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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 77 KB, 316x576, gokinjou.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3593831 No.3593831 [Reply] [Original]

This game looks right up my alley. I've even contemplated learning Japanese, but it looks like it's more trouble than it's worth.

Game is called Gokinjou Boukentai by the way.

>> No.3593846
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NGPC Ogre Battle.
Someone started the translation but vanished.

>> No.3593852

I looked it up and it looks like a regular port of the SNES game. Anything different about it?

>> No.3593865

Same sort of gameplay, but different maps and more classes.
It is either a retelling of the first game from Prince Tristan's view or a side story connected to the first game. Not sure.

>> No.3593881 [DELETED] 

>I've even contemplated learning Japanese, but it looks like it's more trouble than it's worth.
How do you reach that conclusion? Is that game the only Japanese thing you're interested in?
Learning Japanese doesn't just allow you to play untranslated games, you can also play "translated" games in a superior way. Additionally you can understand accompanying and other media.

>> No.3593901

I've undertaken learning a language before, I know how much effort it can take, especially when you're not all that into it. I'm personally not all that interested in the Japanese language other than very few things here and there.

>> No.3593908

>you can also play "translated" games in a superior way.
Is being pretentious a result of or a requirement for learning japanese?

>> No.3593915

The main effort in learning a language is actually indulging in the language.
You could at least give it a shot instead of giving up before you even started. You'll never know what catches your interest.

>> No.3593918 [DELETED] 

What's pretentious about that? The original is obviously better than a translation.
Even ignoring the translation itself there are tons of factors such as bad ports getting translated or the overseas publisher making dubious changes to the game.

>> No.3593937

Altough more often than not that is the case, not all translations are worse than the original. Sometimes the original writer is absolute garbage and the translator is just a better writer. I know it doesn't happen often in videogames, if at all, but in literature, for example, that exists.

>> No.3593964

If you have to rely on a "translator" stepping out of their bounds to "improve" a book then it probably is shit in the first place

Then again you're probably EOP and full of shit

>> No.3593967
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For years.

>> No.3593970

>Sometimes the original writer is absolute garbage
Why would they attract translations to begin with?

>> No.3593973
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>> No.3593980

Ladystalker and Mizzurna Falls.

>> No.3593981
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Translation someday

>> No.3593987

Why would you want that translated? Do you have any clue what kind of game that is?

>> No.3594006

>Joe will never go to the beach


>> No.3594012
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>> No.3594015


a JRPG? am I missing something?

>> No.3594024

There's a certain writer from my country that is shat on by absolutely anyone with a literary sense, yet he is like, one of the best selling authors of all time. The guy writes poor literature but makes the figures, and figures are what matter. It is often admitted by the very author that his success in english speaking countries is due to his translator.

Now, imagine that most videogame writers are shit and people translating it could have a few degrees under their belt, have read and written a lot and really know what they are doing.

>> No.3594046

>and people translating it could have a few degrees under their belt, have read and written a lot and really know what they are doing.
Why would they be stuck translating shit?

>> No.3594053

>right up my alley

The pedo alley?

>> No.3594148

Money? An okay job doing something they love to do regarding language and writing? Having writer's block and not being able to produce something of your own for a while?

Lots of reasons.

>> No.3594252

With a captial J. It's so heavily Japanese that you wouldn't comprehend it even with a translation.

>> No.3594282

also wild card for the wonder swan

>> No.3594283 [DELETED] 

People too incompetent to learn Japanese often feel intense hatred towards those who claim they know enough Japanese to enjoy what they want.

It's common on /vr/.

Just reply "None, I learned Japanese." to OP's
>Games you wish had a translation
and you'll send a number of people into a rage fit.

>> No.3594290

Don't be such a dick, Hwa-kun.

>> No.3594292
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>Game is called Gokinjou Boukentai by the way.

We know, it says ごきんじょ冒険隊 right on the box

>> No.3594296

See >>3594290

>> No.3594310

>current year
>not being able to at least memorise hiragana
Why breath?

>> No.3594319

There's languages other than Japanese.
There are some Chinese games I'd like to play. Maybe some French or Korean as well.

