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/vr/ - Retro Games

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3547926 No.3547926 [Reply] [Original]

Retroarch is causing me a lot of bother. When I try to run a romhack from a playlist generated with the batch file, it crashes, but when I run the same thing from the now-generated history entry it works fine. Am I doing something wrong or is Retroarch just retarded?

>> No.3547982

Retroarch has "playlists" section (look in settings) where you must assign core to a particular rom type.
When you open rom manually you chose core, in history section it still remembers your choice however when you try open rom from playlists it doesnt know what core to chose and crashes.

Another thing you need to look for, some rom collections have multiple roms inside zip folder.
When you try to open such zip with core it crashes, zips with one rom inside can be opened normally.

>> No.3548001

I actually set the core but it still crashes, and seems to crash the first time I run things but works on the second. It was the No Intro set I was using.

I already decided "Screw it" and dumped my roms into my Gens folder. Retroarch is not worth the trouble, especially with the consolized interface. Only thing it's good for is shaders but I'd rather have an emulator that pouts its lips and demands its Thomas the Tank Engine plate at breakfast.

>> No.3548003

*rather not

>> No.3548045
File: 99 KB, 1280x1024, retroarch 2016-08-24 22-26-24-53.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Retroarch is not worth the trouble
No idea what you talking about here because for me there is no trouble at all, in fact its pretty damn convenient to have all nes, snes, sega and all the retro stuff configured under one perfectly working emulator with nice shaders and settings menu.
Not to mention that menu can be navigated with pad so if you want to change filter or a game or savestate you can do so without raising your ass from the couch.

RA has a lot to offer but it requires you to spend at least 15 minutes googling and 5 minutes setting it all up.
After that its a smooth ride, certainly prefer it to having many emulators on my desktop each of which needs setting up individually and neither of which offer everything RA has to offer.

>> No.3548051

This may come as a shock to you but the majority of people using PCs sit at this ancient device called a "desk".

>> No.3548070
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So do I, in a giant ass fucking comfy chair 1.5 meters from the monitor and I would have abs like a motherfucker if I had to lean back and forth to change anything or to savescum.
maybe I should tho

>> No.3548145

>majority are dumbfucks who think only consoles are for couch gaming.

>> No.3548147

>Retroarch is causing me a lot of bother.
that's what you get for using shit

>> No.3548483
File: 104 KB, 960x960, 1471093845283.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I installed retroarch 4 days ago, I was about 8 beers deep drinking nursing a whiskey sour and it took me about an hour of configuring to get all my games working perfectly, including controller configuration and shaders.

I was a little ashamed it took me that long to get it working but you've really put things into perspective for me. as >>3548045 said retroarch is great because of its interface and wide array of emulators that are easy to change between.

>> No.3549919

retroarch taught me that even computers can have autism
it's worth the setup but jesus christ

>> No.3549980
File: 2.17 MB, 1280x1024, retroarch 2016-05-30 08-47-49-46.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Out of curiosity, what was so confusing?
I keep reading about retroarch being hard to setup, something repeated even by vidya sites but when I got it it was straightforward.

Download cores you want.
Set up directories and options like sort saves in folders.
Set up pad with quick menu on L3+R3, left stick doubling as Dpad in older games and reduce deadzones to 250.
Throw properly named and confirmed BIOS back inside system folder (the only tricky part because most bios packs have wrongly named bios and retroarch is autistic about that).
Download analog shader pack for best shaders.
Assign cores to rom types you want.

Did I forgot some vital part that is incredibly difficult or something?

>> No.3550026

So is the sophisticated shader stack RetroArch's only redeeming feature or what?

What the fuck it has playlists? Playlists?

