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3630549 No.3630549 [Reply] [Original]

>Play Silent Hill in 2000
>after exiting the resevoir the first instinct is to run down the road to see where it goes
>doing this triggers an event where the entire world changes to the other world
>you can't go back
>this cuts off several areas that are needed to get the best ending

Why would they do this?

>> No.3630551

because silent hill 1 is a poor resident evil knockoff and the series didn't get good until 2

>> No.3630552

It's called replayability.

>> No.3630553

Yeah this pissed me off too. I guess you can always load a save but still,I think they should have made it clear, but building a clearer separation somehow.

>> No.3630557
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>> No.3630558

1 is the best in the series though

>> No.3630563


how the fuck does that nigga miss?

>> No.3630597


Someone should use pgxp to make a higher quality version of that scene. In webm format.

>> No.3630616

>the series didn't get good until 2
Too bad it got exponentially worse after 2. Saying Silent Hill 1 is a Resident Evil knockoff gives it seriously too little credit.

>> No.3630651

I disagree. I think Silent Hill 3 is a good fusion of the narratives and themes of 1 and 2, to the point that my opinion ranks them as 2>3 >1

Afterwards is all hot garbage

>> No.3630659

I like 3 a lot, but it has flaws. For one thing the environments are too simple and linear. There is barely anything to explore, barely any backtracking.
Also, I dislike the supplies system. It is made so that, you find more or less supplies depending on what you have on you. In theory, it's made to keep a good challenge no matter what, and to make sure one can't fuck up if he wasted too much ammo; but in practice it means that saving ammo/health is NOT always the best way to play the game, and someone who plays worse might end up on the same level of supplies (or maybe more even) than someone who played well. That system is also anti survival horror.
Also fuck the end boss; Fuck him hard.

>> No.3631002

>ammo/health is NOT always the best way to play the game, and someone who plays worse
dude are you autistic? This is a serious question. I mean, what's so bad about the game switching things up and not being exactly like all other survival horror games? It makes it so according to the difficulty and how you play you get more or less supplies.

What's wrong with the God? It's probably the best final boss in the series. Walter's cool too.

>> No.3631237


1 was better.

And no one plays SH for the gameplay

>> No.3631250
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Elder God Tier:
The Room

High Tier:

Mid Tier:

Low Tier:

Shit Tier:
the rest

>> No.3631265

SH1 has five endings. If you are rushing through the game like a doofus you will probably get the bad ending and be frustrated. Even then though, you get your choice of rock drill or chainsaw which trivializes much of the game, making for an easy second play (along with the ammo x2 multipliers).

It's pretty logical when you think about how the endings work (spoilers):

Bad- Ending: You'll get this first if you do not explore, which honestly is unlikely. Unsatisfying, but maybe if there is a dim flicker of intelligence in the player's mind, he or she will think "Hmm, what about those two large buildings I didn't explore in the resort section of town?"

Good- Ending: this is probably the one that most people will get on their first or second try. You are smart enough to explore the Bar and the General Store in the Resort section, and follow the clues to the motel, solving the simple puzzle there. You see Kaufmann use the red liquid Alessa, birthing the Incubus.You now know what the red liquid is. Where did you see it before?

Good+ Ending: Ok, so you've killed Cybil once or twice and you'd rather not. You can tell that she is possessed (the cutscene before the fight, during, and after make it obvious). You also remember that Kaufmann's red liquid does something to make demons come out of people. You also remember that shattered vial in the hospital, and the empty bottles put right in the middle of the screen saying "Hey stupid, pick me up." You exorcise the parasitic demon out of Cybil, and save Alessa from being totally taken over by the Incubus, and get a new/not-so-new daughter.

Given that the game is short, it is easy to see that it was originally intended to be a gradual puzzle that players solved over the course of a few playthroughs (at a time when "backlogs" were much less a thing), with new weapons acting as incentives to push you ahead.

>> No.3631386

This guy gets it. I couldn't fucking believe that the ending for The Last of Us was the only ending.

>> No.3631456
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Don't mind, just posting the best junkie

>> No.3631504

Such a phaenomenal game but the bad+ ending was plain retarded and too abrubt. I thought I would see another 5 hours of gameplay b4 the ending. Was there a budget problem or is it just me?

>> No.3631528

I feel like both bad endings were accidentally flipped around.

How the fuck does Harry being dead all along not equal bad+?

>> No.3632319
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It's bad because it goes against what the previous games in the series did, and I'd go as far as saying it goes against the very basic idea of survival horror and even of video games reward systems.