>> No.3594351


>> No.3594356 [DELETED] 
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>> No.3594382

Leading Company
Famicom Top Management
Top Management II
The Money Game
The Money Game II
Business Wars
Sanma No Mei Tantei
Hokkaidou Rensa Satsujin - Ohotsuku Ni Kiyu
America Daitouryou Senkyo
Kabushiki Doujou
Matsumoto Tooru No Kabushiki Hisshou Gaku
Matsumoto Tooru No Kabushiki Hisshou Gaku 2
President No Sentaku
Metal Slader Glory
Metal Slader Glory - Director's Cut
Famicom Tantei Club
Jirou Akagawa - Majotachi No Nemuri
Kachou Shima Kousaku
Kamaitachi No Yoru
Zakuro No Aji
Majo Tachi no Nemuri
Romancing SaGa 2
Moryou Senki Madara 2
Metal Max 2
Super Wrestle Angles
Bishoujo Wrestler Retsuden - Blizzard Yuki Rannyuu!!

>> No.3594402

You're talking about Paulo Coelho aren't you?

>> No.3594410
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>inb4 android

>> No.3594498

already is translated, but the fags won't release it til someone takes care of three bugs

>> No.3594514

This guy is a massive dicktease

>> No.3594612

I really want to join in this "odscure games that only launched on japan" fandom.

>> No.3594617

Learn to love the NEC PC-9801 and any games on there. They're almost certain to never get a translation.

>> No.3594621

Do your relatives know that you think about fucking the children every time you see one?

>> No.3594991

The lighthearted modern setting RPG alley.

>> No.3595001

If you see anything about that game as being "pedo", I'm sorry to break it to you anon but you are a pedophile.

>> No.3595086

www am i japanese yet ww 爆笑

>> No.3595139


>> No.3595186
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This game has some really nice jazzy soundtrack


>> No.3595192

Is being ignorant something you're proud of?

>> No.3595219
File: 104 KB, 640x480, T27907Gnewshots.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whole plethora of Slayers video games. Never ever.

>> No.3595256
File: 51 KB, 511x445, eden.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Far East of Eden Zero

>> No.3595514

Far East of Eden series
Megami Tensei 2
Shin Megami Tensei If...
Dr. Hauzer
The Legend of Heroes 2
Sorcerian on the PC Engine
all those other untranslated games on the PC Engine

>> No.3595539

Is there some kind of Japanese alternative to duolingo? Or any kind of Japanese learning app?

>> No.3595543

Nice to see another Slayers fan here of all places.

>> No.3595553 [DELETED] 
File: 185 KB, 500x500, 1471648314406.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Yet another tired-ass GIBBIE TRANSLATIONZ PLZ thread

For god's sake, just man up, crack open Genki/Anki, Etc., and study the moonrues already. Seriously, don't be afraid, just do it. The time it takes for any major game to see ANY kind of patch, you could already have at least a year's worth of moon under your belt.


Again, just do it.

>> No.3595557

Not really. Funny thing is that both Korean and Chinese do, but not Japanese.

>> No.3595565

I already explained why I don't want to learn Japanese. What I don't get is why you're so obsessed with making people learn it, I seriously can't think of anything.

>> No.3595731


I consider myself somewhat intelligent, but I have zero aptitude to teach myself another language. I gave it a legit shot a couple years ago and didn't get far at all. If it was as simple to learn as you seem to suggest, the overwhelming majority of this board would already be fluent.

>> No.3595737

>learning a language just to play 1-2 untranslated games I'm interested in.
Not a really wise use of my time. I'd rather put my energy into other pursuits.

>> No.3595902

>replying to THAT guy

>> No.3595904

inb4 he goes on about how kanji is literally a flawless writing system

>> No.3595920

>the overwhelming majority of this board would already be fluent.
What makes you think that isn't the case? It maybe not be the majority since some here aren't interested in Japanese games but there are plenty that learned Japanese. It should be the board with the highest percentage after /jp/ and /a/, maybe even ahead of /a/ since there's more old guy here.

>> No.3595923
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>> No.3595927
File: 69 KB, 256x256, oreshika.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3595931
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Is there anything peculiar about this title in the series that people want translated the most?

>> No.3595940

You could play other games as well.
>I'd rather put my energy into other pursuits.
Isn't that just another word for laziness? Most of the time spend would be playing games and the like. Repeating vocabulary is only a minor side business.

>> No.3596024

>a few degrees under their belt
No one with degrees translates video games.

>> No.3596035

Liberal arts.

>> No.3596105


>> No.3596146 [DELETED] 

>EOP makes up a strawman

>> No.3596218

>Most of the time spend would be playing games and the like
I actually have other things to do besides playing games.

