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/vr/ - Retro Games

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355047 No.355047 [Reply] [Original]

Post yours.

>> No.355340


>> No.355350

How do they prove that you've beaten any of those games? What's stopping me from just saying I've beaten every game in existence and magically getting over nine thousand medals?

>> No.355357


You do realize the medals don't mean shit?

>> No.355389

I remember I put every game I own on that site

I just went back on and lost all motivation

>81.2% unfinished

>> No.355381

Nothing. It's just a system for you to keep track of which games you own, which of those you've beaten, which you've 100%ed, and which you've never played.

>> No.355403

It's not for rewards or anything, it's just like a personal game-tracker and blog thing

>> No.355408

It increases your e-penis.
Well that makes sense then.

>> No.355429

Post it. We'll tell you what to play.

>> No.355458

>only have emulators for anything before ps1
>don't want to add all of my roms because I have so many
>still want to add essential titles that I need to beat
>don't know where to draw the line

>> No.355460

I'd rather be playing games during the time it would take me to add every fucking game in my backlog to that website.

>> No.355480

How do you keep track then? It takes about the same amount of time as writing them all down in Notepad.

>> No.355483

You do know what a backlog is, right?

>> No.355472

I'd rather be playing ames during the time it takes me to talk to anonymous strangers on 4chan, but I still do that anyway.

>> No.355473

How can you even have a "backlog"? I don't find enough games fun or interesting to even be playing 1 game at a time most of the time. Right now I'm bored as fuck of video games and not playing anything

>> No.355512


I used to be big into this until I got my PS3. I haven't updated in ages because trophies kind of provided the same sense of progress on their own.

It is good for going back and playing old games to completion though.

>> No.355579
File: 316 KB, 492x945, backloggery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.355614

Which PS1 games did you 100%?

>> No.355625


MGS, FF7, FF Tactics, Blast Chamber, Irritating Stick.

>> No.355632


Lost my trip.

>> No.355732

OP here. Photos of your collections are also welcome and encouraged.

>> No.356382


>> No.356469

lol, he wants to make sure our achievement points are legit

>> No.356512
File: 107 KB, 813x701, it hurts to live.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My massive backlog physically pains me to look at.

>> No.356548

Damn I forgot about my backlog...

>> No.356550

If it weren't for your PC games it wouldn't be so bad. And who can blame you with all those Steam/GOG bundle sales? I keep my PC games out of Backloggery and just have a folder with shortcuts to all of my backlog games on my desktop.

>> No.356556
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>125 unplayed

I wish I had all that money to burn.

>> No.356595

>I wish I had all that money to burn.

Yeah, he must have spent, what? 50 dollars on those?

>> No.356637

Can you give me some money?

>> No.356668
File: 66 KB, 972x255, steam stats.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not so much having money as it is being so gullible as to buy everything you even slightly want when it goes 75% off.

Sometimes I think I would be much better off without Steam.

>> No.356689

>It's not so much having money as it is being so gullible as to buy everything you even slightly want when it goes 75% off.

Yeah, those damn sales always get me. Sometimes I really wish I hadn't been introduced to Steam.

>> No.357834
File: 176 KB, 414x556, Screen shot 2013-04-04 at 9.32.27 PM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Almost finishing one of my PS2 games, and PC is Touhous and Steam games are from bundles and sales

>> No.361229
File: 176 KB, 374x379, s014.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I was working on entering everything I have to my backloggery for a while to help motivate me to play different games. I left it halfway done and can't get back into it but I can't bear to use it unless my stats are as accurate as possible.

>> No.361265
File: 88 KB, 500x485, 1362820035755.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

neat, i didn't know a backlog site existed. is there any sort of distinction between beaten, and beaten 100%? like jrpgs are easy to beat, but they always have crazy extra content.

>> No.361309

just checked their site, and apparently so. there's beaten, and then completed. very nice

>> No.361381

I put my backlog in a notepad-file. At least most of my more recent games, and everytime I see a game online where I go "I should really play this (again)".

