Crash Team Racing was the standout for multi tap and the best kart racer of that generation imo, but if you felt crazy Devil Dice supports up to five players. Crash Bash was great too

>> No.3647271
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>try hard bait

>> No.3647273

That's interesting, I grew up with the 64 version so I don't really have a point of comparison, I just know that the version I had was particularly solid in its own right.

>> No.3647275
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You again? shoo shoo!

>> No.3647276

I grew up on SNES but I think Gen5 and 6 were the peak of gaming. It was only in late gen 6 that game design tendencies started to go backwards.

>> No.3647281

>mad children upset that they killed gaming
Do what I said, kids. Pre-1995 games. Only. One fucking year.

You will come back and BEG for my forgiveness when you become enlightened.

>> No.3647282

Reviews at the time mauled the 64 version. Had alot of issues which is strange because the 64 is more ideal for platformers then the ps1

>> No.3647286

I know right, he's posted on every thread complaining about modern gaming, it's absurd.

>> No.3647296
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>> No.3647301

I remember very clearly that a bugs life was really bad on the 64 too, I remember reading a review complaining about it, I had the game too it was pretty garbage. I think a lot of those games struggled because they had to fit them onto the cartidges, can't be easy going from the relatively large storage of a cd-rom to a64 cartridge.

>> No.3647302

It's all he has in life, just make some popcorn and enjoy the show. When his meds wear off it really gets fun.

>> No.3647317

it's better to be a mad child than a mad manchild,

calm your tits. your ilk are cancer

>> No.3647321

Shouldn't have been issue considering most of that space on ps1 would have been used for music and fmvs (which are indeed different for the n64)

It's surprising considering the ps1 really struggles with 3rd platformers, Ape Escape for example uses excessive fog to cover up the games draw distance issues which are inherent to the ps1.

I think who ever did the 64 ports were just fuckwits, the hardware should be able to ace those games.

>> No.3647326

Traveller's Tales had a lot of difficulty with programming for the N64 so their ports aren't particularly good.

The porting of Bug's Life to N64 was atrocious. Despite looking like trash it also had a horrible framerate. They clearly improved for the porting of Toy Story 2 to N64, that's not a bad port, it's just a very average one. Some places look better than the PS1 version other places look worse.

>> No.3647332
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Well regardless Travellers Tales will always be on my shit list

>> No.3647362

Usually kid's games get the short end of the stick. They probably didn't think anyone young enough to be playing Bug's Life would have any concept of a good vs bad port.

>> No.3647364

How can someone be this stupid

>> No.3647370

You'll get a lot of shit for this post, but I agree with every word of it.

>> No.3647379

no doubt 64 had the games that a nigga NEED to play

>> No.3647731
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Close, but not quite.

Saturn+imports are the gourment food. Playstation is the fast food. N64 is the kids meal.

>> No.3647742

why is /vr/ so contrarian

yall shit on the ps1 and n64 but think the saturn had no problems at all

>> No.3647776
File: 12 KB, 304x208, segata-sakura.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was the last real retro console. While Playstation and N64 were trying to cash in on the 3D craze, Saturn meant to be the Ultimate 2D gaming machine.

It may not be perfect, especially the way it was handled in the west, but it sure kicks the shit out of the other systems that gen.

>> No.3647798

no you're just a faggot weeb and saturn had the most faggot weeb games

>> No.3647816
File: 15 KB, 320x320, segata-sanshiro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you aren't a weeb, you don't belong here.


>> No.3647828

I bought a N64 + EverDrive and RGB mod and the works and then realized I was never going to play any of the games on it besides StarFox

>> No.3647834

>it's a food analogy episode

>> No.3647839
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>it sure kicks the shit out of the other systems that gen.

The only ass Saturn kicked was Sega's, and as a matter of fact it kicked it so hard not even the Dreamcast could save them from the monetary disaster that was the Sega Saturn.

