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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 899 KB, 3000x1360, hardcore to casual.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3550075 No.3550075[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Are you a casual or hardcore, /vr/?

>> No.3550076

>JRPGs listed as hardcore
into the trash meme

>> No.3550081

Maybe if you're playing them in japanese.

But to the newer generation even a game that takes 100-300 hours to playthrough, if you're going with no walkthroughs is unthinkably hardcore for them.

>> No.3550092

Think of it this way: How many smartphone app gamers are willing to drop 50 hours into a game?

>> No.3550093

>the "hardcore hardcore gamer"
>psh my tastes are too patrician to list games, just accept I'm better than you

>> No.3550102

plenty of people spend easily 50+ hours on Candy Crush or Angry Birds

yeah I know you mean games that take 50+ hours to complete the story, but really what is the difference?

both the person playing Candy Crush and the person playing Chrono Trigger probably could be doing something more productive with that 50+ hours.

you know, I like games, but the pretentious sense of superiority that some gamers have, thinking that they are somehow better than other people for playing certain games, or for spending (wasting) more time playing those games, really irritates me.

>> No.3550103

I don't play a lot and don't know much about games in general, but when I play I play hipster indie, retro and strategy games. So this makes me... casually hardcore?

>> No.3550114

so... a tasteful moron?

>> No.3550118

Holy shit this is the most autistic thing I've seen all week who makes this stuff

>> No.3550120

read the top of the image

>> No.3550125

>visual novels
>incredibly knowledgeable hardcore gamers

>> No.3550152

It makes you a hipster. You're probably one of those people with the thick black rimmed glasses and pixel art Zelda t-shirt that carries a Gameboy in public.

>> No.3550154

>no mention of skill whatsoever
into le trash, anyone who is top 10 in new cowadooty is more hardcore to me than some hipster fag who plays atari.

>> No.3550156

>Maybe if you're playing them in Japanese.
Compared to playing Chinese or Korean games it's casual.
Slavic language games are the most hardcore.

>> No.3550158


>> No.3550160

Why would I give a shit what the anonymous people if /vr/ think of me? You really think I need to "prove my worth" here? Fuck off.

>> No.3550161

This, niche shmuplords being sub people who dabble in everything on this list lol

>> No.3550164

Why so defensive though?

>> No.3550165
File: 4 KB, 638x385, Tetris-VeryFirstVersion.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe if you play the original Russian version.

>> No.3550170

I feel this whold need of looking "hardcore" ruins this board.

>> No.3550180

Doom, Mario and Zelda (assuming the NES, SNES or N64 releases), Metal Gear and Fallout 1/2 are the only retro things in that image.

>dragon quest
>not a jrpg

>new vegas
>actual hardcore

>visual novels
>shit like ddr
Bemani games are literally Just Dance for japs. All of these go in casual tier with the smartphone kiddies. /v/ should know better.

>> No.3550181

>You're probably one of those people with the thick black rimmed glasses and pixel art Zelda t-shirt that carries a Gameboy in public.
Well, I never played Zelda, nor owned a console, and my eyesight is fine, so I don't do any of these things.

>> No.3550191

>But to the newer generation even a game that takes 100-300 hours to playthrough is unthinkably hardcore for them.

How can you disagree with that, even if you're not part of the newer generation? I think you're mistaking "casual" with "easy". Casual games are not always easy, hardcore games aren't always hard. It's the amount of dedication you have to put into that defines what a casual game, or player is. Let's say you have a huge backlog of games, play for a while and then drop it because you want to try something else, that's a casual thing to do, even if you're willing to broaden your horizon.

>> No.3550192

>both the person playing Candy Crush and the person playing Chrono Trigger probably could be doing something more productive with that 50+ hours.
If they're not paying to win, the Candy Crush player is objectively more hardcore, because their game takes far more skill.

>> No.3550197

>shit like ddr
DDR is seriously hardcore. How many ten footers can you pass? How many ten footer doubles? How about the even harder DDR clones?