>> No.3596775

Learning a new language doesn't have much to do with intelligence.
It's memorization and repetition. So, patience and discipline to keep repeating the same things over and over. If we had patience and discipline, we would be doing something useful instead of posting on 4chan.
Me included.

>> No.3596868
File: 183 KB, 304x271, 1444841729685.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How is this delete-worthy, yet shitty bait threads can stay up for days on end?

>> No.3596968


"Because there's no patch, exactly. I generate the English rom using the script editor, so there's no patch involved. I don't have anything I can distribute."

Does this clown even realize that all he has to do is use xdelta to create a patch based off the differences between the unpatched rom and the translated rom? He's either an idiot or the world's worst liar.

>> No.3596986 [DELETED] 

how about you eat a dick, then crawl back to >>>/jp/ with the other weaboos

>> No.3597076

He honestly might not know that. Remember, not everyone knows shit about how romhacking and patches and shit work. Send him a PM with the exact steps required and he might be inclined to do it.

>> No.3597082

didn't byuu make it

you know, the guy who programmed a cycle accurate SNES emulator?

>> No.3597094

beyond comfy

>> No.3597107

The guy posting the videos isn't byuu, it's the translator. Byuu made the script inserter that this guy is using, and the script inserter gives him a fully playable ROM, not a patch. He's waiting on byuu for some other shit, can't remember what.

>> No.3597123
File: 13 KB, 342x300, segagaga_dcbox.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you already know

>> No.3597147


It sounds like he did the text manually int a hex editor for these few lines. When you're looking at a game of this magnitude (like most JRPGs), you want to come up with a manual insertion tool instead. Most hackers who provide text for translators come up with scripts to dump text, but depending on the iso itself, this step in the process can go straight to hell right quick.

Depending on the game and how the text is inserted, this process can take much longer, and that's the fastest part of the process. If it's tricky just getting hte text out, typically developing something to reinsert it only gets that much harder on the other end before any ASM, VWF, font, space, checksum modifications might have to be made. As far as checksums go, you might have multiple checksums that might trigger depending on the modification of the text or even another checksum existant in the rom/iso.

From the sound of it, TMZero is probably vulnerable to a lot of bullshit that would be impossible to detect where what bug triggers where. If you just click and automatically throw in 10k strings of text, something will get fucky faster than you think.

I actually have a story translation of OP's game, but I emailed the guy who got me the story text as it doesn't have the rest of the game's text at all. No response, but I may message him again. I've just been working on five other things it's been no priority desu.

>> No.3597398

Dude, could you release that somewhere? It's not ideal, but it's better than nothing.

>> No.3597527

A lot of JRPGs with good translations are this.
Seriously, most JRPGs have the worst writing imaginable.

>> No.3597539
File: 80 KB, 271x431, 1363654237481.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just want the snes goemon games to get translated already

over the past 10+ years, translation projects have popped up here and there, but they always fail because of the game's weird programming

>> No.3597548
File: 127 KB, 704x480, 00000034.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If someone writes a working CNX compressor, I'd take a crack at translating it myself.

>> No.3597551

megami tensei 2 has an active translation project going on right now anon http://www.romhacking.net/translations/2433/

but if you can't wait, you can always just play the SNES remake, which has been translated for years: http://www.romhacking.net/translations/2263/

>> No.3597559 [DELETED] 

Just play Undertale. I remembering reading a detailed synopsis and basically Undertale stole the entire concept and repackaged it.

>> No.3597690


I'm kinda working on other stuff at the moment but it needs some proofreading/spellchecks. I can make the effort to at least do that this month and upload the text onto romhacking.

>> No.3597768

And you found this out personally as a professor in Japanese literature and not because some translator told you.
In games you can't even get a normal translation due to technical obstacles.

>> No.3597809
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I just want to understand how to be comfy and fish

>> No.3597853
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>> No.3598027

Anyway I can keep up with this or should I just keep checking romhacking?

>> No.3598029

How does one get into the technical side of translating games? I have some prior programming knowledge but I've never worked with this kind of stuff so I'm seriously at a loss here. I'd like to help all of you anons.

>> No.3598983

Friend told me of a "sequel" to River City Ransom. Said it was the same game for the most part, except slightly expanded. Anyone know of that? If it was translated?

>> No.3599016

Probally Shodai

>> No.3599041

>Famicom Tantei Club
Didn't this have a translation from Tomato and demiforce

>> No.3599045

Oh man, this game is cute as hell.

