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File: 3.54 MB, 1528x2100, 2361685-nes_dragonwarrior2[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3584534 No.3584534 [Reply] [Original]

Am I a casual or is this retardedly hard?

This feels unfair at points.

>> No.3584537

It's just that the game gives you freedom to explore, including to areas you shouldn't be in yet. It doesn't give any indication what the danger zones are either, so I'd follow a guide if you wanna stay on the safe path.

>> No.3584540

Casual is a design style, not a difficulty setting. Binding of Isaac is casual despite being pretty bastard hard.

>> No.3584551

According to modern game reviews, every game is either "casual" or "The Dark Souls of _____"

>> No.3584685
File: 10 KB, 159x120, DW3 classes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This game would have been really good with a DW3 type class system.

>> No.3584703

you are a casual It's just time consuming

>> No.3584741

If you want an actual answer, the game was rushed and literally nobody on the development team even finished the game. They did a few things to balance the beginning of the game like moving a few towns closer together and limiting enemy count, but beyond that everything past getting the ship is completely unbalanced.

Remakes fix most of the glaring issues, but it's still pretty damn hard.

>> No.3584749

Late game is extremely tough. Expect the Cave to Rhone to have to wanting to smash something. I strongly suggest you use a map to limit the frustration.

Also fuck Gold Batboons and shit.

>> No.3584768

don't feel about bad grinding the shit out of it.. and yeah, these old rpgs can be very fucking unfair at times, but you'll get trough it.

>> No.3584773

DQ2 is tough as shit at the very beginning of the game, but once you get the Prince and are smart enough to know how to keep him alive, the game becomes much more manageable. Then once you get the Princess the game levels out until you need to go to the final area of the game.

>> No.3584797
File: 61 KB, 500x357, prince of cannock in his natural habitat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>smart enough to keep him alive
See filename

>> No.3584925

>source: my ass

>> No.3584954


>In the beginning of the game, when the player was still alone with no companions, he would die constantly. To solve this problem we limited the number of monsters that could appear in a battle on the first continent to only 3. That made it a lot better, but it was still too hard. The problem is that the Prince of Midenhall is a fighter. No matter how much you level him he’ll never learn Heal, so he always has to use medical herbs and stay at inns. In other words, the further he travels from town, the harder it gets.

>To address that we moved the location of Cannock Castle to be closer. Cannock Castle was originally located where the Lake Cave is now. But this was too far from Leftwynne Village where there was an inn. So we changed the Lake Cave dungeon to be a place you’d go after getting the Prince of Cannock, and we moved Cannock Castle much closer.

wew lad

>> No.3584967

Also from the Dragon Quest III interview:

>Horii: We didn’t have enough time for Dragon Quest II, did we?

>Nakamura: No, we were just too busy. Everyday I’d get updated instructions from Horii and programming those occupied all my time. I couldn’t even do any debugging myself until right before we were supposed to take the final version in for production. I feel pretty good about DQII up until you get the boat. After that I don’t like the game very much… the difficulty balance with the monsters, you know, fell short of my aspirations.

>Horii: Yeah. We just didn’t have the time.

>Nakamura: Yeah. You yourself didn’t even have time to play the game all the way through!

>Horii: I had to write the scenario and adjust the game balance at the same time, so I was very busy. I too played up until you get the boat many times, but there was absolutely no time for me to thoroughly play the latter half of the game… from the boat to Rhone, the content is a bit thin.

>Nakamura: It wasn’t just you and me either. On the day the final version was ready to be taken in for production, I was shocked to learn that not a single person on the development had played the game all the way through. I was horrified! How were we supposed to release a game in this state? Thankfully, for Dragon Quest III we’ve resolved this problem; the game has been completely balanced and tested from start to finish.


>> No.3585116

This really. The quest for the crests is BS, so a guide is recommended for that too, but the Cave to Rhone is a kick in the dick. DO NOT USE YOUR LEAF IN THE CAVE. You'll need that for the final area, and going back to get another involves going through the cave again. If the Prince dies before you reach the last floor, just reset, it's less painful in the long run.

>> No.3585150

>You'll need that for the final area, and going back to get another involves going through the cave again.
No it doesn't. Get to the shrine at Rhone. Heal and save. Then you can go through the portal, get the Leaf of the World Tree, and cast Return to return to the Rhone shrine as long as you don't save anywhere else other than the Rhone shrine.

Crests for the most part are easy enough to find because the NPCs tell you where they are, except the Sun Crest because even if you know it's in the Fire Shrine, you still have to search every damn tile to find it.

>> No.3585168

goddamn dude think before you post.

>> No.3585308

Finding out where to go can be puzzling.
I needed a week of playing to find that dam key.