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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 1.11 MB, 2048x1300, gamestop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3619647 No.3619647 [Reply] [Original]

Did anyone else hear this story?

Gamestop is really, REALLY REALLLLLYYYY fucking up the retro market.


>> No.3619678

They couldn't even handle the normal game market I remember buying used 360 games that didn't work. I hate gamestop

>> No.3619682

Just sat through that whole story and man... I didn't like Gamestop before, but this is truly a tragedy to befall on the retro community. Never again will I even consider walking into a place that clearly cares so little about the products it holds, and even less so for the customers that they service. I collect a fair share of retro games myself and the idea that someone could trade in something like Action 52 to only have it not get recognized by their directory and then give the customer literally five cents!? Fuck you, Gamestop. Take your Madden Ninety-Chrono Trigger and go fuck yourself.

>> No.3619685

It took three attempts for me to get a working copy of Persona 4.

>> No.3619707

Really? Are just getting this now? Anyone with a mind knew gamestop handling retro is a bad idea.

>> No.3619767

This. Gamestop have been shady fuckers since day one. I go out of my way to never use them.

>> No.3619779

Not day 1.

They used to be fairly reputable. They used to give a shit way back when. They always gave shitty trade in, but they were the place to go if you wanted a certain game.

in 2016, I have no idea how half the brick and mortar stores even exist. I can go on Amazon and buy 30 different things that would take me hours of shopping to get in 10 minutes, delivered to my house either next day, or in two days. Usually next day since I'm by an amazon distribution center.

That's what really blows my mind.

>> No.3619790

What's with all the Pat spam lately? I've seen his book being spammed, his channel, Ian being called dead, posts in various threads, now this stealth thread. Is he hemorrhaging subs or something?

>> No.3619796

>giving a shit

nice one anon

>> No.3619891

>epic maymays
>being dank

nice one anon

Seriously Gamestop didn't used to be complete shit. You would know this if you were actually old enough to be on 4chan.

>> No.3619942

O Funcoland, how I miss you.
I remember my parents getting me a brand new imported Japanese Pokemon Silver, because we couldn't find a single copy of pokemon yellow in Vegas during that holiday season.

>> No.3620003
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That is the most fucked up thing I've ever listened to, and I've seen found footage of people dying

>> No.3620005

Weird, never had a dysfunctional copy from them, and I've had plenty of used copies.

>> No.3620031


Ya kinda asking to be ripped off selling to a big store. Funny thing though is it goes both ways. Once in a while you could score some crazy deals on stuff they had no clue how to price. (This was before the retro craze of today)


Not anon, but we had ebgames (owned by the same company now? Or always were?) And they always sucked. Maybe gamestop in USA was good at a time, but ebgames sucked. I mean it was fine for the latest game but other than that was mostly shit. Employees were morons usually (ironically regarding videogame topics...)

I dunno how far back you are going but SNES and n64 days it was toys r us for my town. Wasn't until ps2 we had ebgames.

>> No.3620038

>32x games labeled as genesis
oh lawd

>> No.3620048

No. No one has ever heard this before. You are the most informed and mature person on /vr/

>> No.3620050
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Ya did it.

>> No.3620060

I'd argue that most vidya stores (even corporate ones) were good before the PS2/GC/XB era. Everything kind of went to hell after that.

>> No.3620062

Honestly, I don't have a problem with this. Sure, a lot of saps are going to get ripped off and that sucks. But what GameStop is doing is a perfect storm of greed and idiocy that is doomed to fail, and has the potential to drive away resellers and investors from the retro market if it really gets out of hand. Speculation and greed build bubbles, and the faster those grow, the quicker the bubble bursts and prices start getting back to normal.

>> No.3620067

Except Gamestop throws away or destroys its unsold inventory. That's the worst thing about their involvement.

>> No.3620071

If Pat's bullshit is true, it doesn't make a lick of sense for them not use eBay as their selling location.

Take in retro games for dirt cheap, and just move them to this guys department where he can check them and post them on eBay.

That has a shitload of potential for easy money. Sourcing product is your toughest challenge, and when you've got people willingly dumping shit to you then it's a no brainer to just flip it on eBay.

>> No.3620082

No they don't. Try and get some proof.

Pennied out strategy guides and toys are not video games.

>> No.3620084

Can't watch the vid right now (at work) but I'm really curious on what they're doing. Could anyone share a brief summary in their own words, or as how you understand it? The vid seems rather lengthy as well.

>> No.3620085


>> No.3620086


There's your proof. Your move.

>> No.3620092

How did I know this was gonna be a CUPodcast.

>> No.3620127
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Already own just about everything I wanted that isn't absurdly expensive so it ain't my problem. Sucks for you kids who started collecting in 2014 after seeing some scripted youtube vids of ebin finds.

>> No.3620128

I remember buying that PS2 Themepark game's sequel, and they gave me the original. I'm still salty about it.

>> No.3620131

I've talked to some uninformed family about this and their logic is that they're terrified of some hacker getting into Amazon's database stealing their info because in their mind it all being an online marketplace makes it way easier than just hacking into something like Target's database.

