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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 18 KB, 240x160, 2458 - Summon Night - Swordcraft Story (U)(Independent)_1468306924072.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3615107 No.3615107 [Reply] [Original]

What are some /vr/ approved podcasts, and what are some /vr/ games I can play while listening to them?

Pic not related, don't pay attention to it

>> No.3615109

>listening to anything but the game's OST while playing

>> No.3615110
File: 22 KB, 300x300, retro2600x600bb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most of /vr/ hates them but I still have a soft spot for Retronaughts. I've been following Jeremy Parish since he was toasty frog though.

>> No.3615149


I don't know. A JRPG to grind your brain cells away?

>> No.3615329

I can only play RPGs portable now so I can do something else like watch TV while going through dungeons and battles. Just the thought of sitting down and spending 40 hours doing nothing but playing through FFIV or Chrono Tigger something makes me antsy.

>> No.3615505

Maybe puzzle or pinball games?

>> No.3615764

> pic not related
But summon night swordcraft story was awesome

>> No.3615790

La Caz' Retro is comfy if you can speak french.

>> No.3615835

I just don't understand you, honestly.
I'm not American so don't pull that card here but there is absolutely no indication that OP can speak any language other than English and that's why he posted, in English, on a website that is 99% in English with /int/ being the only notable exception.
Yet here you are, suggesting a French podcast.

What is your train of thought here, friend?

>> No.3615838

The majority of people in the world can speak more than one language, Anon

>> No.3615848

I can speak 3 fluently, thank you very much.
However your suggestion still makes no sense considering that OP never specified any other language when asking about podcasts so why even bother in the first place.
Also, you can imagine my amusement when once again as soon as somebody tries to mention a minimum of etiquette when posting you instantly start insulting them of being less educated. Please.

>> No.3615905

Any game where you need to read text to proceed (RPGs, mission-based FPS) or need to pay attention to atmosphere (Thief, Rhythm Games) aren't really good for listening podcasts together with.

That said, my favorite genres are:
- RPGs (while grinding, no story stuff)
- platformers
- run & gun, parallaxing prancing punchers, hack & slash

>> No.3616143

is this bait?

>> No.3616154

Not him, but it's a podcast he wanted to recommend. If op can speak French he can check it out, if not then no harm no foul

>> No.3616162

I can speak 3 (THREE) fluently, thank you very much. Now give me attention. I can use the big words of the English. Give me the attention now.

>> No.3616164

No reason to pop off friend, anon was just recommending his favorite podcast. It just happened to be french

>> No.3616174

Jeremy has nothing interesting to say on them anymore, it's turned into the Bob Mackey and his lasertime loser friends show. Jeremy has better projects like Game Boy World but I'm on the cusp of dumping that too due to his constant cuck whining on twitter.

>> No.3616183

>suggesting a french podcast

>> No.3616638

I've been playing FFV these last weeks while listening podcast. Before that i did it with Megami Tensei, Neverwinter Nights and sport games.

>> No.3616805

>due to his constant cuck whining on twitter.

I don't follow twitter, what kind of cuck whining does he do? I don't like Bob Mackey as much but he doesn't outright bother me. My biggest problem with the show these days is they're now circling back and re-doing topics that had already been covered on the original show. But there's still usually new takes and it's like putting on an old shoe at this point so I still enjoy listening.

>> No.3616954

Watch Out For Fireballs, if you can stomach the occasional bout of insufferable SJW pearl clutching.

>> No.3616971

Yeah, it's cool, but apparently not retro :/

>> No.3617058

What are your favourite retro sports games?

>> No.3617132

Intermission is what I've been listening to, it's run by a bunch of DOOM modders and heavily focuses on Retro FPS (and mostly DOOM for that matter) and the modding community.


>> No.3617156
File: 528 KB, 480x270, autism.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP asked for good podcasts so I gave him one. He never told us his nationality so nobody knows which language he can speak.
If OP can speak french then he'll be able to enjoy the one I posted. Otherwise, the other anons in this threads also posted good podcasts.
There's need to sperg out like that, friendo.

