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3571913 No.3571913 [Reply] [Original]

Why do people keep saying 2 is the best when 1 was clearly the better game?

>> No.3571924

Because funny references.

>> No.3571934

2 has a lot more content, to be fair. I recently replayed 1 and I'd exhausted it in a couple of days.

>> No.3571942
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Because it's a more complex game, Chris Avellone worked on it and it shows a better action & consequence and elaborated quests. New Reno alone it's like a base design of Black Isle/Troika/Obsidian way to understand RPG's.

Both are pretty good though.

>> No.3571957

2 has a lot more to enjoy and its humour is more in line with the modern series.

I prefer 1 because of the lonely atmosphere.

>> No.3571962
File: 137 KB, 640x480, Fo2_Myron_Ending.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Narratively speaking, Fallout 1 is amazingly plotted and I sort of prefer it for that reason as opposed to the scatter gun approach of FO2.


Character writing wise? Nobody in FO1 is as interesting or as well developed as Myron in FO2. Nobody comes close.

And Myron is a character you probably won't even meet on your first play through

>> No.3571970

>And Myron is a character you probably won't even meet on your first play through

That's true, i think i met him for the first time in the post-game, i was amazed of how i could have missed such a character.

>> No.3572019

In 2 you can drag your feet and enjoy the scenery without feeling anxious.

>> No.3572208


As a designer who worked on 2 I may be biased but I feel 2 is better.

>> No.3572214

Nice bait mate. 1 has time limit that alone disqualifies it.

>> No.3572227


We hard a coded a Fallout 2 time limit, too. It is significantly longer though.

>> No.3572252

The patch removes the 2nd time limit, so you get the best of both worlds. Exciting water chip quest, freedom to explore once you've found it.

>> No.3572304

No you didn't. Kill yourself

>> No.3572342

That's what I don't like about their games though. After Fallout 2, all Obsidian games felt like they were trying to imitate 2 with it's placement and interaction of groups.I never really liked it, like how they placed the gangs in New Reno. It just doesn't feel real to me. I felt 1 did that right, like the ghoul hideout and the other gang. It also seems less civilized, compared to 2.

>> No.3572345

Yeah but there's not a lot to explore if you take too long. Pretty quickly after finding the water chip, the towns start to be invaded by super mutants.

>> No.3572634


It is less civilized. Fallout 2 takes place much later after Fallout 1. The world has civilized some since fallout 1.

>> No.3572642

A close friend of mine has been working on Direct x and Xbox since the late 90's. Mostly does Direct x work.

I know he comes here weekly. I have reason to believe a small portion of /v/ /vr/ /vg/ visitors are in the industry.

>> No.3572740

>time limits
>liking games that aged like shit

>> No.3572826

Because Black Isle did 2 and that studio became Obsidian (without its best staff)
To this day fallout 2 stands as a good example why stuffing your games full of memes is bad. Its got a ton of filler content and a lot of the enemies are sponges.

Its still a great game but is just more well designed, if a little barevonrs1

>> No.3572832

>Its still a great game but is just more well designed, if a little barevonrs1
I meant 1 is better designed

>> No.3572910

>Fallout 2
Fuckton more content, lots more to do, more interesting choices in skill usage, more weapons. It's great for a massive game with lots to do.

>Fallout 1
A tight and concise package with a great atmosphere and story. Interesting stuff to do and lots of ways to play, though not as much as Fallout 2.

Overall, Fallout 1 is a game where taking anything away would make less of a game than what we got -- it would be missing something important if you lost any semi-major NPC or piece of equipment. Fallout 2 has a lot of interesting stuff that could be trimmed out and the game would be just as great if you had never played it previously.

It's like that quote that engineers say, you're done not when you've got nothing left to add, but nothing left to take away.

>> No.3572976

Fallout 2 is considered awesome, and lots of games copy it today

>> No.3573092

This is just my personal opinion.
I just think 1 is more pure. Its really barebones and somple but it is a quintessential crpg.

>> No.3573095

As a designer for 1 and 2 I think 1 is better

>> No.3573229

2 had more to do and had a bigger variety of builds/tricks to beat the game with
1 had better feel and atmosphere
people that don't care about that like 2 better

>> No.3573239

quantity over quality

>> No.3573248

Fallout 2, how it could've been better:
>less humor and 4th wall takedowns, but still much more than the 1st
>more talking heads. It makes no sense to have three times as many characters but less production value
>the game-world must be less civilized. Maybe should've taken place 50 years after the first game
>finished all the quest-lines and dialogue trees. Back to production value problems- also needed more original location designs, armor and weapon designs for character animations, etc

I don't think anyone who was involved in the development of FO2 will deny it was anything other than a soulless money grab

>> No.3573257

fallout 2 is much better than 1

>> No.3573330

Fallout 2 is obviously unfinished. Everything after the first few towns feels half assed.

>> No.3573337

New Reno and Vault City alone blow anything in Fallout 1 out of the water

>> No.3573417

fallout 2 is the longest freeform rpg aside from BG2

all side quests, quests and map explored takes around 160 hours

Baldur's Gate 2 is around 180 hours

They are the two best RPGs in existence.

>> No.3573641

In terms of being a better adventure overall, yes, but it's unfair to say it's better simply because FO1 had originality in its favor

>> No.3573717

>I prefer 1 because of the lonely atmosphere.

3 actually did a good job in creating a good lonely atmosphere. To bad Beth ruined it in other regards.
But yeah the loneliness in the first game is great.