>> No.3550037

>Shaders are not the only good thing about retroarch, for starters you've got frontend that integrated various emulators seamlessly allowing you to download/update from the menu level whatever emulator core, shader, settings, cheat, you want.
The best thing about it is whole fucking tab with various audio, video, emulation, control, whatever you wish for settings and the fact it is constantly developing meaning there is a chance that at some point it might be the only emulator you need to emulate everything.
Some games are still better emulated with standalone emulators like ppsspp and epsxe but otherwise, 2D retrostuff everything is here and those cores are getting constantly developed anyway.

As to the playlists, one of the many good thing about it, you just scan your rom folder and retroarch automatically sorts found roms by name and system and you can find the game you want with a search button, fast and easy.

There are achievments for older games (havent tried this feature but it is here), info files, various menu color schemes, online multiplayer (never tried but seen settings for it).
You just have to download it and see for yourself what it has to offer.

>> No.3551316

>RA shills
Why even.

>> No.3551361
File: 296 KB, 522x458, 1370494085452.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>talking about a thing
>a free product with no ads
Are you actually retarded?

>> No.3551590

Retroarch is an unintuitive piece of shit that is really satisfying when you get it to work.

>> No.3551851
File: 2.58 MB, 1280x1024, retroarch 2016-10-10 14-18-34-03.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whats so unintuitive about it, point one single thing because at the moment I am convinced that RA got bad fame from retarded users who couldn't be arsed reading "Getting started with retroarch" more than anything else.
They just unpack retroarch, try to launch some game and when it doesnt work instantly because their dumb ass didnt bother as much as throw in a bios file, they delete the whole thing and then write on forums how unintuitive and complicated RA is.

You want NES fine, you want SNES here, Sega, GBA, MAME sure, whatever floats your boat, all in one package that allow you to play you vidya however you like, on top of it you get shittons of options to adjust the whole thing to your liking.
I dont think there is a better frontend out there, simple as that.

Maybe its not such a bad thing people who cant wrap their head around retroarch just bounce back, at least heir forum is not full off "where do I download BIOS" types of questions.

>> No.3551858

>point one single thing
Setting your directories and them not even fucking defaulting to the Retroarch folder, so instead you have to go through literally every folder to get to your ROM folder/save folder/whatever repeatedly. It's extremely annoying to have to do this every time I update Retroarch because it doesn't play nice with how I organize my files, and I'm saying this as someone who actually likes it.

>> No.3551865 [DELETED] 
File: 2.28 MB, 1280x1024, retroarch 2016-10-10 14-24-31-46.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dont remember how it was for me, in any case hardly very unintuitive because it falls under regular setting up category.
You suppose to go trough setting tab at the beginning just to familiarise yourself how everything set up, its like saying hello to every soft I ever installed.

>> No.3551873
File: 2.52 MB, 1280x1024, retroarch 2016-10-10 14-32-14-17.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hardly very unintuitive because it falls under regular setting up category and it is mentioned in "Getting started with retroarch"
Just as I said, people cant be arsed reading "Getting started with retroarch" and then complain how unintuitive it is.

Anyway you suppose to go trough setting tab at the beginning just to familiarise yourself how everything set up, its like saying hello to every soft I ever installed.

>> No.3551938

If you play video games at your fucking desk you must have a brain injury or some other cognitive disorder

>> No.3552065

Also their adamant refusal to have X be confirm.

>> No.3552092

Must I remind you you are not assigning x, square, circle, triangle but xyba (with x being on top)
After all those jrpgs and mgs games circle confirm and x decline is the default layout for me so in this case unintuitive is more of a personal preference and many psx games could be slammed for being "unintuitive" in the same manner.
You also can bind input hovewhere you like till confirm is exactly where you want it.

It would be nice to have more options to assign this small stuff but its hardly unintuitive or complicated, especially when older games used this scheme and it was just as common as x to confirm and circle to decline.

You grasping at straw here mate, I want to hear what so complicated about retroarch that I keep reading how it is impossible to set up, not that it utilises jp confirm/decline scheme instead of US or EU.

>> No.3552404

Shader?? What shader is this!?

