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File: 46 KB, 640x353, gdi-nod.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3619332 No.3619332 [Reply] [Original]

Which one is your political allegiance /vr/ ?

>> No.3619375
File: 58 KB, 600x790, God_Emperor_Kane.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Easy choice OP since the Brotherhood is the only choice.

Peace Through Power!

>> No.3619378

NOD. But only because the only C&C game I've ever played is Renegade and I loved playing the fuck out of the Stealth Black Hand in MP.

>> No.3619407


>> No.3619442

Which was the last C&C that featured GDI/NOD campaigns?

>> No.3619527
File: 1.15 MB, 1440x900, tiblinux.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3619575

>the day you learned the character Kane and his obsession with tiberium was ripped off from the villain in Robocop 2

>> No.3619589

Since eastern Europe is a Red Zone, I'm either dead or horribly mutated.

I'd be vary of joining up with a slav whose main base is in Sarajevo of all places, but it would be the most sensible choice given circumstances. However I wouldn't be so blindly loyal that I wouldn't keep an eye out for my own safety.

>> No.3619637

>people who support NOD even knowing what happens in the last two games
I'm disappointed.

>> No.3619663

When I got C&C back in the day, I believe I got a mispackaging with two of the same disc (GDI).

>> No.3619702
File: 77 KB, 640x480, dP2nJza.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One vision One purpose dude

>> No.3619708
File: 44 KB, 1024x1024, hammer-sickle.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Take a wild guess.

>> No.3620195

>GDI disc detected. To play the Brotherhood of Nod missions, please insert the Nod disc

>> No.3620198

You mean Tiberian Sun and Tiberium Wars right? 'Cuz there were only 3 games total.

Only. 3. Games. Total.

>> No.3620678

And an honorary mention to C+C Renegade.

>> No.3620683

>mfw I lost the GDI after I moved to a new place

>> No.3622740

So GDI then?

>> No.3624897

A question to /vr/. How would you had fixed C&C 4 in plot and/or gameplay?

>> No.3625314

GDI had cooler units

>> No.3625347
File: 32 KB, 640x400, Kane C&C.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hmm, I don't know. Obelisk Tower was pretty rad, as were the flame tanks.

The Cyborg Commando was baller as well. And he sounded like Snake from The Simpsons.

Also, I read an interview with the dude who played Kane. He seems like a really nice, really chill dude IRL.

>> No.3625352

This (also Soviets in RA).

>> No.3625353

>Hmm, I don't know.

From this moment alone I knew you were gonna refer to Tiberian Sun units, such as the flame tank which was GDI's in C&C and the Cyborg commando which is from Tiberian sun.

In tiberian dawn westwood clearly played favorites and gave GDI more cool stuff, but with Tiberain Sun they started balancing things out.

>> No.3625747

GDI, just because everyone and their dog likes NOD and I want to be different

>> No.3625908
File: 67 KB, 720x703, 1475920340379.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All 4 of them had nod. Red alert is a side serise, so we don't count them, and generals was utter trash, so we definately dont count them. Actually I take that back, generals allowed me to murder muslims, so i guess its not all trash.

>> No.3625918

Anybody else playing OpenRA? I'm fucking loving it.

>> No.3625923
File: 13 KB, 118x90, Fahrende Bombe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>generals was utter trash
But it had the funnest units.

>> No.3625925

Generals tried to be Warcraft instead of C&C

>> No.3625926

>How would you had fixed C&C 4 in plot and/or gameplay?

By hiring Petroglyph to make it.

>> No.3626178

I was actually thinking of the flame tank from the original C&C. That was a Nod unit, ditto the Stealth Tank (Ezekiel's Wheel)

>> No.3626182
File: 52 KB, 1280x720, Kane Red ALert.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What ever happened to the events of Red Alert being orchestrated by Time Traveling Kane?

There was cool potential in that, but it seems to have been forgotten by RA2.

>> No.3626186

Is OpenRA still shit?

>tfw nerfed engies

>> No.3626198


Nope. It's fucking fantastic and the multiplayer is extremely active now.

France still sucks though.

>> No.3626212
File: 2.63 MB, 4096x3072, hi_rez_markII.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In Tiberian Dawn Nod had $200 towers and the obelisk to stop GDI tank spam. They were equal otherwise.

GDI had artillery that outranged the Obi (by one cell...), but Nod had a super artillery to counter that - however it was multiplayer only.

They were pretty balanced.