>> No.3620136

Some stores have better quality control than others. I once bought a PSP speaker from them that ended up not working, I went to change out the batteries to have the whole inside covered with battery acid. A simple 5 second check would have told them not to buy it, some employees just don't give a shit.

>> No.3620161

You need to get your priorities straightened out.

>> No.3620165

so this whole video can be summed up as:
>gamestop has poor quality control when it comes to reselling retro games

This was both not unexpected and definitely not nearly as inflammatory as you guys lead me to think it was.

>> No.3620167

It's still interesting to see insider information about the actual processes.

>> No.3620173

can someone give me a tl;dr? not watching that long ass video

>> No.3620179

Everyone loves Pat and the information he researches and puts out there. You are on a retro gaming board, of course people are always going to be talking about Pat Contri, or the completely unnecessary podcast with Ian Ferguson or the book he wrote, the ultimate guide to the NES. If you dont like this go back to v...

>> No.3620185

that is really fucking shitty

>> No.3620192

basically some guy got an email from a former manager about how gamestop is handling retro games

it sounded like they're hiring illegals as the quality inspection team, ensuring shenanigans such as games not being checked to boot, wrong games on wrong labels, and other hilarity

also gamestop had a sekrit Ebay account to jew people at top margins

as well as regularly jewing people by paying people pennies for RARE games

that's what i got out of it

i'm not really surprised desu

>> No.3620253

Bills are due soon I guess

>> No.3620257

And? What a shitty market it is. A real collector isn't interested in selling and someone primarily interested in playing the games can use emulators instead of dealing with kikes on ebay. Looking for good investments? Video games don't make for good financial assets. Fuck gamestop too.

>> No.3620258

I miss funcoland, but I guess it couldn't exist today anyway with how everyone prices retro games at 5x their value

>> No.3620283

Funcoland was amazing. The employees were more knowledgeable, you could test out any game in the store, and trade-in values were higher. Then GameStop moved in and fucked everything up.

>> No.3620306

>Click video
>It's Pat
>Trying to blame other things for the retro market other than greedy jewish resellers so he doesn't hurt Ian's fee fees.

>> No.3620316
File: 207 KB, 570x668, 1395554547720.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Gamestop is really, REALLY REALLLLLYYYY fucking up the retro market.
>he actually cares about this shit
you have three options, you can emulate, buy a flashcart, or shut the fuck up

pick one fast, because my patience for retards is relatively slim

>> No.3620318

>Ian being called dead

Ian is NOT dead, stop spreading misinformation. He has a cold, that is ALL, PERIOD!

>> No.3620337
File: 73 KB, 1195x665, gamestop tradin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3620408

Well I mean it's not STRICTLY wrong, it does go into your Genesis.

>> No.3620420

i never bought anything at gamestop, you would have to be a total retard to fall for that shit

>> No.3620424

Gamestop's acts is only a consequence of greedy resellers, hoarders who inflate prices virtually, and fakes/repro makers.

They're not blaming the real people here. You know why? Because Pat&co ARE resellers who are part of the problem

>Pat talking about him using the third person

Who does he think he is, Caesar?

>> No.3620430

i used to work for microsoft/xbox. The above stuff isn't really a shock for me. This industry is run by the greedy suits who will screw you over for a few dollars. Enjoy.

>> No.3620565

That's funny because a few years ago target got hacked and lost a ton of money because a few people just ignored alarms. Like millions of credit card numbers were stolen.

>> No.3620568

I like retro stuff but shove your eceleb loving head up your own ass you stupid fuck. I like retro games because of what they mean to me personally. I don't give a fuck what some green day singer looking fag has to say about shit.

For real I hate that guys personality. He's such a douche. Oh let me go on pawn Stars and pretend to sell this rare game so I can brag about how much money it is worth. Fuck that faggot.

>> No.3620918
File: 1.34 MB, 320x240, sexy thinkpad.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think what bothers me most about this retro craze is it's not simply limited to video games anymore. Now anything remotely electronic is considered a "collectors item".

Take the IBM 755CD (it's not the one in the picture). Not even 10 years ago you could easily pick one up for 50 bucks. Now when they pop up, people are trying to sell them for a grand. These weren't meant to be collectible, but more importantly, there's no market for them. They never sell. They just disappear and then reappear a couple weeks later. No one is buying them, so I have no idea why they're priced like this.

I can understand some more iconic machines (like the Apple ][) being a bit pricey, but still not at the level they're at now.

>> No.3620983

I was able to pick up a really nice copy of Musha for the genesis for $160~ on the Gamestop website, I can always sell it for $200 on amazon/ebay and make a profit. And it was a really copy, not a repro.

>> No.3620991

"somebody even faked a fucking nba jam cart and put sonic 2 in it"

he's speeding up!

>> No.3620996

>collect VHS tapes
>mostly anime
>prices are still low, but people ask a shitload for some of them

It's just how it is. I'm basically at a point where I don't give a shit and I'll hold out for a deal. I have tons of games to play, and tons of movies to watch so it's not a huge deal.