>> No.3599071

That one is the SNES remake of Famicom Tantei Club Part II - Ushiro Ni Tatsu Shojo. The first FTC on Famicom Disk System is not translated yet.

>> No.3599504

I'm just as clueless familia

I'm pretty sure you need to learn a new language per system, since they all use slightly different forms of assembly based on what chips they have

go ask the guys at romhacking.net or agtp or something, they're probably more knowledgeable than me

>> No.3599510

it's a remake of a prequel to the first game, so you'll be fine just playing it instead of waiting forever for a FTC translation to come out

>> No.3599529

Angelique for SNES. Was the first Otome game.

>> No.3599690

Taikou Risshiden
Daikoukai Jidai III: Costa del Sol
Jinsei Game

>> No.3599703

There's a whole bunch of games in that series and many of them are translated.

>> No.3599708
File: 42 KB, 200x200, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Translation has been in the works for 6 years now. Last update was over 17 months ago

>> No.3599729


>> No.3599872


>> No.3599873

Begin with Genki 1

>> No.3600010
File: 120 KB, 640x640, 308766_front.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Linkle Liver Story. I fucking loved Crusader of Centy and this is supposed to be its spiritual successor.

>> No.3600043

ending glitches out, can't set the date passed 2014 or some shit and the menus need work

>> No.3600051

Isn't the second Famicom Detective Club generally considered the better of the two games anyway?

>> No.3600335

I watched some gameplay online (here if you're interested: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1yMV_TPbuTU&list=PLtLy156nv-EtyJMAUJ2IC6jvqQvTEVVzJ ) and it doesn't seem to be as good Crusader of Centy, but still something that could be fun to play perhaps.

>> No.3600550


I'd love to see all the Slayers games get translated. Since the anime was killed.

>> No.3600556

Not retro, but Yakuza: Black Panther. The dude working on it finished the main plot translations already, and is just working on sidestory stuff now. Last update was just a few months ago, so I'm still hopeful.

>> No.3600559

We're almost there

>> No.3600578


>> No.3600612 [DELETED] 

Another game getting ruined.

>> No.3602117
File: 177 KB, 640x1171, Ihatovo monogatari cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And we were actually pretty close to getting it.

>> No.3603039

Why are you typing like a retard?
2chdqn are trash worse than /v/ermins

>> No.3603384
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Of course I know that a script translation exist but I still want to see a full translation of Growlanser, either the PS1 or PSP version.

And Growlanser VI just to complete the series.

>> No.3603459


>> No.3603614

I'd give it a shot if I could read moon runes. It looks cute.

>> No.3603675
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Always related.

>> No.3603730


there's still hope

>> No.3603740

someone always picks these up and never delivers
there won't be a publicly released translation of any of them til Gideon Zhi releases it

>> No.3604173
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>> No.3604401
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>translation started 10 years ago
>last update is from 2013

>> No.3604405

Came here to post this.
I used to be a huge puyofag, both for the gameplay and the waifus. When I first heard about his game, I even tried to play it blindly and got around half of the game, and then I dropped it for reasons I don't remember.
The sad thing is that the people at Puyo Nexus seem capable of translating it, but just don't do it because they are only interested in Puyo games.

>> No.3606046
File: 51 KB, 552x640, Shin Onigashima.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some text-based games made by Nintendo and Pax Softnica like:
Shin Onigashima
Time Twist: Rekishi no Katasumi de...

>> No.3606089

What's that game called?

>> No.3606289

Madou Monogatari, for Saturn.

>> No.3606495

I just wanted the mega or PCe cd Version
Also the msx ones too
Goemon games are fucked programing like falcom snes games?
At least has a fan site with a guide featuring translations for menus

>> No.3606503

The first one and thisare closestthing for Fire Emblem and SMT crossover.

>> No.3606531
File: 53 KB, 400x500, 39879_front[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Medarot games, both retro and non-retro.
Hyper Iria.
Digimon Games. Especially the RPGs on the Wonderswan.

I know you can force your way down the menus and stuff, but it's not the same.
And i CANNOT learn japanese. I've tried.

>> No.3606573

>And i CANNOT learn japanese. I've tried.
What do you mean by tried? I used to think that too but I've been making a lot of progress lately. Just learned about comparisons with 方 and より today for example.

I'm dumb as a brick anon, I'm sure you can do it if you really want to.