>> No.3617185

I've been listening to them. They're fun and pretty informative and none of their SJW-views really seem to seep into the podcast itself much.

Bob Mackey's twitter is one of the most cancerous things I've seen though.

>> No.3618538

Not him, but this is an English board, dick head.

>> No.3618870
File: 33 KB, 290x395, stfu-guy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not everyone here is a native english speaker, douchebag.

>> No.3618875

Why do you guys hate America so much?

>> No.3618918

Are you the same dude who's being a dick on the translation thread?

>> No.3618934

>and none of their SJW-views really seem to seep into the podcast itself much.

I've never been bothered by socially progressive people so I guess that never occurred to me. I still think SJW is one of the weirdest phrases ever.

>> No.3618942

Just the quality posters.

>> No.3618992


>> No.3619010

It's the language we are all conversing in. Native or not, English is the common language of 4chan.

>> No.3619016

It doesn't change the fact that some people may be interested in non-english speaking podcasts.

>> No.3619042

I don;t like Bob but I've gotten used to him, I guess? He doesn't annoy me anymore.

>> No.3619128

I discovered WoFF through their dark soulls podcast Bonfireside Chat. At the time they were doing Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare which many people wouldn't retro but i like woff for usually picking games that are just old enough to be out of the talksphere of video games. the retro podcast aspect isn't even important to me. these guys are very enlightening fellows.

and apparently Retronauts has new mini-episode with them so i'll check that out

>> No.3619137
File: 224 KB, 1024x768, AoE0012.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did a lot of podcast binging when I revisited Age of Empires and Age of Empires 2

It wasn't a /vr/ podcast though

>> No.3619143

That would be good for history audio books and podcasts.

>> No.3619213

imagine... leading the armies of Assyrian to glory while you listen to a podcast on Gettysburg, it's poetry

>> No.3619476

Yeah, if they're interested in mouth noise.

>> No.3619480

I listened to the Retronauts/WOFF episode and the woff guys explained what their mode is on "retro". It was good to hear their thoughts

>> No.3619484

>the woff guys explained what their mode is on "retro".

What is it? I've never listened to them. Retronaughts seems to be anything more than 5 years old sometimes.

>> No.3619656

Although most of the WOFF catalog is stuff that this board would consider retro (maybe a broader scope since they casually do PS2-era stuff) they include things like Mario Galaxy and Fallout NV because although they are from this just passing generation, they have been out of the current talk cycle long enough to be revisited (long enough to not be charmed with "Flashy graphics and newness")

>> No.3619709

It's also wrong. 6th gen isn't and never will be retro.

>> No.3619752

You're also wrong. The only retro games in existence are games that imitate older ones, like Shovel Knight, Cave Story, Fez, etc. The word you're looking for is just old, which 6th Gen will become someday.

>> No.3619763

>podcasts abbreviation is WoFF

Up until recently they had that abbreviation. then World of FF came out and fucked it all up.

>> No.3619768

Actually it won't

>> No.3619814

> it's turned into the Bob Mackey and his lasertime loser friends show.

But the Laser Time guys are cool...

>> No.3619825
File: 143 KB, 620x466, IMG_3377.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah...real cool...

>> No.3619839
File: 228 KB, 345x283, kon okay.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mario paraphernalia isn't cool

>> No.3619848

Retro RPG Podcast
Derek and Don are bro's

>> No.3619867


>> No.3619873

Listening to the music can get boring after awhile so I listen to podcasts...

>> No.3619971

rpgs are good for podcasts
When I was playing Persona I binged on a lot of Super Best Friends Casts

>> No.3620343

Out of curiosity what is it that you look for in a podcast? Does it have to be purely retro games?

If you read his articles or his Twitter then you'll see. It's not that he has "progressive" views, it's that he thinks anyone that has different opinions on those issues is a nazi misogynist and needs to be gassed.

>> No.3620351
File: 15 KB, 182x268, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He looks like the drug dealer in "Up the Down Steroid".