It pains me enough to open that file, now you're showing me some backlog-tracker, /vr/. Why would you do that? Now I have to fill it out and go to bed crying.

>> No.361385

im doing the exact same thing

>> No.361426
File: 44 KB, 400x550, 1358158659423.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>have never seen this backloggery-thingy before
>go on the page
>"You have the games. Play them."

All this days of sitting around, not wanting to do anything, not playing anything, wasting away my time on /v/ and /vg/ getting angry at games and not playing any...I'm so sorry

>> No.361480

What do you do with games you can't really complete, like Sim City, or Civilization, but want to keep track of so you can play it from time to time?

>> No.361521

You can put them as Null I guess.

>> No.361550


This is exactly the problem. You get bored of everything, don't know what to play, what to do - a backlog is supposed to help you with this.

>> No.361595

You play it for as many hours as you think justifies the price you paid for it or as many hours as you think you need to fully explore the game. At least that's what I do.
I got Civ IV Complete a while back and I'll consider it paid for once I hit ~40 hours.

>> No.361597
File: 148 KB, 811x658, backlogging.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been lazy adding any new games recently, I'm using too much time playing online-games.

Also, 3 full years master race.

>> No.361619
File: 40 KB, 457x357, Knipsel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just started using this, old games I've played out once I just marked completed instead of beaten.

>> No.361667


To note, there's a sizable number of games on here that I have actually beat before, but did so a decade ago or more (like Yoshi's Island). Too lazy to mark those down as otherwise.

You'd think you guys would be posting the actual links instead of screencaps so we could all easily add each other for more encouragement to actually play the games and use the site.

>> No.361681


I'd love to, but I just made an account and started to add mostly newer games.

You would just judge me without all my older games in it ;_;

But oh well


>> No.361724

I can post on 4chan safely from work. Can't really play video games at my desk, though.

I just look at my collection and realize what I have and haven't finished, I guess? Honestly, compiling all the games into one list would just be pretty despairing, because I know I'll probably never play/finish them all.

>> No.361735

Literally just started using this site after reading the thread. I still have like 100ish more games to upload, but I can't right at the moment. Also, I'm playing Mischief Makers right now too OP


>> No.361745


You're on 4chan. We love despair.

But seriously, I once had that approach. But I don't know what it is, my autism, being fed up with my privileged white male western life, or just general decadence due to having so many fucking games, but at some times I did not play anything at all for days.

So I made lists, compilations, rules and shit for what to play when and when to replay stuff and all. If I want to play a game from a series I normally play through the whole series now.

Typing this out..I think it's really assburgers, but oh well. This page now here really helps me with that.

>> No.361763

So, you have to type in every single title yourself? Is there no database or am I missing sth?

>> No.361769

I'm usually very exhausted by school or work, so I don't pick up single player games that often because I actually have to pay attention to it. It's a lot easier to play something like Dota after work, or just browse 4chan.

But goddamn it feels good to mark a game in your slowly growing backloggery as Beaten or Completed.

>> No.361773


welp, looks like I have the most BEAT itt so far.

currently working my way through the master system. It's nice hardware, but pretty lackluster library

>> No.361786

Implementing a database of every game for every system ever released would be a ridiculous task.

It's a personal tracking thing, you don't technically have to go through the trouble of tagging anything properly. Whatever works that helps you keep track of it all.

>> No.361792

You type in every single game. It has its pros and cons

>> No.361793


Scared to even begin. I know I'll be here till tomorrow morning at least.

>> No.361803

It seems so backwards to me to list games on backloggery that you've already "completed". Beat I can understand because there can still be things for you to accomplish, but adding games you completed already just seems like a gigantic waste of time a totally missing the point of the site.

>> No.361814


Funny. I always feel that SP is way more comfy than MP. I don't get angry online or anything, but truth be spoken, I'm not very good at most MP-games.

Sure, back in the day, 3rd and 4th generation games, I kicked ass, got all the highscores, fucked over the scrubs - but nowadays I kinda lost the connection. I can't even win one single round of SCII. So this all is too stressfull for me.