>> No.3606580
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>> No.3606605
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>> No.3606854

>Goemon games are fucked programing like falcom snes games?

Even worse apparently, since a ton of Falcom SNES games have already been fan translated. Brandish 2, Ys 4, Ys 5, just off the top of my head.

>> No.3606896
File: 68 KB, 349x640, GOD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3608704

Nothing. I know enough of every language I care about to play any game.

>> No.3608805

>every language I care about
I know English and Japanese, too.

>> No.3608806

Don't respond to him.

>> No.3609610
File: 26 KB, 406x284, Downtown_Nekketsu_Monogatari_game_cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

River City Ransom exists, but it changes the story and also removes the game mode where friendly fire is turned off.

>> No.3609614

I want the first one to be translated.

>> No.3609669
File: 47 KB, 458x438, lain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Some people looked into translating it years back
>Allegedly it's a fucking shitshow trying to do any sort of text replacement


I'd settle for someone fluent in Japanese to do a let's play and translate on the fly at this point.

>> No.3609682

Should be fine if all you care about is old vidya.

>> No.3609692

The problem is that there's a lot of pre-rendered cutscenes and graphics with text in them

>> No.3609884

the GBA version is even more retarded, it keeps all the kunio-kun graphics but it's based on the NES translation

>> No.3609895


>make me sad.
>make me sad.
>make me sad.
>make me sad.

>> No.3610006

>Why breath?
Beats your half-assed English.

>> No.3610275

why live ;_;

>> No.3610281

I love you.

>> No.3610335

>still no news
I want it so bad

>> No.3611230

If someone were to extract the japanese text from the game Im sure there would be people happy to look at it, myself included.

>> No.3611442

How will staring at extracted text do anything to translate a game?

>> No.3612367

Go tell this guy that here: http://www.romhacking.net/forum/index.php/topic,22957.0.html

As far as I know, that's the only active Goemon translation project going on, and it's still in the hacking phase (which is where SFC Goemon projects usually fail)

>> No.3612818

We could get a /vr/ translation team going on, couldn't we?
I mean, I can translate some basic/intermediate japanese, make any meticulous editing on images and video to replace text but I can't program.
I'm sure I'm not the only one, right? If we were to assemble a team, more than a few people would be interested.

>> No.3612823

What program do you need? Aegissub should be enough.
>I can translate some basic/intermediate Japanese
Can you really?

>> No.3612834

>CNX compressor
Doesn't this work properly?

>> No.3612985

>basic/intermediate japanese
Unless you've been studying daily for a year or two, you're massively overestimating your ability. Understanding UWAH ABUNAI does not mean you have basic knowledge of Japanese, it means you have ears.

For a job like this, you literally only need 1 person, 2 if you're lazy.

>> No.3612987

>We could get a /vr/ translation team going on, couldn't we?

You being another weeaboo who thinks he knows Jap, you really shouldnt start anything on 4chan, it's a horrible place for this kind of stuff. Do it elsewhere.

>> No.3612991

>Unless you've been studying daily for a year or two, you're massively overestimating your ability
I've done that and I can play Japanese games just fine but I can't translate for shit.

>> No.3613939

Now I remember why things like that don't work here.
I've been subbing owarai for a while now. Not easy, but it just takes patience.
But sure. Let's just assume that nobody can speak Japanese simply because if you can't, why would they, right?

>> No.3613948

I'd be down to participate in a /vr/ translation group. I'm not the best but I've been doing it for about 3 years now and could always use someone to chat about a string with or to double check my work. If people are open to it it would be fun to zero in on a game.

>> No.3613974

It's probably better to look for people outside of /vr/ in all honesty. Take your skills, find a game and look for others interested in said game to work on it, or find people looking for a translator (or hacker, whichever you are) and then offer your help. I've got a romhack coming out in a couple of weeks most likely from doing that.

>> No.3614337
File: 76 KB, 640x640, 122yjcm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Game, anime, and manga have no translations

>> No.3614369

This one is actually on my translation hitlist! Im just bogged down by other games first that I need to get out of the way.

Its also tricky to grt the text in this one because the game is compiled strangely. i may take another look soon but i remember holding it off for one reason or another.

>> No.3614376

hey that girl is pretty cute is there any fan art of her?

>> No.3614378


Oh shit, I love that artist.

>> No.3614458
File: 756 KB, 2096x2720, akihiro-yamada_191005.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know that's like the only reason why I even know about the series. He even put an artbook out for it.