>> No.3647889


Goemon's Great Adventure is my favorite game from the 5th gen, not just N64.
Pretty sure it's 3rd party, Konami I think.

>> No.3647920

Playstation was shit.

>> No.3647941
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Sorry, can't hear you over my awesome Saturn games.

>> No.3647960
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That's more like it!

Actual kitchen, checking in.

>> No.3647969



>> No.3647973

At least try to post actual good games then, like Battle Garegga, instead of babbies first shmup.

>> No.3647990

>babby's first shmup
He didn't post Touhou, though.

>> No.3647992

>babies first shmup
>not space invaders or galaga

>> No.3648348

The N64 wasn't actually stronger graphically (let alone audially) than the PSone, it just was puched beyond it's limits by Nincucko.
NshitT4 software usually chugged at 20 frames per scanline while PSone games ran in an ideal 30fps.

>> No.3648776

you've posted this before and it's still wrong

>> No.3648847
File: 12 KB, 400x573, ch_flightstick_pro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And to make matters so much worse, it's done with two categories when there are easily many more very distinct food niches out there.

>> No.3648978

I played a lot of 4 player CTR

>> No.3649046
File: 27 KB, 480x480, generation 5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>leaving out the Saturn

>> No.3649136

Both are trash compared to the DC version.

>> No.3649158

I would say that about 90% of multiplat games were best on Xbox. I still play the Timesplitters games on it to this day.

Also, JSRF is an entirely different game than JSR. It's faster paced and has way tighter control.

Other games on the system I enjoyed were Shenmue II, Tony Hawk 2X, Crimson Skies (not as good as the original but still worth playing), Phantom Crash, DOA3/DOA2 Ultimate, Blood Wake, Forza Motorsport, PGR/PGR2, Metal Wolf Chaos, Gunvalkyrie, and pretty much any other Sega game.

>> No.3649669

64 is the kind of shit you put up with out of politeness when you're hanging out with other people, maybe because you're not the one paying for the food, etc.
PS1 is the sort of delicious junk food you can afford to treat yourself to when you're an independant man and you're alone at your apartment and you don't feel like preparing a complicated lunch.

>> No.3649708


psx was for poorfag loners... which incidentally is most /vr/ lmao

>> No.3649712


>> No.3649987
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>tfw grew up with a SNES and a PS1
>Got to play Super Mario World, Street Fighter 2, Turtles in Time, Super Mario RPG and Mega Man X, as well as Spyro 1-3, Crash 3, Ape Escape, Rayman, and Tomba

Sorry you all grew up poor and could only afford one console.

>> No.3650008
File: 7 KB, 170x170, 7c3e8d86311241ecb6b538e5abb74a8e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>grew up with only 1 console per generation
>calls others poor

>> No.3650167

>he wasted his money on Sega systems

lol what a cuck

>> No.3650267

>better 3d
I'll take PS1's pixels over N64's hideous filtering any day.

>> No.3650293

my first console was a n64, i liked that as a kid. If I was older and a teenager I would've surely wanted a PS1. N64 is more of a childrens console with titles like super mario, pokemon and zelda, while ps1 had more mature content like resident evil, final fantasy and tekken. both consoles were targeting different age groups. n64 is for children and autists, ps1 is for teenagers and young adults. this division between nintendo and sony is true through all console generations until today, but the division got more diverse. if you are a kid or an autist you buy nintendo, if you like horror, action-adventures or jrpgs you buy sony, if you like fps you buy microsoft.

>> No.3650307
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shice bait

>> No.3650314


You're talking about textures, not 3D.

N64 had more advanced 3D capabilities, this isn't even a secret or some lie a Nintendo fanboy would say.

As for the filters, just use a CRT. Both of them look horrendous on an LCD, the N64 more so because of the AA, but it actually helps the games look smoother than the PS1 on a CRT TV.