>> No.3620575

>It's not that he has "progressive" views, it's that he thinks anyone that has different opinions on those issues is a nazi misogynist and needs to be gassed.

Well then I'll just continue to ignore him like I do the people on the other side of the spectrum. I disagree with almost everyone politically so I'm used to ignoring opinions I think are stupid. So long as he talks about games I'm cool, that's why I couldn't keep listening to Rebel FM. Now those are some guys that really don't know when to shut up.

>> No.3620585

Listening to anything but the game is a bad habit that will affect your life even outside of games. Prepare to be unfocused and lacking in perception.

>> No.3620619

Practicing concentrating on multiple things at once does just the opposite of that. Multitasking is an excellent skill to build.

Besides, most video game music sucks and is repetitive. Sometimes I'll turn the music off and leave sound effects on if it's an option and they're important to the gameplay in some way. Unless the music is excellent I'd rather listen to something else.

>> No.3620647

Multitasking does not exist. You're just switching your focus all the time making for an unfocused experience. It's also a fucking useless as fuck skill. You will get more shit done handling one thing after another will your full concentration.

>> No.3620661

Well I can remember the audio books and podcasts I listened to while playing games perfectly well and it's not liking I'm losing at the game. I'd have to be a time traveler to do both things separately in less time.

If it affects you badly and you don't like it then don't do it, but you're not everyone.

>> No.3620671

This is not even the point. No one cares that you can remember shallow things that require no thought. It's about focus and perception as a skillset. If you need further distractions you're obviously fucked already.

>> No.3620680
File: 376 KB, 800x619, dragonfly in a meadow_ss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't care if you care. I can concentrate on important and precise things for long periods of time when I want to. When I'm running around in a video game that's not always what I want to do. Sure if I'm playing fighters then I want all my concentration. But if I'm tootling around in Animal Crossing and relaxing then I might like to listen to something as well.

Again not saying you need to be the same way, but getting your panties in a twist like this over other people's experiences is kind of weird.

>> No.3620689

It's the same as driving and listening the radio, not such a big deal.

>> No.3620692

I'm just saying how it is. You're promoting those bad habits trough doing this kind of things. And again, if you don't feel like that pick your own advice and remember not everyone is like you. Maybe I'm giving the advice for people that are like me and not you. Obviously you got triggered by it because you see some truth in it and need to defend your behavior but that's another matter entirely.

Multitasking is inherently bad for your brain. Just look it up, there are tons of studies on it.

>> No.3620697

lol you're the one that sounds triggered by the mention of it. Anyways, do what you want but I'm not going to be quite on your account.

>> No.3620703

I have no problem arguing this for hours. Come at me bitch nigger.

>> No.3620706

Given your writing style and my memory for posters on /vr/ I have no doubt of that at all.

>> No.3620741

>Out of curiosity what is it that you look for in a podcast? Does it have to be purely retro games?

Most podcasts I listen to are about video games, but in general- not retro. I also listen to a couple movie podcasts, etc

>> No.3620826

>Most podcasts I listen to are about video games, but in general- not retro.

Same. It's how I keep up these days.

>> No.3620939


I've been listening to this as well, lately.
Pretty neat stuff, though most of the engine discussion flies over my head.

>> No.3621048

Agreed. Retronauts used to be an informational (almost historical) podcast. The really early stuff felt like attending enthralling lectures.

Little by little, their negative opinions started seeping into the topic discussions. Parish began to allow his guests to derail the historical focus with critique. Great episode topics were ruined by discussions that came to an end with "Yeah, that game really sucked."

I remember when it all went to shit.

They had an episode that centered on the Street Fighter series. They invited some neckbeard-sounding douchebag who already hated the series. They barely touched on the early origins when this asshole started ridiculing the characters and then fans of the series. And then everyone joined in.

And that was that.

Retronauts is less about a semi-unbiased gaming historical discussion, and it's now more about who can throw the most SNARK at a given topic.

Indoor Kids had the same problem. Started off as really interesting personal anecdotes about games, and devolved into a snarkfest. But then again, one of the main hosts is a failed stand-up comedian.

