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File: 27 KB, 400x517, Rocket.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3576890 No.3576890 [Reply] [Original]

Has anyone here ever played Rocket: Robot on Wheels here?


>> No.3576901


>> No.3576920
File: 10 KB, 219x203, rocket-robot-on-wheels-tractor-beam.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chill and underrated game

>> No.3576936

When I found out Sucker Punch worked on this I tried it out for a bit. It's your average 3D platformer, but from what I remember the physics were fun.

>> No.3576938

I completely agree with this.
It's actually challenging to find (some) of the tickets which makes the "eureka" moment of finally finding it all the better.

>> No.3577308

I liked it. I thought it was very colorful and pleasant visually and the premise was fun. That said, nobody should go through it expecting anything other than another collectathon platformer. But if you're into that, it's worth checking out.

>> No.3579089

OP here. For a lack of better terms, I find it pretty vaporwave. It's a combination of the music and the artstyle. it also just feels old as fuck. I dont get that feeling when I play games like Banjo Kazooie but when I play this it feels like I am stepping through a time machine.

>> No.3579092

I don't get that at all. The music and artstyle feel incredibly modern, and the jazzish soundtrack reminds me of Sly (an even more modern game). The artstyle doesn't even resemble any culture of the 90's.

>> No.3579181

I really enjoy the music in this game, but I wish that the composer diversified the instruments a bit more. It gets repetitive hearing the same organs over and over again.


>> No.3580668

Is it the first game Sucker Punch worked on?

>> No.3581121

Loved it as a kid. Still play it from time to time. Not especially challenging, but very charming. Felt really good finally completing the game with all the tickets a couple years ago.

>> No.3582663

Yes. Rocket is even in Sly 2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R1AS-cbQp1o

I personally found it very challenging, was never able to 100% it. But that was a long time ago so maybe I can do it easily today.

I remember the two things that hung me up was the rollercoaster puzzle in the first level, which I never completed, and the final boss level was abysmal for me.

>> No.3582794

Nah, you're right, there are a few tricky parts, but I managed to collect everything and I rarely do that with platformers. I definitely struggled with the final level for a while. Really did help trying it again as an adult.

>> No.3582834

Played it for the first time a year or two ago. Some of those race challenges were pretty frustrating if you ask me, but overall I enjoyed the game. I felt like the stages got better as the game went on. I don't think it's a "must play" game but I wouldn't dissuade anyone from giving it a shot.

>> No.3582842

Also, I don't know why best song hasn't been posted.

>> No.3584897

One of the coolest things about this game is that it's an N64 game with a physics engine.

>> No.3584916

Rented it from Blockbuster back in the day. I wanted to continue playing the campaign but my brother and our friend refused to do anything but build rollercoasters on level 1