>> No.3614469

You could always just play the PS2 remake

>> No.3614574

Seconded. I loved his work with Mystik Ark(especially 2, which was my first). I wish a bigger focus was put to traditional art in game design now, especially with unique work of his calibur.

>> No.3614634

Here of all places? This is one of the few boards I'd expect some Slayers fans. Boards full of old farts like here or /m/ are likely places.

>> No.3614648

Does subbing anything mean you can actually translate?
You provided no credentials or examples. A lot of people here speak Japanese, that alone is no big deal. Translating however is a completely different matter.

>> No.3614716
File: 32 KB, 500x375, 41o2RmJGAYL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the Twilight Syndrome games for the ps1 for the ps1

>> No.3614871

I wasn't applying to a goddamn job, I was just throwing in an idea. I know there are people here who speak far better japanese than I do, which is why I focused on saying basic/intermediate. I can and have translated things, but I struggle at difficult kanji. Can do it, just takes somewhat longer.

I was just giving an idea man, but nevermind it. Like the other anon said, it would probably be a better idea to do it somewhere else.

>> No.3614875

As a general rule you don't really want to start projects on any board on 4chan. It's not the anonymity that makes people here assholes, they simply are so.

>> No.3614886 [DELETED] 

It would be better not to do it at all.

>> No.3614953

>t. N3

>> No.3614961

Daily reminder Sakura Taisen translations exist BUT the game isn't playable in English on ANY platform because nobody has actually patched it.

>> No.3616975
File: 68 KB, 499x572, medarot5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All the Medarot games really, the only game that was localized was a remake of Medarot 2, and that was likely made primarily for the American market.

>> No.3616998

Romhacking is the hardest part in fan translation, so nothing new.

>> No.3617234

>Japanese is easy
Where's your JLPT N1 certificate?

>> No.3617243

The russians managed to do it, eventually someone over here will too.

I saw two guys on the case a few months ago, first game I think.

>> No.3617245

The only people who take the JLPT are retards who like wasting money.

>> No.3617246

>Games not being localized
When will this retarded outdated practice end?

>> No.3617264

scratch that, it's from 2 years ago,


>> No.3617275

When money is infinite and source code is public

>> No.3617278

I guess it depends on what are your plans with Japanese? If it's just reading drawn porn and acting smug on /vr/, then you probably don't need it.

>> No.3617281

it's the le source is nodev guy from /agdg/ i just realised. don't retort, hide and report.

>> No.3617289

There's a difference between being able to play a game and being able to translate it.

>> No.3617293

I agree. A big one.

>> No.3617312

>le source is nodev guy from /agdg/
I don't understand a single word you just said

>> No.3617426

This 100%. Lotmn is my favorite game of all time and I have only half assed the orher games because I cant read Japanese.

>> No.3617436

People always say that, but not only i don't have a PS2 i think it looks ugly as fuck, i just love the SNES sprites and stuff

>> No.3617457

I dunno. If you'd quoted some of it (seeing as you apparently knew it was about to be deleted) then perhaps we could help answer your question.

>> No.3618258
File: 372 KB, 900x600, lizard wizard.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dream of a future where computer AI is so great that it can automatically translate any game you wish and hack it to be playable all automatically

>> No.3618542
File: 52 KB, 482x640, niggoemon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It seems Goemon 2 has an active project going on as well:

Let's keep our fingers crossed that these will be the ones, lads

>> No.3618582

googles cant translate shit.

>> No.3618798

What are some games with simple Japanese a learning retard like me could play?

>> No.3618802

The ones with hiragana/katakana only.
Look for games aimed for kids, they tend to be light in terms of difficult words or story.

>> No.3618829

>The ones with hiragana/katakana only.
That's completely wrong. Those are a pain the ass to read. You'd rather want stuff with simple Kanji that add structure and reduce ambiguities.

Koei's Emit trilogy. They're supposed to help Japanese learn English but it also works the other way around. You can swap between English and Japanese for both audio and subtitles and get quizzes between chapters so you can see whether you understood everything.
After that some SFC, PCE-CD or PS1 RPGs. Dragon Quest is a good start.

>> No.3618846

Pokemon is oddly.helpful because you might be familiar with the English equivalents of some names/statements already. Good for beating verbs into your head. Any anime adaptation game should be fine too so long as youre willing to write shit down. Go play some Shaman King or Dr. Slump on PSX.