The Happy Console Gamer, on his own, is like time traveling through gaming history. But on his Lords of Thunder podcast, is totally diluted by his asshat of a cohort (who spends 95% of the episodes trying outsnark Johnny).

Snark kills the best podcasts.

>> No.3621074

I just laughed at that street fighter episode. But then I was never listening to it for information, more just for similarly aged people chatting about old games so if their opinions differ from mine I didn't really care. And they've also gone out of their way to say that the podcast isn't meant as a historical record or definitive portrayal of the games, it's just them talking about their impressions and memories of them.

Gamers With Jobs is similar but focused on new games. I often don't agree with them but I still find it interesting.

I thought Indoor Kids stopped because Kumail got too busy. I liked the episodes I listened to well enough though.

>> No.3621108

i think WOFF had the better SF2 episode.

>> No.3621109

I listen to all sorts of gaming podcasts for lots of different reasons. But the main reason I listened to retronauts is because it used to be my favorite TYPE of gaming podcast. It offered an informed almost-educated view on gaming history mostly through positive personal anecdotes.

For me, it's not just about connecting with people who shared a similar sense of nostalgia. It's mostly about looking at the shit I LOVE and getting to appreciate it on a totally different level from a different point of view. I find it hard to find new appreciation when a topic strays too far off into "That game was so fucking stupid! What the fuck was Miyamoto thinking? It was just...a fucking travesty."

I love podcasts that choose to not focus on things they hate. Fuck that whole "Next episode, we focus on the shitshow that was Taito."

No thanks.

>> No.3621131

I still need to get into listening to Woff

That's fair and maybe I should go back and re-listen but I remember earlier episodes getting snarky too, particularly any time Sharkey showed up. I like it, but I guess because I never really loved the podcast it doesn't bother me as much it's changed.

>> No.3621215


Is this a /vr/ meme?

>> No.3621221
File: 23 KB, 268x233, Computer WOW.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are there any other retro video game pod casts other than Retro Nauts and Watch Out For Fire Balls? The only video game pod casts I listen to are Idle Weekend, Three Moves Ahead. and Vidjagame Apocalypse

>> No.3621274

Yeah, sort of like "hcg101".

(Although I now refer to it as that because "c" stands for "cucks" in their case.)

>> No.3621447

Speaking of hcg101, their podcast is alright even though the site isn't.

>> No.3621460

I kind of want to start one, but I really don't know where to begin with these kind of things.

>> No.3622634

Is it an equipment problem?

>> No.3622641

>pod casts
>Retro Nauts
>Fire Balls

>> No.3623343

Listened to the first few episodes of WOFF,

this isn't bad but it's also not great. Any recommended episodes to show off how good the show gets?

>> No.3624615

Bumping for what >>3622634 said.

As far as recording, learn to use Audacity. Get a decent microphone (If you're going with a USB mic, don't waste your money on a Snowball, they're shit).

>> No.3624651

In the recent dual episode of Retronauts, the Woff guys said that if you want to make a podcast, make a podcast now with whatever equipment you can obtain and worry about upgrading later. Waiting until you're equipment is perfect is a bad idea

>> No.3624978

Blame the snark on faggot Bob Mackey. He thinks he's a comedian because he writes articles for somethingaeful. It's annoying as fuck. He's such a retard. Every retro game has "aged" and is too hard for him.

>> No.3625091

i don't like how harsh he was on Resident Evil, all other games.... whocares? Most of them are stupidly hard.

It's like from Battletoads to Dragon Quest I"ll just watch a Let's Play on them because no way I'm wasting my time with them

>> No.3626191

The RE4 episode of Woff is a good starting point. I hear its the most downloaded thing from the network. If that's not retro enough for you I'd recommend the Blaster Master episode of woff or the Planescape Torment episode (which I consider to be when the show started hitting its stride. The criticisms and praise the hosts have for the game is in depth.