Let me give you an example. I was replaying the game on Hard, I was in the underground/sewer section after the subway. I was playing pretty badly, and used a couple of healing items; I get to the room with the maul and I see a health kit, so I think 'cool, but I just played terrible so I'll load my save and do better in the corridors before this point', I do that and this time only use 1 health kit, but when I get to the maul room, there is no more health kit to be found for me BECAUSE I played better.

It is the same for ammo supplies, if you try to save all your SMG ammo for the end boss, which seems quite sensible, well fuck you, you were better off wasting some of that stuff.

Like I said I get why the system is like this, and it somewhat works at least in the sense that the game remains always challenging no matter what, if you're really good.
But I think it's all counter intuitive and bullshit in so many ways, and there only reason why it's like this, is because they were TERRIBLE at supplies balance in SH2 and were totally clueless about it all so they came up with this counter intuitive system that ensures players don't end up with too much but which also fucks them in the ass.

>What's wrong with the God?
Bitch takes half an hour to kill it's crazy. Don't show me a video doing it in 2 mins using the shoulder hit detection glitch because that's an exploit, and it got fixed on PC anyway which is the best version of the game to play.
I swear the harder difficulty modes are designed to be played with bonus weapons.

>And no one plays SH for the gameplay

This is what I hear every SH fan say and I think it's a mistake because you're not seeing the big picture here.
The reason why I played SH1 so much as a teen WAS because of gameplay.

>> No.3632478

Siolent Hill 1 was a really creepy game and kinda unique. Atmosphere, puzzels, artwork and a killer title song... lovely.
Part 2 was a great game but seemed, like so many sequels, "colder" - more perfect & polished... still a really cool game of the PS2 era. Part 3 and 4 were interesting but the thrill was gone.

>> No.3632481


>> No.3632939

It never ceases to amaze me how shit opinions on this site can be. Perhaps you are just trying to bait. Anyways...

Silent Hill 1 is probably the scariest game in the series. The games from 1-4 are good. With 1-3 being very good games.

>> No.3633012

I genuinely don't remember the last game with actual gameplay influenced multiple endings, and not just stuff that's either 3 ending buttons or a split halfway through the middle of a game.

>> No.3633023

>It never ceases to amaze me how shit opinions on this site can be.
Says the person implying that SH3 is better than the Room.

>> No.3633075

You lost all credibility when you said 4 was a good game.

>> No.3633376

jap game design

American designers would never do this

>> No.3633483


That's because as a teen you didn't have much experience with other survival horror games.

>> No.3633495

Serves you right. Genius system. It's only counter-intuitive to cheaters.

>> No.3634476

>Bitch takes half an hour to kill it's crazy. Don't show me a video doing it in 2 mins using the shoulder hit detection glitch because that's an exploit, and it got fixed on PC anyway which is the best version of the game to play.
Dude git gud. I've only ever played the game on PC, I have no idea Wtf the shoulder glitch is, and God takes 5 minutes top with the katana and decent reflexes to avoid her attacks.

First time I faced her I had a hard time because I was low on ammo and I didn't know what her pattern was, second time around I learned her pattern, third time around I used the katana and it was fun but not difficult at all.

But then again you're savescumming and complaining about it and saying it's unfair that the game doesn't cater to your terrible skills? I mean hell I really can't imagine having that much of a problem with God.

>> No.3634512

>That's because as a teen you didn't have much experience with other survival horror games.

You don't know me when. I started playing Resident Evil at the age of 10, summer 1998. I didn't know a word of English but I was playing the Saturn version which was English only, I used a goddamn dictionnary to solve puzzles like the painting one and make out what the story was about, at 10. That's how committed I was to survival horror.

>It's only counter-intuitive to cheaters.

No, it's counter intuitive to EVERYTHING the series did up until that point (and even what it did AFTER), and everything survival horror and video games are about. This system rewards BAD play. EVERYONE would think they're playing well but saving up SMG ammo, well turns out they were better off USING it because only then you'll get more of it, same for health kits. It's bullshit, it rewards bad players and it is counter intuitive. If at least the other games in the series did the same thing, you'd know what to expect, but no, and the system is never told or explained either, it's a hidden thing.


I did that once in the example because I played particularly bad at that point, and because I was playing on Insane difficulty and I knew I had to save as much as I could for God. I'm glad I did it because it made me find out how that stupid supplies reward system in which a bad player gets off just as well as a good one.

>> No.3634516


As for God, go try her on Hard or above, without using bonus weapons or anything. The only YT videos which do it quickly, have an insane amount of supplies, and just stand there getting hit and healing. I'm not saying she's hard, I'm saying she takes forever. I know exactly the patterns to avoid all her shots, too; but at one point she's bound to fuck you up if she launches another double-fire attack RIGHT after another one, because you have time to get your placement right and when the attack starts offscreen so you don't have time to know a 2nd wave is coming.
That's something she doesn't do if you play on normal, but on the harder difficulty it can get real bullshit, added to her insane amount of HP, it just takes forever. I swear they programmed those difficulty settings by changing some numbers and not testing; or they had bonus weaopns in mind since the harder difficulty modes only unlock when you beat the game.

