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/vr/ - Retro Games

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3568235 No.3568235 [Reply] [Original]

>top 10 PlayStation games list
>#1 Metal Gear Solid
>top 10 N64 games list
>#1 Ocarina of Time

Every single time. I'm not denying those are great games, but would it kill them to have more variety?

>> No.3568245
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Oh, it's this thread again. I think it's been about 4 whole months since this was last posted?

If those lists bother you, what makes you think discussing them here will be anything better?

Sage, ignore, etc.

>> No.3568247

>Why won't the best be something that's not the best?

>> No.3568262

Think of it like this; something has to be number 1, but this is a subjective thing, and if it's not something critically acclaimed and super popular then it'll just piss everyone off. Might as well just have the most popular high rated game at the top to keep the largest number of people happy, this way even the hipsters will understand "well, it's to keep everyone happy."

A more modern example; Skyrim being at the top of everyone's best of lists. Is it the best? Fuck no. Is it critically acclaimed? Super popular? Guaranteed to appease the most people? Yes on all fronts.

I mean what would you have for N64 though? Treasure stuff? Sin and Punishment? I guarantee no normies would have heard of that shit. But Ocarina? Oh yeah, I grew up with that, great memories! 10/10!

>> No.3568341

You should realise that lists will always boil down to the lowest common denominator.

The top games are always going to be ones that everyone can agree upon and everyone has played. You're not going to get any weird esoteric shit in a top 10 list

>> No.3568360
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>Nintendo list of top games

>Madden games
>Golden Eye in the top 10
>DKC3 above DKC2

>> No.3568626

My dad described this as the Miss America effect, the winner ends up being whoever can get the judges to go "eh, alright" instead of more polarizing candidates. As a result people are generally unimpressed with the winner, but they won because everyone was split on the other candidates.

>> No.3568663
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Deal with it faggot

>> No.3568724

>top Sega games
>anything Sonic

>> No.3568770


Have you ever considered theyre always #1 because they are by far the best?

>> No.3568776

You should have figured out by now that Top X lists are popularity contests.

>> No.3568854

I've been meaning to make a tumblr or something that would be a top 10 list which excludes the traditionally top games. A "next" top 10 of sorts.

>> No.3568859

not as bad as pc top 10s, which will have Half life 2, Portal and Skyrim as top 3 until the fucking heat death of the universe.

>> No.3569442
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I don't know, the GB and NES Tetris(es?) are preddy gud. Maybe not top 10 good though, I guess.

>> No.3569671

That's pretty interesting.

>> No.3569726

You'd think they would adopt a policy like the music charts; once something hits top 10 so many times, it's "retired" from the list.

>> No.3570032

so a top 20?

>> No.3572059

>top PlayStation game list
>#1 Vagrant Story
>top 10 N64 game list
>#1 Goldeneye

>> No.3572061

Countdown lists are always retarded.

>> No.3572075

It's not like new PS1/N64 games are coming out every day.

>> No.3572447

Herd behaviour.

>> No.3572950

If it makes you feel better OP, I'm in the group that thinks Ocarina of Time fucking SUCKS ASS. Holy shit the game is so fucking dull and boring. I don't know how any of you faggots like it.