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/vr/ - Retro Games

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357892 No.357892 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: things you used to think about video games

When I was a kid I had no understanding of technical progression or console release cycles, so I thought the Nintendo 64 was called that because it was resealed in 1964

>> No.357907

You must be pretty young now to have thought that then.

I always thought the NES was the first console and all arcades used tokens.

>> No.357923

>used to think a PS1 was more powerful because it used disks

>> No.357919

I used to believe that blowing into cartridges actually helped.

>> No.357935

and Sony profited greatly from this common misconception

>> No.357930

>implying it doesn't

>> No.357947

I remember on the playstation, I think it was Ape Escape(?), my friend popped out the disk after it loaded a level and it still played the game. This shit blew my mind.

>> No.357936

Same, I used to think NES (and just Nintendo in general) was "the original" video game system and that everything else was a blatant knockoff. Sadly that's the attitude I had towards Sega and Sony for many many years until I got older, so I grew up a 100% purebred Nintendo kid.

>> No.357939

I used to think the Commodore 64 was related to the Nintendo 64.

>> No.357940

I used to think every possible action and consequence was pre-programmed like frames to a cartoon.

>> No.357961

I don't know why, but for some reason I thought there were more Nintendo gaming consoles before the NES/Famicom.

>> No.357971


i used to hope that someday i'd be able to play people in other houses at my house

i didnt even know what the internet was yet

>> No.357976

I used to think this was the case with the Atari 2600 because my parents would always tell me about how it was the first video game they played

>> No.357993
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>mfw I first realized that video game consoles were computers

>> No.358005
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I remember when I bought my first N64 and my dad gave me shit because 'it's just the same as the Commodore 64 we have at the house, it's no better. You're wasting your money.'

>> No.358018

I used to think you could play SNES cartridges on Genesis and vice versa, you just had to know tricks or codes to get them to play

>> No.358034
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>> No.358035

You were correct technically.

>> No.358029
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>mfw your dad doesn't know the difference between working memory and the processor cache

>> No.358087

The first time I saw a NES cart, I thought it was a better version of a SNES cart because it was bigger.

>> No.358103

I didn't have a disk based console as a kid so I used to think that only PC games had load times.

>> No.358109

Not really retro but video card model confusion

>me thinking a GeForce 6200 was better than a Radeon HD 4850 because the number was higher

I got fucking ripped off

>> No.358147 [DELETED] 

on a similar note, the first time I saw a gameboy advance it completely blew my mind, and spend the rest of the day trying to comprehend how they could get a game to look twice as good with a cartridge half the size.

>> No.358168 [DELETED] 


Oh god

My mind was blown the first time I saw a large capacity (1gb) MicroSD card

"they can fit one gb on THAT?!"

>> No.358182 [DELETED] 

I had a friend who was a 'that kid'. Yeah, you know the kind.

>Oh, you can play PS2 games on your PS1, it's a hidden feature. You just have to copy and burn the games, that's all

Not really a misonception, but when I called him out on his bullshit, he claimed his brother told him or some bull

>> No.358197

I'm pretty sure everyone thought that when they were very young

>> No.358193 [DELETED] 

I the first microSD card I saw was 8GB.
My mp3 player at the time was only 2GB, so my head practically exploded.

>> No.358216 [DELETED] 

I saw a thumb drive in a catalog that held 2 GB
The only thumb drive I owned up to that point was 32 MB.
I still have and use it

>> No.358227 [DELETED] 

I recently picked up a 16 GB thumb drive.
My previous one was 256 MB from 3 years prior while I was in college.

They cost the same amount.

>> No.358228

Really wish they'd standardize that shit. So fucking confusing unless you follow the company and its product lines.

>> No.358234 [DELETED] 


When I started working retail 256mb flash drives were about $35 or so

a few years later and 2gb sticks are too small to bother carrying any more


Oh god that must have physically hurt to comprehend

>> No.358243 [DELETED] 

You know you can buy like 32GB thumb drives and SD cards for like $16

That and they'd probably be a little faster than the one you're using

You should upgrade

>> No.358252

I could literally fill up that drive with one high quality image from my DSLR

>> No.358248

It works temporarily but can cause damage later on

>> No.358292

>Everytime I saw a FPS
>"Hey look, another shameless Doom ripoff"

>> No.358284 [DELETED] 

I have larger thumb drives. I just keep it around for shits and giggles.
Not as bad as when I saw a 4 GB thumb dive (I think it was called a monster drive) a few months later
My hard drive was only 6 GB. My head just about exploded.