>> No.3618859

>Koei's Emit trilogy.
This looks like just the thing I was looking for. Do you know if they emulate well?
I'll take those into consideration as well. Thanks fellas.

>> No.3618861

>Do you know if they emulate well?
I emulated the 3DO version fine. I don't expect others should prove a problem.
Except for the SFC since that needed a peculiar piece of hardware to connect with a CD player for the voices.

>> No.3619521 [DELETED] 

Fucking kek. JLPT N1 is a joke. Your average weeb could ace it. Guessing that's you.

>> No.3619535

>decide to check back to see if people are still bitching about learning japanese
>of course they are
You'll keep this shit up until the thread dies, won't you?

>> No.3619538

Weebs by definition don't know shit about Japan in terms of language or culture.

>> No.3619542

I follow these threads because I'm a translator in the hopes that something someone suggests will catch my fancy or a game I'm translating already is mentioned.

They've kept it up for way beyond this thread, and they'll continue to do so into the forseeable future.

>> No.3619578 [DELETED] 
File: 897 KB, 1936x1357, dizzy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Dizzy was the original Metroidvania

>> No.3619885

AI of that level could make brand new games on-demand custom tailored to your interests.

>> No.3620213

It's the only constructive thing that comes from these threads.

>> No.3620396

Show us your certificate.

>> No.3620443

What have you been working on?

>> No.3620464

The first E.V.O. game on the PC-98. Released a trailer earlier this week.


>> No.3620475


Awesome job anon, looking forward to it.

>> No.3620546

I wish Gideon just released materials regarding SRW Alpha translation to public, because, apparently, he has no intention for ever finishing this project.

>> No.3620580

Looks great so far. Good job man, keep up the good work.

>> No.3621650

I don't understand why some fan translators aren't more transparent about what they're doing.

>> No.3621745

Hyper Iria was translated a while ago.


>> No.3621861

but they wouldn't be retro

>> No.3622263
File: 66 KB, 447x600, 1690088i.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I played Medarot 1-5. Really quite an amazing series. Best played on an emulator because some of the battles or grind benefit from having a fast forward button but otherwise fantastic series.

5 is an ocean of wasted potential. I heard the team ran out of money and had to finish the game at some point and it honestly feels like that. Game ends so suddenly that I was left with an open mouth.

Also, top tier waifus.

>> No.3622273

>>Also, top tier waifus.
>posts a kid

What are you implying?

>> No.3622294
File: 18 KB, 183x167, images-cummin-seeds-250x250[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


When i'm into it, i always come up with an excuse to stop.
Too tired from work, college or those things.
The third's the charm, i guess. Gotta findout some day.



>> No.3622295
File: 167 KB, 538x700, m5-gre.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why wait

>> No.3622297
File: 60 KB, 697x598, PicsArt_07-06-12.23.56.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't see an issue here.

>> No.3622308
File: 82 KB, 1115x455, 1462655710652.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh yea you're post reminded me, google just updated their algorithm to use a neural network.

i have a degree in moon runes and I can confirm its super accurate now.

>> No.3622313
File: 205 KB, 591x801, 26437949.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>top tier waifus

>> No.3622374
File: 46 KB, 360x306, 54309-Nanatsu_Kaze_-_No_Shima_Monogatari_(J)-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

as a baka gajin these threads straight up hurt to go through desu. someday...

also they ain't /vr/ but if Endnesia and Chulip get fan-translated I'm going to cry tears of joy (I know the latter was released west but it was a shitshow)

>> No.3622627

Holy shit, is this real? Can we just hook up our text extractors to Google Translate now and get a ready-made translation?

>> No.3622930


No you retard.

>> No.3622940

Machine translations will be bad for a very very long time

>> No.3623245

I remember ads of this in Newtype Magazine, back in the day. I was in college, and stuff like this made Japan seem like some ethereal wonderland of art and imagination. I am surprised that none of the media ever got translated.

I wonder what this guy is doing, these days? there seems to be zero market for painterly illustrators. its all Photoshop moeshit.

>> No.3623271
File: 43 KB, 256x224, Kawa%20no%20Nushi%20Tsuri%202%20(J).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This game.

Also the PSX versions of DQM1&2. The last update was just the translator saying "ha ha it may have been a year but I haven't quit trust me it's 90% complete!" but this update was over a year ago now, and he said it was 90% complete fucking 4 years ago.