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/vr/ - Retro Games

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3648107 No.3648107 [Reply] [Original]

Is it really your own fault if you suck at these?

>> No.3648235

well, uh technically

>> No.3648274

For some of them it can be a bit much when there are pitfalls and enemies everywhere. For the most part I don't mind though

>> No.3648302

Yes. Stop getting hit and get good.

>> No.3648309

Have you ever beaten a hard game?

Like, a real Castlevania?

>> No.3648312

>games that bounce you backwards when you take damage

I really like this.

>> No.3648427

Only Rondo as Maria so... naah

>> No.3648429

You mean knockback?

>> No.3648434

Depends on the game. In Ninja Gaiden's case, it's complete bull shit

>> No.3648443

Have you ever tried Zelda II?

>> No.3648726

Well it's punishment for getting hit and it's entirely possible to play them without getting hit so yes very much so. Knockback's good though, without it taking damage wouldn't feel as impactful as it is and you could exploit invincibility frames to get past obstacles.

>> No.3648907

I died so many times in Ninja Gaiden is still remember the musical jingle that plays.


I haven't played it for years. That game is anger inducing lol.

>> No.3649268
File: 28 KB, 250x249, Warioland3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've got the game just for you OP

>> No.3649347

yes nah

>> No.3649478

You made this thread in /v/ with the words ARTIFICIAL DIFFICULTY

Fuck off m8. Don't get hit. You're not supposed to tank your way through games.

>> No.3649574

Anon, you're evil

>> No.3649623

when you take a hit in ninja gaiden and it doesn't send you into a pit

it makes you feel really strong

>> No.3649979

All right. Then I can see that I will have to teach you how to be RETRO!

>> No.3650176


>> No.3652608

>entirely possible to play them without getting hit

So you say...

>> No.3652632


Name one place where you're required to take damage

>> No.3652936
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Not him, but there actually is. In the final boss, it's impossible to dodge the head after you decapitate it.

>> No.3652974

>Knockback's good though, without it taking damage wouldn't feel as impactful as it is and you could exploit invincibility frames to get past obstacles.


>> No.3653040

You can actually destroy the head before it's able to damage you, but it's tricky. You either need to use the spin slash subweapon, or sword-cancel to destroy it in time.

>> No.3654587

It's completely justified because there's no reason you should be getting hit in the first place. You fuck up you get punished.

>> No.3654620
File: 37 KB, 720x540, Game Center CX 029 - Ninja Gaiden.mp4-2015-03-20-20h14m34s150.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3657010

But it isn't FUN.

>> No.3658324


Maybe if you're a little baby, sure.

>> No.3658692


YES! Youe need to calculate it into every jump and movement, even use it it as a secret skill to master the game.

get gouda

>> No.3658725
File: 95 KB, 389x219, 2sac4x04.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You called for Gouda?

>> No.3658760

What about the instant enemy respawning? I thought that was the worst thing about Ninja Gaiden.

>> No.3658762

You're expected to keep moving.

>> No.3659021

which castlevanias count as hard?

>> No.3659029


1 and 3

Mostly 3