>> No.358306

I have larger thumb drives. I just keep it around for shits and giggles.
Not as bad as when I saw a 4 GB thumb drive (I think it was called the 'monster drive') a few months later
My hard drive was only 6 GB. My head just about exploded.

>> No.358334

I remember accidentally cracking open a nes cartridge and seeing how small the board was and how much room the cart has, and wondered why the boards weren't bigger so they could make better games

>> No.358351

everyone called FPS games "doom clones" at first, but if you were doing it after Duke Nukem 3D and Half Life, you were an idiot

>> No.358378 [DELETED] 

>Get mad
>Throw N64 controller, NBD
>Get mad
>PS1 Controller explodes
>Confused as hell

>> No.358397 [DELETED] 

I used to think the trainers you faced in the original Pokemon games were actually real people that you battled via satellite, but Nintendo didn't want people to know that because it would spoil the experience.

>> No.358389

Early 2000's-ish
I was a very foolish kid with a very limited knowledge of world.

>> No.358406 [DELETED] 

>Get mad
>Throw N64 controller, NBD
>Get mad
>Throw controller
>It worked with N64, right?
>PS1 Controller fucking explodes

>> No.358414

I used to think there were actual people inside the TV/VHS tapes/cartridges.

>> No.358418


>will mario 64 run on an 80s computer? no way...

>> No.358424

>Get mad
>Throw N64 controller, NBD
>Get mad
>Throw PS1 controller
>It worked with N64, right?
>Controller fucking explodes

>> No.358429

I thought all games were automatically good. I was probably very lucky with games when I was a kid. The first game I remember was bad when I played it was Fracture for the PS3. I was about 15 by then.

>> No.358450

A Lucasarts gem!

>> No.358481

I miss nintendium

>Get mad
>Throw GBC
>Have to hire a contractor to repair wall, resume playing on GBC
Many a year later
>Get mad
>Slam 3ds on my lap with just enough force to make the screen snap backwards
>I'm on my 2nd 3ds, and this one is starting to show enough wear to make me consider a new one

>> No.358530 [DELETED] 
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I remember saying that shit to a friend when he got a GBA
>mfw he still brings it up with a shine in his eyes

>> No.358573


I swear I'll never understand why people get pissed and throw a controller or handheld across the room. Do you have no value for your belongings? Even when I was a kid, if I got mad, I'd simply turn the game off and do something else to cool off.

My brother, on the other hand, was an idiot about that kind of stuff. He once kicked our Sega Saturn because he couldn't beat me at Dark Stalkers. Swore the game was cheating or something.

>> No.358642 [DELETED] 

when I get frustrated with games I start gripping the controller really tight.
I cracked my DS in this manner, but it has never had any other ill-effects, that is unless you count numb fingertips.

>> No.358645

Frustration & anger can lead you to make irrational things.
Plenty of games could lead you to build up both of them if you sucked at the vidya is not that hard to figure out dude.

>> No.358649

I thought there was a Sega System named after each planet because of the Saturn.

>tfw no Sega Mars

>> No.358676

I'm pretty sure there was a prototype

>> No.358696 [DELETED] 

Actually, it is pretty hard to figure out dude. If I spent over 200 bucks on a 3DS, I wouldn't lob it across the room because I got hit by a shitty blue shell in Mario Kart.

I know that people get mad, but at some point while you're rearing back to pitch a controller or handheld or gripping the thing so tightly that it's going to snap, something in the back of your mind has got to say "Hey, this is an expensive piece of equipment..."

>> No.358721

when my family first got internet, my dad explained how we could plug the computer into the phone jack so it could talk to other computers.
I asked if there was a way I could plug my gameboy link cable into the phone.

>> No.358736

There was a sega mars prototype, I think it was between the 32x and the saturn actually.

>> No.358748

Wasn't that supposed to be a stand-alone 32x or CD?

>> No.358761

Neptune, Not mars

>> No.358756

something like that, yeah.

>> No.358782

>being gay
>not wanting a Sega Venus

Do you even best Sailor Scout?

>> No.358778

I used to think there were reviewers you could trust.

>> No.358779


I've totally had OCD since I was a little kid, and I always treated my possessions like they were fragile and valuable. Instead, I punished myself when I got mad. By the time I beat the original Ghosts 'n Goblins, my leg was PURPLE from beating it every time I died. I got over that type of anger by the time I was an adult.