>> No.3550207

well put, the real master race simply doesn't have time to play games from all genres and spend their time learning the entire history of gaming, it's casual to play wizardry but never beat it or do it with a guide and move on to another game, but a hardcore game would take a graph paper and start mapping the dungeons like it was intended instead of looking up maps on the internet.

>> No.3550267

>Chrono Trigger
>50+ hours
Even with the alternate endings, that's way too long. Just how bad are you at games?

>> No.3550279

Why would anyone with a taste play Western game?

>> No.3550281


Not retro.

>> No.3550286

>not worse than jrpgs
Lost on your way to Reddit, eh?

>> No.3550346
File: 1.40 MB, 193x135, ernie.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't believe someone actually sat down and typed this garbage out

>> No.3550350

>Mocks unironic use of PC Master Race
>Unironically uses AAA

>> No.3550354

I can

its 4chan

>> No.3550356

I'd call Binding of Isaac a casual game. Is it easy? Is it fuck, unless the stars align you are fucked.

Same with Super Meat Boy, is it bastard hard? Not really but it is a real challenge. Is it hardcore? Hell no.

Jagged Alliance 2, I'd call that hardcore, but I wouldn't call it hard except on the highest setting (which honestly is just bullshit)

>> No.3550359

You sound like a NeoGAF poster, twisting my words like that. You gonna whine about lack of powerful womyn in games, too? Faggot.

>> No.3550383
File: 28 KB, 476x391, Strong women in gaming.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's plenty of strong women in games

>> No.3550434

>posts an image
>full of words

Fuck outta here with this shit.

>> No.3550453

I'm too casual to be hardcore because gaming isn't my main hobby anymore, the amount of time I spend playing video games is more "casual" than "hardcore", and generally only go to /vr/ when I'm looking for recommendations.
But I'm also too hardcore to be a casual because casuals don't play Popful Mail, Waku Waku 7 or read Xenogears: Perfect Works. And I still like to know what happens in the industry from times to times even though I don't own a console anymore or have a gaming PC.
So I don't know, I'm just a guy who used to be really into video games as a kid, and still like them, but have other hobbies who are more important in his life.

>> No.3550487

From right to left:

>normal people
>obnoxious dicks
>king of the dicks

I'd rather be a normie than a loser trying to impress other losers.

>> No.3550491

>Doom wads
top kek. I can just imagine the idiot doom babby making this retarded picture.

>> No.3550494

Does it matter?
Can't we just play the video games that we like?

>> No.3550501

The NES is now 30 years old.
Pac-Man is now 35 years old.

Who the fuck has parents who don't know what video games are anymore except for people who are in their mid 30s?

>> No.3550512

>Is it fuck, unless the stars align you are fucked.
lol no. only if you are bad, ever wondered why that games counts your winstreaks? becouse that's what separates hardcore from the casual.
>Same with Super Meat Boy, is it bastard hard? Not really but it is a real challenge. Is it hardcore? Hell no.
i've heard you have unlimited tries.
anything that doesn't throw yout at the start for making too many mistakes is not a real challenge since victory is inevitable, but at least you said it's not hardcore.

>> No.3550515

"Hey son, are you playing Candy Birds?"

>> No.3550517

Only the original release was easy because it ran like literal shit because flash

>> No.3550528

nah, it's still easy as fuck if you reroll until you get a good item in starting area.. i've defeated satan and other post-mom shit pretty easily as a samson. that's why i said that only those who can pull off winstreaks are not playing this game casually.

>> No.3550538
File: 72 KB, 165x115, 1292123500755.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's still easy as fuck if you reroll until you get a good item in starting area

>> No.3550548
File: 119 KB, 325x286, stats.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Baldur's Gate is easy as fuck if you reroll until you have max stats.

>> No.3550549

"Are you playing on your Android?"
"It's called an iPhone, dad!"
"An iPhone? I have no son!"

>> No.3550550

i actually learned to do it from some youtube video with lots of views, seems like it's what most players do, not saying they or me aren't shit, but if getting a good item at the start makes shit that much easier, it's not a hard game to beat.
ironicaly rerolling in these games is what most people do, not saying it's good, but if a game tolerates such abuse, perhaps it's not hardcore by the design. btw baldur's gate is easy as fuck even without rerolls.