>> No.361824


It helps if you also collect games, or just love to go back to games you completed. It helps if you have some sort of overview what you even have and what you miss. At least backloggery does that for me.

>> No.361839

Is updating in backloggery still tedious where you can't update multiple games at a time?

>> No.361849


You can use Backloggery for multiple things. If you mark your game as "Completed", you tell to people in your Multitap that you know how to do shit in that game.

I also recommend keeping Progress Note active. And review the games you really liked. I myself don't really care to go through systems and see just games and stars, without any kind of personal opinion on anything or even the progress in that game.

>> No.361850

I'm the guy with most beat so far, and I do it to keep track of what games I've beaten, and to
measure e-cock of course.

>> No.361869

>Implementing a database of every game for every system ever released would be a ridiculous task.
Well, the same could be said for films, but there are several film databases with similar features.

I'm not complaining mind, just a bit surprised you could type anything you want.
However, I still think that a database could be useful for sharing recommendations, lists & such.

>> No.361872

>mischief makers

Oh shit you are in for so much fun and shaking


>> No.361876



>> No.361914

The hell do I add someone to this multitap?

>> No.361924


Go to his profile, under the name is Add to Multitap.

>> No.361923

Under their picture on their main page

>> No.361930

I have a huge backlog
Fortune cookie helps me choose a game


>> No.361936


Damn I'm blind, thank you two.


>tfw you realize that "region" is not for where the game is from, but just for what damn Region you own the game.

>> No.362048
File: 2.50 MB, 340x200, 127126964566.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>try Fortune Cookie
>my friends have been telling me to start Peace Walker for half a year
>Fortune Cookie gives me Peace Walker

>> No.362052


I'd love to have someone to talk to.

>> No.362061
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Note: Mine has very little retro on it.
I've been planning on completing it, but fuck am I lazy.

>> No.362090

Well, you guys convinced me to log back on to my account that I hadn't touched in nearly a year and add some games. I just added what I could remember off the top of my head, and didn't add any games that I've already beaten (do people add their entire collections?).

What's really pathetic is how many games I own that I haven't even touched.



>94.3% Unfinished

>> No.362115
File: 134 KB, 1024x609, 58percent.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I keep telling myself I'll add in GB/C/A, SNES, and PC, but it's just too much of an ordeal.

If only I hadn't played all those bad games, I could finish more of them.

>> No.362158

I have a few games I haven't added over the months.


>> No.362256
File: 2.19 MB, 330x243, The Spore Hype Train.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>only 1 game beaten on the NES

>> No.362289

I didn't actually own one, so that list is largely just short sessions on someone else's or emulation whims.

>> No.362305
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>> No.362375
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Only been tracking for 2 years.

I just use a beaten/haven't beaten dichotomy.

>> No.362390

posted my log earlier, but no link


>> No.363169


>the spore hype train

Stop rubbing salt in those wounds. It hurts enough as it does.

>> No.363256

I'll definitely be using this from now on. I'm adding everything I own that can be completed (I have only a small collection anyway), and missing out the games I plan to sell soon

I only really play older games, so if any /vr/ fellows want to add me to their multitap thing or whatever then feel free and let's be friends -


>> No.363262
File: 13 KB, 143x174, 1320871615116.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are there any people here who have a huge backlog of physical games?

I don't even emulate but I have a pretty big backlog. Mostly of RPGs since I never have enough time to devote to them since I'm in school and have a full time job.

>> No.363270

All mine are physical; I'm not counting any games I've emulated. I just found my old man's Master System and his collection of like 25 games I'm gonna crack into sooner or later, though my work hours do kinda prevent that

>> No.363281
File: 208 KB, 1600x824, sgr59d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All these Metal Gears
All these Silent Hills

I think I'm in love.

>> No.363291

Most people use backlogs as a first-class ticket to turning their hobby into a chore.

My method is to drop games at the first sign of unfun.

>> No.363309


I do that too. It's one of the reasons video games rarely make me mad.

