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/vr/ - Retro Games

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3555915 No.3555915 [Reply] [Original]

you are now aware of the current year

>> No.3555975

Those are old games and consoles, they even feel old. That makes sense that they're 20 years old, almost feels longer.

The point of this shitty thread is?

>> No.3555991

>almost feels longer.
really? 5th gen still feels like yesterday to me, and I'm only 29

>> No.3556001
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>you are now aware of the current year
i have taxes to remind me of what year it is

save it OP

>> No.3556004

I think everything that happens after you're 20 or so will always feel new. I still think of Crazy Taxi as a new game, but when my nephews saw me playing it one day they declared it had "old people music in it"

On topic, Tomb Raider is the game that convinced me to get a Playstation. Thanks for that, Lara.

>> No.3556020

>playstation fags got bubsy, crash, and wipeout while everyone else was playing real games
I almost feel sorry for them until I remember how insufferable they are to this day.

>> No.3556054

the first three crashes were great, plus they got rayman too.

>> No.3556081

im one year older than those games
therefore not retro

>> No.3556084

ive never seen a bad crash game
even crash team racing was surprisingly good for me

>> No.3556089

Who's Ive?

>> No.3556092

>im one year older than those games

>> No.3556095

Resident Evil and Duke Nukem 3D.

Totally best year.

>> No.3556118

Who the fuck let babbies on this board

>> No.3556120

I still find it hard to believe Bubsy 3D came out the same year as Mario 64, it's so far removed from it in gameplay I figured it was at least a year older.

>> No.3556128

>it's so far removed from it in gameplay I figured it was at least a year older.

Wouldn't that make sense though, you'd expect a game after Mario 64 to imitate it but Bubsy had nothing to imitate.

>> No.3556129

Sometimes it's hard to believe any game came out the same year as Mario 64 as it made everything else feel obsolete with its smooth analogue 3D movement and open-world levels.

>> No.3556150

Every Crash is just pure ugliness and represents nothing more than time wasted. Why play Crash when I could play something good and beautiful? This is the pertinent question.

Your reaction only illustrates my point. I literally cannot feel bad for you. You are in an ugly, low-quality prison for your imagination. By your own volition!

Instead I will simply publicly humiliate you for having such low standards and wisdom. I fart in your general direction.

>> No.3556164

You're making the mistake of thinking that aesthetic preference is objective.

>> No.3556170

Its gameplay isn't worth comment. Your mother is a hampster, and your father smells of old elderberries.

>> No.3556173


True, but Mario 64 still had massive hype through '96 prior to release and was even playable at Spaceworld '95- I know Naughty Dog are on record saying they took influence from it making Crash, even if they only had beta footage to go off of. Bubsy 3D is more like a SNES-era idea of 3D, the devs just had to be totally in the dark.


Thank god too, tank controls were gaining serious traction, showing up all sorts of games outside of survival horror. Mario 64 and the Playstation having to follow up with the dualshock did the generation a massive favor.

>> No.3556218

i have a driving license and truck license

>> No.3556342

lol random 10/10 epic trolling *holds up spork*

>> No.3556427

To this day it hasn't been surpassed imo. It almost feels more like playing with a physical toy than a videogame.
Playing Mario 64 as a kid was crazy.

>> No.3556450

>truck license
Do you also have fishin' license and cold beer license?

>> No.3556531
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Another mad fanboy taking his sexual frustrations out on a different game console to his. Ironic you whine about time wasted then type this up.

>> No.3556572

I honestly don't believe you're fans of Crash Bandicoot.

I imagine some kind of conspiracy where people are forced to pretend they like Crash Bandicoot on the internet, because the alternative -- people who enjoy playing Crash Bandicoot don't like being bullied over liking shit games -- breaks my suspension of disbelief.

>> No.3556606

>no guardian heroes
>no nights
>no panzer dragoon 2

saturn never gets any love

>> No.3556646
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This is 20 years old and it makes me feel very old and sad.

>> No.3558107

>paying taxes

>> No.3558164

shit saturn deserves what he deserves

>> No.3558195
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>> No.3558240

3d shit shouldn't be allowed on /vr/ to be quite honest

>> No.3558256

I mean.. I was barely even sentient when most of these came out, so whatevs.

>> No.3558258

forgot to ask you ышк

>> No.3558260


How does it feel to have missed the golden age of video games first hand? (I mean 4th gen)

>> No.3558262

I didn't actually, because my uncle gave me his SNES and Genesis along with his libraries when he got his Playstation, and then the same for the Playstation when get got a PS2, so I was a gen behind until my teens when I finally got a current gen console. SNES will always be my fav.

>> No.3558264


Does your uncle still play video games? Does he regret giving his stuff to you?

>> No.3558269

No and no.

>> No.3558801

he clearly has a licence to drive heavier trucks. and fishing licenses are a thing.

>> No.3559295

fuck you the sega saturn is amazing