>> No.358787

...Right, I actually had to wiki this shit and it seems the codename for the 32X is actually mars so there IS a sega mars, tecnically.

>> No.358804

I developed that last summer and I'm dealing with it right now I'm 23 years old therapist isn't doing shit what the fuck do I do how do I stop inflicting harm on myself every time someone else fucks up bigtime

>> No.358827

Oh yeah, motherfucker?

I used to think the N64 was backwards-compatible with the SNES and the NES, just because they all used cartridges. I got my dad to buy me one because I told him about that.

>> No.358819

I'm actually serious.
Also when you get angry just call it quits for a few minutes.

>> No.358837

I'm the exact same way with ALL of my possessions (aside from hitting myself) and have been since I was a kid. All of my old toys (Ninja Turtles, Power Rangers, Transformers, GI Joes, etc) and systems (SNES, NES, Dreamcast, PS2, N64, Gameboy Color, Gamegear) were in pristine condition. Unfortunately, I live in New Orleans and Hurricane Katrina pretty much fucked over all that stuff...so it was kind of pointless. Regardless, I still treat all my shit like it's fragile which is why I almost kicked my brother's ass a few weeks back when we were playing Persona 4 Arena and he slammed my PS3 controller on the table because he lost. I swear, it's been over 15 years since he kicked that damn Sega Saturn and he's STILL the same sore loser.

>> No.358839

I totally treat my things with a ton of care, but you can't think straight when your angry. I actually snapped a gamecube controller in half before because I was super frustrated with one of the challenges in SSBM

>> No.358853

>hold on guys, let me get my Nintendo© brand Nintendo© Cleaning Kit™

>> No.358859

looking at this thread makes me feel so much better about myself, I can't remember any time I thought of anything in this thread, but I sure knew other kids who did

>> No.358882

I thought Mario RPG was the SNES version of Mario 64. I actually remember saying to myself "The graphics aren't even that different. I guess the N64 is just an updated Super Nintendo".

Because of this, I never bothered to ask my parents to buy me one until 1998.

>> No.358886 [DELETED] 


I'm an SSBM-fag too and I think roughly half the people who play this game at all get REALLY FUCKING VIOLENT about it in casual settings. Grown adults, too. I send the pain within rather than inflicting it on anything in my hands, but I've always been heavy-handed with everything I use. With absolutely no aggression I've gone through countless keyboards and controllers. Thank goodness my arcade stick is built like a tank.

>> No.358934


I'm glad I got over pounding on my leg, but my possession OCD is still pretty bad. I just stopped having people over, because I never want anybody to touch my stuff. The internet has both helped and hurt me. It helps me play games with my friends, but it makes me even less likely to open up and have guests.

>> No.358957


kinda related:
>have a friend, we both love old vidya
>most of his games are form when he was a kid whereas I've acquired most of mine as an adult.
>as a collector I take good care of my stuff (keep games organized, clan up everything I get, ect.)
>he keeps his games in random cardboard boxes and half his disks don't have cases
>we used to borrow games from each other all the time
>one day he comes over
>I just got a model 2 genesis and am doing my standard restoration on it.
>he sees it taken apart on my desk while I soak the housing in a chemical bath
>he completely flips shit
>says I don't take good care of my stuff because I take it apart
>explain what I'm doing
>he doesn't want to hear it
>never lets me borrow anything again
seriously WTF?

>> No.358962


>everyone had just the black part, lost the brushes

>> No.359035
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also, last year I got him one of those redesigned N64 sticks because one of his broke.
He absolutely refused to install it

>> No.359080


I have a pretty sizable collection of games (approaching 800), but I didn't really consider myself a collector until I looked at my stuff and realized I HAD A COLLECTION. I've always treated my stuff well and kept it complete. One time, I lent one of my NES games to a friend. When he returned it, it smelled very strongly of cigarette smoke. I got a bit mad and told him that shit will NEVER come out. He just laughed and said WHO FUCKING CARES? IT'S JUST SMOKE! I said HAPPY BIRTHDAY and just handed the game back to him. Never again. Some people just don't get it.

>> No.359101

Planets or not, they still had some pretty kickass names.


What did Nintendo Have?

