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/vr/ - Retro Games

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3571886 No.3571886 [Reply] [Original]

How the fuck is NES emulation still not perfect yet? Why am I still getting framedrops and stutter on a modern machine?

>> No.3571896

Are you aware Megaman games had slowdown/flicker on actual hardware? NES emulation is near-perfect, meaning it captures the slowdown too. Your machine has nothing to do with it.

>> No.3571898

No. This isn't slowdown, it's very clearly dropped frames and stutter. I am fully aware of what Mega Man 2 plays like on actual hardware, even going to the bubbleman stage knowing what slowdown actually feels like on the console.

This is just random dips and drops. Even the audio crackles.

>> No.3571905

>118oC mobo (slang for motherboard)

you might be retarded

>> No.3571906

>actually believing mobo temps in speccy
I think you are the retarded one here anon.

>> No.3571908


I never had this issue even played NES emulators on DS, let alone PC. Have you tried different emulators?

>> No.3571910

>mobo (slang for motherboard)
You're suppose to be over 18

>> No.3571912
File: 120 KB, 550x375, 1325208886838.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes. Just tried Nestopia and it at least doesn't fucking spazz out. If only I could find the button to emulate slowdown as well. That part where you got to jump across multiple falling platforms at the beginning of the stage always has major slowdown, but when I'm doing it in Nestopia, no slowdown so I can almost frame perfect keeping all the platforms up.

>> No.3571914

I actually don't know which NES emulator is better now, I guess you could just try the usual FCEU. I haven't ever had this problem

>> No.3571916

My OP is FCEUX so clearly that's not the right choice.

>> No.3571920
File: 236 KB, 1428x906, Screen Shot 2016-10-20 at 11.17.50.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dude, it's in the sticky


>> No.3572351
File: 40 KB, 228x316, latest.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Play Final Fantasy 3's translation.
>Always says don't play on Nesticle
>Download it specific and play it on it out of spite.

>> No.3572550

why the fuck would you use slang just to explain it in the brackets.

>> No.3572575


>> No.3572579

You might want to take a can of compressed air to your computer and maybe rearrange the cables, those temperatures are pretty damn high

>> No.3572651

literally retarded

>> No.3573240
File: 59 KB, 292x257, 1473463491601.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3573270

>No filters
>Rockman whichever

>> No.3573406

>wangblows 10

>> No.3573485


Youngsters love to use cool and hip slangs, but they're insecure about not being understood. I mean, his entire vocabulary is comprised of basic English words in addition to: "lol, lmao, retarded" and possibly: "ooga, kabooga, banana" as well so you'd think he'd at least TRY to enhance his conversation skills. "mobo" is definitely not a good start, though.

I wonder if he is aware that FCEUX happens to be an emulator and not some French Formula 1 driver.

>> No.3573503

kids these days, am I right?

>> No.3573504

is there an emulator that removes slowdown?

>> No.3573539
File: 51 KB, 618x298, krept-and-konan-mobo-awards-2015-1-1446675548-article-0[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"ooga, kabooga, banana"

Ah, yes it all makes sense now.

>> No.3573598


>> No.3573629

The 2A03 still hasn't been perfectly recreated yet. Also, anything that is EMULATED will run at a lower level than real hardware generally

>> No.3573642

Nesticle was my first ever emu, downloaded back in '02 when I was 12.

Blew my mind back then and now I sit here awake while the gf sleeps, up all night playing zelda 2 on an old crt...
Fuck life is good sometimes

>> No.3573645

your motherboard is on fire

>> No.3573647
File: 31 KB, 600x555, Shits_4b0362_1564208.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>243 degrees Fahrenheit
>390 degrees Kelvin
>2.04 radians

>> No.3573689
File: 123 KB, 942x943, 1447119848635.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>GTX 1070
>1080p display
That's overkill

>> No.3573960

Desu. 8bitz hardware was pretty shitty with shitty sound quality. Gameboy was even worse.

>> No.3573967

>Higan does NES
Wow. I'm behind emu times. How is Nescube now?

>> No.3575387

You're using a shit emulator, a shit OS and you're doing something wrong on top of that.

>> No.3575393
File: 34 KB, 600x600, juan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

interesting conversation arc

>> No.3575395

118 degrees Celsius... Seriously, what the fuck.

>> No.3575474


>> No.3575486

>software emulating hardware

>> No.3575517
File: 750 KB, 1023x895, fap-slang-for-masturbate.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

use a different emulator
failing that, go find whatever else is hogging your CPU (or disk -- disk access can be blocking, which will easily cause a lot of slowdown) in the background

it's a stupid /v/ meme that should have died out

>> No.3575634

Maybe he wants to cook an egg?

>> No.3575690

>windows 10
that's why

>> No.3576520

your pc has aids

>> No.3577779

No. Something like that would never be what the creators intended, but since they couldn't find a way to make it work better, they conceded.
Don't be a dumbass and use some common sense.

>> No.3577790

He's mocking people who think that game graphic designers intended their work to be displayed on consumer CRTs with low-quality video connections.

>> No.3577813

Because you're a fucking winfag, try running using an emulator in linux.

>> No.3577912

They were clearly meant to be displayed on HDTVs, right? Those were very common in the 80s and 90s.

>> No.3579101

They were. My dad worked at Nintendo at the time and everyone at work had HDTVs. True story.

>> No.3579114

mobo is standard tech slang, /pol/yp.

>> No.3580643

I can't believe that was over 3 years ago. Time flies.

>> No.3580808
File: 22 KB, 236x374, image%3A313.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

8bit isometric game on modern hardware about giant booties.
Try and beat that

>> No.3583086


>> No.3583089

>le windows 10 is bad meme

>> No.3583490

Either your mobos temp sensor is fucking broken or your house is going to be on fire soon.

>> No.3583492

oh, also you're getting framedrops because nobody gave a shit about frame consistency back then