>> No.3626632

I have been listening to talks on game design and such. Mostly stuff out of the GDC vault. Some of it is pretty old so i guess its kinda retro

>> No.3626636

audacity is kinda good at crashing randomly. use reaper, it's free (guiltware) and works really nicely!

>> No.3626645

Fucking dead.

>> No.3626917

I had never heard of this Reaper before. Could this be the answer I am searching for?

>> No.3627276

I haven't had any issues with Audacity but I'll have to take a look at Reaper.

>> No.3627961

ive had it crash way too many times when its an hour into recording, granted i havent used audacity in years and maybe its gotten better. but reaper is really great and worth getting to know

>> No.3628024

Nah that's cool - I'm definitely interested in checking out Reaper and recommended my former cohorts look into it, so I appreciate the heads-up.

As for Audacity not crashing for me, it might be that we would stop each recording session every 20-30 minutes. Our main issue was the plug-in to record skype calls, which would crap out at random.

>> No.3628124

whenever ive recorded over skype, i've just got the people on the other end to just record themselves and send me the wav after, didnt realize someone made a plugin for that.

>> No.3628215

You're better off that way. There were so many hoops to jump through it ultimately wasn't worth it - that, and with all of the Skype updates it probably doesn't work anymore.

We tried using Mumble for a while, but the only good thing about that is it records each participant in a separate track. It sounds like shit though, you get that weird "canned" effect like an old realaudio clip. That, and the fucking thing updates every other day it seems and it deletes your settings most of the time.

>> No.3628246

RE4 episode was pretty recent and fun to listen to. Didn't know it had a dynamic difficulty thing.
If you don't mind when people are effusive, try one of the Fallout eps. Maybe not Fallout 3
The first few are a little stiff, like they're just taking turns reading their notes, but pretty soon Gary and Kole's dynamic becomes established and it becomes, pretty funny.
Just find an episode that covers a game you like anon

>> No.3629320

I don't mind people praising stuff but I hate it when a game the hosts' love comes on the show and they are unable to level or examine any criticism towards it. Not saying woff does that, I haven't listened to a lot of it, but that happens a lot on other podcasts.

>> No.3629346

Well with Retronauts specifically they go out of their way to say they're not trying to be objective or unbiased. I see nothing wrong with it depending on the kind of podcast it is.

>> No.3629767

speaking of Retronauts they just did an episode on Virutal Console and damn they really SNARK that up

>> No.3630127

i usually don't mind it. the only time I disliked it was the the Giant Bombcast with Patrick Klepek

>> No.3630235

WoFF guys tend to be pretty measured about stuff, one reason I listen to them, don't like whole overblown personality dynamic stuff typical to like half of the gaming podcasts/youtubes out there.

Sometimes Gary grates on me, but that's because 90% of both their sensibilities dovetail with mine, when it's the 10% that doesn't it seems huge. They're great about being thorough and articulate about design and what they do and don't like, but sometimes that thoroughness is about shit I don't care about at all and is more dependent on taste.

Another podcast I like that is sometimes retro games is Video Games HotDog, although most of the time it's newer indie interesting stuff.
About 1/3 funny bullshitting, 1/3 assorted games, 1/3 discussion about an assigned game for that week. Check earlier episodes for more retro and classic game assignments.
Mostly I listen because I used to be a big Kingdom of Loathing fan

>> No.3630247

It's more of a
"I have no one to do it with" and "I don't know what we'd talk about"

I have a blue yeti, and I'm strongly, strongly considering upgrading to an XLR Mic because I genuinely hate this thing mostly because the gain control is fucking terrible. I'll probably shell out the cash as a Christmas gift to myself for a mic shockmount and interface and ebay the yeti.

>> No.3630409

I listen to Cane and Rinse. Sometimes they do retro games. the C+R podcast is similar to WOFF except they're Irish or something

>> No.3630661

Yeah, I'd started with a Blue Snowball (it was on sale) and had issues with the gain. You pretty much needed to hold it right up next to your face.