Entertainment System.
Super Entertainment System
Wii U


>> No.359121

I didn't think most games were beatable. I just thought nobody ever really got very far in them and was fine always playing the beginnings. I didn't have any competition [spoilers]or friends[/spoiler] to tell me otherwise.

>> No.359125

I wish you were my friend.

>> No.359141 [DELETED] 
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True, that's the one thing no one ever outshined sega for, the rad fucking names.
What kind of name is "Wii", and then WiiU. What a shame nintendo, really.

>> No.359170

Yeah I've never thrown shit out of frustration. I just either keep trying until I get it or turn the console off and go do something else.

>> No.359176

>>says I don't take good care of my stuff because I take it apart
Oh, the irony. So, he DOES take care of his stuff by keeping it in random boxes like a homeless person?

>smelled very strongly of cigarette smoke
I fucking hate that. That's why I never buy used games online. I have to be able to see, feel and SMELL games before I but them.

>> No.359190

I was playing with the controller when it broke, so I felt partly responsible.

>> No.359182 [DELETED] 

I personally thought they should've went with the prototype name, Revolution.

>> No.359201

I never got anything that smells like cigarette smoke, but I have a wavebird that smells like grandma hand lotion

It just won't fucking come out

>> No.359223

It's better than CDs smelling of toothpaste at least, shit may work but god damn does it make me sick.

>> No.359226

>before I but them.
Also before I buy them. Damn, I need sleep.

>> No.359247

the image of a man examining a snes like a wine tester shakes, swirls and whiffs a glass on wine crosses my mind.

>> No.359294
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when i was a youngster playin the oregon trail i thought tapping the side of the monitor would help make more animals come out so i could shoot them.

Little did i know i was the reason the mass extinction of buffalo occurred.

>> No.359305

When I get super pissed (which is rare) I get an urge to destroy things I love as a sort of masochistic punishment.

>> No.359313

I thought that, like the actors had to do those takes live whenever I felt like watching a VHS.

>> No.359314

>Little did i know i was the reason the mass extinction of buffalo occurred.
Truly, you were the Buffalo Bill of the Apple II era.

>> No.359328

That mustache guy looks like a total bro

>> No.359346

If I got stuck on a level in donkey kong country I would punch myself lightly in the face after dying too many times, I would play, lose life, punch face, repeat

>> No.359358

What? Doesn't everyone do that?


>> No.359363 [DELETED] 


I used to not be able to understand why a PS1 couldn't play PS2 games.

>> No.359371

i remember one time killing like 50 buffalo and having some asshole guy that usually died of dysentary gary telling me "you shot 3493 pounds of meat. We can only take back 50 pounds of meat"

Maybe i went a little overboard on this one..

>> No.359385

Nope! buffalo hunting was the most fun part of the game, everyone did that.

>> No.359398

>3493 pounds of meat.
how do you remember the exact number more than 20 years later?

>> No.359416 [DELETED] 

You should've thrown pokeballs instead.

>> No.359427

massive exaggeration, but it was definitely in the thousands. I don't even know if that was the exact dialogue. I just remember there was a lot of diarrhea and death on my journey as a settler in the west.

>> No.359489


I certainly do. Pick up a game. Rub fingers on it to feel for residue. Rub fingers together. Smell game. Smell fingers. Any serious collector should do the same. I don't care if people look at me funny.

>> No.359557

If only.

>> No.359634

Most nintendo prototype names were pretty sweet, not sega tier but still damn close.
Does anyone remembers the dolphin or the ultra?

>> No.359718 [DELETED] 
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>mfw the DS prototype was called Nitro
>mfw no rad as fuck name
Why Nintendo, WHY?

>> No.361065

I laughed heartily.

>> No.361164

can that actually happen? you people are just trying to get me put toothpaste on my cartridge

that sounds like some kind of euphemism but I don't know what[spoiler/]

>> No.361184

I used to be genuinely jealous of the fact that game characters could never age or have to eat or sleep or anything and that they got to live forever. Same went for cartoon characters.

>> No.361203

I always thought the 64 meant 3-dimensional because 4 X 4 X 4 = 64. It made sense at the time.

>> No.361206 [DELETED] 


It really hasn't been that fucking long that you're now actually of the legal age, right?

>> No.361213 [DELETED] 

Me too.
>tfw I will never be a qt anime girl

>> No.361228

Also, the fact that they could double jump. Or how Ed was able to hang on to the fan from his teeth, so much in fact I tried it myself.