Even modern games, especially single player only ones. I don't give a shit, I'll wait 3 months and get it for 30 bucks instead of 70.

>> No.3621010

Collecting outdated things isn't new, you're just noticing people starting to collect things you remember. If you want it, chances are someone else out there does too. The more people that are after the same thing makes the price go up.

>> No.3621169

Did you miss the whole point of my post though? No one is buying them, so the price doesn't make sense. Unlike video games, where insane prices are just barely explainable because people purchase it at that price.

People selling this shit looked at video game resellers and said "Well, they're charging pretty high prices, but hey, people are buying them!". So they did that to any old electronic they had, and surprise surprise, no one is buying it.

The video game prices infected the prices of every old computer, except there's not even a fraction of the market size to justify it.

>> No.3621191

underrated post

>> No.3621325
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That's a nice story, anon.

>> No.3621419


>> No.3621563


>> No.3621570
File: 46 KB, 564x761, 10643174_hi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This guy knows what he's talking about.

I just cant WAIT for this retro bubble to eexplode in a plethora of mini big bangs so all those retard resellers i see everyday on Craigslist and Offferup selling an N64 in $60 and a Snes in $100 can get fucked and be forced to sell everything in panic so they can at least make their money back.

Seriously, this market needs to die, just like comics and trading cards did in the late 90s.

>> No.3621593

Lol wow we offer the same with or without the box guarantee if they get one in the box they sell that shit on eBay

>> No.3622195

Doesn't matter. The things aren't worth what you think it should be, they're worth what the person who has them is willing to sell them for. If I had old computers at this point I wouldn't let them go for cheap either.

>> No.3622420

Is it really that hard for you all to light a damn match?

>> No.3622440

> they're worth what the person who has them is willing to sell them for.

This is what ebay resellers actually believe

>> No.3622448

I don't understand the hate for ebay or resellers

it's basic economics and capitalism

if you reject their practice, then you must reject the entire practice of free market capitalism

>> No.3622465

It's stupid. People here feel entitled to games at well below market value, and don't want to blame themselves for being part of the demand that allows Chrono Trigger to be worth $100. If you are buying retro games you are part of the "problem".

>> No.3622474

>you must reject the entire practice of free market capitalism
But pure free market is a fucking mess

>> No.3622481

That's how it's supposed to be.

>> No.3622489

I don't want to live in a ffucking mess. So yeah, I
>reject the entire practice of free market capitalism

>> No.3622490

(((Goystop))) is only good for preordering games.

>> No.3622492

>you must reject the entire practice of free market capitalism
Video game prices should actually be the least of your worry about free market capitalism.

>> No.3622501

OK, have fun in north korea friend.

>> No.3622646

Not a seller or reseller of anything, that's just simple truth.

>> No.3623040

>But pure free market is a fucking mess
Why? Just because demand is high while supply is low and you don't have enough money to buy all the games you want? You're a collector of popular antiques, deal with it or find another hobby. like playing old video gameswhich you don't need antique hardware to do

>> No.3623230

youre thinking of eb games or software etc

>> No.3623236

growing up is awesome.

>> No.3623727

Things are only worth what the buyer is willing to pay.

The seller can try to sell it at any price they want but if no one is buying it at that price it's not worth that price

>> No.3623762

>I have no idea why they're priced like this

>> No.3623819

You have that backwards. Power of pricing goes to the seller always.

>> No.3623825

Good to know you got the secret recipee for becoming reach. Now that you've shared your knowledge I'll be able to sell all my copies of Mario+Duck Hunt for 1000€ each on ebay.


>> No.3623842

one does not simply become reach

>> No.3623865

I'm just explaining basic economics to you because you don't seem to understand it.

>> No.3623942

Good luck getting reach nigger bitch!

>> No.3624438

>I can always sell it for $200 on amazon/ebay and make a profit. And it was a really copy, not a repro.

Not much profit. With fees and shipping, your sale fee would amount to about $30.

>> No.3626080

Yeah that's why I intentionally used Target as an example. They'll still shop over there but still freak out over the idea of shopping online.

>> No.3626656

That's really not true, unless the seller is the sole provider of what they're selling.

If you try to sell a snes for $1000 you have the power to do that, but nobody will buy it until its the last snes around (or prices somehow shoot up that high). The market price of a used good is determined by its supply weighed against demand.

>> No.3627747

>this is what reseller scum actually believe

>> No.3628273

Yeah that's why there's like a million listings of Earthbound on ebay for $200+ at buy it now that's been sitting there forever.

>> No.3628415
File: 1.99 MB, 400x240, 1434417147787.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Buy rare retro game from Gamestop
>Swap out the chip and put in a shit game
>Return it to Gamestop claiming "wtf you sold me some bullshit that is the wrong game!"
>Get free rare retro game

What is to stop me from doing this?

>> No.3628425

your conscience.

>> No.3628453

>you ripped off an evil corporation for a small amount of money they don't care about

I'm okay with this.

>> No.3628481

>Everyone loves Pat
I think Pat is an annoying faggot.