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/vr/ - Retro Games

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3557859 No.3557859[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>retro game enthusiasts buy old consoles in Japan for dirt cheap
>re-package and sell them 10X their price on ebay
>everyone is doing it now
>no one says enough is enough and stops buying these overpriced games that aren't even in mint condition
Fuck this, this hobby is just getting too expensive and definitely not worth it. Im not spending 100+ dollars on a piece of tech from the last decade just because some greedy asshole wants to take advantage of my nostalgia. I can't catch a break ANY where because these people. Even at flea markets you have to bust your ass to find a good deal on retro games. In the end, its just not fucking worth it. From now on ill be emulating my retro games. Greedy pricks ruining everything.

>> No.3557860
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It's a good thing that I'm not in the retro-console crowd
>mfw paying a dollar each for retro PC games at goodwill
Only downside is people fuck you in the ass for hardware on places like Ebay, so you have to be lucky with local stores when it comes to buying old computers.

>> No.3557862

just emulate or get flashcarts. problem solved

>> No.3557872

I tried to warn you guys, but nope. You thought I was being paranoid. This is why I'm glad I started my collection early.

>> No.3557887

Buy consoles from Japan directly?

>> No.3557897
File: 22 KB, 400x274, hysterical.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You people are actually complaining about arbitrage now!?

Every rational person recognizes this as a good thing and a basic concept of trade.

The process you are describing DECREASES the price of the games where they are imported.

It also efficiently allocates resources and brings the prices of goods to the market price.

Thanks for the laugh.

>> No.3557913

If you go on ebay, they are always being swiped by resellers. There's no way you can buy a Super Nintedo and a bundle of games all for 20 bucks unless actually live in Japan.

>> No.3557921

Please explain how this helps the guys who don't live in a country where these price decreases actually happen. In my town, there are NO more mom and pop game shops that sell old electronics. They all went out of business. And Pawn Shops and Goodwill's are a gamble and there's a high chance some greedy nerd already beat you to the good finds.

>> No.3558020

Yahoo Japan Auctions or used shops that sell online? Of course you need mail forwarder, but it's still cheaper than buying from resellers.

>> No.3559265


The people who sell the game are compensated with money. Depending on if it is saved or spent, it increases either consumption or investment, both of which increase GDP and therefore personal income.

Hence, efficiently allocates resources.

Another example. You live in a farming community. You all grow corn. Harvest time comes and you have too much corn to eat. Do you 1) sell your corn to the merchant who will trade it to another village or 2) Let your corn rot and go to waste?

google arbitrage next time.

>> No.3559270
File: 185 KB, 450x360, good_idea_bad_idea_03_by_grimmjack.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Good Idea
Buying retro games in 2006.

>Bad Idea
Buying retro games in 2016.

>> No.3559271

I tried to buy a Ferrari the other day from their factory in Italy for $1k, but they wouldn't sell it to me because everyone else is willing to pay much more. There are even people who import the Ferraris and sell the same car to others in dealerships for MORE THAN THE PRICE THEY PAID.

I can't stand this high end luxury car hobby anymore. The market price is much higher than what I think the price should be.

>> No.3559273

I guess it kinda depends how much of a poor fag you are and how much you value the retro games.

>> No.3559274

wtf are you even tlaking about
im getting angery

>> No.3559279

The reason I got into retro games was because it was cheap entertainment. Old =/= bad and people were practically giving them away.

Now it's like buying antiques.
6th gen (minus nintendo systems) is where people like me are moving too.

>> No.3559285

You know you can play them on your computer, right?

>> No.3559301

wow thanks ronald reagan

what's a good mail forwarding service, /vr/? i wanna pick up a japanese ps1 or ps2 and the ebay prices are fucking ridiculous.

>> No.3559307

*balls fist*
*breathes in*
Read the second to last sentence in the op, then think about your post.

>> No.3559362

Ronald Reagan did not invent the concept of arbitrage.

You're thinking of "trickle down economics".

Don't worry about it champ. Have a juice box and go to sleep.

>> No.3559367
File: 22 KB, 300x250, derpy hulk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would I like you when you're "angery"?

>> No.3559369
File: 1.39 MB, 2329x2947, Ronald_Reagan_with_cowboy_hat_12-0071M_edit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are you upset

>> No.3559370

I wonder how many of you retards would pass an economy course at college.

>Things that hasnt been produced in 20 years keep getting more expensive as soon more people are interested on buying them

well, no shit Sherlock.

>> No.3559375

But muh ecelebs and hipsters!

>> No.3559390

>>Am I angry?
No, I'm just mocking your stupidity.

INB4 "I didn't really think that, I was just trolling you."

Sure, you just pretend to be stupid as a joke.

>> No.3559418



>> No.3559461
File: 14 KB, 450x400, 1476412294865.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are so many shelf collecting scum fucks in this thread I want to barf. Every post putting a positive spin on the ridiculous prices created by re-seller trash.

Sega cd's are going for $200-400 now. You can't justify that. It's a piece of shit console. 2 years ago it was much cheaper to purchase them. Only now, with NORMIE retro collectors and their stupid youtube heroes, the most common of retro gaming equipment is out of reach.

Krikzz will save us. All you moron /r/retrogamers spending inflated prices on your beany babies are gonna get fucked in the ass some point in the future.

>> No.3559483

WTF? Did you have a stroke Anon?

>> No.3559484

>$200-$400 for a sega CD
Dear god.

That reminds me, in 2008 I paid $90 for a Virtual Boy with the AC adapter and a bunch of games. And that was on eBay after I stupidly incited a bidding war. I calculated what it would cost today and it's at least $400 worth of stuff.

Like, shit. I unironically love the VB but it's not worth that much.

>> No.3559512

>Sega cd's are going for $200-400 now.