>> No.3573856 [DELETED] 

I'm pretty sure i completed all BG2 and ToB in less than half of that. maybe you are exagerating a little.

>> No.3573859

I'm pretty sure i completed all BG2 and ToB in less than half of that. maybe you are exagerating a little.

>> No.3573894

Fallout 2 always felt unfinished to me. I always lose interest around San Francisco as it feels like the devs just gave up right there. Both games were buggy but F2 takes the cake.

>> No.3574165


Tim Cain is that you? How is Robert Land?

>> No.3574190

As creator of the universe I feel that 1 is better.

>> No.3574197

I am 40 hours into the game and I did not see any funny references, except about the bad, the good and the ugly.
Also I dropped the landmine. Funniest dialogue ever.

>> No.3574202

Agreed. And the first one is more broken. Like you can become rich after a few hours.
In 2, I am still struggling to resell my loot

>> No.3574208

No they don't. Invasion was removed too. I explored every single square of the map and yet no city was invaded. In like 2 years.

>> No.3574212

are you really ? thanks for your work.
what was your job ?

>> No.3574278



Ive been a designer for approx. 25 years. First SSI, then black isle, and after that Troika. I do kickstarter work now.

>> No.3574669

fuck off cleve

>> No.3574751
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2 is just a whole lot bigger.
You can finish 1 in a couple of hours even without much experience with the game. 2 feels more like a real adventure and the sense of exploring a vast world is unparalleled.

Having said that I do like the premise in the first game, and it has a much more interesting conclusion. That's the one thing Fallout 1 got better. It also feels slightly more surreal and almost dream-like at some moments, which is something 2 has largely neglected. But whatever, both are amazing and nigh-perfect.

>> No.3574759

>Baldur's Gate 2 is around 180 hours
Not a chance. Maybe if you're entirely new to the genre and to Dungeon and Dragons.

>> No.3574761

SF is pretty close to the ending though (assuming you play somewhat linearly), so it's quite a compliment. Most games begin to feel half-assed 50% in.

>> No.3574767

1 is horribly unbalanced, true. Your starting handgun can last you a good 3/4 of the game.

>> No.3574773

The only locations in F2 that don't feel half arsed are Broken Hills and New Reno.

San Francisco is just where the game completely falls apart.

>> No.3574797

In my eyes they were unfinished as well.

>> No.3574808

the den is a perfect area

so is new cal republic

you millennials sicken me

>> No.3574809

>The only locations in F2 that don't feel half arsed are Broken Hills and New Reno.
Shitloads of broken stuff and uninspired fetch quests, none of the families in New Reno is worth supporting aside from Wrights (tons of conflicting quests except nobody wants to kill Wrights off, Wrights also give you access to SAD; Salvatore and Mordinos have only like 2-3 quests each; all the "evil" families are unlikable dickheads with little scope; I don't remember one game where I became a Salvatore or Mordino loyalist, for that matter, and even for a mercenary type character, Westin pays too much to care about Bishop's quest line), Broken Hills has lots of empty houses.

Fallout 2 is fun for building fun characters because you can advance further and more weapon choices make sense, but the compact and more concise nature of Fallout 1 make me less bored with it overall on playthroughs. Then again maybe I should just cut the filler crap in subsequent FO2 playthroughs; becoming a Prizefighter isn't so interesting the fourth time around.

>> No.3574818

I hated NCR. New Reno and Vault City were top tier for me though and had more reactivity than anything in the first game. I'll never forget the first time my car got stolen.

>> No.3574821

>I'll never forget the first time my car got stolen.
But it's really just a neat setpiece, hardly the most "reactive" thing in the world. It's like saying BG2 is a reactive game when your NPC randomly fucks off to tend to his wife or something.

Not to mention that it's the single most bugged questline in the game.

>> No.3574825

I played fallout 2 in the year it came out

load time bug made it so you waited for a loadgame for around 30 minutes sometimes

you earned the time you spent through suffering

and you loved every second of it

>> No.3574857

>Vault City
Seriously? It felt empty and pointless and seems to only exist to reveal other locations on the map.

>> No.3574867

The entire game feels unfinished. I can't think of a single satisfying location except The Den.

>> No.3574891

And even in its unfinished state it feels more barebones and feature complete than Fallout 1.

>> No.3574893

less barebones*

>> No.3574894

criticizing fallout 2 in the pantheon of rpgs EVER, is like fucking 22 year old Adriana Lima and then complaining that you couldn't anal her immediately

fuck off plebs

>> No.3574908

Except it's the beta version of Adriana Lima that convulses and vomits during sex every 20 minutes.
I still love Fallout 2 and Fallout 1 is a very buggy game too just slightly less buggy

>> No.3575034

>Fallout 2 is unfinished buggy game
Filthy plebs playing with non patched version, disgusting.

>> No.3575284

link to kickstarter

>> No.3575490

Hey Lloyd, catch this!

>> No.3575625

Yeah, your favorite RPG was wildly popular amongst 15 year olds in the late 90s because it was full of sex and violence and monty python references. It doesn't stand up at all.

>> No.3575658

Me and my wife think you're wrong.

>> No.3576378

Is that you Tim?

>> No.3576498

>load time bug made it so you waited for a loadgame for around 30 minutes sometimes
Can confirm.

>> No.3576501

Actually back in the day the car was the single biggest attraction of the sequel.