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/vr/ - Retro Games

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3619887 No.3619887 [Reply] [Original]

Is Denim a Christian boy

>> No.3619898

He's a fuckboy.

>> No.3619924


>> No.3619930

This is a retro board, puta.

>> No.3619941

Yes, he a good boy.

>> No.3620303

There will never be a sequel where he gives his sister the dicking she craves

>> No.3620375

Stop pushing that shitty Squenix localization.
He's called デ二ム so OP used the right name.

>> No.3620383

Not in Chaos route; you can turn him into the stronkest terror knight.

Yandere imoutos should just die. 3/4 times, i killed the sister and didn't even care about the ba ending. What a fucking bitch.

>> No.3620384

>the bad ending.

The 4 sisters were hotter anyway. Doujins never.

>> No.3620410

>Not in Chaos route
I thought Chaos route was an idealistic freedom fighter.

>> No.3620416

It's the route where you can find out more about the necromancer, and recruit his son who is a terror knight.

>idealistic freedom fighter.
More like being a random prick and fighting everyone for the fuck of it.

>> No.3620421

>being a random prick and fighting everyone for the fuck of it.
that can't be right. I haven't played it for years but I remember defying orders to burn a village down, and that pretty much made Denim a traitor and he was marked for death by pretty much everyone. But he did end up getting involved with some rebel movement, no? Whatshisface, his childhood friend was the guy who turned into a blood thirsty lunatic.

>> No.3620435

that chronicle valeria hack is the best version of TO tbqh
got to the hanging gardens even though I don't understand japanese before my save was deleted

>> No.3620445

Yeah Denim gets framed, continues to fight for a cause he believes in while pulling literally everybody over to his side, has to deal with Vise turning into a blood crazy power-hungry sociopath who accomplishes nothing and fails, has to fuck up Leonard, has to save Cressida has to save his sister, has to save his sisters, and then has to fuck up Nybeth because he needs a good fucking up for the shit he does in that route.

Law is just you killing anybody and everybody, having your boi Nyb not be as much of an ass as we all know he is, and having noble stoic Vise all up in your ass because what the fuck Denim?

Neutral is everybody being angry and leaving you because your convictions are so weak that it's offensive.

>> No.3620449
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Denim and Ramza switch places. What changes?

>> No.3620451

You got only one forced Chaos Route light.

>> No.3620454
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Poor question then. How would Denim doing law or neutral route in FFT play out?

>> No.3620462

>How would Denim doing law or neutral route in FFT play out?

I guess that in Law Route he follows Dycedarg but slowly realizes Dycedarg's an asshole and that there's something wrong with the Knight Templars, then you get a choice mid route to stay with him or go back to a Neutral Route. Delita doesn't go full Griffith and becomes a stoic, idealistic, hardened motherfucker together with Brostadio and Wiegraf, rescues Rafa on his own and doesn't afraid of anything, he also tells Denim he's full of shit for following Dycedarg and the corrupted nobility, also, he knows Gaffgarion is a goody two shoes piece of shit and murders him in front of Denim the moment he turns on him.
Eventually Algus takes Wiegraf's place as the next Lucavi because he's an asshole, then you then have to rescue Alma/Kachua from the clutches of the Knight Templars and Dycedarg goes full Brantin on you.
Who the fuck was Ovelia again? I forgot, it's not important in this route, fuck Ovelia.

On neutral route Denim can't bring himself to fight Dycedarg because muh family and can't fight together with Delita because muh knight honor, that results in Agrias dying by the hands of the Knight Templars, Orlandu doesn't join because you're a good for nothing piece of shit, you have to kill Meliadoul in this route too because despair route is real, the whole Rafa questline is skipped because you've got better things to do, Wiegraf personally comes around to slap your shit a few times, ditto Algus from the Law Route. Eventually Ovelia falls for your charm and becomes your sponsor against the Knight Templars because she likes broody, melanchonic bois, Delita gives exactly zero fucks but joins you anyway because you're the lesser of the two evils, you go fuck Dycedarg but find out that Alma has already been transformed into Ultima some time ago, despair intensifies as ou being a mad chase to kill the remaining Lucavi until you get to the airship graveyard.