I've been using an Audio Technica XLR/USB combo mic for years and it's great. I'd highly recommend it for anyone that doesn't want to spring for an interface of some kind, it sounds great (although now I use it in XLR mode). I agree on the shock mount and would recommend anyone looking to use one get a boom. Makes things a hell of a lot easier, and you can get a decent one for pretty cheap (or even make one out of an old lamp).

As for your problem of what to do I've been fighting with that myself. I love recording and I want to do one again but don't really know what to say (and lately haven't had time on account of work).

>> No.3630738

>Jeremy has better projects like Game Boy World but I'm on the cusp of dumping that too due to his constant cuck whining on twitter.
I've only been binging the stuff on his Youtube channel since I found them a couple of weeks ago.
What's wrong with his Twitter? I haven't noticed anything bleeding into the videos so far.

>> No.3630742

I used to emulate Tetris 2 for hours on end while listening to Comedy Bang Bang and The Abbot and Costello Show.
I don't know what it was about Tetris 2 but for some reason I had to play it when listening to podcasts.

>> No.3630745

>You're also wrong. The only retro games in existence are games that imitate older ones, like Shovel Knight, Cave Story, Fez, etc.
I will never not be astounded by the massive amount of people having the definition of retro completely and utterly wrong.

>> No.3630752

He's been more political lately but I have more respect for him than the other hosts because he's mostly avoided it. Holy shit, Barnholt is more or less Mackey with a brain nowadays.

>> No.3630805

To be fair, this is a pretty important time to be political.

>> No.3630825

Not if you're just using it as an excuse to white knight like Mackey.

>> No.3630827

Ehh... even if I disagree I still think it's important to be vocal about what you believe. Though that doesn't mean I have to listen and one of the reasons I'm not on twitter.

>> No.3630893

Nah I agree with you, and there is a lot at stake. I just feel like most of the shit on Twitter is people acting out of self interest rather than out of actual concern for others. Fronting, basically.

>> No.3630929

I say this having not actually used it, but from what I understand Twitter seems like an awful form for saying anything of meaning. It's a short number of characters to begin with and then a series of "hashtags". There's no real room for nuance or complex ideas.

The one good thing about all this is it's really funny to watch people flip out when I ask why there are pound symbols before everything these days.

>> No.3630943

Agree with you about twitter, mate. Gonna start using that question when hashtags come up.

>> No.3631030

i gave WOFF a shot back when they did their episodes on FF7 and it was great but it got clear by the end they were tired of the game and then one of them went on a weird freakout about how terrible children are

>> No.3631061

The only reason I use it is because it's the only/last form of contact I have with some online friends, and occasionally you'll make friends with new people.

Otherwise like you said it's a great way to get taken out of context and/or make enemies.

>> No.3631787

My favourite example of Twitter wars is when Kazerad of the long-dead comic Prequel got into an argument with someone and posted 24 sequential tweets to convey a large message.

>> No.3632747

What are peoples' feelings on music / sound effects in a podcast? A waste? A good thing? I've been reading about the legality and fair use doesn't seem to do shit to protect podcasters.

>> No.3632759

It doesn't. Honestly, SFX and music should be kept to an absolute minimum. If I open a video and it has shitty music, I thumb it down and leave.

>> No.3632768

A short opening theme is acceptable, but beyond that any extra noises are only an annoying distraction.

>> No.3632825

Certainly don't have a background track throughout your entire episode, and then also don't mix it so it fights with the discussion.

My friend and I found some black videogamesman trio cast and listened to it it on a lark. They did that shit and we turned it of by minute 4

>> No.3632849

I like it. My favorite touch with Watch Out For Fireballs is they use the game's music as their discussion takes them through the game's progression.

>> No.3632853

Hell yeah brother, cucks are totally the worst. High five

>> No.3632959


Yeah, I was just planning on a short lead in and lead out, and occasional short clips in the background for emphasis.

However, I don't think the rest of it's going to go over well based on what I've been reading here.

I guess one other thing I was wondering is what you think of personal anecdotes… I think they can be interesting depending on the subject, but a lot of times it just comes off as somebody jerking off, narcissism. DESU I have no fucking idea what to talk about now that I think about it.