>> No.3650340
File: 37 KB, 640x480, vs-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I play both on a CRT. And the majority of N64 looks like ass and runs like ass. Most games have framerates in the 20s and even later releases don't look as good as, say, Vagrant Story.

>> No.3650360 [DELETED] 


Vagrant story doesn't look that good. 3D is still pretty simple and has the same problem with the PS3 not being able to draw straight lines. the reason VS looks good is because of really great use of texturing, the dark color palette allow for a lot of shadow tricks, but it's all sprite-artwork in reality, not 3D power, the polygons are still simple.

You'll never see a game that looks as good as Neon Genesis Evangelion on PS1, for example.

Anyway it's okay if you like PS1 games better than N64, it's your taste and I don't mind it, I'm just correcting you on the difference between textures and actual 3D/polygon graphics.

>> No.3650365

>Worst Castlevanias in the series
>Worst MegaMan games in the series
>gourmet food

I'll have my "cheap" Symphony of the Night and MegaMan X 4-6 any day, thanks m8

>> No.3650370
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Vagrant story's 3D is still pretty simple and has the same problem with the PS1 not being able to draw straight lines. the reason VS looks good is because of really great use of texturing, the dark color palette allow for a lot of shadow tricks, but it's all sprite-artwork in reality, not 3D power, the polygons are still simple.

You'll never see a game that looks as good as Neon Genesis Evangelion on PS1, for example.

Anyway it's okay if you like PS1 games better than N64, it's your taste and I don't mind it, I'm just correcting you on the difference between textures and actual 3D/polygon graphics.

>> No.3650374


>IGA's casual bullshit
>worst entries on the X series

I mean, enjoy it if you can, I guess.

>> No.3650410

what the fuck are you on about, both games are 3D

>> No.3650420


Reading comprehension, anon.

>> No.3650425

n64 could've been a great console, if it had no cartridges.

>> No.3650429
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>loading times

>> No.3650585

Quite the opposite. Cartridges saved Nintendo's ass here, as the console itself was poorly designed - perhaps even worse so than the Saturn. Developers at times had to rely on the cartridge's memory instead of the console's own RAM, as the latter was slow as fuck.

>> No.3650589

Spoken like a normalfag that isn't familiar with the PS1 library.

>> No.3650593


The same can be said about N64, normalfags think it's all about dat Goldeneye, Mario Kart 64 and Smash, when it has hidden gems like Hybrid Heaven and Wonder Project J2.

>> No.3650663


I grow up with the NES and I think you are a faggot

>> No.3650667

Sure, they suck compared to the classics on from 3rd-4th gen, but at least they are leagues ahead of your disgusting worst transitions to 3D in fucking history.

>> No.3650671

>worst transitions to 3D in fucking history.

nice hyperbole

>> No.3650676

You are right, Bubsy was even worse

But I don't pretend is good like n64babbies

>> No.3650681



nice boogeyman, champ

CV64 is fine, could use a better camera though, but it's far from being bad.

>> No.3650685
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>CV64 is fine

>> No.3650723
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>CV64 is bad

>> No.3651159

>The way I see it, this analogy is the perfect summation of you
You are like a retarded. 100% like a retard. I personally really like the N64 and have probably spent as much time playing on that as PS. But your analogy is just retarded.

>> No.3651169

>but its a worthwhile investment to high caliber ratio
You actually have to be retarded to think that the 64 has a higher ratio of good to bad games compared to the PS1.

>> No.3651171

Vagrant Story just has really good artwork style. Technically speaking its not really anything special.

Ironic that you talk about games running like ass because Vagrant Story's framerate drops to 20 any time you use a spell. When a boss uses a big ass ability it drops to 10.

>> No.3651185

3D framerate was always a problem during that gen. VS lags during spells which are essentially cutscenes, it's stable otherwise. Better than N64 which is almost entirely compromised of twitchy platformers, action/adventure, shooters, where shit dips constantly.

