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361778 No.361778 [Reply] [Original]

Discussing everything related to the #2 guy in the 90s.

Also, which one is better, CD or 3&K

>> No.361808

They need to release all the Classic games from Sonic 1, 2, 3&K, CD, Chaotix, SegaSonic Arcade and all the rest on one disc.

>> No.361813

>the #2 guy in the 90s


>> No.361826

#2 guy?

>> No.361827

your stuck with buying the mega collection and gem collection games.

>> No.361828

>implying that would be an easy or profitable feat

>> No.361831

I still remember going into town with my dad and him buying me DR. Robotnik's mean bean machine. So much nostalgia.

Also, did the Sega CD pass anyone else by when they were younger? I don't know how on earth it happened but I had no idea the SCD or 32x even existed till I saw the nerds review of them.

>> No.361858

I meant as a #2 to Mario

>> No.361860

holy fuck Sonic 3D: Flickies Island was so bad, almost unplayable

>> No.361862

I'd rather see remade versions from Taxman. Maybe when they do Sonic 2, they'll include the beta stages.

I liked it. Better than Xtreme looked, at least.

>> No.361882

If he does it then I'll love to see Sonic 3&K remade into one complete game with some of MJ's soundtrack mix in, extra levels in HD.

>> No.361916

Here is my favorite Sonic games in order

Sonic CD > Sonic 2 > Sonic 1 > Sonic 3 > Sonic and Knuckles > Sonic 3D > Sonic Spinball > Dr Robotnic's Mean Bean Machine.

>> No.361952

I doubt Sega would be willing to code competent 32X and Arcade emulators (or port Gens/MAME to consoles) in order to do that. Segasonic and Knuckles Chaotix are pretty fucking niche games, to say the least. 1, 2, 3&K and CD are already available on the PSN, XBLA and Wii Virtual Console, so why bother?

>> No.361958

Sega's never been willing to code competent emulators. All the decent ports of their games were done by hiring members of the homebrew community who had already done most of the legwork then paying them to finish the job just well enough to sell it. Sonic Classics Collection started out as jEnesisDS, Sonic CD and now the new Sonic 1 rerelease are almost entirely Taxman's work.

>> No.361959

Sonic 3&K > Sonic 1 > Sonic 2 > Sonic Spinball = Dr Robotnic's Mean Bean Machine > Sonic 3D

I still fucking love Mean Bean Machine and Spinball (mainly for the soundtracks) but yeah 3D is the worst game ever

2 feels a bit easy compared to 1 and 3&K but it was my favourite as a kid

>> No.361963

If MJ did compose any music for Sonic 3, it'd be in his archives. His surviving relatives are too busy sucking every penny they can out of his estate to provide those recordings, or care about any potential value they may have to anyone, Sega or otherwise.

>> No.361972

Sonic Spinball is unplayable garbage. Low and inconsistent framerate. It's almost like I'm playing an N64 game.

>> No.361976

>i suck at it so it must be shit!

>> No.361975

CD is overrated. I could never get into it.

>> No.361979
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S3&K is the best game, but kind of cheating because you needed to buy 2 carts in order to properly play it.

So, I say, as a standalone game, my favorite is Sonic 2 and Sonic CD (tie), and if we count lock-on, Sonic 3 & Knuckles it is.

By the way, I understand how most people don't like Sonic CD because it's a bit different from the rest... but actually once you understand how to play it (go to the past, etc), it's one of the most immersive Sonic experiences I think

>> No.361996

>i'm such a huge Sonic fanboy I'll play a shitty pinball game instead of something good like the Crush Pinball series.

>> No.362006

>sonic jam
The Best Sonic compilation to date
All the new ones are emulated, what's the fucking point. They even have save states for fuck's sake, they don't even try to hide it's emulated, and sound problems. But sonic jam had the games actually ported from the source code to work with the saturn, and even has difficulty levels, along with that 3D Sonic World thingie which was fucking neat.

