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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 96 KB, 315x481, contra.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3550702 No.3550702 [Reply] [Original]

>MFW faggots claim the arcade version of Contra was better than the NES version near me.

>> No.3550706

Better graphics, better sound and more realistic movement. Of course it is.

>> No.3550710
File: 102 KB, 600x600, contra.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Both Arcade and NES Contras are pretty shit. Go play III like a real man.

>> No.3550720
File: 75 KB, 500x500, 1365097154266.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you implicating that there isn't a superior Contra game like Hard Corps?

>> No.3550727

Hard Corps sucks lol. Boring short levels and awful boss designs.

>> No.3550729
File: 65 KB, 800x700, Contra-III-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More like 5 colors, hilariously broken animations and terrible controls.
I like you. You can come to my house and fuck my sister.
Does Hard Corps even use mode 7 for those top view levels? Didn't think so.

>> No.3550735

they sound like a bunch on contrarians

>> No.3550737

>Hard corps
>topdown levels


>> No.3550742

Exactly, the game can't even handle them.

>> No.3550743
File: 54 KB, 500x375, hard_corps2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know right. Who needs top-down when you can have AUTOOOSCROOOOLLIIIING PARALLAAAAAAXXX WOOOOOOOO

>> No.3550760

NES is a literal landfill when it comes to ports. But Contra does have a few extras not in the original Arcade release.

>> No.3550839

>Go play III like a real man.
It's as mashing intensive as 1, except this time you mash the shoulder buttons.

Hard Corps is the best /vr/ Contra, and it's a mediocre game.

>> No.3550849

III > Contra > Super C > Hard Corps > Force > shit > the PSX games

>> No.3550854

are you implying you wouldn't use shoulder buttons in HC if you could?

>> No.3551014
File: 2.76 MB, 1910x2024, 1423433654536.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Might as well post this.

>> No.3551181

>You can come to my house and fuck my sister.

sorry I can't wait in line that long

>> No.3551189

It's a shoot em up, stupid.

>> No.3551190

hard corps uprising sucks and isn't even an contra.

>> No.3551379


>isn't even an Contra

It has the Contra theme and spread-shot, so by default it is.

>> No.3551384
File: 91 KB, 179x190, aging hippe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw someone says NES as "Anyess"

>> No.3551390

Says an acronym like it's an acronym?



>> No.3551395

Technically that's an initialism. If it was an acronym, people would pronounce it "Ness".

>> No.3551405

If you say "Anyess" you're not saying it as an acronym.
Most people say Ness or Nez.

>> No.3552242

>liked neo and 4
>didn't like the arcade games

pleb as fuck tbqh

>> No.3552282

literally no one says ness. what shitty rural community are you from?

>> No.3552283

Why did the playstation have to ruin video games?

>> No.3552285

I pronounced it NAD, for Nipponbox Amusement Device.

>> No.3552295

WTF are you talking about? I liked Super Contra.

Because the PS1 Contras were outsourced to the same Hungarians who made Amigavania.

>> No.3552307

Metal Slug > Contra

>> No.3552316

Metal Slug is fun but it is made for plebs like you. Don't worry kid, we were all babies before too.

>> No.3553284

The only good metal slugs are 1-3, Contra has a much better track record.

>> No.3553291
File: 218 KB, 500x492, 44914685_m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think Contra Nes is really a classic of level design. It's pretty easy for an arcade veteran, yeah, but it's got a pretty flawless mix of platforming and combat (which stays tense every time thanks to the randomized runners) that stays exciting and fresh every time.

I prefer Super Contra Arcade to the nes version (can't stand the awful flat level design in the nes version), but I find it very flawed. Wonky aim controls, slower movement, and I find the top down stages nearly impossible to control. The last two side scroller stages are intense though.

Contra 3 is also my favorite.

>> No.3553335

Contra Force is low-key the best in the series. It completely nails that retro feel.

>> No.3553376

No one believes that though. Even this faggot: >>3550702 is just a troll.

>> No.3553381

>Super C not the best
>meh'ing the first two arcade games
>legacy of war is bad
>hard corps uprising is good
>meh'ing contra advance

You suck

>> No.3553429

I play Smash TV like someone who actually enjoys fun

Do you know how many times I've gotten laid encouraging some fine pussy to join me as 2P?

I don't have the fingers or the toes, brother.

>> No.3553652

The shoulder button mashing is probably a bug. It resets the weapon cooldown. I really doubt it was intended.

>> No.3553818
File: 59 KB, 600x600, CaicrHnUEAIk2da.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Super C not the best
It's just the NES Contra with new levels. It's good, but too much of a rehash for me.

>meh'ing the first two arcade games
Are you faggots blind or did you not see the smiley face under Super Contra?

>legacy of war is bad
It is.

>hard corps uprising is good
It is.

>meh'ing contra advance
It was a mediocre port of Contra III without the weapon switching and mega bombs, plus tacked on levels from Hard Corps that clash with the rest of the game's art style. It should've been a new game instead.

>You suck
No U.

>> No.3553850

The arcade versions might not be as fun as the nes ones, but they were still good. The control just felt weird though.

>> No.3554368

Thoughts on Hard Corps?

>> No.3554491

Super Contra's the most enjoyable of the early Contra games to me because it's very tense. The controls are weird at first but you get used to them quick. The NES games are far too easy, playing them just gets boring very quickly.

>> No.3554510

>Neo Contra
Shattered Soldier is the only 3D Contra worth playing

>> No.3554525
File: 71 KB, 640x480, Super Mario 64.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Shattered Soldier

>> No.3554567
File: 253 KB, 1200x800, a-blz2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I never understood the hate for Neo Contra. Yes, it has a cheesy self-mocking tone and the weapon set with the Gradius V laser is an instant easy mode, but it was still pretty fun and has a more accessible co-op than Shattered Soldier. The OP song is catchy too

>> No.3556307

I like it a lot, though its a bit flawed. There are a lot of bosses that are either a bit too pattern based (seen it once? Okay, never gonna die to that again) or have strange safe spots.

Still though, it's a rocking good time. And the better bosses and stages are insanely fun.

>> No.3558087

I loved SS. I bought Neo years ago and never got around to it. Is it worth a try?

>> No.3558212

It's pretty much Shattered Soldiers with an overhead perspective instead of side-scrolling levels. A lot easier too, since you can choose your weapon set and some of the ones you unlock are really broken (like the aforementioned GV Laser). Also, it doesn't take itself as seriously as Shattered Soldier one of the bosses is a talking dog.