>> No.3552434

Not really. I play my 8th Gen consoles on a desk with a 24" 1080p AH-IPS LED monitor. TVs are garbage for gaming.

>> No.3552435

Sounds more like you being retarded is giving you a hard time. It's not uncommon for retards to think everything but them and what they're doing is the problem.

If you knew what you were doing, you would not have this issue because I know what I'm doing and I do the same thing but without the issue you have.

>> No.3552439

No. There is just a task force of shill that hate RA because it takes attention away from them.

And no I'm not exaggerating or making this up. It probably doesn't help that RA's main guy can't help but bite every piece of bait that comes his way with a 3 page dialogue telling them why they are retards.

>> No.3552612
File: 1.82 MB, 1280x1024, retroarch 2016-10-11 01-07-16-02.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SVideo shader from Analog shader pack 2.6 downloaded from here


Just dont be a retard and chose SVIDEO.cgp and not something from the folder of SVIDEO.
To reduce screen curvature like I have, reduce warpX, warpY to 0.1

The dude released Analog shader pack 3 as well, SVIDEO in that pack is a bit different, maybe cleaner sometimes but more twitchy/flashy but its matter of what game you play and your own preferences.

>> No.3552615
File: 762 KB, 1280x1024, retroarch 2016-10-09 13-44-23-76.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And that >>3552612 pic is actually from analog shader pack 3 just so you have something to compare.

>> No.3552719

Thanks Anon.

>> No.3552727

If it generates a playlist and can't run from the playlist but can run the exact same thing from the history or a drag-and-drop, something is wrong. Very wrong.

>> No.3552734


Outright admits to sacred cows despite basic standards doing it otherwise. If I have to screw around with config files, it's not an option.

Also it's not impossible to set up, it's an unintuitive pain in the ass that has you thinking "Why isn't this the default?". Like the directory not being Retroarch's folder for starters.

>> No.3552826
File: 403 KB, 1280x1024, retroarch 2016-10-11 03-25-50-01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I explained it in second post.
History remember the core you used for emulation so, if you pick a game from history it will chose the last core you used.
Playlists are just lists of games.
You must tell retroarch what core to use by default when opening particular game, since there are multiple cores for everything.
Just go to playlists tab and assign platform and which core to use to open it.

Japs had x - decline, circle - confirm, many of jap game carried it to europe and US as well.
US had x - confirm, circle - decline
EU had x - confirm, triangle - deciline
There is not single scheme that is universal, it is not and issue, at least not a big one and only for muricans probably since europe had all 3 schemes, depending when game was released and from which region it came from.

>Like the directory not being Retroarch's folder
Again, not an issue, this is the stuff you suppose to change how it fits you, at least read the readme before complaining if you dont know the program.
its not the only emulator that does that, every emulator has something that is inconvenient to someone.
Epsxe dumps all saves in single folder and instead of a game name gives it slus/sles/whatever code the game had.
Other emulators and older epsxe had you juggle memcards all the time by hand.
Other emus create saves in game folder.
Just another way of doing thing.

Remind me of a situation when teacher gave programming project to a class, as an assignment and raged because barely anyone finished it.
The reason was ridiculous, tabs and window layout was saved in the project file and differed a bit from default layout compiler had.
When student opened it barely anyone was smart enough to select options and in view tab enable hidden tabs or change window layout.
Similar situation here, no one bothered as much as read a fucking readme or spend literally 5 minutes going trough option menu, everyone just chose to complain instead.

Of to sleep now, pic is core assignment.

>> No.3552967
File: 696 KB, 878x768, RetroArch-1011-091206.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is it just me being retarded or MAME in retroarch is not as good as standalone i.e. has less options etc.? i couldn't find dip switches and shit.
btw those are some hardcore shaders

>> No.3552981

>Just go to playlists tab and assign platform and which core to use to open it.
Which is what I did and it STILL crashes unless I select the game TWICE

>> No.3553149

It's every single thread with that guy, holy shit

>> No.3553154

Retroarch is just retarded in so many different ways.

