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3636694 No.3636694 [Reply] [Original]

Let's talk PC98.

Specifically how SL9821 is a newly-made PC-98 emulator.

But you need a specific set of ROM files from a specific real PC98 to use it.

Any progress on procuring a set of those?

>> No.3636843

We probably have a long wait until those roms surface. I hope someone can obtain them soon though.

>> No.3636849

Yeah, I'm hoping they'll appear.

>> No.3636850


i wod lik a pc-98 roms

>> No.3636854

it sounds like the draw for this one is accuracy, unless my machine-transation-fu is weak. i guess neko project is lacking in that department?

i'm still holding out for a pc98 emu with an option to sync the speed of the video and audio to your refresh rate. i don't know if that gels with the notion of accuracy, so this might not be the one, but i suppose it's worth keeping tabs just in case.

>> No.3636879

> 本エミュレータでは出来る限りこの辺の再現性の高いものを目指そうという方針のもとに作られています。
This emulator is being created with the aim of achieving the highest possible level of recreation of that. (= of previously mentioned PC-9821 features).

Under this he mentions one specific thing he especially wants to emulate that other emulators so far can't.

>> No.3636924

ah, thanks.

i skimmed too quickly the first time.

>> No.3637295

You're holding out for a lot of things.

>> No.3638007

>i guess neko project is lacking in that department?
Project Neko is a miserable emulator, it's only saving grace is that it doesn't have much competition.

>> No.3638009

Now it does, give ROMs.

>> No.3638029

I'm away from my house for the weekend (visiting family), I could dump this stuff, I need to know exactly what I need to dump (I don't read japanese).

Also what the fuck is wrong with Japan, why won't they open source their shit? This could be such a great resource if we had source...

>> No.3638043

But they're providing the source code.
You can find it under downloads as ソースファイル.

Do you seriously own a PC-9821 without understanding Japanese?
From a quick glance you have to execute MKROMIMG.EXE and RECRTM.EXE on a PC-9821.
Copy them to an IDE HDD enabled it in the system menu as well as sound and SCSI ROM. Don't use virtual memory.

>> No.3638049

To get the needed ROMs, you need to run these two files on a real PC-9821:
Click "downloadforPC-98_160803.zip"

Details of usage are there:

There are four points of note:
The files won't be created correctly if you're using
in your MS-DOS with something like EMM386.EXE, so you need to turn that off.

>IDE BIOSのファイル化には本体にハードディスクを接続したうえで、システムセットアップメニュー(2/4)で「固定ディスク」を「使用する」に設定する必要があります。
To get the correct IDE BIOS file, you need to connect your harddisk to your PC98 and system options menu set 「固定ディスク」 (Harddisk) to 「使用する」 (On).

>同様にSOUND BIOSとSCSI BIOSのファイル化のためにシステムセットアップメニュー(4/4)でそれぞれ「サウンド」を「使用する」、「SCSI ROM」を「使用する」に設定しておく必要があります。
Similarly, to get the correct sound and SCSI BIOS, you need to set up both 「サウンド」 (Sound) and 「SCSI ROM」 (SCSI ROM) to 「使用する」 (On).

After you run MKROMIMG.EXE you should get 7 files:

And after your run RECRTM.EXE you'll get 1 file:

These 8 files are needed to run the emulator. Get them and surely pals at Tokugawa Corp. and here will love you.

>> No.3638718

Let's make sure this thread survives.

>> No.3638743

I know a couple of people with a PC9821, I'll see if they're willing to dump roms.

>> No.3640153

Making sure.

>> No.3641523

bumping this because raisins.

>> No.3641537

Thx. I'm hoping someone will be able to procure that set of ROMs too.

>> No.3642261

This fucking emulator requires so much fucking proprietary file formats. BIN instead of FDI, NFD, or FDM. Some other hard drive image format instead of all the others in use. Have to convert fucking everything just to get it running, and that's on top of getting the BIOS roms dumped by someone.

>> No.3642276

>proprietary file formats.
Since when are straight-up binary files considered proprietary?
Then again, /vr/ is a board where you'll see people complaining about DIN ports being proprietary and all.

>> No.3642330

Yeah I used the wrong word. I meant to say something that wasn't exactly standard for the thing we're doing, i.e. pc98 emulation. The tools included to convert your disks to bin also only works with real hardware and not any of the standard files.

>> No.3642350

Well there's really no standard saying that emulators should use this or that file format either, just that others emulators usually use the same files. "Standard" and "proprietary" get thrown a bit too much in situations
Anyway, maybe that was what the devs intended, that people would use that emulator as a mean of using softwares and games they already have on their own PC-98 instead of just getting disk images on the internet and get all that free stuff..

>> No.3642353

>"Standard" and "proprietary" get thrown a bit too much in situations
They don't really apply.
I really should reread myself before posting instead of sending incomplete sentences.