>> No.3651205

>Cartridges saved Nintendo's ass here, as the console itself was poorly designed - perhaps even worse so than the Saturn. Developers at times had to rely on the cartridge's memory instead of the console's own RAM, as the latter was slow as fuck.
N64 was a LOT better designed that the Saturn., there's no damn comparison. The N64's GPU is a brilliant chip for its time. Only reason developers had problems was cause Nintendo cost cut HARD on the memory architecture - the whole system has to share one channel of RAM.

But saying that RAM is slow is completely wrong. That one RAM channel had more bandwidth than even the fastest single RAM channel of the best PCs of 1996 and double the bandwidth of PS1's VRAM. Bus contention on that single bus fucked it to shit though if developers weren't godly good.

>> No.3651212
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>> No.3651245

>comparing a game with turn-based combat, an overhead camera, set in tiny rooms to actual fucking 3D games on the N64
this is why people laugh at sony fans

>> No.3651264

I'd rather games designed with technological limitations in mind than games that felt dated as fuck as soon as the next generation made dual sticks mandatory and brought good framerates in open environment games.

>> No.3651325

>Only reason developers had problems was cause Nintendo cost cut HARD on the memory architecture
And that most developers couldn't take advantage of the RCP due to a lack of any sort of documentation for it, Rare and the like excluded.

>> No.3651375
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>but I agree with every word of it.
>unironically agreeing with such nostalgia-blinded banter

Unless you're samefagging.

>> No.3651407

They did give a fair bit of documentation for RCP. There's a leaked N64 programming manual which is reasonable comprehensive. What they didn't make widely available was the documentation on how to write microcodes for RSP.

However it still all goes back to the ultra cheap single channel memory architecture. The best reason to write your own RSP microcode is that the default one hits memory too often which exacerbates bus contention. Had the console contained more memory channels or separate RAM pools the default microcode wouldn't have been a big issue.

>> No.3651410


>> No.3651431


I had both, (still having both) at the time. And OP is not absolutely wrong.

As you say "you got like 2 news games a year" is exactly what quantity means.

Nintendo64 had the best games on their clase. It sure didn't have the first Resident Evil or Metal Gear Solid where have been very influential games on the PlayStation (Or even Saturn if we are talking seriously).

But Nintendo64 had Super Mario 64, Zelda Ocarina of Time, (games that deserve top tier consideration because of drawing the definition of real 3D gaming and perfect evolution from the 2D) the best FPS games at It's time, like Goldeneye, Perfect Dark and Turok series.

Surely its hard to determine what was worthy at Its time. But in terms of game quality and historic relevance nothing in that generation can compete with Nintendo64 games.

>> No.3651432

Saturn was for diehard Sega fans
N64 was for diehard Nintendo fans
Playstation was for everyone.

I like Sega and Nintendo, but they miscalculated hard and couldn't even compete. Gamecube and Dreamcast were much better, but by that time Sony had such an amazing stranglehold on the market that people actually bought a PS3 for $500.

>> No.3651445

don't forgot Outrun 2 and DOA 3 and 2 Remake.

>> No.3651458


It's definitely the point where games became substantially easier.

Saturn didn't have that trend though.

>> No.3651463

>It's definitely the point where games became substantially easier.
Nah, that was the SNES.

>> No.3651474


True, but you still had at least some arcade level difficulty on the system.

By N64 you started having games where it was hard to lose.

>> No.3651479

Yeah but on the flip side games like Perfect Dark and Blast Corps are pretty damn hard to 100%.

>> No.3651481

Ninja Gaiden was the main reason I bought an XBOX. It didn't hurt having Smilebit, From Software, and the best version of Soul Calibur 2.

>> No.3651482

So video games were basically for subhumans in the mid to late 90's?

>> No.3651487

they still are

>> No.3651508


>> No.3651589

lol saturn was fucking shit tier, made by a shit tier company. No wonder it crashed and burned so fucking fast. The autists choice, though. Muh Sanic!