>> No.361231

I had no clue the Bible games were unlicensed until high school. I remember thinking they were different for having oddly shaped carts, but so did a lot of other games I played (which also wound up being unlicensed).

>> No.361251

U wot m8

>> No.361250


How can you have even a shred of opinion here? you barely left of the womb

>> No.361271

>mfw I just realised that I was 12 when the PS3 was released

Damn, I feel young.

>> No.361272

I thought a CRT HDTV would display old games just as well as a regular TV, so I got myself a nice Sony set and hooked up everything from the NES up to the 360 on it.

Turns out old games, particularly NES and SNES, get screen-tearing like a motherfucker on it, and look really blocky and not at all like on a regular TV.

Oh well, it's great for PS2 and up.

>> No.361273



me too...

>> No.361291

No big loss, CRT TVs are worth literally nothing now.

Just wait until the next hard garbage collection (do they have these in the US?) and pick one up from the side of the road.

>> No.361298

Remember when you couldn't save a game on the Snes or Genesis and your mom or pop would flip a fucking nut because you had done what they told you to do?

People complain about autosaves and shit now... but let me tell you. Would have saved me an ass whooping from my dad when I was playing Gradius and I wasn't getting my shoes on fast enough.

Sidenote... my asshole step-father would always unplug the A/C cord from my gameboy when I was playing Pokemon Red or Links Awakening. After he would say "Did you save?" and then walk away laughing knowing I didn't have batterys in the thing.


>> No.361312


hadn't done...*

>> No.361317
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>toothpaste on my cartridge
Nigga what? he said CDs what the fuck are you on abo- actually... if you dissasemble the cartridge for cleaning and use toothpaste on the contacts it should leave them nice and shiny.
I need to try this.

>> No.361319

Oh, I ended up getting an SD Sony to stand alongside the HD one, so now I have two great Sony TVs, one for newer games and one for older ones.

>> No.361341

I don't know how I got that mixed up. But I guess that turned out fine, huh

>> No.361348 [DELETED] 

Oh God I thought I was the only one.

My GBA SP smells like grandma's lotion SO HARD.

...which isn't too bad considering the other second hand GBA smelled like farts.

>> No.361367

Toothpaste can clean scratches from plastic, metal and glass but the smell won't come off most of the time.
I believe it can also remove rust.

>> No.361432

And minty fresh!

>> No.361461


Resealed in 1964? So when was it unsealed?

>> No.361536

Mars was actually the codename of the 32x.

>> No.361573
File: 15 KB, 500x300, Sega-Neptune.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The 32x addon, yes it was mars the 32x console however was neptune.

>> No.361608

I honestly believed Player 1 had an advantage.


>> No.361623

i always hated how the games looked better in the arcades. when snes came out i thought the arcade quality graphics were finally available for home.

>> No.361624

have you found out yet?
how can they?
bet you don't know

>> No.361630

My dad used to think the enemies in Super Mario Bros were actual players and they were playing through "Japanese satellite technology"

He thought it was a mode you unlocked when you beat the game.

He never beat the game.

>> No.361639 [DELETED] 
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I still do the B+Up thing while catching a Pokemon

It...it just feels right, okay?!

>> No.361675 [DELETED] 


It's A+Down for me. And I always press A+Left when my Pokemon attacks.

>> No.361721

It doesn't. Unless you've had the game on a shelf for a few years and is filled with dust. otherwise you're just damaging your cartridges. I've taken apart many cartridges for cleaning/making repros and have found rust on the pins pretty often

>> No.361962

I used to think the news reporters could see you through the TV

>> No.361967

I used to think there were little people underneath traffic lights who control them manually

>> No.361973

my dad used to think that wow was created by fashists and nazis who hid symbols in the lore and towns

i dont know what the fuck he saw to think that way. still played the game for 4 years

>> No.362012

>I asked if there was a way I could plug my gameboy link cable into the phone.

You should've called nintendo up.

>> No.362791
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I remember thinking that the arcade machines had a SNES inside because of the SNES killer instinct commercial.
>mfw I found out that my local arcade had second hand machines that were pretty much this way.

>> No.363320

or read the specks. but yes, that is bullshit, same thing with processors, it used to be just a fucking number, the highest the better, now you have multi threads, architecture and stuff.

>> No.363332

1000 times this, but i have never heard of this rage as a kid, until now that i come to /vr/ Maybe because im from Mexico and that stuff it was considered expensive as fuck, (or thats what my parents told me)