>> No.3642384

This is the PC-98 thread so i'm gonna ask here since i cant find it in the mega link
anyone got a download for this game and it's sequel? can't find them anywhere
The games name doesnt help at all with finding more info either

>> No.3642439

Is this the eroge thread

>> No.3642506

This is the "talk about PC98-related stuff while hoping someone will be able to get the files for SL9821" thread.

I'd say PC98 eroge is PC98-related.

>> No.3642520

>pals at Tokugawa Corp. and here will love you
I thought Tokugawa Corp people had hardware PC98.

>> No.3643740

Maybe the most core ones.

>> No.3643918

What's the difference between this emulator and neko project 2?

>> No.3645171

This one is a big mystery that won't be solved without the ROMs this thread is about.

>> No.3645301

Bump for 2hu

>> No.3645359

I got some BIOS files, also SL9821 starts up with them.
Will upload them somewhere now..

>> No.3645368


Here you go:


>> No.3645481

Though after renaming some of them to the matching, i always get "SET THE SOFTWARE DIP-SWITCH". Which sound like it's not the 100% correct ifs.rom, atleast according to 2ch(also they are also not really sure about it).
Even Japanese on 2ch are having a hard time to find/get the correct ROM's, so right now it almost sound impossible to find them, except until someone with that setup dumps them.
But atleast with these the program starts up.
Also what sucks right now, is that SL9821 doesn't use the widely used image formats for HD(.hdi) or FDD(.fdi) but bin..
There is a tool though where you can a dump to .bin from a real floppy/hd..
In all the emu sucks for now, until there is a broader support and tools to convert images..

>> No.3645485

Err i mean itf.rom

>> No.3646646


>> No.3646685

Would be cool if someone had the specific hardware the emu wants the ROMs from.

>> No.3646708

maybe the devs are a buncha wankers
fuck them, if you own the real hardware what's the point of emulating?

>> No.3646803

Hardware will break one day.

>> No.3647131

Backup and still having functional PC-98 stuff.

>> No.3648762

Anyone tried it yet? How's the OPNA emulation?

>> No.3650091

Don't die on me.

>> No.3650097

Read the thread. Then you would know that's it's currently almost impossible to use it, except the dev.

>> No.3650118

According to a 2ch thread, we need a BIOS dump from an original PC9821 and not one from any of the other versions like the Ce2 or As or whatever. Might've been the dev posting this information there, but there was also a lot of general shitposting in the same thread.

>> No.3650175

Look's like it was on Share at one point. Maybe there are still some peers who share it.

>> No.3651559

The dev should just fucking post it himself. Does NEC even exist anymore? It's all abandonware, no one will give a shit.

>> No.3651586

>The dev should just fucking post it himself.
It have already been explained in a previous thread why he didn't.
>Does NEC even exist anymore?
You can't be that stupid. Of course they do, they're still a major actor in the professional display solution market and are still present in the professional computer market (critical systems and the likes, like Fujitsu).

>> No.3653558

There's still hope.

>> No.3653570

Just wait. The dev has to start with something and then he can go on and continue the other ROM's/chips/setups. Right now it's just his internal almost alpha emu.
A PC emulator, is much harder to do than from a console where the hardware is always(except very few exceptions and Mappers in the games itself..) the same.

Even DOSBOX took many years to become what it is now, and even today it's not really perfect, you still have to sometimes switch to another version to make stuff work.
And DOS/x86 is quite well documented, not really sure about PC98, since it wasn't a open standard by default. Where the x86/IBM standard is/was.

So chill and ignore it for now. It's not usable. For most stuff NP is fine enough.

>> No.3653610

>not really sure about PC98, since it wasn't a open standard by default. Where the x86/IBM standard is/was.
Most microcomputers had a well documented memory map, bus and ROM/BIOS/Trap calls so that it would not deter 3rd party developpers/peripheral manufacturers from making stuff for your computer. Many had all these informations in the owner's manual.
And no, the x86/IBM """standard""" wasn't "open", it's just that the BIOS was so easy to reverse engineer + the fact that IBM's PC division HAD to use off the shelf components because this architecture was their last chance at fielding a microcomputer that it was just the easiest machine to clone on the market. Some manufacturers like Tulip got their ass sued by IBM because they simply reused their BIOS, but the other manufacturers that did use reverse engineered BIOSes were legally untouchable, and that's the only reason why they got away with making PC compatibles.

>> No.3653620

IBM did use the clones to attack NEC with DOS/V during the Compaq-shock.

>> No.3653627

IBM didn't use anything, they released DOS/V for their machines (PC-AT and PS/2), but it was Compaq's price war that shook NEC's foothold on the market. DOS/V was a already thing since the late 80s (87 if I'm not mistaken), yet it was only in 92~93 that PC-AT became a major architecture in japan.

>> No.3653630

>(87 if I'm not mistaken)
Look like I was, it's the PS/55 (japanese PS/2 localisation) that's from 87, but DOS/V is from 1990.