>> No.3633626

I play all the SNES SMT game while podcasts

>> No.3634742

I don't

>> No.3634854

I get bored with game OSTs so fast.

>> No.3635836

OT, but a lot of the SJW stuff is just a repeat of liberal campus/professor stuff from the 90's and early 2000's. I know about history repeating from our blindness to it, but damn it's only been like 10 years.

>> No.3636260

If there's one thing I learned from the last 4 years of this stuff, it's that humans are catastrophically dumb and myopic.

>> No.3636671

Some of us liked it when those ideas finally started to gain traction in the 90's and 00's. I am all for it continuing.

>> No.3636883

I haven't listened to a lot of WOFF but I did listen to their episode on Metroid Prime.

Prime is one of my favorite games and it was surprising to hear people be so down on it, because I haven't know anyone to criticize it really. It's not as bad as they say but it was good to hear contrary opinions

>> No.3637115

Maybe those ideas would stick around if the people espousing them weren't such dicks about it.

>> No.3638393

>pot to kettle:

>> No.3638410

Sorry, can you remind me where I I called you "literally Hitler" for disagreeing with me, or otherwise shoved my views down your throat?

>> No.3638424

I'd like you to remind me actually because I've never called someone "literally hitler". But the right calling everyone they don't like cucks, faggots, jews or anything else they can think of and forcing their beliefs is a daily occurrence.

>> No.3638542

And you don't think that has something to do with people on the "right side of history" being equally obnoxious with their views?

>> No.3638543

>pot to kettle
get it now?

>> No.3638571

No, not particularly. You'll need to spell it out.

>> No.3638581

Bigotry is bad no matter which direction it comes from.

>> No.3638652

But I'm not a bigot, I just hate people I don't agree with.

>> No.3638669
File: 495 KB, 300x200, xetpegoAe.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay that's a good one

>> No.3640628

To be honest I just want to stop hating people and talk about games again. But Twitter keeps pulling me back in.

>> No.3640718

Cane & Rinse is usually really good, and often very measured. Occasionally it turns into "haha, you youngsters don't know what it was like and we can't explain it" but the hosts and guests usually bring interesting perspectives and try to at least pretend to be coming at topics academically rather than purely anecdotally.

>> No.3640724 [DELETED] 

Delete your twitter, but make sure to call Leslie Jones a shit-eating nigger.

>> No.3640765

Nah, I don't need more people to hate me than they do already.

>> No.3640794

I don't listen to every episode but episodes I'm interested in, they get the job done

>> No.3641764

I listen to WOFF and can take or leave the politics but I appreciate one of the hosts (Gary?) calling out that thing in modern politics where a person's ideals are invalidated if they betray them even the tiniest bit. That shit needs to stop,

>> No.3642605

These are dark times. No matter what you think of it, recent events have put the already unstable most powerful nation on earth to a boiling point. There hasn't been this sense of ominous dread since the days after 9/11. Things will even out eventually, but it's going to be a bumpy ride.

Here's something cheery for all those myriad of Doom and roguelike fans who listen to podcasts, a nice discussion of the successor to the wonderful DoomRL, Jupiter Hell.

>> No.3642823

Fuck this took years to finally make, what took him so long?

>> No.3643197

I'm half tempted to see if anyone else here would be interested in a /vr/ one but it would just get called out as "shilling" or "eceleb shit" if we tried.

>> No.3643217

I love old games, but one of the last things on earth I ever want to hear is what the people who post on this board actually sound like.

>> No.3643240

I sound pretty great, which is why I want to do one.

>> No.3643276

lol. My mother always said I have a face made for radio.

>> No.3643325

I'm totally handsome as well but the rest of me looks like shit.

>> No.3643637 [DELETED] 

and if we're being completely honest, most of the people on /vr/ who hate this podcast have v.dumb reasons for doing so

>> No.3645312


>> No.3645352

Question - anyone have recommendations for a Wordpress theme? All the free ones look and work like shit, but I'm a Jew.