>> No.3620543

Ramza is chaos route, Delita is law route. I'm almost entirely convinced those two were intended to be a single character at one point.

>> No.3620552

You can stop being convinced. The last interview I read (more than a few years ago) stated that the lack of multiple routes was an intentional design decision.

>> No.3620704
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This is one of my favourite games of all time. I descovered it looking for SNES RPGs to emulate when I was like 15, I got all the way to the hell's gate in Japanese. I tried to emulate the PS1 for the english, but it wasn't the same.

Eventually the SNES one was translated, so I loaded it on my Wii as a custom virtual console game, and final beat it that way.

I did buy the PSP version, but I haven't tried it yet, got the tarot cards.

Just ordered an in box super famicom version from japan, just so I can have it. I really enjoyed this game.

>> No.3620818

>everybody being angry and leaving you

I thought that was just A-LOSER who ragequits? What aloser.

>> No.3621256

Why is there such little good Ravness art?

>> No.3621258

His dad was a priest, so I would assume yes

>> No.3621285
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>play the SNES version
>decide not to burn innocents
>freedom fighter friend becomes a total edgelord
>sister loses faith in me
>unlock TERROR DEATH MURDER KNIGHT for my decision to not kill
>everyone dies
>but I have all these sisters now
>don't do the sidequest because the cleric classes actually suck
>archers are the only class that matters
>ninjas literally can't damage things
>canopus carries the entire game
>a blind swordmaster turns everyone and everything into a rock
>hero becomes MVP like 8 times in a row, achieving godhood
>the world is saved
>my sister is still a pain in the ass

what a crazy game. I didn't like how weird the difficulty was, and I'm pretty sure I understood none of them. Never bothered with the 100 floors of death or whatever. I'll play PSP eventually.

>> No.3621309

What is the best version? I only played the PSP one, but I hate the leveling system. But I hear the original one has less characters, or something.

>> No.3621498

>>archers are the only class that matters
>>ninjas literally can't damage things
>>canopus carries the entire game
Literally no strategic reason to ever do anything other than use only Archers/Ninjas/Canopus equipped with a Shortbow/Crossbow and those stones that decrease your weight. You can fire bows far outside of the displayed range, and the stats on equipment are literally meaningless and speed is the only stat that matters, and given the choice going completely naked to reduce your weight is more effective than ever using any gear because getting more turns means attacking more often means doing more damage means using a weapon doesn't even actually increase your damage at all.

>> No.3621560

Kachua looks a lot like that girl on infowars, Margaret whatever. I imagine her voice is the same too, kinda anxious sounding.

>> No.3622656
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>Everything does 1 damage
>Except Canopus
>Meh, Training Mode looks lame, I don't see what all the fuss is abo...
>Kill Canopus over and over again
>People die when they're killed
>Except my priest because HOLY SHIT ANGELS
>Dragoons are pretty cool guys, cast magic and cut shit and doesn't afraid of anything
>I just got Blind Obi Wan and nothing can even hit him
>Swordmasters are better support mages than mages, who wudda thunk it
>So this is the Hell's Gate
>Hmmm, Snapdragon, this looks interesting, I wonder if I caDUDE MAXED STATS ON EVERYTHING LMAO
>Muscle Wizards with claymores, looks legit
>Knights are useless
>Ninjas and Archers are broken
>Holy Shit forbidden magic should be forbidden for real

>Play PSP TO
>Well, this looks a lot better, let's see what I can do with...
>No Training Mode
>Everything does 10 damage
>Except Canopus
>Female Knights, Male Amazons
>Who was Ravness again?
>Dragoons are shit now, Terror Knights too, actually anything that isn't an Archer/Ninja/Mage is garbage
>Haborym sucks and can't petrify stuff anymore, also, he goes by Hobyrim now
>Oh shit I got killed, nah, just kidding, here's a countdown and three lives
>Wait? What? You wanted that 100% title completion? HAHAHAHAHAHA, FAGGOT!
>Level up Steal
>There's nothing good to steal
>Actually, there's a unique item that lets you level up your Steal, so you can level up your Steal while you Steal, so you can Steal even more worthless items, but you have to level up your Steal quite a bit before you can get it
>Be a dick, achieve waifus
>Craft ingredients ONE ITEM AT A TIME
>Knights are the best tank in the game
>Mages are now more broken than archers or ninjas
>Retconned Roderick
>Dude, Time Travel, LMAO
>Also Yuria
>Did you want that extra content, TOO BAD, HERE'S ONE MIRRION GRINDING CONDITIONS
>Wait, you wanted to fight the 12 special bosses?

