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3575356 No.3575356 [Reply] [Original]

Why they never released the original Final Fantasy III in the west? I know FFII bombed in Japan which is why they didn't localize it and they didn't bother releasing FFV cause FFIV sold like shit in the west

>> No.3575386

FF1 was kind of a freakshow in the US and FF2 bombed even in Japan so FF3 probably wasn't a priority. Of course we got DS and PSP versions.

>> No.3575682

They were working on 2 but hit technical difficulties and ultimately preferred switching to the SNES and releasing FF4 closer to its original release date.

Why didn't they complete FF3 for the PS1 after they cancelled the WSC release?

>> No.3575685



FF1 sold 400k in japan and FF2 sold 800k so I don't know what the fuck you're talking about

>> No.3575692

>I know FF II bombed

It did?

>According to Square's publicity department, the original Famicom release sold 800,000 copies. Upon release, Famicom Tsūshin (now Famitsu) gave the original Famicom version a score of 35 out of 40, based on a panel of four reviewers giving it ratings of 9, 9, 9 and 8 out of 10. This made it one of their three highest-rated games of 1988, along with Dragon Quest III (which scored 38/40) and Super Mario Bros. 3 (which scored 35/40). It was also one of the magazine's five highest-rated games up until 1988, along with Dragon Quest II (which scored 38/40) and Zelda II: The Adventure of Link (which scored 36/40).[35] The 1989 "All Soft Catalog" issue of Famicom Tsūshin included Final Fantasy II in its list of the best games of all time, giving it the Best Scenario award.

>> No.3576621

Speaking of FFIII, which translation patch for the NES version should I use?
I see there are free that are apparently "fully playable".

I'd play the PC/PSP/Android version, but I can't handle that 3D.

>> No.3576628

I meant free, obviously. Fuck.

>> No.3576636

>Why didn't they complete FF3 for the PS1 after they cancelled the WSC release?
Apparently Square lost the source code to the original FF3, so they couldn't make a faithful port. The DS remake was built from scratch, IIRC. Not that we missed out on much. FF3 is pretty shit design-wise.

>> No.3576662

>and they didn't bother releasing FFV cause FFIV sold like shit in the west

They didn't release V because they felt it was too "complicated" for white piggu. It was a common concern that RPGs were too difficult for console audiences in the west

If you don't know they actually made FFIV easier for the US release even though FFIV is the most straight forward and most simple designed FF there is

>> No.3576664

According to wikipedia's release dats

July 12, 1990

April 27, 1990

July 19, 1991

November 23, 1991

Skipping II and III to get to a Super Famicom/SNES game makes sense to me. They got IV out in NA before the first Christmas which strikes me a good business decision.

>> No.3576695

the latest one by chaos rush

>> No.3576713

i dunno if i buy that answer. i've heard it a lot buut considering americans had ultima and other very complex crpgs before ff even existed which was way more complicated it doesn't make sense. i mean dragon quest was meant ot be a simpler version of ultima. actually we invented the whole genre with dnd. i think nintendo just didn't want to flood the market with a bunch of FFs if one was already performing porrly.

>> No.3576714

that shit always made me laugh

first they rip off wizardry and ultima (both of which are american) left and right by making even simpler and easier clones of them, then they act like their games are too hard for the west

>> No.3576721
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Three. What the fuck is wrong with me.

Ah, I see they used parts of the script from the DS version, should be solid.

>> No.3576724

is it even true though? i've never seen a quote on that. it makes way more sense that they just didnt want to saturate the market.

>> No.3576753

>it's just not accessible enough to the average gamer.

>> No.3576756

The fact that they made the easiest FF even easier for the US says it all.

Also Ulitma was primarily a PC game

>> No.3576767

Because JRPGs are too hard for Americans.

>> No.3576787

he's not saying americans are too unskilled or dumb to play it he's saying a focus group didn't like it so they're waiting to realease until after vi, which has more of a story.

>> No.3576791

>he Final Fantasy series basically has two seperate tracks:
the odd series (FFI, FFIII, and FFV) are controller command
drive games, whereas the even series are more story line
driven games. As for FFV though, well although we're sure
it's a great title it hasn't been a hit with too many people
in out-focus groups, although the more experienced gamers
loved the complex character building - it's just not acc-
essible enough to the average gamer. But we're determined
we want to release it so we're going to wait and introduce
it once there's a larger audience for it's particular style.
Hence the wait.

all he's saying is that americans don't like these games. he's an american in charge of localization its not like a bunch of japanese guys are sitting around deciding we're too dumb to appreciate it.

>> No.3576828

Keep in mind that ultima was a pc game, and that Final Fantasy was a console game. It was probably more like "Final Fantasy is too complicated for western children"

>> No.3576836

Sold well on brand and hype != well received
Try playing it

>> No.3576860
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My dear nigger, Final Fantasy is what saved a company from bankruptcy, also how the fuck can a videogame have a fame if it's the first of its kind? And if it was so much disliked why the fuck did they kept making sequels and why are we today with 50+ FF games?
Get your shit together please.

>> No.3576862

and it wasn't complicated for eastern children?

>> No.3576886

>its not like a bunch of japanese guys are sitting around deciding we're too dumb to appreciate it.
Silly Gaijin

>> No.3576949

You get your shit together, prat. We're talking about FF2 and the impetus it had due to the popularity of FF1, as well as there being no "formula" for what an FF game is. People liked this new "thing" but didn't like it so much after FF2 (even though the second sold even more than the first). Please stop posting, read the thread, play FF2 and develop a more concise argument. kthxbai

>> No.3577454

Ultima 4 was dumbed down for the Famicom release despite being designed with children in mind.

>> No.3577509

i think that's something FCI did to appeal to the DQ mania though

>> No.3578014

You don't know what this term means.