>> No.362010

launch base, ice cap, carnival night and the ending credits were undoubtedly penned by MJ

>> No.362015


After CD became more mainstream and less of a 'holy grail' of the sonic series, many have concluded that the level design is all over the place and it wasn't the 'lost gem' people hyped it up to be. it was more of an experiment i suppose.

gorgeous music though

>> No.362021

the upcoming hd ports of 1 & 2 (and the already out port of cd) are full remakes

>> No.362027


Yup, Sonic Jam is the best compilation.
My only complain is that Sonic 2 has some slowdowns sometimes, but still playable.
They also added a spindash option in Sonic 1 which is great.

And yeah Sonic World (the 3D hubworld) was a prototype of how a Saturn Sonic game could have been like... honestly, I like it a lot, the controls are pretty good and they have the sense of speed Sonic should have, while still not being a rollercoaster sim, but Naka had to decide either make a Sonic game, or a new IP. He went for a new IP (NiGHTS) and I'm not complaining, but I wish he could have made a Sonic game too.

>> No.362038


I didn't like the HD version of Sonic CD.
And not because they changed the physics to Sonic 2's physics - that was alright I guess (even though I'm already used to Sonic CD's own spindash and peel out mechanics), but they removed a feature that I think is important - when you time travel, either to past or future, and the timer is past the 5' mark, it resets back to 5'... so lets say you're about to run out of time and still didn't found the time generator or something, you can just time travel and avoid a time over that way. For some reason the HD port doesn't have that (or at least, it's not on the demo I played).
I know, it's not essential to play the game, and probably nobody noticed it even on the original, but I always love to fuck around the levels, and use the time traveling to gain some time.

>> No.362050

I never noticed the slowdown in 2, but I haven't played it for a long time honestly. And yep the controls in sonic world are air fucking tight, I honestly don't understand what went wrong in Sonic Adventure, it feels so fucking awkward to move unless you're going at full speed.
Also I can't tell you how much time I wasted watching that sonic movie trailer in theater mode just to hear this amazing music loop for a few seconds and repeat all over again

>> No.362065

Why did they never release a soundtrack to that movie/OVA? So many good songs in it that are pretty much lost to the ages.

>> No.362067

Currently playing Sonic 3 for the thousandth time. Though with the difference that I'm actually trying to do that sphere shit for emeralds. Weirdly, the result is I have 5 emeralds and I'm only on Marble Garden. Actually, I'm standing in front of another big ring so probably 6 soon. As a kid, I could NEVER get this far but it wasn't that hard this time. World one and two were easy, three was kinda hard, I screwed up on that one, I can't remember if four or five was the next blazing easy one but it was whatever one made you jump over a one-tile wide row of either reds or bumpers the whole time but there were very few actual spheres. Only 2 hard ones so far which is cool.

I might actually DO this. I'm Sonic and Tails right now by the way. Then once I go through all the levels for S&K, I'll start over as Tails and do it again and then Knuckles. Playing Sonic since I'm impatient after all these years and his powerups let me spam through levels fast.

>> No.362070

This wasn't at all true in the 90s though. Where I lived, Sonic was the undisputed king of video games until the N64 came out.

>> No.362071

Yep, and I think the movie did kinda okay in Japan
Don't get it

>> No.362075

Yeah you can achieve Super Sonic status before even finishing Hydrocity Zone. I found it a lot more difficult in S&K since you only get 4 acts to get them and they're significantly harder to find.

>> No.362080

I think the studio's since gone under, too, so if the original recordings exist, they'd probably have been leaked at this point.

>> No.362083

Sonic 1, just went back and played it and it sucks fucking assholes.

>> No.362084


Mushroom Hill has like a bazillion bonus rings, some of them are really well hidden though.

>> No.362092

You seem to have missed Sonic 3D Blast, OP.

>> No.362093


Yeah, the OVAs are great, much better than any other Sonic cartoon/anime.