>> No.3622661

What is the best path and class choices for the good ending with as little grind as possible? Last time I played this was years ago and the plot had depressed the fuck out of me.

>> No.3622682

Aren't these games just casualized chess for LARPing losers?

>> No.3622684

It doesn't have pay-to-win and it's not pick up and play for 5 minutes so no.


>> No.3622692

>/v/ bogeyman
Not an argument.

>> No.3622701
File: 760 KB, 1024x768, Penguins.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Entire troop of Witches will raep ur faice
>Gain accuracy leveling as archer
>Turn to witch
>shoot arrows, charm/stone/etc a massive area while standing on a hill shooting yall.
Thx Fatlus

>> No.3622705

/v/ is not a boogeyman, we are forced to repel incurisons every single day, and it's always obvious where they're coming from

>> No.3622725
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>> No.3623463
File: 102 KB, 468x750, ravness0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>want to recruit Raveness
>you have to be a real shit heel to do so

man I love me some knight waifu but I don't know if I have it in me

>> No.3623470

ravness is just part of the fun, you also get ozma, who is one of the better characters. Honestly if you go just off who you get from each route, the law route > the chaos route, also it makes your pal more interesting instead of just a pure shithead hurr evil for evils sake

>> No.3623523
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>background for many years
>never play with her in my team

>> No.3623635

Raviness is only really worth it if you're going Law first so she isn't completely useless when she comes in your party, she's also the only other character besides the Zenobia bros who can become a White Knight, though White Knights are mostly souped up knights with a midly useful special ability, so again, nothing to write home about, at that point you might want to keep her an Amazon just to use offensive projectile magic or Boon of Swiftness.

And like all non dedicated spellcasters classes she's laughably useless once you reach mid to end game levels, granted that you know how to build mages, so there's that.
Unless you want to make her a mage of course.
>law route > the chaos route
Chaos Route gives you all the Foriner sister and Cressida, Cressida is also the real incentive in doing Chaos first since she has the only hard quest in the game, and the more levels you get the harder the quest gets, which makes recruiting her borderline impossible, just like Ocionne's quest.
Law Route gives you Vyce, which is pretty godly in the SNES version but kinda garbage in the PSP version, Ozma, AKA the only non spellcaster bar Denim worth using and Raviness, not really that good gameplay wise compared to four shamans and access to necromancers, the spellcasting ninjas.

Then again, if you prefer the characters in terms of writing, all the better for you, Ozma is indeed pretty fun, especially with her shit-eating grin, and seeing her reunited with Haborym was a nice touch, Celye is my waifu since the SNES days so I always prefer Chaos characters, but Law gets a pretty fun cast too.

>> No.3623668

Ravness had 1 hentai doujin.

>> No.3623669

>>ninjas literally can't damage things
Wot mate? They work perfectly with Bows or with the OP summon spells. Don't give them double swords or they'reget rekt.

>> No.3623685

The only good ending that can happen is you keeping your bitch sister Kachua alive till the end of the game.

I forgot which dialog option to choose after Kachua tries to sudoku, it seems that for different route the answer will have a different result(either Kachua kills herself or not).

For least grind, either don't train at all or train them evenly since enemies will have similar level to you up until level 30(except Hell's Gate).

Try to use the unique characters(except Kachua, 'cause you'll want to keep her alive) as they have superior stats for the same level compared to normie recruits.

Have at least 1 healer on your team, be sure pick up the ressurect(sp?) spell. Later on have one character who can cast the exorcism spell.