>> No.3634545

Ever seen a Doctor's handwriting?
Motor skills don't correlate with good education

>> No.3634575

IKR, I played Heavy Rain right before that (finally bought a PS3) and was disappointed by its gameplay being even weaker than Indigo Prophecy which I loved - but was more revolutionary back then. Then The Last of Us had me fully hyped with its gameplay and my blind playthrough ending seemed ~bad+ so I was all planning on what I might do better on my second playthrough, speculating where items might have been hidden or appear on my NG+ then I finally looked at the wiki and could feel the disappointment in my guts as it became clear over 5-10 minutes that there was no NG+ or alternate endings.

WHY? Are the developers so up their own asses or is it what Anon said earlier and people don't replay games any more? Ever since I built my gaming PC I have been shocked at the number of games that come out, like multiple new not-shit games every single day.

>> No.3635441

Cheaters always find ways to make their excuses funny. It's the same as the guys who bitch about spiny shells in mario kart.

Listen to yourself. If you were really playing better, YOU WOULDN'T NEED THE "MISSING" HEALTH. It's GOOD not knowing when the next health kit would show up, otherwise where's the suspense? This is only a problem for cheating savescummers who use every trick outside of the game to get an advantage.

>EVERYONE would think they're playing well
The only bad player here is you. Proof? Listen to this.

>If you're low on health or ammo AT CERTAIN AREAS, there will be extra ammo or health around.

If you blow all your resources like an idiot, you would be just as fucked whether there was extra ammo or not. The system is genius because it preserves a steady level of tension and challenge, both of which get destroyed by savescumming. There's nothing exciting about restarting over and over, stockpiling a bottomless hoard for you to breeze through the rest of the game with. That's what you REALLY want, but anyone with a brain would call you a casual, so you hide behind the "good play, bad play" label to protect your ego.

Best of all, this is only hard mode. There actually ten more settings above that.

Good survival games are a test of wit and composure when exposed to prolonged situations of uncertainty, not an exercise in inventory management.

>> No.3635908

You haven't listened to a single word I've been saying to the point I'm wondering if you're not just trolling for the sake of seeing me write paragraphs of shit again.

>If you were really playing better, YOU WOULDN'T NEED THE "MISSING" HEALTH

Like I said I didn't "need it", I was playing on hard or insane without using bonus weapons, and knew I'd want to keep as much supplies as possible for God in the end because she's a bithc on those difficulties because, again, like I said, I do believe the hardest difficulty settnigs were built with the the bonus weapons in a mind; in the same way that other anon explained that the SH1 endings are built according to what the player already know and gathered about the game.
Turns out in the end I didn't need the supplies to get her. The fight against God did take forever, like I explained, but I knew all the patterns to safely hit her while avoiding all her shots, and like I've ALREADY explained, again, the only times I'd get hit is when she'd do an unfair 2nd set of double-fire attack THE second after another one, which she only does on the harder difficulty.

As for me being bad at survival horror - I've done knife only runs of RE1 and RE3, including knife only no saving for RE1; I've done some challenges runs for SH1 as well and some speedrun that really weren't far from the world record... same for my RE3 speedruns; without looking up people's other runs first.

As for savescumming, i've also arleady explained I did that ONCE; but when you're used to playing really shitty, broken or unfair survival horror like Martian Gothic or Countdown Vampires, you're bound to do it at least once in your playthrough when you really fucked up, because you KNOW you'd be likely to restart the entire game over otherwise because these games either have broken hit detection, or really shitty enemy placement like "have 3 enemies jump on you as soon as you enter the room before you can even react".

>> No.3635918

I guess the idea stuck and I wanted to that once in SH3 which in this game, doesn't work WHEN you're around the arbritrary limit the game thought of, and I was around that limit.

>The system is genius because it preserves a steady level of tension and challenge

It does to some extent yeah - I started by saying that. But it does it in a cheap way that goes against everything video games have always been about; and I believe the only reason they did it was because they fucked SUCKED at supplies balance, as proven by SH2, so instead of ACTUALLY learning to do it well they come up with an abritrary system doing it for them, system which rewards people who get hit a lot and who waste a lot of ammo by handing to them EVEN MORE supply items to waste.

You know what? I don't even believe you really realize how this works in game. I don't even believe you knew about this system before I tell you; and I believe you're one of those "I don't play SH for gameplay" SH fans. The fact that you suggest God doesn't take fucking forever even suggests you played under Hard or that you played with bonus weapons.