>> No.3550563

dont quit your day job dude

>> No.3550564

I'm 33, my dad grew up with video games too.

he was born in '57 making him 15 when the odyssey launched. You would have to be ancient to not know about games in this era.

>> No.3550626
File: 18 KB, 640x350, color_lines.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah, yes, love meself some Gamos.

>> No.3550629

what a shit thread


>> No.3550646
File: 1.50 MB, 820x3580, 1443822776705.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is now an iceberg thread.

>> No.3550652
File: 79 KB, 508x690, Effect_20161009_161316.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3550658

You have fifty trillion centuries to post a more autistic image than this one.

>> No.3550674

This, nowadays I respect phone players more than jrpg cucks or some modern gaymers. Say what you want but at least those games have 100% focus on gameplay and 0 "muh story" "muh walking simulator" degeneration

>> No.3550676


so to be a real hardcore niche gamer I need to play japanese shit tier games?

No thanks anon, I rather stay "mainstream".

>> No.3550695

And you have no problem with >>3550075, >>3549801, or >>3550445?

>> No.3550708

/a/ poster: quiere ser hardcore y su mama no lo deja

>> No.3550739

I play 50hours of games per week. (While having a 9-5 job). I take holidays so I can play even more, up to 100hours per week. I track that shit so I am quite accurate with the numbers.

Usually only play games with high skill ceilings which you need to play for years in order to master them, mostly competitive.

Back in the days arena shooter, recently (last 6years) fighting games and also heavy into arpgs (path of exile).

I guess most people would say Iam hardcore, or retarded but I try to keep my powerlevel a secret and NEVER talk about video games in public or at work.

>> No.3550745

> I play 50hours of games per week
Do you live alone, anon?

>> No.3550746

>chart specifically calls out Persona like it's a good thing
fucking dropped. Persona is for the fucking reddit/facebook crowd, real 4chan gamers play actual Megaten games.

>> No.3550747

I also workout 4x per week as a counter balance. You just need to min/max everything to find the time.
I dont meet friends very often, that shit helps aswell.

>> No.3550749

It's OK, I mean if you have a wife.

>> No.3550751


So what if I haven't played anything made after 2001 except for some p2w browser MMOs but I still play SNES and NES games and have a broad knowledge of that era?

It's not even in the list.

>> No.3550752

no, I dont have one.
would rather have a house maid which does shit for me. would help me to find more find to play vidya or get in another workout per week.

>> No.3550754


>not spending 50+ hours on a squaresoft rpg each playthru

That's like, heresy, damn kids

>> No.3550759

Well, it explains.

>> No.3550772

You can 100% FF7, all items, all weapons, all bosses, all sidequests, all limits, all materia, in about 15 hours.

>> No.3550787

>I play 50hours of games per week. (While having a 9-5 job).
>multiplayer games
oh, that explains everything. anything online multiplayer is an easy timesink.

>> No.3550796
File: 94 KB, 600x525, 1474849284631.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, I'm probably the most hardcore gamer there ever was. These days all I play are Super Smash Bros and Pokemon on consoles. And everything else is just totally raw and totally classic arcade games like Joust, fucking Ms Pacman, Donkey Kong... You know, the good stuff.

>> No.3550813

Get to play Atari 2600 and -vision stuff.

>> No.3550835

Why do people nowadays feel the need to define themselves with a meaningless label?

>> No.3550865

Wrong thread. I'm pretty sure that dude meant those too when he said "threads like this" though.

>> No.3550901


Right. Puzzles and Dragons is a casual match 3 game, but it's riddiculously autistic and deep in it's mechanics.

To expose an idea you're bringing up, an important difference between casual and hardcore players is mindset. A slot machine player who plays 6 hours a day and puts zero thought into it could be considered hardcore in her own right, but isn't the same kind of hardcore that we usually talk about with gamers.

>> No.3550913

We tend to call that a gambling problem.

>> No.3550914

I'd say that there are candy crush players who are EXACTLY like that.


>> No.3550927

>Learning Japanese just to play JRPGs
>Less hardcore than posting on 4chan