Everyone else should be using bows or crossbows, with a high DEX/AGI class(Archer, Ninja, Swordmaster, Dragoon). If you rescued the gunner, he's good too. You can't get the shotgun without getting Kachua killed, so you would have only max 1 gun until near the ending where you find a rifle. Haborym should equip that petrify spell. If you didn't find it, the charm or stun spell works fine with him too.
The MC/Denim will get Lord class stat growth in act 4 even if you didn't turn him into a Lord, so you might want to him to use the stun/charm spell too

The summon-like attack spells are powerful but use up a lot of MP, so it's best not to bring in more than one spellcaster to utilise that.

For the final boss, just kill enough of his minions, so you can get behind him, heal often. Use a Ghost's Pain attack, or that summon-like spell which does damage according to the enemy's max HP. Then finish him off bow/gun shots from behind.

Not sure about PSP version

>> No.3623691

>The MC/Denim will get Lord class stat growth in act 4 even if you didn't turn him into a Lord, so you might want to get him to use the stun/charm spell too.

Forgot which N/C alignment male class can use support spells other than Lich. In order route, you can just train him into a Swordmaster like Hobo man.

> Then finish him off with bow/gun shots from behind.

>> No.3623692

Oh and Lawful route seems to get the most unique characters joining you, so you'll want to stick to that for least grinding. Vice's Warrior class is almost as good as Lord class anyway.

>> No.3623695

Chaos has the better Denim and arguably the better story. Vice goin full edge makes more sense than him going full justice.

>> No.3623706

Well, that's not what>>3622661
was asking for.

Chaos-aligned classes aren't particularly good with bows/crossbows. Except Archers /Ninjas, but poor Denim doesn't have the pussy to turn into an Archer.

Of the uppercrust classes, Dragoon is probably best for bows since your ranged damage increases with STR, and Dragoon has both high STR and DEX growth.

>> No.3623852

The rave booty is worth it

>> No.3623878

Is that only in the SNES version? On PSP I made half my team ninjas and tore shit up.

>> No.3623902

Snes and PS1. Ninjas have high AGI, but it doesn't help that they get killed in 1 or 2 hits when you try to melee with them. Female archers can tank damage much better, actually they're the only good defensive class the femanons have in the game.

Never played the PSP version, I only heard they balanced out the classes a bit and made them harder to get.

>> No.3623907



>> No.3623918

Commence with the Ravness lewds anytime please.

>> No.3623939

Like I said. There was only 1 hentai doujin AFAIK.

>> No.3624016

>Everything does 10 damage
Unless you take advantage of enemy resistances.

>> No.3624043
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>Craft ingredients ONE ITEM AT A TIME


>> No.3624051

So what you're saying is that the PSP version is shit. What's the best one to jump into if I've never played TO and only have limited experience with other tactics games?

>> No.3624097

PSP one is still good, just different. Worth it.

>> No.3624390

That's like saying Knight of Lodis was gud.

>> No.3624824

Well no. Knight of Lodis was flawed but still enjoyable at the time. It's just acknowledged to be the weakest. PSP is flawed but still enjoyable until you get to Coda. It's not the farewell to the series that anybody wanted but it's the only one we're getting.

My complaints aside many that they are; the love that they gave the game really is/was endearing. You don't hear many projects like that in which they literally recall the entire everything that worked on it up to and including Matsuno. Various reasons of why I hate it sometimes double as reasons I love it and for that reason I agree with the anon saying it's worth it.

>> No.3625409
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Basically my relation with this game.

>> No.3626050

It's not shit, it's just has a few baffling design decisions which completely ruin an otherwise great remake.
But KoL was gud, on paper.
It has some really neat concept such as the medal system which rewards using units in a certain way and having them get abilities based on their game history, it has a quite decent story and the graphics aren't too bad either, but it's brought down by a lot of bad design decisions, just like every Ogre game.

The problem with the OGre series in general is that it simply adds too much stuff to a really solid basic system without properly looking at how the system works as a whole, so in paper you have this really neat and articulated game with tons of particulars and submechanics, but when you fire it up most mechanics work against each other or simply don't work at all.

It's like buying a Ferrari just to find out it has the engine of a Porsche, the radiator of a Harley Davidson, the tires of a monster truck and a pair of spare keys that don't even fit.

>> No.3627575


yes the PSP Tactics Ogre was a bit of a letdown in some ways