>there will never be a Sonic cartoon animated by the Animaniacs/Tiny Toons animators


I wonder what the fuck was this for, but's cool

>> No.362094

There's 4 in each zone, but even there it's possible to miss out on them completely unless you pay attention to each wall pattern. It gets really difficult to find them in Sandopolis and Lava Reef

>> No.362095


Really? There's like 6 bonus stage entrances on Mushroom Hill Zone alone; I usually have all emeralds by Flying Battery Zone 2.

>> No.362102
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I obsessed about this movie as a kid like you wouldn't believe. Every time I passed by a theater I'd check if it was on there, every time I went to a mall or something I'd check the VHS section, but I think it never got close to my country.
I eventually just downloaded it some years ago thanks to the magic of torrents. It's actually pretty good given the source material, but I was already grown up and I didn't care, but I can see how I would fucking love seeing it as a kid. Life just isn't fair sometimes

>> No.362109

Yeah I know but like I said I screwed up a few times. I just hate those stages so much. Once I'm done with them, I will be free and happy to play the game and I'll never have the emerald shit looming over my head again.

>> No.362113

Bottom right, idiot.

>> No.362116

Wait, does S&K only have 4 levels? I'm pretty sure I never got to Lava Reef because Sandopolis Act 2 will get me stuck in this infinite loop the loop near the ghosts. I can never seem to make it to the closing door in time.

>> No.362118

It only has 4 zones in which you can obtain Emeralds.

>> No.362120

Only 4 zones have special stage rings.

>> No.362123


I'll give you this advice for the bonus stage:

On Sonic 3, yourpriority is to concentrate on surrounding blue sphere squares, to turn them into rings, I suppose you already figured that out.

However, on S&K, the bonus stage are thought with a different kind of pattern, if you try to play them like the ones in S3, you'll fail. S&K's bonus stages are more linear, sort of... you will see golden sphere, those will let you jump through a bunch of red spheres, just focus on gathering blue spheres, not surrounding anything. They're very bitchy sometimes, but once you remember the levels, or if your reflex reaction is good enough, you will find them even easier than S3's bonus.

>> No.362127

I eventually got the VHS of the dub by mail order, the tape has since got warped and horrible, so... thank goodness torrents exist, I guess.

Still my favourite cartoon about Sonic, and I make a point of re-watching it every so often. It's just a shame ADV didn't get Drummond and the other Sonic VAs to reprise their roles for it.

>> No.362134

Oh god that sounds like crap. I'm so used to walking around spheres.

>> No.362174

Lucky bastard, I didn't even know I could just order things back then, and information was really hard to come by at the time.

I never understood that as well, I wonder if it was a rejected pilot or something, or trying to pitch an idea to either SEGA or WB to start milking the Sonic cashcow

>> No.362179


there's some parts with blue spheres squares and you will be able to surround them, but most of them are linear parts, some of them even require a lot of jumping (avoiding red spheres).. .like, it forces you to risk it and jump through red spheres.

>> No.362238

I think I remember this shit as a kid too. I just never noticed there was a difference between it an S3. I guess I just thought the sphere stages were random but mostly hard.

>> No.362246
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>Sonic 3D Blast/CD/Labirynth was objectively bad because the gameplay was slower.
I've gotta stop talking to people IRL.

>> No.362489

Got my sixth

>> No.362658

That's the problem with 4chan. You run into so many people who aren't fucking stupid that meatspace seems to be composed of potato and farts.

>> No.363412

I actually liked Sonic 3D and Sonic CD was my favorite game in the franchise. I didn't like Sonic Labyrinth. I got to the underwater stage and quit. I also didn't care for the games featuring Tales for the Game Gear. Some people might like those games, but I didn't like them.

>> No.363419

first started playing sonic 2 a few days ago

and does anyone else think the 4th stage - i think its the act 2 of chemical plant zone - is really hard? the platforms are hard as fuck to jump on and you always fall back in the purple water. and one time i beat robotnik but fell through the floor anyway.