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File: 433 KB, 498x498, extreme-sports-with-the-berenstain-bears-usa-europe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3572357 No.3572357 [Reply] [Original]

The Angry Video Game TURD just released a video slamming this underappreciated classic.

Now a bunch of kids are going to claim that it's shit.

>> No.3572387


What a misprint, everyone knows it's Berenstein.

>> No.3572392



>> No.3572393


>> No.3572419


>> No.3572426
File: 69 KB, 300x264, 1399767524736.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3572431


I remember Crtkal did a video on this and it confused me. I'm 20 and raised on the cartoon instead of the books. I precisely remember them being named the "Berenstain family".


That cover looks QUALITY.

>> No.3572443

Why do developers make such shitty games? Why do they put zero effort into the box art when it can make or break sales?

Do games like these make that much money where it's worth spending half a year to produce absolute digital garbage, when that time could be spent making something more simple and fun

>> No.3572526

>implying you even heard of that game before you watched that episode from AVGN, let alone care about it enough that you'd even care about whether people like it or not

Please tell me you were simply out for a (YOU).

>> No.3574124

Why can't a turtle swim? Why can't I land the plane? Why are the characters' names wrong? Why's the password's so long?! WHY DON'T THE WEAPONS DO ANYTHING?!

>> No.3574142

In the instance of this game, it is because they're not trying to sell it to kids, but grandmas who buy stuff for kids.
There is a huge market in it. You'll find out quick if you ever get a grandmother that is addicted to TV shopping/QVC. I'd bet my bottom dollar this game showed up somewhere like that.

>> No.3574149

The entire Cash 4 Gold episode of South Park was based on this premise.

>> No.3574160
File: 131 KB, 898x890, pokemon_yellow_cover_art_by_comunello76-d4xfrr5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To be honest, IMO most GBC covers in the west were garbage. From that fucking silver stripe to everything else. Japan had it better as usual, but with GBC it was more apparent than ever.

Notice how they always had images with such low detail, like they were meant for stamps? Or like they were drawn by some dude in CorelDraw in 5 minutes? I realize cartridges were tiny, but why put the same shitty image on the front of the box?

>> No.3574168

I feel really silly for giggling at that one.

>> No.3574839
File: 1.31 MB, 800x1590, American Vs. European Cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree with you. Photoshop and cheap 3D renders ruined game covers. Nearly every Game Boy cover looks cohesive and beautifully drawn, while the GB Color covers are lazy stock image collages, gradients, and default Photoshop layer filters.

>Notice how they always had images with such low detail, like they were meant for stamps? Or like they were drawn by some dude in CorelDraw in 5 minutes?

No kidding. Check the image I've attached. The original art was either too blurry or Nintendo lost the originals and someone had to redraw it. Either way looks like trash compared to Gallery 1 cover art.

>> No.3574846

american was bottom?

>> No.3574858

Nah, bottom was the European.

>> No.3575107

I still have this game somewhere

>> No.3575125


The fuck? I'd be tempted to say it was traced, but some parts just don't line up at all (see DK Junior for the clearest example). My guess would be that maybe they didn't have the original inked and colored versions of the image, but they still had the same sketch for a much less skilled inker and colorist to work with. The original is nice, even got some reflected light going on in the shadows, but that European one looks like it came from a cheap coloring book.

>> No.3575579
File: 368 KB, 396x397, 1376894039034.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow, they really let themselves go with that cover.

I'd say even with late GB games the quality of the Western covers went downhill… I agree Photoshop and 3DS Max was to blame, but also for some reason they deliberately reduced detail on most covers.

In result, they look like they belong to a booklet, not on the cover. Take picrelated—the artists made a new background using a shitty Photoshop filter. The Japanese cover was minimal, but it had some idea, composition and details. The Western one was just the same shit as Pokemon games—one piece of artwork, garbage-tier filler around it.

Some GBC covers were just copied from PS One or other platforms, but it gave them even cheaper feel.

>> No.3577105

Stay mad you nerd

>> No.3577117

>Link to both and blue versions
well, someone fucked up

>> No.3577532

What, don't you remember, they even did Pokemon Fire Both for GBA