>> No.3651728

no, it flopped.

>> No.3652256

Nope, they're both shit. PS1 is marginally better simply because the bigger library means the 1% that's not complete garbage is bigger.

>> No.3653161

So basically you prefer games on both consoles?

>N64 is more of a childrens console with titles like super mario, pokemon and zelda, while ps1 had more mature content like resident evil, final fantasy and tekken.
That's how I initially viewed it when I was a bit younger as well, but then my preferences shifted more to the N64 as I got older. For me, the N64 is equivalent to those classical Disney or WB cartoons that initially you didn't care much for as a kid and all, but then you gain a much higher appreciation for once you learn more about the technical side of things and the past achievements of the big names involved.

The PS1, in comparison, seems more like that era teens and young adults go through thinking that these Xtreme kewl new B-Movies and edgy Japanimation things are much more cooler than those "silly" cartoons you've watched as a kid, only to realize later on that things become lot more "limited" than they appeared initially, both presentation and character wise in comparison to the above mentioned cartoons.

Of course I'm aware exceptions do appear on both consoles here and there, but...

>> No.3653170


>hate on 5th gen meme

yawn you're gonna have to do better than that, champ

>> No.3653206

The 5th generation was Sony and Nintendo pulling in new gamers that were attracted to style-over-substance games with poor gameplay. There's no meme when it's the 100% fucking truth that the 5th generation was the beginning of the dumbing down of gaming for people who were too turned off by old games because they had real gameplay and actual challenge rather than LOLGRAPHICS, LOLSTORY garbage.

Try actually being in gaming at that time instead of just looking back on it with rose tinted glasses.

>> No.3653210

How is Sanic any more autistic than Mario or Crash Bandicoot?

>> No.3653245
File: 24 KB, 300x179, hfds.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Try actually being in gaming at that time instead of just looking back on it with rose tinted glasses.

>> No.3653254


>not a meme


How many times are you going to make variations of the same "style over substance" meme?
Just make a MS Paint graphic as you always do and be done with it.

>> No.3653261

Sorry, how am I doing that? I wasn't a dumb kid back then. My childhood was the fucking 2600, and I sure as fuck don't look back at that with rose-tinted glasses. There were a few decent games for it but it was mostly garbage.

Now, again, kid: gaming mid-90s and onward was shit for an actual reason. The sooner you wedge this in your little pathetic excuse for a brain, the sooner we can fucking kill modern gaming dead and resurrect it with real games that give a fucking shit about gameplay and controls and isn't a fucking bunch of shitty writers that can't break into any other writing jobs so they have to shoehorn their shit into a "videogame".

>> No.3653280

Until you kids understand that it is the truth.

If you were being completely honest with yourselves and started looking at these games with critical eyes, you'd understand.

>> No.3653284

Don't respond, he's been posting that for about half a year now, every so often when Sega is mentioned.

>> No.3653562

>edgy Japanimation
You mean anime?
Bet you voted Trump.

>> No.3653718

>my childhood console had two good games on it shit, oh uhm... IT'S GOURMET

>> No.3653835

>You mean anime?
Yes. Any problem with me using an older, alternative term for it?

>Bet you voted Trump.
Nice unnecessary mention of Politics, but for the record, I voted for neither.

I recall that it had more than just "two good games", but I respect your opinion :)

>> No.3653845

>Any problem with me using an older, alternative term for it?
Yeah, you sound like a hillbilly.

>> No.3653856

So you're calling fans that liked that sort of stuff throughout the 70's and the 80's, even those that didn't live in the south, hillbillies?

>> No.3653867

Turok 2
Body Harvest
Mischief Makers (it was published by Nintendo, not developed by them)
Rogue Squadron
Vigilante 8
Doom 64

and that's not counting imports

>> No.3653868

Still mad that the Saturn crashed and burned, huh?