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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 3.39 MB, 3700x2420, Sega-Game-Gear-WB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3635543 No.3635543 [Reply] [Original]

What games are worth playing on this thing?

>> No.3635552

Coca Cola Kid is the GOAT Game Gear game.

Also GG Shinobi 1&2.

>> No.3635571
File: 22 KB, 626x288, defenders.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Defenders of Oasis is pretty neat

>> No.3635639

all good answers, also...
Batman Returns
Shining Force Sword of Haijya
Streets of Rage 1 & 2
Sonic 1, 2 & Chaos
Tails Adventure
Vampire: Master of Darkness
Fatal Fury Special
Dragon Crystal
and more.

>> No.3635648

>Vampire: Master of Darkness
Not so good Castlevania clone...

>> No.3635650

While I won't say it's as good as any castlevania game I think it's still decent enough. Certainly better than castlevania clones on Nintendo platforms like 8 eyes.

>> No.3635654
File: 613 KB, 550x640, tmp_16816-2148321-b-440965163.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sylvan Tale

>> No.3635658

Don't forget about Holy Diver

>> No.3635662

Oh right, yeah that one's good.

>> No.3635714

Shame on you guys with your mediocre suggestions.

The three best games on the system are:

Shinobi 2
Land of Illusion
GG Aleste 2

>> No.3635719

Shinobi 2 was suggested in the first reply. Now who's ashamed?

>> No.3635734

Megaman, gg aleste 1+2, panzer dragoon mini, captain America + avengers, arena maze of death, sonic chaos, prince of Persia, hook, ristar, home alone, ninja gaiden, ax battler, there are a lot of great games. And like everyone else said, u really gotta play shinobi 1+2.

>> No.3635761 [DELETED] 
File: 34 KB, 650x459, jxbews.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Spoony is livestreaming a confession now about how he doesn't want to work and hides booze around the house.

>> No.3635779

Crystal Warriors
Defenders of Oasis
Doraemon: Nora no Suke no Yabou
Fray: Shuugyouhen
Kishin Douji Zenki
Royal Stone
Star Trek: The Next Generation: Advanced Holodeck Tutorial
Sylvan Tale

>> No.3635835
File: 106 KB, 640x480, 5b7cee9def74235920d2de9d49ca6796.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gunstar Heroes.


>> No.3635907

A lot of its library is made up of inferior ports of Master System games that were only released in Europe.

>> No.3635950

For starters any ports between the two are generally superior on the GG due to its increased color palette but even then if you look closely the builds for the SMS & GG versions of games like SoR 1 & 2 or Batman Returns or Wonderboy III are completely different.

>> No.3635956
File: 240 KB, 469x506, 1395822197050.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>or starters any ports between the two are generally superior on the GG due to its increased color palette
Yes. Colour palletes make games better.

>> No.3635981

okay then champ, I would like for you to describe to me how the gameplay mechanics of said games are better on the SMS

>inb4 higher resolution
Yes, because resolution make games better.

>> No.3635995

Resolution, in this case, does make the games better. The games were all MS originally, so the line of sight is much lower in the GG ports.

>> No.3636003

Again you're wrong
the build for the GG SoR games Batman Returns and more aren't "originally" for SMS, they are both different ports developed separately and they may be zoomed in a little more on the GG but they look a lot better than they do on the SMS.

>> No.3636047

but do they support the SMS' fm sound?

>> No.3636056

no and neither do the SMS versions. Nothing SMS released after 1988 does.

>> No.3636063

Sonic on SMS is so much better than GG, purely because of resolution. Fast based games demand it. Stay mad, I guess.

>> No.3636086

Outrun 3D and Wonder Boy 3 support it and they were released in '89.

SMS > GG versions purely for resolution btw. But you can continue to make a fool of yourself. Were all laughing at you anyway

>> No.3636258

>Were all laughing at you anyway
tone down the autism just a tinge

you're one person, not an entire board

>> No.3636289
File: 175 KB, 475x275, Game-Gear.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really want one of these, but it doesn't look like he's making anymore of them.

I can't stand playing on handhelds.

>> No.3636296


Battery life

>> No.3636305

Who made these originally?

>> No.3636317

Some chink made two and sold them each for like 200 dollars many years ago.
Considering Game Gears cost like 30 bucks that's a pretty good deal on the chinks part.

>> No.3636410

Nah we're laughing at you ya dunce.

GG has better exclusives than SMS

>> No.3636492

I built a consolized game gear myself. Obviously not as pretty and complete as that one. It feels great though.

The hardest part is making a case. That took over half of my time and it looks like a piece of shit, but it works.

Since 3D printing is a thing now I'm considering building another one with a proper shell. Are there businesses for 3D printing yet? Like, I make my own computer model and they help verify that it'll print correctly?

>> No.3636518

Power rangers OP.
You'll thank me later.
Solid game.

>> No.3636550

Why doesn't the Masterfag realize that those '90s Master System games never would have been made if the Game Gear didn't exist too?

>> No.3636572

Google around for a hackerspace or makerspace near you; they usually have 3D printers available and people around to help configure them.

Alternately I think Barnes & Noble was experimenting with having rental 3D printers for some bizarre reason.

>> No.3636576

How exactly did you build one?

>> No.3636580

>Since 3D printing is a thing now I'm considering building another one with a proper shell.

You can repurpose a broken Sega Master System. Hit the case hard with cleaning solutions and magic eraser and then go to work on custom labels and a custom cartridge door on top.

>> No.3636680

Install a Game Gear TV board
Connect a 9-pin controller port to the button pads
Shoved into a generic case mold

I thought about that. That's not a bad option.
However, I really do not want to rotate the cartridge port. That looks like a nightmare to keep straight.

I'd rather have some kind of custom fit, petite case that's made to cradle the game gear boards. Mine isn't very sturdy, and I think using another system's case would result in the same problem.

>> No.3636717
File: 62 KB, 454x640, 416832-popils_eu_box_art.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Magical Puzzle Popils!

>Install a Game Gear TV board
I'm curious. Please tell me more about the purpose of this.

>> No.3636728


>console gamegear

can you get RGBs out of it?

>> No.3636729
File: 89 KB, 600x663, 1477167604701.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can anyone explain why THE MOTHERFUCKING PREDATOR is in GG SOR2?

>> No.3637012

Super Space Invaders
Columns port

>> No.3637135

Yes they would have. You have no evidence that they wouldn't have been, you dumb yank.

>> No.3637138

The Sonic games should just be played on MS.

>> No.3637152

Check out the SNK ports like Samurai Shodown and Fatal Fury

I think they are incredible ports for an 8-bit system.

>> No.3637162

If you figure out how to manufacture something similar to this

I can send you the money for all parts plus a lot of money for the actual machine.

>> No.3637173

I emailed that chink. He said he can't make more.

>> No.3637182

I'm not talking about the fucking chink anon.

Look at who I responded to.

>> No.3637415
File: 294 KB, 310x464, legend-of-illusion-starring-mickey-mouse-usa-europe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Music was decent too