I honestly cannot believe anyone uses that pile of garbage and am convinced anyone that says they do is actually the developer trolling the world.

>> No.3553161

You sound like the type of guy that doesnt even use a proper bios

>> No.3553165

Okay, retroarch dev.

>> No.3553368
File: 1.36 MB, 1280x1024, retroarch 2016-10-11 10-00-45-20.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i couldn't find dip switches and shit.
Dip switches are on L2 on my pad, not sure what that would be for you. Emulator options like hardware test, difficulty, lives, blood in games, etc are on F2 on kb.
Shame cores dont come with a readme or something.

>those are some hardcore shaders
Some games look ultra nice with them tho and sitting from a distance there is like 30 seconds of solid gameplay before I start crying uncontrollably and my eyeballs starts falling out of their sockets and my tearducts getting prolapse.
You can always either chose something easier on the eyes or just adjust the shaders you like.

Without shaders its somehow not the same, I think its because monitors doesnt dispaly colors same way old crt's did making it all washed out and without grill sterile.

>> No.3553373

Is it common problem or just you?

>> No.3553931

How does it feel this low of an IQ?

Holy shit dude.

>> No.3553983

>Emulator options like hardware test, difficulty, lives, blood in games, etc are on F2 on kb.
thanks, that what i was looking for. out of all of those mames, which version is all around best? mame 2014?
>Without shaders its somehow not the same, I think its because monitors doesnt dispaly colors same way old crt's did making it all washed out and without grill sterile.
just get a crt computer monitor then, the colors are warmer and they are very easy on the eyes even from afar, i really have no idea why lcd's are so much more harder on my eyes..

>> No.3554069

>which version is all around best?
I havent had much experience with MAME but from what I understood, every version of MAME runs particular set of games which dont run on previous or later versions.


If you want to run mame you will also need proper bios, often next to the rom download link it is said which bios and mame version.

>> No.3554306

The playlists and content system is completely broken. Just load the rom normally by navigating to the folder and selecting it out of the directory list.
What the fuck?
They're better than monitors for console games because they have far better scalers, and 90% of console games don't run at your monitors resolution.
Why are you using an svideo shader instead of something that replicates RGB?
>dip switches
Press tab to bring up the menu - exactly the same as MAME. Or if the game has software dip switches you press F2 - exactly the same as MAME.
Yeah 2014 is best, the latest one is broken.

>> No.3554848

What shader is this?

>> No.3554885
File: 815 KB, 878x768, RetroArch-1012-065938.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

crt-easymode-halation. it's from shader pack that you can download with online updater.

>> No.3554896

I wish mednafen supported shaders

It's still the better all-in-one solution

>> No.3556227

>It's still the better all-in-one solution
Not in a single way, no

>> No.3556530

retroarch is trash

>> No.3556996

Only if you're on linux and only have X open specific programs like a complete autist.
Even then retroarch has a better cli

>> No.3558396


>> No.3559721
File: 588 KB, 878x768, RetroArch-1014-150144.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

crtglow_lanczos.glslp + blargg_NTSC_SNES_RGB
a lot of bloom, but only really noticeable with text and white against black, which creates really nice looking explosions and tracers. it's probably very inaccurate, but i don't give a shit as long as it's pretty.

>> No.3559725
File: 627 KB, 878x768, RetroArch-1014-150203.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3559726
File: 354 KB, 878x768, RetroArch-1014-150830.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

makes the games look more like modern indies to be honest

>> No.3559731
File: 121 KB, 878x768, RetroArch-1014-150915.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3560886

>I'm using Retroarch
>Am I doing something wrong?
You already answered your own question

>> No.3563413
File: 1.41 MB, 960x540, newgui.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

writing a gui for windows retroInvader
till then you can deal with the simple one.