Tiberian Sun took all of that and gave both sides some super cool toys (Cyborgs, Cyborg Commando, Mammoth MK2, Disruptor, Ghostalker, Artillery was overpowered as fuck, Orca bombers could level half a base with 2 runs, underground APC versus hover rocket tanks and amphibious APC, Firestorm defense, Jetpack troops, Vehicle Hijacker, etc).

In retrospect it sounds like Nod had more cool toys, but Disruptor and Mammoth 2 could one shot half an army since they did damage to everything in their path.

But, back then a game was cool because they put a lot of cool shit in it, with no regard to balance (it's also why RA1 was so unbalanced). It was a bit later that they started centering the game around balance, at the cost of giving all factions cool shit.

>> No.3626219

I stand corrected, it makes way more sense for them to have such a weapon.

I still think that overall GDI had the cooler stuff, but maybe not so much as I originally thought.

>> No.3626224

>What ever happened to the events of Red Alert being orchestrated by Time Traveling Kane?

It's canon. In RA1, the soviets lose, and the United Nations creates a secret task force for maintaining the political status quo, killing dictators and whatnot. They also plunder some soviet tech, like Mammoth tanks. Then Kane manipulates events so they fail spectacularly in Desert Storm, and they become ousted in public. The UN then rechristens them as the Global Defense Initiative, or GDI for short.

Nod meanwhile releases tech on how to harvest Tiberium. Tiberium leeches all minerals from the soil, so when processed, it is more valuable than all precious resources combined. This gives them the financial base to fight GDI.

RA2 is an alternate universe. Sometime in the mid-00s, Nod is researching psychic technology. They find an abandoned WW2 era Chronosphere, and one of their acolytes, Yuri, goes back in time, creating a splinter universe. Same way how RA1 (and C&C) universe is created by Einstein going back in time to kill Hitler, and how RA3 is created by the soviets going back in time to kill Einstein.

That last part in the story was meant to be in the unreleased C&C Continuum, Westwood was disbanded before anything became of it. EA then treated RA and C&C as separate universes.

>> No.3626234

GDI always had the military might. Nod always used guerrilla tactics since they did not have military might until the Avatar of War walker unit in C&C3.

For that purpose they put lots of cull shit in their units, even if it was suicidal. Like making flame tanks that explode in an inferno easily, or Stealth tanks that had paper armour.
Also in C&C1, Nod had nukes which could level all your infrastructure, while GDI's Ion Cannon could only take out one thing at the time.

>> No.3626247

actually, I got it wrong. Continuum was meant to be a MMORPG (in 2003!), and it was Tiberium Incursion/Twilight that was meant to have the psychic storyline with Yuri.

Think of it as the existing C&C3 but with CABAL and the Forgotten (human mutants) as an entire faction, and Nod having psychic troops.

>> No.3626482

That looks pretty crisp, what version is that?

>> No.3627129

It always seemed like C&C/Tiberian Dawn was the sequel to the soviet ending from Red Alert and RA2 was the sequel to the allied one.

>> No.3627536

Anyone here played/plays on CnCnet?

>> No.3627609

I can't for the life of me get it to start, it crashes as soon as I start it.

>> No.3627617

That's only because Kane appears in the soviet ending.

But it is always the allied ending which is canon, except for C&C3 where the campaigns run parallel to each other.

>> No.3627671

>except for C&C3 where the campaigns run parallel to each other.
That's just because there's a common enemy (Scrin) who appears in the latter half of the game. In previous games, a common enemy (Cabal, Yuri) would appear only in the expansion.

>> No.3627673

>In previous games, a common enemy (Cabal, Yuri) would appear only in the expansion.

>tiberian sun expansion
>red side advisor goes rogue, becomes common enemy to both sides
>red alert 2 expansion
>exactly the same (i.e., red side's advisor goes rogue, becomes common enemy to both sides)

Why so inventive?

>> No.3627693

It still breaks the tradition of you picking a side you want to conquer the world with.

Yuri actually managed to win though. You were forced to travel back in time to undo everything.

>> No.3627698

That's not quite how it goes though. In Firestorm, early on you work with Cabal and he only switches sides some missions later - and it was all Kane's plan.

In Yuri's Revenge, only the allies make a treaty and treat Yuri as a common enemy. Soviets just end the war faster and then they solo Yuri.

>> No.3627745

Huh ok, frankly speaking it was over ten years since I last played these campaigns so my memory of such details is rather fuzzy. I just remembered that the expansion's antagonist was always the red side's advisor from the base game's campaign.

>> No.3628465

democrats = communists

>> No.3628473

Nah, GDI is murrka. Nod are the soviets.