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/vr/ - Retro Games

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3604439 No.3604439 [Reply] [Original]

Be honest, /vr/. Which did you choose?

>> No.3604442

Boy. I was a kid of course I was gonna be honest. I wasn't into girls at the time I just chose boy because I'm a boy. Why would I play as a girl? That's for girls!

>> No.3604451

I think unless you knew you liked sausage that early, most people chose boy because they are boys.

>> No.3604453 [DELETED] 

I don't play autistic RPGs, so neither.

Also >>>/vp/

>> No.3604458

I picked boy, but on star ocean 2 i picked rena like a lil faggot bitch boy

>> No.3604465

I picked Rena the first time too. Glad I did cause I got Dias. Claude gets Leon, who's not as cool.

>> No.3604482

Unless I'm mistaken this choice didn't exist until the GBA games.

>> No.3604484

Pokemon crystal

>> No.3604485

crystal added it

>> No.3604487

Ah, I skipped that one.
I had only played Red, Yellow and Silver.

>> No.3604489

you should play the 2nd gen, it's pretty much like an expansion pack

>> No.3604492

Yea, I might give it a try.
Will keep me busy on the run up to SM.

>> No.3604494

This was before my transition, so I naturally picked girl.

>> No.3604498

What's up with all the /v/-tier template threads lately? Is /v/ that bored that they have to come here and shit up our board because theirs is dead or something?

>> No.3604503

Are you the same guy that keeps whining when people post their personal top 10 lists for a certain system? Besides, /v/ is the second fastest board here IIRC.

>> No.3604505
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Your sekrit club is dead kiddo, and soon sixth gen consoles will be allowed too.

>> No.3604514

>Are you the same guy that keeps whining when people post their personal top 10 lists for a certain system?
Are you the same guy that thinks all shitposters are Australian?

>Besides, /v/ is the second fastest board here IIRC.
Right, one of the reasons it's dead. No quality or interesting discussion.

>> No.3604520

>second fastest board
I don't see how that works, unless by 'dead' you mean most new threads are rehashed discussion. I'd agree there.

>> No.3604527

Well I have a penis so I obviously picked boy. No need to be honest, that's just plain logic.

>> No.3604537
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Should trannies be executed, /vr/?

>> No.3604541

I don't see why not. Let's start with trannyjanny and Sevenleaf.

>> No.3604554

I'm a tranny and yes, we should be executed. Save us from ourselves, please.

>> No.3604567

who's trannyjanny and what do you have against Abdul?

>> No.3604569

Girl always. I like girl characters.

>> No.3604575

The mod that deletes your posts if you say anything that's against LGBT or any other non-PC remarks.

>> No.3604610

Even if you're lgbt yourself?
I'm lgbt and I think that trannies are mentally ill and should be eradicated for their own good. As one, I feel I have full right to say that.

>> No.3604706

I hacked it and chose gender fluid tree.

>> No.3604710

Halal snackbars for everyone.

>> No.3604943

Girl cause I don't want to stare at a dudes ass while I play cause I'm not gay

>> No.3606298
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>Abdul Sevenleaf