Life is too short to spend your freetime doing something you find unenjoyable!

>> No.363315


My only digital games are from Steam, and that backlog is fucking huge so I don't even bother adding all of those until I've actually completed those.

>> No.363319


you've just reminded me to add Shattered Memories and Homecoming, thanks

>> No.363318

I find it as devotion, and makes me remember that I have all these games.

I play what I want to play, but I do want to clear this log up a bit. Not completely, but to bring it down to as little as I can.

>> No.365485

Do you guys add every beaten game or just your backlog?

>> No.365504

This. Don't use backlogs, just play whatever you feel like playing at the moment.

>> No.365514

>My method is to drop games at the first sign of unfun.
>Life is too short to spend your freetime doing something you find unenjoyable!

But the unfun can lead to more fun.

>> No.365539
File: 5 KB, 210x251, aww.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I actually thought that back when I rented Superman 64...but the fun never came....

>> No.365585

I use my backlog as a list of games I think I would like to play. If I get to one and find I don't like playing it, I remove it and move on to another game.

>> No.366049

it's fun to brag about how many games you've beaten on the internet

>> No.366062

to who

who cares

>> No.366101
File: 205 KB, 833x751, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really need to get around to beating these games instead of buying more

>> No.366163

people don't want to admit being green with envy, you just know how much better you are. I always fall asleep with a smug smile on my face knowing I have 500+ beats on backloggery
meanwhile people call themselves hardcore while truly they haven't even beaten 300 games.

>> No.366216
File: 3 KB, 121x114, 1299506221521.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.366218

right now im just adding my unbeaten games, but will probably add my entire library later

>> No.366271

I feel like adding my emulated games but that feels strange, y/n?

>> No.366296

>Paper mario is at least 24hours of playtime

Dammit, what have I gotten myself into?

>> No.366302

format doesn't change the game. majority of my unbeaten games are emulated now

i beat it in a rental back then

>> No.366319
File: 116 KB, 640x480, garfield-_caught_in_the_act-154773-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just finished my first game on my backlog, pic related. Holy shit I feel like a new man

>> No.366324

I'm making a similar site as backloggery for shits and giggles, but with proper databases and added functionality.

Would anyone have any use for such or should I just keep it for personal use only?

>> No.366327

>writing down times
>wrting down achievements outside of going for 100% completion

I don't understand why people do this.

I'd maybe use it, but I already have a backloggery, so it's debatable. Databases could be good for comparing games and forming communities

>> No.366341

As for the times I was looking up how long it was so I'd know what to expect. I've got a busy life so fitting 24 hours in a short-ish time is tough.

>> No.366358


I'm slow.

>> No.366360

>I'd maybe use it, but I already have a backloggery, so it's debatable

That's what I'm thinking is the problem.

It's easier to add games on your "list" with databases, but it's still a lot of clicking if you have hundreds of games. Maybe if I can come up with a quick batch function to add games the switch would be tolerable.

>> No.366364

did anyone make the split between dos and pc games? I kinda want to just call them all pc

>> No.366374

How convenient. Made one of these a couple of days ago.


>> No.366379
File: 59 KB, 449x635, backlawg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is mine.

http://backloggery.com/prismatico - Current user with most completed games.

>> No.366394

I just keep a list of what games I want to play in an Excel file. Since /vr/ was born I've learned about so many more games that I just quit updating it but it'd be so big. The last count a couple months ago was about 150 games, which will take at least 6-7 years to get through.

>> No.366414

beat that super mario sunshine. its not like you have to get all the shines

the encounter rate in skies of arcadia isn't that bad. i think most people just forget older jrpgs existed

>> No.366472

True. I could just be impatient. Skies of Arcadia's still pretty solid, though. I'm enjoying it.

>> No.366524

plis halp

>> No.366537

Yeah it's a nice idea but, why? Is there any real reasons to fight over users for a fucking backloggery?

>> No.366565

beating those 2d marios/zeldas would help. most mario games can be beaten in 1 sitting. good luck with oracle of ages though