I found a copy of LSS, complete, for $2 at a yard sale last year. I don't even have a functioning Sega CD anymore.

>> No.3559514


>>Sega CD's are going for $200 - $400, now.
No, even a working CDX with cords and games is about $120.

>>You can't justify that.

Yes I can. People are willing to pay that price for it.


using this unironically...

>>Complaining about Youtube.

Argument is now off the rails.

>>Krikzz will save us.

Krikzz will be sued for copyright infringement like they all are. Probably by Nintendo for illegally manufacturing their lockout chip for multiple consoles.

>>You're going to lose all your money by re-selling.

Even if I had a fire and lost every video game in my inventory, I would still have made about $30,000 in three years.

I paid off my student loans in full and bought some awesome stuff for myself and my family. I also paid taxes on that income, so it has helped a lot of people.

You don't get to decide what people do with their money and property. If someone wants to sell me a game, they don't need your approval. If someone wants to buy a game from me, they don't need your approval either.

Stop crying because you can't afford things.

>> No.3559549

He was describing your shitty trolling skills, Tryhard. >>3559271

>> No.3559579



Keep doing legal robbery to people while bitchin about "poorfexkss" and "muh suplai and deman" and claiming is us who Dont know económics.

Its not about económics, its about you turds being in for the money because YOU SHITHEADS couldnt do anything else.

You also DESTROY games you NEVER sell. Because you are fucking THIEFS!

>> No.3559615


>> No.3559656

This isn't a troll, you're actually serious aren't you?

>>Keep doing legal robbery.

Robbery is a crime, so "legal robbery" is pretty meaningless. If you mean make a profit off of buying and selling games, then yes I will continue to do that.

Again, I don't force people to buy or sell to me. They choose to and they aren't desperate, either.

I'm not selling cigarettes or alcohol or drugs. I'm selling what most people would consider children's toys to generally people who generally are in their 30s and have the money to rebuy the one they liked the best from their childhood. Games that people like me actually grew up on and kept them from getting damaged for decades. Games that I owned from being gifted from Birthdays, holidays, or bought with my own money to buy when I was a child.

It comes exactly as I describe it, it works, it is tested, it gets shipped in a way that won't damage it.

It also gets shipped anywhere in the US. I sell a lot of games to rural areas where people don't have a GameStop or other video game store in town. Places where there are no flea markets or garage sales around. People where if legitimate sellers like me didn't offer to sell them things, they would be scammed or otherwise unable to get what they want.

>>Your in it for the money

Yes, I am. I sell games to make a profit and I don't claim it to be charity or anything else. I pay taxes on the income I receive, too.

I do also really like retro video games. I own actual arcade boards, real pinball machines, and I've built joysticks from scratch.

I don't emulate or use sd carts because I consider that stealing and morally wrong. I don't care what other people do, though. They can emulate or buy SD carts all they want.

>>I couldn't do anything else.

I have another job. A job that requires a doctorate to get. I operate a business in my spare time to make extra cash. It almost all goes to my children and wife...

>> No.3559662


>>I couldn't do anything else.

The money I make goes mostly to my children's college fund. The rest of it goes to my wife and kids in the form of gifts. I don't want my kids to have to work overnight shifts on a Wednesday when they have classes on Thursday like I did. I did this with a partial scholarship to an ivy league school. This really isn't any of your business, but if I don't say who I am people like you will continue to demonize me simply because you cannot afford the price tag.

>>I destroy games.

No I don't.

Grow up and stop crying.

>> No.3559679

>comparing 20 year old novelty products to a necessity in high demand
Glad to hear your high school economics class is going well.

>> No.3559718


Video games are not novelties and corn isn't a necessity, either. You might want to look up the definition of those in an Econ 101 textbook.

>> No.3559747

explain to me how Video games aren't a novelty item
corn, unlike video games, are a commodity, and as such are a necessity.
you can't just grow video games.

>> No.3559785


>>Why aren't video games novelties?

Novelties have a well defined meaning in economics. It's something where the intrinsic value of the item is inherently really low and the usefulness wears off quickly. Things like fake barf qualify. Most things that used to be sold at Spencer's gifts qualify. The fact that there is a large resale market for video games in itself proves that these are not novelties. People still like them years later. Therefore, they are not novelties items as described by any school of economics.

>>Why isn't corn a necessity? Why aren't commodities necessities?

Corn isn't a necessity because you can end your hunger with another type of food. Chinese people lived on a diet of rice and water mostly for millenia. Also, Europeans weren't introduced to corn until the Indians introduced it to them. These cultures survived without corn, so it is not a necessity like air, etc.

Commodities aren't necessarily necessities. Coffee and frozen concentrated orange juice are both commodities, but neither is necessary for survival. Another substitute food good can replace them.

You might want to stop mocking people about their knowledge if you don't understand the concepts. Hilariously, these are the very basic things that would be taught in a high school econ class.

Again google is your friend.

>> No.3560228

Who is crying, Excremental!?

>> No.3560342

cheapest place to buy jap imports?

>> No.3560346
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>> No.3560348


>> No.3560352
File: 275 KB, 1000x750, DSCF7593.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Im not spending 100+ dollars on a piece of tech from the last decade

No one is saying you have to. I bought a lot of that stuff new for way more than you're paying now, but I've gotten rid of almost all of it save for a few trinkets, because...

emulating is at least as good or better now than playing on original hardware ever was

If you want to collect old systems and games that's all well and good, knock your self out and enjoy your hobby. But understand you are a collector of things that are collector's items. And part of your hobby is now being into collector's items and that means dealing with a collector's market. Prices will fluctuate and generally anything good is going to rise over time and with popularity. Live with it or find another hobby. Whining about it won't help you a whole lot.

>> No.3560397

you are not having a good time